"Andrews, Edward Deming" correspondence

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
#03 1960-12-12, TLS[x] Andrews from Merton, 'It was indeed a pleasure to get your kind letter. I had been thinking of writing to' Item 1960 December 12
#06 1961-02-13, HLS Andrews to Merton, 'I am deeply grateful for the pamphlets and the little book you so kindly sent me. ' Item 1961 February 13
#07 1961-08-22, TL[c] Andrews from Merton, 'It is a terribly long time since you last wrote and since you sent the little book' Item 1961 August 22
#11 1961-12-21 (#02), transcript Andrews from Merton, 'Forgive please this very long delay in thanking you for the copy of Shaker' Item 1961 December 21
#13 1962-09-20, TLS[x] Andrews from Merton, 'Probably my silence is the result of a more or less frantic effort to preserve some' Item 1962 September 2
#16 1963-11-19, HLS Andrews to Merton, 'Though I have not written you of late, you have constantly been in my thoughts --' Item 1963 November 19
#17 1964-01-21, HLS Andrews to Merton, 'I have been reading with the greatest interest your article on The Shakers in' Item 1964 January 21
#20 1964-03-13, TL[c] Andrews from Merton, 'The Tree of Life has arrived, and indeed has been on the wall for some time. It' Item 1964 March 13
#21 1964-03-19, TLS Andrews to Merton, 'Your letters do us so much good. The one just received was a true Easter gift! ' Item 1964 March 19
#23 1964-04-05, TLS[x] Andrews from Merton, 'The ms has reached me and I want to say it is safe and that I will get to it and to' Item 1964 April 5
#27 undated (#04), other Andrews, 'Mount Lebanon Two hundred years ago, Anne Lee, a Quaker of Manchester,' Item undated
#02 1960-11-29, HLS Andrews to Merton, 'Word has reached me that you are writing a book on the religion of the Shakers, to' Item 1960 November 29
#04 1960-12-19, TLS Andrews to Merton, 'We so appreciate your letter, with its great understanding and insight. The' Item 1960 December 19
#05 1961-01-17, TL[c] Andrews from Merton, 'This morning I received a good long letter from Shirley Burden in California and' Item 1961 January 17
#09 1961-11-10, TLS Andrews to Merton, 'You were so good to give of your time and thought to us at the Abbey. I wish it' Item 1961 November 1
#15 1962-12-28, TL[c] Andrews from Merton, 'I was touched at your thoughtfulness in sending me the music for the song "Decisive' Item 1962 December 28
#19 1964-02-02, TLS Andrews to Merton, 'We are very happy to know that you will do the preface to our new book. The' Item 1964 February 2
#24 undated (#01), other Andrews, 'A Proposal to Save The Shaker Community at Hancock,' Item undated
#01 1958-01-07, other Andrews, 'PROJECT PROPOSAL / Title: THE ARTS OF THE SHAKERS / An exhibition of' Item 1958 January 7
#10 1961-12-21 (#01), TLS[x] Andrews from Merton, 'Forgive please this very long delay in thanking you for the copy of Shaker' Item 1961 December 21
#12 1962-08-06, HLS Andrews to Merton, 'Please do not think that because I have not written that I have not had you often in' Item 1962 August 6
#18 1964-01-29, TL[c] Andrews from Merton, 'Thanks for your most recent letter, as well as for the previous one which I put off' Item 1964 January 29
#22 1964-03-24, TLS Andrews to Merton, 'Enclosed is a copy of the manuscript of "Religion in Wood". I can't tell you how' Item 1964 March 24
#25 undated (#02), other Andrews, 'SHAKER INSPIRATIONAL DRAWINGS[:] THE COLLECTION OF DR AND MRS EDWARD' Item undated
#26 undated (#03), other Andrews, 'SHAKER STUDIES AT SMITH[:] EXHIBITION, LECTURE, SYMPOSIUM,' Item undated
#28 undated (#05), other Andrews, 'Mount Lebanon Two hundred years ago, Anne Lee, a Quaker of Manchester,' Item undated
#29 undated (#06), other Andrews, '"Your most important studies" THE PEOPLE CALLED SHAKERS, Dover,' Item undated
#30 /index.php/tmc-rg1-a-038-30 Item undated
#08 1961-08-26, TALS Andrews to Merton, 'It was good to hear from you again. Aside from our common interest in the Shaker' Item 1961 August 26
#14 1962-12-13, HCS Andrews to Merton, 'The song you particularly liked, Decisive Work, did not have, in my book, the' Item 1962 December 13