"Allchin, Arthur MacDonald, Canon" correspondence

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
#01 1963-07-04, TLS[x] Allchin from Merton, 'It was a pleasure to receive your letter. Certainly you will be very welcome at the' Item 1963 July 4
#03 1963-10-21, HLS Allchin from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter. I find the proposal to do an introduction on Isaac for' Item 1963 October 21
#06 1964-01-04, HLS Allchin to Merton, 'Please forgive me for not writing before. I have meant to, over and over again, but' Item 1964 January 4
#08 1964-12-31, HLS Allchin to Merton, 'It's a very long time since I have written. I am so sorry, but you certainly know' Item 1964 December 31
#09 1965-05-22 (#01), TALS[x] Allchin from Merton, 'Please believe that I am covered with the most utter confusion. I knew I owed you a' Item 1965 May 22
#10 1965-05-22 (#02), TL[c] Allchin from Merton, 'Please believe that I am covered with the most utter confusion. I knew I owed you a' Item 1965 May 22
#15 1967-01-27, HLS Allchin to Merton, 'Thank you very much for your letter. I have now heard from my friends in Louisville' Item 1967 January 27
#17 1967-04-04, HLS Allchin to Merton, 'I was taught at home (and also at […] perhaps?) that one ought always to write Thank' Item 1967 April 4
#18 1967-06-16 (#01), TLS[x] Allchin from Merton, 'So many things to thank your for. It seems a long time since your visit, when the' Item 1967 June 16
#24 1967-09-27, TALS Allchin to Merton, 'Thank you very much for your letter which was extremely encouraging from more points' Item 1967 September 27
#31 1968-03-26, HLS Allchin to Merton, 'Thank you very much for your letter. We shall aim to be at the monastery by about' Item 1968 March 26
#32 1968-04-17, HLS Allchin to Merton, 'I have been meaning to write for a long time to say, How good that was. I did enjoy' Item 1968 April 17
#37 1971-02-16, HLS Allchin to Center from Allchin, Arthur MacDonald, 'I must apologize for never replying before this to your letter about the letters of' Item 1971 February 16
#45 undated (#03), other Allchin, 'These pages include summary-notes of the Allchin letters with the dates of the' Item undated
#07 1964-04-25, TL[c] Allchin from Merton, 'Have I yet thanked you for the remarkable little book of essays on the Blessed' Item 1964 April 25
#13 1967-01-02, HLS Allchin to Merton, 'I am getting near to the date of coming to New York. I fly on the 16th of this' Item 1967 January 2
#23 1967-09-15, TLS[x] Allchin from Merton, 'I have two letters of yours to answer, and the first one is the second. There is no' Item 1967 September 15
#28 1968-03-20, HLS Allchin to Merton, 'Plans have matured considerably for my visit. I shall only be at Gethsemani from' Item 1968 March 2
#33 1968-08-11, HLS Allchin to Merton, 'This is just a note to greet you from Boston. Last week's conference surpassed' Item 1968 August 11
#36 1968-11-10 (#02), transcript Allchin from Merton, 'By all means use the article with better' Item 1968 November 1 (date approximate)
#38 1971-02-19, TL[c] Allchin from Center to Allchin, Arthur MacDonald, 'Thank you for your letter of February 16 concerning your correspondence with Thomas' Item 1971 February 19
#39 1972-10-26, TLS Allchin to Center from Allchin, Arthur MacDonald, and Sr. Bridget, 'Thank you for your letter of August 7th about my correspondence with Thomas Merton. ' Item 1972 October 26
#41 1972-12-08, TL[c] Allchin from Center to Allchin, Arthur MacDonald, 'Rather than holding off until I start alphabetically through the correspondence, I' Item 1972 December 8
#02 1963-10-15, HLS Allchin to Merton, 'I have often been on the point of writing, but other things have always interfered. ' Item 1963 October 15
#04 1963-12-01 (#01), TLS[c] Allchin from Merton, 'Thank you so much for the Traherne. It will be very valuable if and when I come to' Item 1963 December 1
#05 1963-12-01 (#02), TLS[x] Allchin from Merton, 'Thank you so much for the Traherne. It will be very valuable if and when I come to' Item 1963 December 1
#12 1966-07-22, TLS[x] Allchin from Merton, 'Sorry Fr Linus missed you. He was anxious to see you. However I can count on' Item 1966 July 22
#19 1967-06-16 (#02), TL[c] Allchin from Merton, 'So many things to thank your for. It seems a long time since your visit, when the' Item 1967 June 16
#21 1967-08-15, HLS Allchin to Merton, 'I have been meaning to write for the last two or three weeks. Many things to say,' Item 1967 August 15
#22 1967-08-29, HLS Allchin to Merton, 'This is just to ask one thing. I had planned to come to Gethsemani after Easter' Item 1967 August 29
#27 1968-02-05, HLS Allchin to Merton, 'Thank you very much for your letter and the article, which I have glanced through. ' Item 1968 February 5
#34 1968-08-27, TLS Allchin from Merton, 'September has nearly come around and alas, no Wales. First of all the General' Item 1968 August 27
#35 1968-11-10 (#01), HPCS Allchin from Merton, 'By all means use the article - with better title. The Indian journey has been fine' Item 1968 November 1 (date approximate)
#44 undated (#02), other Allchin, 'The Reverend Arthur MacDonald Allchin (known as Donald to his' Item undated
#11 1966-07-11, HLS Allchin to Merton, 'This letter is principally to say that I am going to be in the states next year from' Item 1966 July 11
#14 1967-01-14, TLS[x] Allchin from Merton, 'I hope this will meet you in New York and find you well and ready for action. ' Item 1967 January 14
#16 1967-03-18, HLS Allchin to Merton, 'Just a note to say that I hope to be at Gethsemani on Tuesday after Easter, probably' Item 1967 March 18
#20 1967-07-20, HLS Allchin to Merton, 'Thank you so much for your letter, and for all the fascinating things that have' Item 1967 July 2
#25 1968-01-28, HLS Allchin to Merton, 'Just a note to announce my arrival on this side of the Atlantic. It looks as though' Item 1968 January 28
#26 1968-02-01, TLS[x] Allchin from Merton, 'Pardon the pretentious note paper. Someone thought it wd be a good gift, and it is' Item 1968 February 1
#29 1968-03-21, HLS Allchin to Merton, 'Here is the first draft of the translation of Ana Griffiths' poems. It's the only' Item 1968 March 21
#30 1968-03-24, TLS[c] Allchin from Merton, 'The hermitage looks like this even today-- though we are supposed to be in "spring".' Item 1968 March 24
#40 1972-11-03, TL[c] Allchin from Center to Allchin, Arthur MacDonald, 'Thank you for your letter of October 26 regarding yours and Sister Bridget's' Item 1972 November 3
#42 1973-01-25, TALS Allchin to Center from Allchin, Arthur MacDonald, 'Thank you very much for your letter of 8th December and for the xerox copies of my' Item 1973 January 25
#43 undated (#01), other Allchin to Merton, 'I know of a place -- said the young and foolish disciple whose name was impulsive' Item undated