
Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
1 Review [01] of Turning Toward the World: The Pivotal Years. Th.. in America 176.5 (15 February 1997): 3... Item 1997
3 Review [03] of Turning Toward the World: The Pivotal Years. Th.. in Catholic Herald [London] (13 June 1... Item 1997
5 Review [05] of Turning Toward the World: The Pivotal Years. Th.. in Commonweal 124.15 (12 September 199... Item 1997
12 Review [12] of Turning Toward the World: The Pivotal Years. Th.. in Georgia Bulletin (9 January 1997): ... Item 1997
CSQ Review [CSQ] of Turning Toward the World: The Pivotal Years. Th.. in Cistercian Studies Quarterly 36.1 (... Item 2001
JOURNAL Review [JOURNAL] of Turning Toward the World: The Pivotal Years. Th.. in Merton Journal [UK] 4.2 (Advent 199... Item 1997
10 Review [10] of Turning Toward the World: The Pivotal Years. Th.. in Books & Culture: A Christian Review... Item 2000
11 Review [11] of Turning Toward the World: The Pivotal Years. Th.. in Monos 9.4 (Jul/Aug 1997): 8.... Item 1997
ANNUAL Review [ANNUAL] of Turning Toward the World: The Pivotal Years. Th.. in Merton Annual 10: 334-338 [online].... Item 1997
SEASONAL Review [SEASONAL] of Turning Toward the World: The Pivotal Years. Th.. in Merton Seasonal 22:1 (Spring 1997):... Item 1997
6 Review [06] of Turning Toward the World: The Pivotal Years. Th.. in Library Journal 121.16 (October 199... Item 1996
7 Review [07] of Turning Toward the World: The Pivotal Years. Th.. in Publishers Weekly 243.40 (30 Septem... Item 1996
8 Review [08] of Turning Toward the World: The Pivotal Years. Th.. in Booklist [Chicago] 93.5 (1 November... Item 1996
2 Review [02] of Turning Toward the World: The Pivotal Years. Th.. in America 177.16 (12 November 1997): ... Item 1997
4 Review [04] of Turning Toward the World: The Pivotal Years. Th.. in Christian Century 114.22 (30 July 1... Item 1997
9 Review [09] of Turning Toward the World: The Pivotal Years. Th.. in Courier-Journal [Louisville] (9 Feb... Item 1997