Surnames beginning with the letter "B"

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
#05 1965-06-16 (#01), TLS Boettcher from Merton, 'Thanks very much for sending the telegram to let me know of Nanny's death. It was' Item 1965 June 16
#06 1965-06-16 (#02), TL[c] Boettcher from Merton, 'Thanks very much for sending the telegram to let me know of Nanny's death. It was' Item 1965 June 16
#08 1966-04-23, HNS Boettcher from Merton, 'I wanted to answer your first letter about the new baby, but let it slip until too' Item 1966 April 23
#02 undated, HLS Bogatynska to Merton, 'Thank you so much for your letter - for your goodness. I enjoyed it very much. It' Item undated
#01 1966-02-02, HLS Boggs to Merton, 'I am a sophomore at Niskayuna High School, Niskayuna, New York, and we are doing a' Item 1966 February 2
#03 1966-02-11, HLS Boggs to Merton, 'How can I ever thank you for your wonderful, gracious letter? When my teacher heard' Item 1966 February 11
#03 1961-06-21, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'I enclose the letter of the Abbot General which allows you to write a preface to the' Item 1961 June 21
#07 1962-09-02, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'Many thanks for your kind letter. I am glad that you liked the manuscript. Of' Item 1962 September 2
#12 1963-01-29, TAL[c] Bolshakoff from Merton, 'You will be glad to hear that I have finished all the work on the revision of your' Item 1963 January 29
#18 1963-11-11, TL[c] Bolshakoff from Merton, 'For a long time I have been owing you a reply to your several very interesting' Item 1963 November 11
#21 1964-01-26, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'Before Lent begins and I leave Oxford on Feb 13th for London and abroad I send you' Item 1964 January 26
#29 1965-06-09, TL[c] Bolshakoff from Merton, 'It is always so good to receive your extremely informative and lively letters, but I' Item 1965 June 9
#30 1965-08-19, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'Many thanks for your two letters of June 9th and August 10th, which were forwarded' Item 1965 August 19
#32 1965-10-16, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'Since I wrote to you on October 2nd I received your two articles, which I am' Item 1965 October 16
#37 1966-12-no-day, TL[x] Bolshakoff to Sobesedniks (circular letter), 'Since I wrote my last letter in the end of July there were many developments for the' Item
#42 1968-04-26, TL[c] Bolshakoff from Merton, 'I am afraid I owe you a deep apology: I have not been able to get your Easter' Item 1968 April 26
#02 1966-10-19, TAPCS Bonazzi to Merton, 'Thank you so much for the ok on the poem. I will of course makesome [sic] reference' Item 1966 October 19
#10 1967-10-03 (#01), TLS[c] Bonazzi from Griffin, John Howard, 'Gregory and I are in a dudgeon over these Merton photos. After we mocked up a first' Item 1967 October 3
#12 1967-10-03 (#03), TALS Bonazzi to Merton, 'What a very moving collection of signatures. We are mulling over them now but' Item 1967 October 3
#15 1967-10-10, TL[c] Bonazzi from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter: glad everything is working out. I am happy that you can' Item 1967 October 1
#16 1967-10-15, TLS Bonazzi to Merton, 'Acknowledging your letter which clarified CABLES TO THE [sic] ACE and all news of' Item 1967 October 15
#17 1967-12-06, TLS Bonazzi to Merton, 'John is genuinely frantic about your special issue of Latitudes, concerning' Item 1967 December 6
#21b 1997-04-30, TLS Bonazzi to Grip, Robert, 'Thanks so much for your kind letter of 21 April, as well as for the much-needed' Item 1968 July 7
#02 1968-08-16, TL[c] Bond from Merton, 'In the years that have passed since your group came here, I have often thought of' Item 1968 August 16
#01 1968-05-14, TLS Boodoosingh to Merton, 'MYSTICS AND ZEN MASTERS We have at last received the reading copy of the' Item 1968 May 14
#01 1966-02-16, TLS Borgerhoff to Merton, 'Jacques Maritain has asked me to write to you about the problem of finding a' Item 1966 February 16
#05 1967-01-30, TL[c] Borgerhoff from Merton, 'At Jacques' request, I am returning to you the ms of Raissa's Journal. He' Item 1967 January 3
#07 1970-11-10, TL[x] Borgerhoff from Center to Borgerhoff, Cornelia, 'Thank you for donating the letter of Thomas Merton to our collection. It will be a' Item 1970 November 1
#01 1964-02-05, HNS Borgstin to Merton, 'Tonight I have read 'The Monk in the Diaspora'. It is splendid; and it touches on' Item 1964 February 5
#04 1966-07-20, TALS Borgstin to Merton, 'Could we have three or four more copies of the revised edition of The Climate of' Item 1966 July 2
