Elemente 'Identifikation'
Name und Standort des Archivs
- 1961 (Anlage)
1 folder, 1 item, 2 pages
Name des Bestandsbildners
Biographische Angaben
Passionist priest, writer, and scholar, Thomas Berry shared an interest with Merton in Asian spiritual traditions and both wrote on the subject. Later describing himself as a "geologian", Fr. Berry would achieve more prominence for his writings on deep ecology and ecospirituality.
Elemente Inhalt und innere Ordnung
Eingrenzung und Inhalt
This file contains one original letter from Berry to Merton. It is not evident whether Merton responds to this letter (it is before he started keeping carbon copies). The letter deals with Merton's correspondence with John Wu, and his interest in eastern spirituality.
Ordnung und Klassifikation
Records are arranged chronologically. Records are not divided into Series.
Elemente Zugangs- und Benutzungsbedingungen
Regulations governing use of the collection can be found here: (‹https://bellarmine.libraryhost.com/index.php/rules›).