Surnames beginning with the letter "B"

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
#140 1965-12-02, TL Bamberger from Merton, 'I grossly maligned the yogurt: it is the new buttermilk that is causing cramps and' Item 1965 December 2
#146 undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Our B. Robert (postulant) has a chill with diarrhea etc again and has been resting. ' Item undated
#148b undated, HN Bamberger from Merton, 'I will give a conference today after all on some Oriental texts on the Presentation' Item undated
#155 1966, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I will need another bursitis shot next «Monday Sept 26th» [-] Could you please' Item 1966
#156 1965-07-29, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Maybe someone should do a report on the «Monastic Renewal» article herewith -' Item 1965 July 29
#166 1966-07-26, TAN Bamberger from Merton, 'I have to write a piece on Dom Vital for Achel's magazine: will you please let me' Item 1966 July 26
#170 1966-06-21, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I have to see Dr Mitchell 10 am next Saturday - 25th [-] Could you please make' Item 1966 June 21
#172 undated, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'Bro Ailred is now using a book of poems of Tiutchev in Russian and French which you' Item undated
#185 1967, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Dr Mitchell wants to operate on that bursa. He has arranged for me to be admitted' Item 1967
#193 1964-01-15, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'No I don't have the [indecipherable word..] «copies» I have recently used the' Item 1964 January 15
#194 1966-11-23, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'As regards your question; -- I have no trouble with six bottles -- but I wonder' Item 1966 November 23
#195a 1965-08-10, TAN Bamberger to Merton, 'you may wish to see this sometime in the next' Item 1965 August 1
#02 1962-07-04 (#01), transcript Bane from Merton, 'This is not an adequate letter, but I do want to get some kind of reply into the' Item 1962 July 4
#03 1962-07-04 (#02), transcript Bane from Merton, 'This is not an adequate letter, but I do want to get some kind of reply into the' Item 1962 July 4
#19 1967-09-17, TALS Bane to Merton, 'May the Lord give you His peace! Thank you for the enclosed typescripts which we' Item 1967 September 17 (date approximate)
#22 1967-10-03, TL[c] Bane from Merton, 'About the "Message of Contemplatives" tape: it would probably be wiser and more' Item 1967 October 3
#26 1967-11-06, TL[c] Bane from Merton, 'I have checked about the guesthouse facilities and it will be all right if some or' Item 1967 November 6
#27 1967-11-10, TLS Bane to Merton, 'It was good to hear from you. I think everything is pretty well underway now. ' Item 1967 November 1
#33 1967-12-no-day, TALS Bane to Merton, 'We wish you the blessing of this holy season and pray that all of us may grow in the' Item 1967 December
#38 1972-09-16, TLS Bane to Center from Bane, Elaine, 'Thank you for your letters of inquiry regarding my correspondence with the late' Item 1972 September 16
014 "Baptist, Mary, Sr." correspondence Record subgroup 1968
#03 1967-06-23, TLS Barnard to Merton, 'Hello there; sorry I've been so long in writing to you. Did you get the copies of' Item 1967 June 23
#05 1967-08-31, TALS Barnard to Merton, 'Thanks so much for the Auschwitz review-- I think it is terrific, absolutely, and' Item 1967 August 31
#05 1962-04-27, TLS Barry to Merton, 'Thank you for your letter and for the article for THE AMERICAN BENEDICTINE REVIEW. ' Item 1962 April 27
#11 1964-05-22 (#02), TAL[c] Barry from Merton, 'Here is the Bolshakoff ms and the preface with it. I understand that the whole' Item 1964 May 22
022 "Bartelme, Elizabeth" correspondence Record subgroup 1962-1968
#01 1962-02-13, TLS Bartelme to Merton, 'Your articles that have recently appeared in The Catholic Worker and in' Item 1962 February 13
#04 1962-03-27, TLS Bartelme to Merton, 'Thank you so much for your letter which raised my hopes very high that you will be' Item 1962 March 27
#05 1962-06-06, TL[c] Bartelme from Merton, 'Well, I finally have an answer for you on the Peace Book. The book is finished all' Item 1962 June 6
#07 1962-09-14, TLS Bartelme to Merton, 'I am so delighted to have your new manuscript, and I have read it very carefully and' Item 1962 September 14
#10 1963-05-20, TLS Bartelme to Merton, 'I was most distressed to receive your letter of May 16th, and I can only say that I' Item 1963 May 2
#13 1965-02-02, TLS Bartelme to Merton, 'I am so happy to have your introduction to Father Philip Berrigan's book, and I' Item 1965 February 2
#14 1965-12-03, TL[c] Bartelme from Merton, 'I am sorry to see how long it is since I got your letter and Dan's proofs. Did not' Item 1965 December 3
