Surnames beginning with the letter "B"

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
#165b 1966-09-05, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Maybe if Bro Clement has a ride Friday (I could just as easily go at 7 or whenever' Item 1966 September 5
#168 undated, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'This shoulder and back thing gets more and more troublesome. It is especially bad' Item undated
#173 1965-07-06, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'I certainly think this ought to be published. It is an excellent job and very' Item 1965 July 6
#180 undated, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'I hope you did not think I was being even more unsociable than usual this morning. ' Item undated
#182 undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Saturday Fr Felix is giving the novice conference, so Juniors will not come this' Item undated
#188 1966-09-05, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I have to go to see Dr Mitchell next Friday Sept 9. If I leave at 9 it will be ok. ' Item 1966 September 5
#189 undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Dr Scheen said the skin condition is progressing - ordered another ointment to help' Item undated
#197 1967-01-03, TL[x] Bamberger from Peisel, Francis, et al., 'Thank you for referring Father Thomas Merton to us. Father has tinnitus aurium due' Item 1967 January 3
#008 1963-11-11, TLS Bamberger from Mitchell, W. C., 'Per your request of 11-8-63, please note that we have been giving Father Merton' Item 1963 November 11
#013 undated, other, 'Room where FR. LOUIS died is on the corner. Taken by Mother Christiana of' Item undated
#014 undated, other, small square of red cloth glued to paper - some text cut off - possible relic Item undated
#018 1970-01-17, HLS Bamberger from Marie-Pascal, Sr. / to John Eudes Bamberger, 'En ce moment, je termine la lecture de votre article su Th. Merton Traduit par P.' Item 1970 January 17
#036 1966-03-11, HN, 'If possible, please, send a copy of "Seasons of Celebration" to: Dom Abade Basilio' Item 1966 March 11
#040 1966-11-16, HNS from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'May I please have 5 copies of «Conjectures» to sign and send out? Thanks in' Item 1966 November 16
#046 1966-03-08, TN from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'May I please have two copies of Chuang Tzu and of Gandhi to sign and send out? [-]' Item 1966 March 8
#052 1966-12-28, HNS from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'May I please have 3 Raids on Unspeakable to send out? [-] Thanx in Jesu [-] fr m' Item 1966 December 28
#073 1966-07-04, TL[c] from Merton to Richard Schmidlen, 'Three points: first the books that were given gratis to Mrs Parsons were as far as' Item 1966 July 4
#000c 1966-08-no-day, TL[x] Bamberger from Merton, 'I am really very grateful for your kind and clear note of yesterday. It certainly' Item 1966 August
#001b 1967-03-11 (#02), TALS[x] Bamberger from Merton, 'This is not anything urgent, but I am just beginning to wonder. Br Martin has been' Item 1967 March 11
#002a 1967-03-12 (#01), TL[c] Bamberger from Merton, 'Thanks for your reassuring note. It did clear things up a bit and I would not be' Item 1967 March 12
#004a undated-04-28 (#01), TL[c] Bamberger from Merton, 'Thanks for letting me see your essay on Basil. I think you are on to something' Item undated April 28
#005 undated, TLS Bamberger to Merton, 'Fr. Prior just gave me your note about B. Martin and the Conferences. I did not see' Item undated
#006b undated (#02), TLS[x] Bamberger from Merton, 'Thanks for the tip about Reiteznstein and recluses. In what source is this found' Item undated
#007 1965-07-19, TLS Bamberger from Fortune, Carl, 'I have been very slow in writing you because I thought I would get a summary from' Item 1965 July 19
#01 1960-10-25, TLS Barry from Barry, Colman / to Fr. Oliver, O.S.B., 'If Father Louis O.C.S.O. is getting interested in Dom Calmet to the extent of' Item 1960 October 25
#03 1960-11-22, TLS Barry to Merton, 'Under separate cover you are receiving three complimentary copies of the last issue' Item 1960 November 22
#07 1962-11-13, TLS Barry from Merton, 'I believe I did not yet answer your letter about the publication of my letter to Fr' Item 1962 November 13
#09 1963-12-04, HPCS Barry to Merton, 'Your letter reached me here where I am on a research tour. Thank you for sending' Item 1963 December 4
#10 1964-05-22 (#01), TLS Barry from Merton, 'Here is the Bolshakoff ms and the preface with it. I understand that the whole' Item 1964 May 22
#04 1967-05-13, TL[c] Bonazzi from Merton, 'I have been meaning to write and thank you for the first issue of Latitudes. I' Item 1967 May 13
