Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
061 "Arnold, Fr., O.C.S.O." correspondence Record subgroup undated
062 "Arnold, Johann Christoph" correspondence Record subgroup 1964, 1967
#02 1967-05-27, TLS Arnold to Merton, 'We [sic] like to share with you our latest publication: "Salt and Light; Talks and' Item 1967 May 27
063 "Arrés, Thérèse" correspondence Record subgroup 1951
#01 1951-11-09, HLS[x] Arrés to Merton, 'Il y a plusieurs [indecipherable word] que je désire vous écrire, depuis que je' Item 1951 November 9
065 "Asch, Yanna" correspondence Record subgroup 1967-1968
#02 1968-01-31, HLS Atkins to Merton, 'I'm just curious to see whether letters get through to you now. In 1966 I wrote you' Item 1968 January 31
#03 1968-02-14, TL[c] Atkins from Merton, 'Yes, letters are finally getting through. Only problem now is answering them. I' Item 1968 February 14
#05 undated (#01), TALS Atkins from Merton, 'It is silly to bother you with this piece of absurd nonsense, but as I made you a' Item undated
070 "Augustin, Marie, Sr., O.C.S.O." correspondence Record subgroup undated
#01 undated, HLS Augustin to Merton, 'Nous venons d'apprendre avec joie l'arrivée' Item undated
#01 1965-08-22, TLS Augustinius to Merton, 'Africa is very happy and very glad to meet and great [sic] you. Often I have heard' Item 1965 August 22
#01 undated, HLS Aurelia to Hilary, Fr., 'This is a letter to thank you and also to ask a favor. Thank you for introducing me' Item undated
#03 1970-10-09, TLS[x] Austin to Center from Austin, Waddell, 'In reply to your letter of October 1st, I am pleased to hear of the Thomas Merton' Item 1970 October 9
#01 1963-01-29, TL[c] Beecher from Merton, 'Many thanks for the fine and beautifully printed poem about the Cistercian Breviary:' Item 1963 January 29
#02 1964-04-24, TAL[c] Beecher from Merton, 'You know that for a long time I have been cooking up a printing project for your' Item 1964 April 24
#01 1963-11-29, TL[c] Belden from Merton, 'Thank you for your very kind letter of October 19th. I am sorry to have delayed in' Item 1963 November 29
#02 1967-01-26 (#01), TLS Belford from Merton, 'Many thanks for your letter of the 20th. I think I would really enjoy doing a' Item 1967 January 26
#03 1967-01-26 (#02), TL[c] Belford from Merton, 'Many thanks for your letter of the 20th. I think I would really enjoy doing a' Item 1967 January 26
#06 1967-08-23, TALS Belford to Merton, 'Please excuse my unconscionable delay in writing you about your superb commentary on' Item 1967 August 23
#01 1965-01-04, TL[c] Belli from Merton, 'Yours is the second letter I have received in a few days, about the reference to' Item 1965 January 4
#01 1966-07-31, HCS Bennett to Merton, 'Please accept this book written by my' Item 1966 July 31
#07 1967-01-19 (#01), TL[c] Bennett from Merton, 'Thanks for your warm good letter, and for Lerone's Boston talk. Starting with that,' Item 1967 January 19
#01 1968-07-22, HLS Benoit to Merton, 'Merci de votre bonne lettre reçue' Item 1968 July 22
#01 1967-03-13, TLS Bentley to Merton, 'In my college freshman English class, I'm working on a term paper, comparing you' Item 1967 March 13
#04 undated (#03), HLS Berg to Merton, 'I am awfully sorry but you made a mistake and sended [sic] me a certain letter' Item undated
#01 1967-11-16, TLS Bergida to Merton, 'I am delighted to enclose a check in the amount of $150. for your extraordinary' Item 1967 November 16
#01 1964-09-16, TL[c] Bernadette from Merton, 'About the passage in the New Man to which you refer: I do not have a copy of' Item 1964 September 16 View
#02 undated (#01), other Bernard, 'FRIARY ON MEDWAY BANKS: Saint's Relics Brought From France To England - One of the' Item undated
#01 1948-11-05, TLS[x] Berrigan from Laughlin, James, 'We are planning to issue an anthology of Catholic poetry, edited by Thomas Merton,' Item 1948 November 5
#03 1961-11-10, TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'I am very glad to hear that the Pax movement is getting started in this country and' Item 1961 November 1
#04 1961-12-07, TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Thanks for your very fine letter and all the other things. I have not yet had a' Item 1961 December 7
#08 1962-03-10, TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'My correspondence is a kind of Sisyphus act: rolling the boulder up the hill and' Item 1962 March 1
#11 1962-06-29, TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'This is a quick one to confirm your arrangements. I will get a note into the' Item 1962 June 29
#14 1962-09-02, HLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'I have your letter and Fr. Gerard showed me the one you sent him. I am writing this' Item 1962 September 2
#20 1963-06-21, HLS Berrigan to Merton, 'I am here for a day of retreat to the Maddames [sic] of the S.H. It brings back' Item 1963 June 21 (date approximate)