#15 1965-12-08, TLS[x] Bartelme to Merton, 'Thank you ever so much for your very fine remarks on Father Berrigan's poems. I am' Item 1965 December 8
#19 1968-05-31, TL[c] Bartelme from Merton, 'Thanks so much for Penny a Copy. Tom and Jim did a fine job of editing and I' Item 1968 May 31
026 "Basetti-Sani, Giulio, Fr., O.F.M." correspondence Record subgroup 1963-1967
#04 1965-05-08, HLS Basetti-Sani to Merton, 'Je n'ai pas esé vous déranger avant pour vous donner la nouvelle que depuis le 22' Item 1965 May 8
#01 1968-07-18, HLS Baskin to Merton, 'Please send a copy of Monks Pond, Spring 1968 as described in the May issue' Item 1968 July 18
028 "Bass, Richard" correspondence Record subgroup 1965
#01 1965-04-05, TL[c] Bass from Merton, 'I am happy to say a word to your fellow members of the Guild of St Paul in your' Item 1965 April 5
#02 1967-12-16, TL[c] Bastin from Merton, 'I am replying briefly to your letter so as to catch you there before you leave. ' Item 1967 December 16
#01 1965-12-06, TALS Bastos to Merton, 'Your two letters to Mrs. Ocampo arrived safely; she has gone for a few days to Mar' Item 1965 December 6
#01 1967-07-18, TLS Bates to Merton, 'Father John McNeil at LeMoyne College here gave me your name as someone to write,' Item 1967 July 18
#01 1964-07-14 (#01), TL[d] Bea from Merton, 'Yesterday I had the very great pleasure of speaking at some length with Rabbi' Item 1964 July 14
#03 undated (#01), other Beaurin to Merton, 'ENGAGEMENT OF THE CRUSADERS OF OUR LADY, for Peace "Enrolled in the crusade for' Item undated
#01 1964, other Bebianno to Merton, 'Para o imenso Merton, ùnico ser que nos pode falar o ano inteiro sem irritar, mando' Item 1964
038 "Beck, Dorothy" correspondence Record subgroup 1968
#01 1968-08-27, TLS Beck to Merton, 'I am so pleased that you are going to print the two Zen stories and some poems. ' Item 1968 August 27
#03 1966-01-02, TALS Beecher to Merton, 'Why I address you thus instead of as Dear Tom you will understand when I reveal to' Item 1966 January 2
#04 1966-03-17, TLS Beecher to Merton, 'It was a great lift to the spirit to find in our mail your note and the preface to' Item 1966 March 17
#01 1967-01-20, TALS Belford to Merton, 'I read with great appreciation your article, "Albert Camus and the Church", which' Item 1967 January 2
#07 1968-02-14, TALS Belford from Merton, 'From the way one of the girls at Seabury was talking of reviews it sounded as though' Item 1968 February 14
#10 1972-08-22, TLS[x] Belford to Center from Belford, Lee Archer, 'Enclosed you will find the letters Thomas Merton wrote me. Most of them are' Item 1972 August 22
042 "Belli, German" correspondence Record subgroup 1965
#01 undated, HNS Benedict to Merton, 'You're scheduled for Assistant Priest at the Sol. Abbatial Mass, on Thursday, Feast' Item undated
047 "Bennett, (Ruth) Iris Weiss" correspondence Record subgroup 1966
#01 1966-08-14, HLS Bennett to Merton, 'On a visit to California, I brought some family and friends letters and papers- etc-' Item 1966 August 14
#02 1966-08-14 (#01), TL[c] Bennett from Merton, 'Thanks very much indeed for your note and for the Silver Jubilee Gift. You take me' Item 1966 August 14
#03 1966-08-14 (#02), TALS[x] Bennett from Merton, 'Thanks very much indeed for your note and for the Silver Jubilee Gift. You take me' Item 1966 August 14
#02 1967-03-20, TL[c] Bentley from Merton, 'Thanks for your nice letter. I will give you what help I can. First of all, I have' Item 1967 March 2
#01 1960-12-19, TLS Berg to Merton, 'It's a long time I wanted to write to you again, but I wrote like a mad cap and then' Item 1960 December 19
#03 undated (#02), HLS Berg to Merton, 'Please don't be annoyed for me writing again, interrupting the life of silence which' Item undated
#07 undated (#06), HLS Berg to Merton, 'I've received your both letters. God bless you for all the good you're doing to me.' Item undated
#05 1962-01-15, TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'We will be looking forward to your Advent in August, around the 10th. By all means' Item 1962 January 15
#10 1962-06-15, TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Probably by now you are in the middle of your retreat with the Protestants at Mount' Item 1962 June 15
#12 1962-07-20, HPCS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Nearest airport Louisville. From there by bus to New Haven, Ky. From there by' Item 1962 July 2
#13 1962-08-12, HLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'I will be over tomorrow after the High Mass, about 10.15. Could you give a first' Item 1962 August 12
#15 1962-11-12 (#01), TLS Berrigan to Merton, 'A short one to say hello, and to hope all is well there. Just back last night from' Item 1962 November 12
#17 1962-11-27 (#01), TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Just got your blanks from the Goggenbuch Stipend House. I will write you up a' Item 1962 November 27
