Correspondence from Bamberger's Files with Other Monks Regarding Gift Book Donations

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
#021 undated, other, 'The Law in the Teaching of Saint Paul. [-] The topic of our first conference this' Item undated
#028 1966-10-01, HN, 'Gethsemani Life of Praise [-] 3 books to Fr Louis [-]' Item 1966 October 1
#032 1966-03-02, TNS, 'Ammon Hennacy [-] Box 655 [-] Salt Lake City, Utah [-] Gandhi on Non Violence [-]' Item 1966 March 2
#020 1951, other, '«Direction in St John of the [Cross].» Faulty directions [-] 1 Moral deficiency -' Item 1951
#022a undated, other Bamberger from Merton, 'RE: Monastic Formation, Junior Professed Choir Monks. [-] Suggestions. [-] 1) That' Item undated
#022b undated, other, '«Scripture» [-] The Psalms -Msgr Patrick Boylan (2 Vol) [-] Hesed and Hasid ' Item undated
#024 1966-09-13, TN, 'Genowefa Bogatynska [-] ul. Rakowicka 21/4 [-] Krakow, «POLAND» [-] 1' Item 1966 September 13
#026 undated, HN, 'Fr. Louis [-] two paperback books. @ 1.35 [-] $2.70 [-] B' Item undated
#031 1966-11-08, TN, 'Paperbacks: Waters of Siloe - Sign of Jonas [-] To: Therese Plater Syberg [-] 31' Item 1966 November 8
#033 1966-07-23, TN, 'Benedictine Convent [-] P.O. Box 25 [-] Toronto, Uganda, Africa [-] Re. of Dom' Item 1966 July 23
#025 1966-11-07, TN, 'Frln. Dagmar Henne [-] Agence Hoffman [-] Seestrasse 6 [-] 8 Munchen 23 W.' Item 1966 November 7
#029 1966-11-02, TN, 'Jack O'Neil [-] Peace Corps [-] Box 707 [-] Monrovia Liberia [-] 1 Crucifix [-] New' Item 1966 November 2
#034 1966-07-21, TN, 'For our files. [-] Lunsford P.' Item 1966 July 21
#023 1966-09-22, TAN, 'requested by fr. Louis [-] 26 Bro. Lavrans assorted cards [-] 6 postulants guide [-]' Item 1966 September 22
#027 undated, TN, 'Frln. Dagmar Henne [-] Agence Hoffman [-] Seestrasse 6 [-] 8 Munchen 23 W. Germany' Item undated
#030 1966-11-01, TN, 'Editora Vozes Ltda. [-] Caixa Postal 23 [-] Petropolis - Est Do' Item 1966 November 1
#035 undated, other, 'Sent gifts (translator) to: [-] Rev. Fr. Bui-bang-Hien [-] Truong Mich Giany [-]' Item undated