#21 1963-06-25 (#01), TALS Berrigan from Merton, 'This will come to you as a conscience matter letter, so that I can deal with your' Item 1963 June 25
#24 1963-11-15 (#01), TAL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'I am glad to have your letter, card, from Paris. I was not sure where you were' Item 1963 November 15
#28 1964-02-11, TALS Berrigan to Merton, 'Seems like an age since I had word of you. I am wonderinf [sic] whether any of the' Item 1964 February 11
#31 1964-03-05, TLS Berrigan to Merton, 'I am sending on some junk mail another another [sic] heading. I though[t] it might' Item 1964 March 5
#33 1964-05-18 (#01), TAL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'Whitmonday. Time for abrief [sic] letter, perhaps uninspired. I am worn out (not' Item 1964 May 18
#44 1964-11-11, TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'We can send one car and will send same to Albert Pick Motel nine am Wednesday 18th. ' Item 1964 November 11
#54 1966-03-18, TLS Berrigan from Merton, 'A short note to assure you that I am safely back in the arms of Jesuit Missions,' Item 1966 March 18
#65 1967-04-15 (#01), TALS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Sounds as though this is it, doesn't it? I find it hard to organize clear thoughts' Item 1967 April 15
#66 1967-04-15 (#02), TL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'Sounds as though this is it, doesn't it? I find it hard to organize clear thoughts' Item 1967 April 15
#68 1967-07-13 (#01), TL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'You will probably hear of this through the FOR but since people in France have been' Item 1967 July 13
#71 1967-09-16 (#01), TL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'Here is some stuff I dug out of the pile. Not much, if any, about nonviolence but' Item 1967 September 16
#72 1967-09-16 (#02), TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Here is some stuff I dug out of the pile. Not much, if any, about nonviolence but' Item 1967 September 16
#92 undated (#01), other Berrigan, 'Letters by Thomas Merton to Daniel and Philip Berrigan in the Department of Rare' Item undated
#94 undated (#03), other Berrigan, 'Contemporary Authors, Volumes 33-36, First' Item undated
#02 1964-10-no-day, TLS Berrigan to Merton, 'You will recall the hopes that Dan and I had that you would write the foreword of' Item 1964 October (date approximate)
#06 1965-02-no-day (#02), TALS Berrigan to Merton, 'The foreword arrived, so an immediate word of my gratitude- tremendously pleased' Item 1965 February (date approximate)
#07 1966-04-23, HLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'I was glad to get your good letter of the 4th. It reached me when I got home from' Item 1966 April 23
#11 1967-12-no-day, HLS Berrigan to Merton, 'Apologies for not having kept you better informed. Since getting out of jail, there' Item 1967 December (date approximate)
#01 1961-08-15, TALS Berry to Merton, 'Recently when talking with Dr. John Wu he spoke of your interest in the spiritual' Item 1961 August 15
#02 1967-10-26, TL[c] Berry from Merton, 'Thanks for your note about Denise Levertov and the possibility of her visit here on' Item 1967 October 26
#03 1968-01-31, TL[c] Berry from Merton, 'What keeps me from writing more is that I never know if Port Royal Kentucky is' Item 1968 January 31
#05 1968-02-11, TLS Berry to Merton, 'These have all been written since the first of the year. The little poems can be' Item 1968 February 11
#09 1968-08-06, HLS Berry to Merton, 'We're trying to get ready to leave here for the West Coast on the 20th of this' Item 1968 August 6
#01 1964-10-07, TLS Berval to Merton, 'Je viens de recevoir une lettre des Éditions Albin Michel m'informant de votre' Item 1964 October 7
#04 1964-12-01, TLS Berval to Merton, 'Nous avons bien reçu votre lettre du 23 écoulé et vous en remercions. Nous vous' Item 1964 December 1
#04 1959-08-13, TLS Bettencourt to Merton, 'Your books are translated into so many languages, and published by so many' Item 1959 August 13
#01 1966-09-14, TALS Beyer to Merton, 'Vor mir liegt Ihr Buch " Aufstieg zur Wahrheit". Ich empfinde gerade die' Item 1966 September 14
#06 undated, other Bieberman, 'on getting the message by Lisa Bieberman [-] "I'll show you mine if you'll show me' Item undated
#05 1964-01-07 (#03), transcript Bissey from Merton, 'Here are a few words for you, first of all to wish you a happy New Year. And then' Item 1964 January 7
#22 1967-06-12 (#02), other Bissey, 'Demande à Père Louis de Gethsemani (Th. Merton) un article comprenant de six à dix' Item 1967 June 12
#24 1967-06-23 (#02), transcript Bissey from Merton, 'Thanks for your kind letter. I am happy to have received your news. The editors of' Item 1967 June 23
