Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
#06 1952-05-02 (#01), TLS Bourne from Merton, 'Could you please look over these two works of art (?) and tell me if they are too' Item 1952 May 2
#17 1960-03-01, HLS Bourne to Fox, James, 'First- please tell Fr. Louis to go ahead with his preface to Disputed Questions -' Item 1960 March 1
#19 1960-03-no-day, TLS Bourne from Merton to Censors, 'Since objections were raised to the article entitled Vocation to Solitude, the theme' Item 1960 March (date approximate)
#29 1962-01-23, TLS[c] Bourne from Fox, James, 'We certainly are keeping the Air Mail or Postal Clerks busy these days. I just' Item 1962 January 23
#32 1962-02-21, TALS[c] Bourne from Fox, James, 'I received your gracious note of Septuagesima Sunday. Don't worry about the other' Item 1962 February 21
#35 1963-05-01, TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Here is a problem for you as Head Censor: I hope you can help me unravel it. The' Item 1963 May 1
#37 1964-01-02, HALS Bourne to Merton, 'Judged best not to submit this to formal censorship-- as I don’t know how long it' Item 1964 January 2
#41 1964-03-13, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Taking all factors into account I can't see that this little piece requires' Item 1964 March 13
#42 1964-05-27, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'You should have your green light for the Diaspora very soon; but meanwhile I've run' Item 1964 May 27
#43 1964-06-03, TAL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Many thanks to you and Fr Charles for your good work: the approval from Rome' Item 1964 June 3
#44 1964-07-18, TAL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Many thanks for returning the articles. I suppose there is a new system under way. ' Item 1964 July 18
#46 1964-07-no-day, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'I don't know what's going on, censorshipwise, at the Generalate. I get no response' Item 1964 July (date approximate)
#47 1964-08-06, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Since Commonweal themselves have been recently bewailing their circulation one can' Item 1964 August 6
#48 1964-08-11, TAL[c] Bourne to Merton, 'Thanks for your last letter and your green light on Honest to God for the' Item 1964 August 11
#50 1965-01-18 (#01), TLS Bourne from Merton, 'I am sending two copies of a preface which I wrote thinking that probably it would' Item 1965 January 18
#52 1965-01-18 (#03), other Bourne from Merton, 'Forty - Three Signatures [-] an exhibit of Drawings [-] by Thomas' Item 1965 January 18
#57 1965-02-04, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Turn about is fair play - the enclosed is an article by me for you to censor. ' Item 1965 February 4 (date approximate)
#01 1967-05-03, HLS Abdeslam ben Mohamed to Merton, 'Votre très aimable et' Item 1967 May 3
#04 undated, HLS Abdeslam ben Mohamed to Merton, 'Recevez mes meilleurs salutations et souhaits, avec' Item undated
#01 1965-05-09, TLS Aelred to Merton, 'We were pleased to receive the folowing [sic] books from you today: BREAD IN THE' Item 1965 May 9
010 "Agadjanian, Georges" correspondence Record subgroup 1967
#01 1967-05-22, HLS Agadjanian to Merton, 'I do not mean to start a correspondence with you, for nothing can be more depressing' Item 1967 May 22
#03 1967-06-16, HALS Agadjanian to Merton, 'It was thoughtless of me for not giving to you my home address. Colleges have' Item 1967 June 16
#06 1967-09-26, TL[c] Agadjanian from Merton, 'I am very sorry for not answering you more promptly. By now you can probably guess' Item 1967 September 26
011 "Agagianian, Gregorio Pietro, Cardinal" correspondence Record subgroup 1955
012 "Agnes, Mother, O.C.D." correspondence Record subgroup undated
#07 1951-06-02, TALS Ahern to Merton, 'Sincere congratulations on your appointment as Master of Students; your new task' Item 1951 June 2
#08 1952-08-19, TLS Ahern to Merton, 'No, your ms. is not lost. It arrived here yesterday, forwarded from Glockner. I' Item 1952 August 19
#13 1953-01-14, TALS Ahern to Merton, 'This is a shot in the dark - probably completely unwarranted. But I know you' Item 1953 January 14
#16 1953-02-16, transcript Ahern to Merton, 'Before Ash Wednesday descends upon us I want to thank you for your last' Item 1953 February 16
#24 1955-07-24 (#01), TALS Ahern to Merton, 'The letter has been and will be my address from the beginning of June until the end' Item 1955 July 24
#02 1967-12-23, TL[c] Aidan from Merton, 'Just a quick response. Colman McCarthy's article was extremely slanted, I thought,' Item 1967 December 23