091 "Borton, Cameron, Rev." correspondence Record subgroup 1968, 1972
#04 1972-08-24, TL[c] Borton from Center to Borton, Cameron, 'Thank you so much for sending us the xeroxed copy of your letter from Thomas Merton.' Item 1972 August 24
#06 1972-09-no-day, TLS Borton to Center from Borton, Cameron, 'Thank you for your quick reply to me. I have decided that I want very much for you' Item 1972 September (date approximate)
#01 1964-05-31, TLS Boswell from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter and for the gift. Actually the most personal as well as the' Item 1964 May 31
095 "Botte, Gregorio, Fr., O.F.M." correspondence Record subgroup 1968
#01 1968-01-12, TLS Botte to Merton, 'I have to give a set of talks to a group of contemplative nuns in Boston during the' Item 1968 January 12
096 "Boucher, Miss" correspondence Record subgroup 1965
#01 1967-06-23, TALS Boultwood to Merton, 'May I disturb you for a moment about a very small point? Sheed and Ward are going' Item 1967 June 23
101 "Bourne, Nina" correspondence Record subgroup 1965
#01 1965-06-02, TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'I have received the ms of BED AND BOARD and, largely because of your very persuasive' Item 1965 June 2
#02 1951-05-28, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Your pamphlet on prayer is very good. If I may offer one minor suggestion it is' Item 1951 May 28
#07 1952-05-02 (#02), HNS Bourne to Merton, 'I like St John very much but if the lady is St Teresa I think you've missed her' Item 1952 May 2
#09 1952-09-22, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'In the absence of your dear Rev. Father I take the responsibility of addressing this' Item 1952 September 22
#12 1953-10-12, HLS Bourne from Merton, 'You will be glad to here that Harcourt Brace is bringing out the Encyclical, with' Item 1953 October 12
#18 1960-03-05, TL[x] Bourne from Fox, James, 'Thanks so much for your kind letter of March 1 with the Preface to DISPUTED' Item 1960 March 5
#27 1962-01-22 (#01), HCS Bourne to Fox, James, 'Two more "little articles" received and will be cared for. Notice from Rome that Fr.' Item 1962 January 22 (date approximate)
#30 1962-01-25, HLS Bourne to Fox, James, 'Somehow, somewhere, I've mislaid the copy of Fr. Louis article on nuclear warfare.' Item 1962 January 25
#33 1962-03-06, TALS[c] Bourne from Fox, James, 'Here we come again knocking at your door just as Lent approches, with a little' Item 1962 March 6
#54 1965-01-18 (#05), other Bourne Item 1965 January 18
#64 1966-11-30, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Always a pleasure to have a word from you. How I wish I had a valid eremitical' Item 1966 November 3
#69 1967-06-30 (#02), TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Thanks for your kind letter. I do hope we can reach some kind of real openness on' Item 1967 June 3
#75 undated-09-21 (#01), HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Of course you may keep your New Yorker section intact! It was really rather' Item undated September 21
#77 undated (#03), HLS Bourne to Merton, 'There used to be an old woman around the parish at 59th St. who specialized in' Item undated
#80 undated (#06), HNS Bourne from Merton, 'This pamphlet for visitors and postulants is essentially the same as the Life at' Item undated
#81 undated (#07), other Bourne Item undated
#02 1966-12-27, TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter of the 15th, which gives me a much clearer idea of the' Item 1966 December 27
#05 1967-01-27, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'It certainly was kind of you to entertain me at such length and so well when I was' Item 1967 January 27
#09 1967-05-22, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'Last week at a small conference of our Bible consultants I was able to grab the' Item 1967 May 22
#14 1968-03-09, TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Thanks for sending me Dr Sanders' OT introduction. I have just glanced at it so far' Item 1968 March 9
#16 1968-03-28, TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Well, you turned the tables on me. I was happy to see your concrete poem. There is' Item 1968 March 28
105 "Boutoute, Louis, Abbot" correspondence Record subgroup 1951
#01 1968-07-30, TLS Bowers to Merton, 'We write to canvass your availability to contribute a paper to a conference being' Item 1968 July 3
#02 1968-08-03, TL[c] Bowers from Merton, 'Your invitation is an attractive one indeed. I wish I could accept it. ' Item 1968 August 3
109 "Boyd, Pauline B." correspondence Record subgroup 1967
