"Akers, Sibylle von Kaskel" correspondence

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
#01 1960-03-11, TALS Akers to Merton, 'We are traveling around this part of the country, these days. Bob is making' Item 1960 March 11
#08 1964-11-21, TL[c] Akers from Merton, 'It has been good to hear from you and to see the postcards with which you share your' Item 1964 November 21
#10 1965-01-29, TALS Akers to Merton, 'Due to the introduction of friends we had a very memorable visit which I wanted to' Item 1965 January 29
#12 1970-10-05, TALS Akers from Center to Akers, Sibylle, 'We are writing to you regarding your correspondence with the late Thomas Merton. ' Item 1970 October 5
#04 1964-09-18, HLS Akers to Merton, 'I hope that I have not transgressed your wishes in showing your letter at Wisques. ' Item 1964 September 18 (date approximate)
#09 1965-01-18, TL[c] Akers from Merton, 'I am just about to go into retreat for eight days, and wanted to drop you this note.' Item 1965 January 18
#11 1965-05-20, HPCS Akers to Merton, 'Remembering you here! Yugoslavia difficult,- Egypt: land and monuments' Item 1965 May 2
#02 1964-01-29, TALS Akers to Merton, 'Due to the introduction of friends we had a very memorable visit which I wanted to' Item 1964 January 29
#05 1964-09-22, TL[c] Akers from Merton, 'It has been good hearing from you. I am glad you were at Wisques and of course have' Item 1964 September 22
#06 1964-09-24, HPCS Akers to Merton, 'After the Chateaux de la Loire and the pre-historic caves in Dordogne, we have now' Item 1964 September 24
#07 1964-09-29, HPCS Akers to Merton, 'We visited today this magnificent Abbaye, daughter of Fontfroide, destroyed in 1835' Item 1964 September 29
#03 1964-09-11, HPCS Akers to Merton, '2. spilt into the cloister. The Abbot of Solesmes officiated and the next day for' Item 1964 September 11