#05 1967-05-22, TALS Bonazzi to Merton, 'First rule of publishing: a Monk should never allow an editor to edit out what' Item 1967 May 22
#22 1968-07-07, Bonazzi from Merton, 'I'm sorry everyone is bugging you about Latitudes 5. As a matter of fact I hadn't' Item 1997 March 31
#24 1997-03-31 (#02), other Bonazzi to Grip, Robert, 'ELIZABETH GRIFFIN-BONAZZI --Widow of John Howard Griffin, wife of 27 years, mother' Item 1997 April 3
#02 1966-12-23, TL[c] Best from Merton, 'About the paper "Blessed are the Meek". I am under the impression it was printed in' Item 1966 December 23
020 "Barry, Colman J., Fr., O.S.B." correspondence Record subgroup 1960-1967
063 "Best, James S." correspondence Record subgroup 1966-1967
#01 1966-12-15, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'Our very good friend and consultant, Dr. Abraham Heschel, has told us of your' Item 1966 December 15
#06 1967-02-15, TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Thanks for your letterof [sic] Jan.27 and above all for the splendid book on' Item 1967 February 15
#07 1967-02-17, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'Thanks for your note. I was very pleased to hear that you see no big obstacle' Item 1967 February 17
#08 1967-02-24 (#02), TL[c] Bourne from Stone, Naomi Burton, 'Many thanks for yours of February 17th and the enclosed document. Perhaps I didn't' Item 1967 February 24
#13 1968-02-26, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'Enclosed for your interest is a copy of Dr. James Sander's Introduction to the Old' Item 1968 February 26
#01 1968-01-22 (#01), TLS Brigham to Merton, 'Passed on to me through Keith Wilson an 'invitation' to submit to Monks Pond. Are' Item 1968 January 22
#05 1968-03-no-day, TLS Brigham to Merton, 'I hope you will not regret asking for my poems: I am sending you The Tiger' Item 1968 March (date approximate)
#06 1968-04-28 (#01), TALS Brigham from Merton, 'Such a long time I have your Tiger and letters, and finally I want to answer. How' Item 1968 April 28
#08 1968-08-31, TLS Brigham from Merton, 'I8m [sic] returning what's left of your beautiful book. Have used and pilfered for' Item 1968 August 31
#02 1967-10-19, TL[c] Braveman from Merton, 'Thanks for Freelance: a pleasant surprise and a good alive magazine. I have' Item 1967 October 19
#06 1968-04-28, TLS Braveman to Merton, 'Thank you so much for all you did with Sue and Sandy. Whether Sue will ever come' Item 1968 April 28
103 "Bourne, Russell" correspondence Record subgroup 1966-1968
126 "Brigham, Besmilr" correspondence Record subgroup 1968, 1970-1971
#09 1968-06-11 (#02), TL[c] Baker from Merton, 'In the past couple of weeks I have hardly had time to answer any mail at all. ' Item 1968 June 11
#01 1967-09-13, TLS Baker to Merton, 'Glenn Hinson, who was my teacher and spiritual adviser at the Baptist seminary in' Item 1967 September 13
#03 1967-10-10, TLS Baker to Merton, 'I am grateful for your interest in my dissertation and for your concern that I get' Item 1967 October 1
#05 1968-03-04, TLS Baker to Merton, 'I wish to express my appreciation to you for your hospitality last week and for the' Item 1968 March 4
#07 1968-05-no-day, TLS Baker to Merton, 'I am happy to tell you that my committee accepted the dissertation this week and' Item 1968 May (date approximate)
#04 1962-03-27, HPCS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'I am again in Rome since March 12th and expect to remain in Italy till June 12th. ' Item 1962 March 27
#06 1962-07-22, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'Many thanks for your letter of July 9th, which I have received here to-day from' Item 1962 July 22
#10 1963-01-05, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'Many thanks for your letter and cheque for $50 which I didn't expect and which' Item 1963 January 5
#11 1963-01-08, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'I am sending you by the registered post my little Mss in French -- "Staretz' Item 1963 January 8
#14 1963-04-11, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'I am already in Rome since April 6th and hope to remain here till July. Since I' Item 1963 April 11
#34 1965-12-13, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'Many thanks for your letter and for your cheque, which I much appreciate. It helps' Item 1965 December 13
#41 1967-06-09, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'I enclose the "Letter to Sobesedniks" for June, when we observe our feast of June' Item 1967 June 9
#35 1966-08-no-day, TL[x] Bolshakoff to Sobesedniks (circular letter), 'Since I wrote the last letter I travelled [sic] again about and presided the first' Item
#022a undated, other Bamberger from Merton, 'RE: Monastic Formation, Junior Professed Choir Monks. [-] Suggestions. [-] 1) That' Item undated