#01 1967-04-23, HLS Boyd to Merton, 'I realize any sort of letters are unwelcome but after reading "Can We Survive' Item 1967 April 23
112 "Bracali, Anna" correspondence Record subgroup undated
#02 1965-09-06, TL[c] Bracken from Merton, 'Thanks for your good letter. I will have some material sent to you, and I hope you' Item 1965 September 6
#01 1967-06-02, TL[c] Brady from Merton, 'It seems to me that if you can go as far as Hawaii you might as well go to Japan. ' Item 1967 June 2
115 "Brahmachari, Mahanambrata" correspondence Record subgroup 1965
#01 1967-10-11, TLS Braveman to Merton, 'Thank you most sincerely for allowing freelance to print "Newscast," one of' Item 1967 October 11
#03 1967-10-26, TALS Braveman to Merton, 'If this turns out to be the unorganized mess I fear it will be, "Forgive me Father,' Item 1967 October 26
120 "Bredenberg, Nancy Fly" correspondence Record subgroup 1967-1968
#02 1968-06-21, TL[c] Breitenbeck from Merton, 'I appreciate your kind letter of the 18th and I'm glad to hear at least a temporary' Item 1968 June 21
#02 1968-03-19, TL[c] Brennan from Merton, 'Thanks for your kind letter. I am very interested in the idea of "Houses of Prayer"' Item 1968 March 19
123 "Brenson, Theodore" correspondence Record subgroup 1952
#02 1964-03-31 (#01), TAL[c] Bridget from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter and for the magazine. I have the magazine in the pile of' Item 1964 March 31
#11 1972-10-26, TLS Bridget to Center from Allchin, Arthur MacDonald, and Sr. Bridget, 'Thank you for your letter of August 7th about my correspondence with Thomas Merton. ' Item 1972 October 26
#10 1970-10-14, TLS[x] Brigham to Center from Brigham, Besmilr, 'I will be glad to contribute my correspondence with Thomas Merton to your Studies' Item 1970 October 14
#13 1971-04-17, TLS[x] Brigham to Center from Brigham, Besmilr, 'You will see that our correspondence was not extensive, that it was a brief' Item 1971 April 17
#14 1971-04-27, TL[c] Brigham from Center to Brigham, Besmilr, 'Thank you so much for the three original letters you sent us that Thomas Merton had' Item 1971 April 27
#02 1967-08-17, TALS Brilliant to Merton, 'Enclosed is a proof of your poem, The Originators which we intend to' Item 1967 August 17
#03 1967-08-21, TL[c] Brilliant from Merton, 'I am returning the proof immediately. Very beautiful. I like the woodcuts' Item 1967 August 21
128 "Britton, Richard" correspondence Record subgroup 1966
#01 1967-04-14, TLS Brock to Merton, 'In August the Thomas More Association will publish the 1968 Catholic Book' Item 1967 April 14
130 "Brooks, John G." correspondence Record subgroup 1965
#01 1964-03-04, TL[c] Brooks from Merton, 'When I observe that your letter was written on January 30th and when I see this date' Item 1964 March 4
131 "Broussard, Louis J." correspondence Record subgroup 1964
#01 1964-08-26, TLS Broussard to Drury, Thomas J., Bishop, 'As you had suggested in my interview with you recently, I spoke with Father Bernard' Item 1964 August 26
#02 1964-08-28, TLS Broussard to Merton, 'This letter is accompanied by the sincere hope that you will pardon my presumption' Item 1964 August 28
#03 1964-09-23, TL[c] Broussard from Merton, 'For many reasons I have been delayed in replying to your letter. Naturally I have' Item 1964 September 23
#02 1967-06-19 (#01), TL[c] Brown from Merton, 'Thanks for your note and for the book and for the reprint. And above all thanks for' Item 1967 June 19
#01 1966-06-30, TALS Brown to Merton, 'I am writing on behalf of the Arts Festival Committee of McMaster University' Item 1966 June 3
#02 1967-05-13, TL[c] Bruteau from Merton, 'I am sorry I have not responded sooner. Pandora's Box is wonderful. Just' Item 1967 May 13
139 "Bruyn, Marcella van, Dame, O.S.B." correspondence Record subgroup 1963-1967
#03 1963-02-23, TL[c] Bruyn from Merton, 'Since Jacques Maritain told me of your project, I have been expecting your letter. ' Item 1963 February 23
#04 1963-07-18, TALS Bruyn to Merton, 'I am writing by return, because you are anxious about Jacques Maritain, and so' Item 1963 July 18
#05 1963-09-08, TALS Bruyn to Merton, 'Thank you very much for all those mimeographed things - I simply cannot tell you how' Item 1963 September 8
#06 1963-10-15, TAL[c] Bruyn from Merton, 'The Feast of St Theresa is as good a day as any for a letter to Stanbrook, and I' Item 1963 October 15
#09 1964-01-25, TALS Bruyn to Merton, 'I have a great deal to thank you for besides your letter - the mimeographed things,' Item 1964 January 25
#13 1964-09-14, other Bruyn to Merton, 'I thought this would interest you, if you do not already know the book, which is one' Item 1964 September 14