015 "Aiken, John W., Dr." correspondence Record subgroup 1967
#01 1967-07-12 (#01), TLS Aiken to Merton, 'I want to express my appreciation of your paper. A NEW CHRISTIAN CONSCIOUSNESS, as' Item 1967 July 12
#04 1967-08-14, TL[c] Aiken from Merton, 'Thanks for your interesting letter of July 12. As you may imagine, I am having a' Item 1967 August 14
#02 1968-06-06, TLS Albee to Merton, 'Many thanks for your letter of June 4 and for the Yamaguchi manuscript on Zen and' Item 1968 June 6
#01 1960-03-15, TALS Albert of the Blessed Sacrament to Merton, 'I am very grateful for your letter of your study on "The Primitive Carmelite Ideal".' Item 1960 March 15
019 "Alexander, Judy" correspondence Record subgroup 1965
#01 1965-02-26, TL[c] Alexander from Merton, 'Fr Paul at Conyers has written to me that you would be interested in the' Item 1965 February 26
#05 1971-01-26, TL[c] Alexeieff from Center to Alexeieff, Alexandre, 'I received with gratitude the exchange of letters between yourself and the late' Item 1971 January 26
#04 1970-10-28, TLS Alice to Center from Alice, M., Sr., 'I received your letter requesting to use letter I wrote to Father Louis Merton in' Item 1970 October 28
#05 1970-11-03, TN Alice from Pooler, Alfred D., Fr.; Charlaine Hays, 'We have two additional replies to our form letter to the correspondents of Thomas' Item 1970 November 3
022 "Allan, Julian P., O.B.E., F.R.B.S." correspondence Record subgroup 1955
023 "Allchin, Arthur MacDonald, Canon" correspondence Record subgroup 1963-1968, 1971-1973
#07 1964-04-25, TL[c] Allchin from Merton, 'Have I yet thanked you for the remarkable little book of essays on the Blessed' Item 1964 April 25
#13 1967-01-02, HLS Allchin to Merton, 'I am getting near to the date of coming to New York. I fly on the 16th of this' Item 1967 January 2
#23 1967-09-15, TLS[x] Allchin from Merton, 'I have two letters of yours to answer, and the first one is the second. There is no' Item 1967 September 15
#28 1968-03-20, HLS Allchin to Merton, 'Plans have matured considerably for my visit. I shall only be at Gethsemani from' Item 1968 March 2
#33 1968-08-11, HLS Allchin to Merton, 'This is just a note to greet you from Boston. Last week's conference surpassed' Item 1968 August 11
#36 1968-11-10 (#02), transcript Allchin from Merton, 'By all means use the article with better' Item 1968 November 1 (date approximate)
#38 1971-02-19, TL[c] Allchin from Center to Allchin, Arthur MacDonald, 'Thank you for your letter of February 16 concerning your correspondence with Thomas' Item 1971 February 19
#39 1972-10-26, TLS Allchin to Center from Allchin, Arthur MacDonald, and Sr. Bridget, 'Thank you for your letter of August 7th about my correspondence with Thomas Merton. ' Item 1972 October 26
#41 1972-12-08, TL[c] Allchin from Center to Allchin, Arthur MacDonald, 'Rather than holding off until I start alphabetically through the correspondence, I' Item 1972 December 8
#01 1967-11-18, other Allman, 'When Seabury Press decided to do Camus' "The Plague" for its Religious Dimensions in' Item 1967 November 18
028 "Alvares, Marcos Maria de, Fr., O.F.M." correspondence Record subgroup 1954
#09 1967-10-18 (#01), TN Amps from Merton, 'The Visitation nuns of a convent in France have asked for a copy of "The Less' Item 1967 October 18
#10 1967-10-18 (#02), TN Amps to Merton, 'Fr. Raymond had none, so we received one from Fr. Innocent- a used copy from the' Item 1967 October 18
#01 1958-01-25, HLS Anastácio to Merton, '[…] Lá muito, escreverlhe, quando' Item 1958 January 25 (date approximate)
#01 1963-10-04, TLS Anderson to Merton, 'Trinity Parish is going to publish a journal of poetry, prints, and essays, to' Item 1963 October 4
#02 1963-10-29, TL[c] Anderson from Merton, 'Please forgive the long delay. I have been wanting to send you something. All my' Item 1963 October 29
#05 1963-11-25, HLS Anderson to Merton, 'Due to the tragic death of the president we have decided to include a separate' Item 1963 November 25
#03 1964-05-18, TLS Anderson to Merton, 'Thank you for your gracious welcome to us on Saturday. I am particularly grateful' Item 1964 May 18
#05 1965-06-03, TLS Anderson to Merton, 'Thank you for writing me as you have. I am sorry that the young people will not' Item 1965 June 3
#02 1958-02-24, HLS Andrade to Merton, 'El distinguido Presidente de la Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Dr. Julio Endara,' Item 1958 February 24
#03 1958-03-03 (#01), TL[c] Andrade from Merton, 'Le agradezco mucho su carta, y voy a explicarle mis ideas para la obra propuesta, de' Item 1958 March 3
#04 1958-03-03 (#02), transcript Andrade from Merton, 'I thank you very much for your letters, and I am going to explain to you my ideas' Item 1958 March 3