#022b undated, other, '«Scripture» [-] The Psalms -Msgr Patrick Boylan (2 Vol) [-] Hesed and Hasid ' Item undated
#024 1966-09-13, TN, 'Genowefa Bogatynska [-] ul. Rakowicka 21/4 [-] Krakow, «POLAND» [-] 1' Item 1966 September 13
#026 undated, HN, 'Fr. Louis [-] two paperback books. @ 1.35 [-] $2.70 [-] B' Item undated
#031 1966-11-08, TN, 'Paperbacks: Waters of Siloe - Sign of Jonas [-] To: Therese Plater Syberg [-] 31' Item 1966 November 8
#033 1966-07-23, TN, 'Benedictine Convent [-] P.O. Box 25 [-] Toronto, Uganda, Africa [-] Re. of Dom' Item 1966 July 23
002 "Bach, Marian T." correspondence Record subgroup 1958-1963
#01 1958-10-08, TCS Bach from Merton, 'It was very good to get your delightful letter and to learn about all of you--' Item 1958 October 8
#03 1961-04-05, HPCS Bach from Merton, '[…] thanks for your gift and for your good news at Easter. Glad to hear Anne and' Item 1961 April 5
#02 1963-11-19, TLS Baciu to Merton, 'Caro e estimado Poeta: muchas, muchísimas gracias por su carta del 30 de Octubre el' Item 1963 November 19
#08 1965-05-21 (#01), TL[c] Baciu from Merton, 'I will try to reply to your letter before the matter ceases to be fresh in my mind. ' Item 1965 May 21
#09 1965-05-21 (#02), TL[c] Baciu from Merton, 'I will try to reply to your letter before the matter ceases to be fresh in my mind. ' Item 1965 May 21
#11 1966-01-27, TALS Baciu to Merton, 'Meu grande e caríssimo Thomas Merton: foi exatamente na hora (ontem pela' Item 1966 January 27
#05 1965-07-17, TAL[c] Balthasar from Merton, 'Thanks very much for the two new little books you sent. Your Rechenschaft looks' Item 1965 July 17
#06 1966-02-25, HLS Balthasar to Merton, 'Comment vous remercie d'avoir le temps' Item 1966 February 25
#08 1966-09-12, TAL[c] Balthasar from Merton, 'Grand merci de votre bonne lettre que date déjà de trois mois! Je pense que le Fr.' Item 1966 September 12
010 "Bamberger, John Eudes, Dom, O.C.S.O." correspondence Record subgroup 1951-1984
#01 1962-06-11, TLS Bane to Merton, 'About a year ago, the Superior of the Maryknoll Cloistered Sisters sent me a copy of' Item 1962 June 11
#07 1966-04-20, TLS Bane to Merton, 'Please forgive the intrusion and unusual request. There is a small group of' Item 1966 April 2
#10 1966-07-23 (#01), TLS Bane to Merton, 'I am taking advantage of your offer to be of service to us. Uniquely, you can be of' Item 1966 July 23
#15 1967-07-31, TL[c] Bane from Merton, 'Thanks for your kind letter of the 17th. I will ask someone to send on some more' Item 1967 July 31
#18 1967-08-20, TLS Bane to Merton, 'Thank you for your wonderful letter. It meant a lot, and the promise of a' Item 1967 August 2
#23 1967-10-05, TL[c] Bane from Merton, 'Once more, about the date. Let me try to get down to something more definite. ' Item 1967 October 5
#28 1967-11-14, TL[c] Bane from Merton, 'Thanks for the letter and the points for discussion. Some of them are really first' Item 1967 November 14
#31 1967-12-17, TLS Bane to Merton, 'May you have a truly blessed Christmas. The tape came yesterday but I have only' Item 1967 December 17 (date approximate)
#41 1972-12-04, TALS[x] Bane from Center to Bane, Elaine, 'I will start off by asking your overlooking the errors, and hastily typed letter. I' Item 1972 December 4
#01 1968-02-22, HLS Baptist to Merton, 'Thanks for the letter and photograph. I had no idea you were so husky looking. ' Item 1968 February 22
#02 1968-04-10, TL[c] Baptist from Merton, 'I am sorry I left your letter so long without an answer. It is almost impossible' Item 1968 April 1
#01 1967-06-06, TLS Barbara to Merton, 'In view of the many changes taking place within the structured framework of' Item 1967 June 6
#02 1967-06-09, TL[c] Barbara from Merton, 'Apparently word is getting around that I am now permitted to go out and speak on' Item 1967 June 9
#02 1967-04-24, TL[c] Barnard from Merton, 'Thanks for your good letter. I am glad you found the two books interesting enough' Item 1967 April 24
#01 1965-06-25, TL[c] Barnes from Merton, 'It was good to hear from you again. I am glad you have done so well in school, and' Item 1965 June 25
#02 1967-07-08, TL[c] Barr from Merton, 'Thanks for your long and interesting letter of June 24, with its enclosures. I' Item 1967 July 8
#02 1962-02-27, TALS Bartelme to Merton, 'Thank you so much for sending me your article, as well as the off-print from' Item 1962 February 27
#11 1963-08-12, TLS Bartelme to Merton, 'Our manufacturing department has now returned to me the' Item 1963 August 12
#16 1967-09-13, TLS Bartelme to Merton, 'I am sending you a copy of a book that we are publishing in October by John' Item 1967 September 13
#18 1968-05-24, TLS Bartelme to Merton, 'I am sending you herewith a copy of the Catholic Worker Reader, A Penny a' Item 1968 May 24