#18 1962-11-27 (#02), TAL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'Just got your blanks from the Goggenbuch Stipend House. I will write you up a' Item 1962 November 27
#27 1963-12-no-day, HPCS Berrigan to Merton, 'Thank you for your kind letter. I will look for the Ramparts and everything else of' Item 1963 December (date approximate)
#30 1964-02-23 (#02), TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Your letter from Budapest was wonderful. Got to me long after Christmas however and' Item 1964 February 23
#34 1964-05-18 (#02), TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Whitmonday. Time for abrief [sic] letter, perhaps uninspired. I am worn out (not' Item 1964 May 18
#36 1964-06-30, TAL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'One of the things that you can do for Latin America is get in touch with the poet' Item 1964 June 3
#38 1964-08-04 (#01), TAL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'Many thanks for your card from Oslo Morocco. We have played your tapes after much' Item 1964 August 4
#42 1964-10-22, TALS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Thanks for your note of yesterday. I sent the CW Letters and some other things, but' Item 1964 October 22
#43 1964-11-09, TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Last minute check on arrangements for getting the people here. John H. arranged for' Item 1964 November 9
#49 1965-11-19 (#01), TAL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'Today your letter came, with one from Jim also one from Dorothy Day. It was a great' Item 1965 November 19
#50 1965-11-19 (#02), TL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'Today your letter came, with one from Jim also one from Dorothy Day. It was a great' Item 1965 November 19
#53 1966-02-14 (#02), TAL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'Some event, hearing from you. Letter came today, dated Feb 6th in Argentina, and I' Item 1966 February 14
#57 1966-05-30, HPCS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Greetings and reminder you have been with us. John [-] Our warmest thoughts with' Item 1966 May 3
#60 1966-11-26, TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Many thanks for your splendid letter from Europe. I got a good idea of the trip--' Item 1966 November 26
#67 1967-04-no-day, TALS Berrigan to Merton, 'Things have been happening quite fast here; they sentenced David Miller to 2 and 1' Item 1967 April (date approximate)
#74 1967-10-06, TAL Berrigan to Merton, 'Thanks for all the good material. I had a few of these made up for the brethren' Item 1967 October 6
#75 1967-10-10 (#01), TL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'Reaction to the airmail special about Phil and the group that wants to get violent. ' Item 1967 October 1
#76 1967-10-10 (#02), TALS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Reaction to your airmail special about Phil and the group that wants to get violent.' Item 1967 October 1
#79 1967-11-no-day, TALS Berrigan to Merton, 'I don't know even if I had the gumption to write a think [sic] you to you for the' Item 1967 November (date approximate)
#80 1968-01-29, TLS Berrigan to Merton, 'A short hectic one as usual; Just in from Chi toward dawn; we had several good' Item 1968 January 29
#83 1968-03-18, TLS Berrigan from Merton, 'Here's the little booklet on The Plague I told you about. No one deserves the' Item 1968 March 18
#86 1980, HLS[x] Berrigan to Center from Berrigan, Daniel, 'Rejoice with us! On September 8, eight of us entered a General Electric Nuclear' Item 1980 (date approximate)
#90 1982-08-05, TLS Berrigan from Tyler, James / to William Shannon, 'The news that your publishing project has been accepted by the Merton Trust is' Item 1982 August 5
#04 1965-01-18 (#02), TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Here is the preface. I can send some more copies if you like, but this is the one' Item 1965 January 18
#08 1967-10-no-day, other Berrigan to Merton, 'PRESS STATEMENT (IMMEDIATE RELEASE) [-] On Friday, October 27, 1967, we are entering' Item 1967 October (date approximate)
#10 1967-12-31 (#02), TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'New Year's eve. The day is darkening and it has been snowing since midnight last' Item 1967 December 31
061 "Berry, Wendell" correspondence Record subgroup 1967-1968
#06 1968-02-28, TL[c] Berry from Merton, 'Many thanks for the fine poems. I want to try the two longer ones and the little' Item 1968 February 28
#02 1964-10-25, TLS Berval to Merton, 'Je vous remercie pour votre lettre, que j'ai à nouveau reçue avec le retard' Item 1964 October 25
#03 1964-11-23, other Berval to Merton, 'Invoice [-] France-Asie [-] Revue bilingue des Problèmes asiatiques et de Synthèse' Item 1964 November 23
#01 1966-12-16, TLS Best to Merton, 'I feel very apologetic this morning. It could be that the copy of your paper' Item 1966 December 16