#06 1958-03-18, HLS[x] Andrade to Merton, 'Contesto su interesante carta de 7 de los corriente. Mi plan de trabajo será el' Item 1958 March 18
#14 1958-07-29, HLS[x] Andrade from Merton, 'Gracias por su atenta carta de 18 de julio por el cheque de quinientos dólares' Item 1958 July 29
#15 1958-08-08, TCS[x] Andrade from Merton, 'Your letter arrived this morning and I enjoyed all of it very much. I reply' Item 1958 August 8
#23 1959-02-20, HLS[x] Andrade to Merton, 'Gracias por su carta. Estoy muy contento que el trabajo le' Item 1959 February 2
#24 1959-03-06, TLS[x] Andrade from Merton, 'I was glad to get your letter and am replying immediately to say that we would like' Item 1959 March 6
#27 1959-04-19 (#02), TLS[x] Andrade from Merton to Julio Endara, 'La estatua de la Santísima Virgen y el Niño por Jaime Andrade ha sido recibida e' Item 1959 April 19
#32 1964-08-21, TLS Andrade to Merton, 'Discúlpeme usted que de tarde en tarde le escriba unas letras. Mis actividades no' Item 1964 August 21
#34 1964-10-28 (#02), TLS[x] Andrade from Merton, 'It was good to get your letter and to hear of your new work. The mosaics in relief' Item 1964 October 28
#35 undated, other[x] Andrade, '1. [-] JAIME ANDRADE AND HIS SCULPTURE: "THE VIRGIN AND THE CHILD" [-] Jaime' Item undated
#02 1960-11-29, HLS Andrews to Merton, 'Word has reached me that you are writing a book on the religion of the Shakers, to' Item 1960 November 29
#04 1960-12-19, TLS Andrews to Merton, 'We so appreciate your letter, with its great understanding and insight. The' Item 1960 December 19
#05 1961-01-17, TL[c] Andrews from Merton, 'This morning I received a good long letter from Shirley Burden in California and' Item 1961 January 17
#09 1961-11-10, TLS Andrews to Merton, 'You were so good to give of your time and thought to us at the Abbey. I wish it' Item 1961 November 1
#15 1962-12-28, TL[c] Andrews from Merton, 'I was touched at your thoughtfulness in sending me the music for the song "Decisive' Item 1962 December 28
#19 1964-02-02, TLS Andrews to Merton, 'We are very happy to know that you will do the preface to our new book. The' Item 1964 February 2
#24 undated (#01), other Andrews, 'A Proposal to Save The Shaker Community at Hancock,' Item undated
#27 undated (#04), other Andrews, 'Mount Lebanon Two hundred years ago, Anne Lee, a Quaker of Manchester,' Item undated
#05 1964-12-07 (#01), TALS Andrews to Merton, 'Thank you for your letter of October 30. Dover Publications, who have put out three' Item 1964 December 7
#10 1983-01-26, TAL Andrews from Center to Andrews, Faith, 'It was good to talk with you on the telephone. As I told you then I have been' Item 1983 January 26
040 "Angela Marie, Sr." correspondence Record subgroup 1964
#01 1964-12-30, TL[c] Angela Marie from Merton, 'Here I sit behind a very large pile of letters, trying to figure out which ones I' Item 1964 December 3
041 "Angela, Rev. Mother, O.C.S.O." correspondence Record subgroup 1958
#05 1961-08-22, HLS Antoninus to Merton, 'I returned from a long sojourn in the Northwest trying to imbibe something of that' Item 1961 August 22
#11 1964-09-03, TLS[x] Antoninus from Merton, 'Fine. We will look for you early in November. Have the people in Louisville' Item 1964 September 3
#12 1964-10-05, TLS[x] Antoninus from Merton, 'Congratulations and blessings. I was praying for you Saturday, your profession day.' Item 1964 October 5
#19 1967-01-30 (#02), TLS[x] Antoninus from Merton, 'I am delighted that you can use the photograph on the jacket of the new book. ' Item 1967 January 3
#20 1968-05-05, HLS[x] Antoninus from Merton, 'I would be so happy to have something of yours for […] venture-- a poem, a bit of' Item 1968 May 5
#22 1973-12-04, TL[c] Antoninus from Center to Antoninus, Br., 'I am one of the Merton Trustees and currently involved with Father Merton's' Item 1973 December 4
#05 undated (#03), TAL[c] Appel from Merton, 'Bibliographical problems come over horizon perhaps we need to hit Cornell again high' Item undated
054 "Apple, Karen" correspondence Record subgroup 1968
#01 1966-03-01, TLS Appleton to Merton, 'Your publishers have informed us that you control first serial rights to MYSTICS AND' Item 1966 March 1
#04 1967-06-28, TLS Arnold to Merton, 'First of all thank you so much for your kind letter of June 22. We are indeed' Item 1967 June 28
064 "Arthon, Thomas, Br. (Br. Egbert), O.C.S.O." correspondence Record subgroup 1968
#01 undated, TLS Astudillo to Merton, 'Verdad que no importa el que no seamos católicos los dos, para que puede a llamarle' Item undated