#02 1964-07-04, TL[c] Black from Merton, 'Please forgive the long delay in replying to your very kind letter and acknowledging' Item 1964 July 4
#01 1966-10-08, TLS[x] Blumenkren to Merton, 'I hate to impose upon you, but I am sure you will understand why I do it. One of' Item 1966 October 8
#07 1965-12-10, HCS Boettcher from Merton, 'I am happy to hear about the new baby and will keep you in my prayers especially in' Item 1965 December 1
#01 1965-04-20, other Bogdana from Merton, 'Books for Sister Bogdana cordially in Christ our Lord [-] T' Item 1965 April 2
#02 1967-03-22, TALS Bogdana to Merton, 'I do not know if you remember me from my letters written two years ago, when you' Item 1967 March 22
#03 1967-04-05, HLS[x] Bogdana from Merton, 'Certainly go ahead with a translation of the "Primitive Carmelite Ideal". When it' Item 1967 April 5
#01 1958-07-16, HLS Bonner to Merton, 'It is never a bother to me when people inquire about, or drop in to look at, "The' Item 1958 July 16
#06 1970-11-06, TLS[x] Borgerhoff to Center from Borgerhoff, Cornelia, 'I take pleasure in donating to the Thomas Merton Studies Center the attached' Item 1970 November 6
#05 1966-07-23, HLS Borgstin to Merton, 'A packet from Gethsemani with Pre-Benedictine Monachism, Series 2, and the poems and' Item 1966 July 23
#08 1967-10-14, TL[c] Borgstin from Merton, 'This letter will serve as a joint reply to you and to Dom Aelred who appended a kind' Item 1967 October 14
#01 1963-11-01, HLS Boscher to Merton, 'Mon Révérend Père et très cher Père, […] arrivé à Tahiti depuis le [..]' Item 1963 November 1
#01 1961-04-19, TLS Bouchez to Merton, 'Je prends la liberté de vous écrire pour vous demander la permission de publier une' Item 1961 April 19
#01 1959-09-06, HPCS Bourget to Merton, 'Tamié is all you said it was. Now understand first-hand why our Fathers chose spots' Item 1959 September 6
#08 1952-08-09, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'As we have been directed, I address to you this critique of Father Louis' latest' Item 1952 August 9
#10 1953-04-30, TLS Bourne from Merton, 'I am rushing to you, tardily, an un-proofread article on St Bernard which has been' Item 1953 April 3
#14 1955, other[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Silence in Heaven--- a note to the Father Censors. [-] This text was written for the' Item 1955 (date approximate)
#15 1959-01-07, HLS Bourne to Fox, James, 'I'm really distressed at being so in arrears with the censorship. Just after' Item 1959 January 7
#16 1959-03-03, TLS Bourne to Fox, James, 'Have just mailed a most enthusiastic endorsement of 'The Power and Meaning of Love'' Item 1959 March 3
#21 1961-04-17, TLS[x] Bourne from Fox, James, 'We are sending you one of Father Louis', so-called 'little articles'. It is called' Item 1961 April 17
#23 1961-12-16, TLS[c] Bourne from Fox, James, 'We received word from our Most Rev. Abbot General in regard to the article on PEACE' Item 1961 December 16
#24 1962-01-03, HLS Bourne to Fox, James, 'All under control, I trust. Did the best I could by "Peace," and now pray it will' Item 1962 January 3 (date approximate)
#28 1962-01-22 (#02), TLS[c] Bourne from Fox, James, 'We received your gracious note of January 18 with the two manuscripts. Here we go' Item 1962 January 22
#31 1962-02-18, HLS Bourne to Fox, James, 'Had word from Fr. Clement that Nuclear War has been cleared for publication.' Item 1962 February 18
#45 1964-07-27, TALS Bourne from Merton, 'Here is the text of a preface to a book on Shaker furniture. It will certainly' Item 1964 July 27
#49 1964-08-24, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'By all means go ahead with Few Questions: Fewer Answers. I read it without the' Item 1964 August 24
#53 1965-01-18 (#04), other Bourne from Merton, 'The Drawings of Thomas Merton [-] A NOTE BY THE ARTIST [-] Since judgments are' Item 1965 January 18
#55 1965-01-22, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Your Berrigan preface strikes me as quite conservative - for 1965 - and I see no' Item 1965 January 22
#56 1965-01-25, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Mille pardons! I just picked up your brochure on the drawings and realized for the' Item 1965 January 25
#58 1965-02-12, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Forgive this delay re your rubbings, but we have not been idle. The Museum is' Item 1965 February 12
#02 undated (#01), HLS Babin to Merton, 'Excusez-moi de vous écrire en français: je parle trop mal l'anglais et j'ai tenu à' Item undated
003 "Baciu, Stefan" correspondence Record subgroup 1963-1967
#04 1964-03-07 (#02), other Baciu, 'Stefan Baciu / Cesar Vallejo, Poeta' Item 1964 March 7
#05 1964-04-05, TL[c] Baciu from Merton, 'Probably you do not fit sufficiently well into the conventional academic categories.' Item 1964 April 5