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18th General Meeting, Saint Mary's University, Notre Dame, IN: "Sophia Comes Forth, Reaching"
18th General Meeting, Saint Mary's University, Notre Dame, IN: "Sophia Comes Forth, Reaching"
1945-2000: by Breit, Burton and Pearson
1945-2000: by Breit, Burton and Pearson
1947-06-17, TLS[x] to Fox, James, 'Enclosed is a letter which we have just written to Father Louis concerning "Exile'
1947-06-17, TLS[x] to Fox, James, 'Enclosed is a letter which we have just written to Father Louis concerning "Exile'
1948-07-13, TLS to Merton, 'Thanks very much for your thoughtfulness in sending us the list of your friends to'
1948-07-13, TLS to Merton, 'Thanks very much for your thoughtfulness in sending us the list of your friends to'
1948-08-09, TLS to Merton, 'Some years ago a Jesuit telephoned me to say that a very dear friend of ours, a'
1948-08-09, TLS to Merton, 'Some years ago a Jesuit telephoned me to say that a very dear friend of ours, a'
1948-11-05, TLS[x] from Laughlin, James, 'We are planning to issue an anthology of Catholic poetry, edited by Thomas Merton,'
1948-11-05, TLS[x] from Laughlin, James, 'We are planning to issue an anthology of Catholic poetry, edited by Thomas Merton,'
1949-06-23, TL to Merton, 'Thank you for your letter of June 21st regarding the title for the Lutgarde'
1949-06-23, TL to Merton, 'Thank you for your letter of June 21st regarding the title for the Lutgarde'
1949-07-23, HLS from Anna Mary, Sr. / to James Fox, 'I enclose $5.00 to have a Mass offered for the canonization of Mother Berchmans in'
1949-07-23, HLS from Anna Mary, Sr. / to James Fox, 'I enclose $5.00 to have a Mass offered for the canonization of Mother Berchmans in'
1949-11-15, TL[x] to Merton, 'I hope you got my letter of 20th October safely? We are all ready to go ahead with'
1949-11-15, TL[x] to Merton, 'I hope you got my letter of 20th October safely? We are all ready to go ahead with'
1950-04-10, TALS to Merton, 'May Our Lord and Our Lady bless you for cooperating so generously and earnestly in'
1950-04-10, TALS to Merton, 'May Our Lord and Our Lady bless you for cooperating so generously and earnestly in'
1950-05-23, TLS to Merton, 'Yesterday Father Abbot asked me to get in touch with you and ask your advice about'
1950-05-23, TLS to Merton, 'Yesterday Father Abbot asked me to get in touch with you and ask your advice about'
1950-05-29, HLS to Merton, 'Merci de tant coeur pour les deux exemplaires de votre beau livre sur sainte'
1950-05-29, HLS to Merton, 'Merci de tant coeur pour les deux exemplaires de votre beau livre sur sainte'
1950-12-04, TLS to Merton, 'I am very grateful for the copy of «Monastic Orientation» which you kindly sent'
1950-12-04, TLS to Merton, 'I am very grateful for the copy of «Monastic Orientation» which you kindly sent'
1950-12-19 (#01), TALS to Merton, 'It will be a pleasure and privilege to lend any help I can; so never hesitate to'
1950-12-19 (#01), TALS to Merton, 'It will be a pleasure and privilege to lend any help I can; so never hesitate to'
1950-12-19 (#02), other[x] to Merton, 'Senses of Scripture in «Divino Afflante Spiritu» 1. Background of Encyclical:'
1950-12-19 (#02), other[x] to Merton, 'Senses of Scripture in «Divino Afflante Spiritu» 1. Background of Encyclical:'
1951, other, '«Direction in St John of the +.» Faulty directions [-] 1 Moral deficiency -'
1951, other, '«Direction in St John of the +.» Faulty directions [-] 1 Moral deficiency -'
1951-02-21, HLS to Merton, 'Your prelude to the chant afforded a sort of Laetare Sunday diversion in my Lenten'
1951-02-21, HLS to Merton, 'Your prelude to the chant afforded a sort of Laetare Sunday diversion in my Lenten'
1951-02-27, TLS to Merton, 'Under separate cover I am sending the notes which I promised for the end of January!'
1951-02-27, TLS to Merton, 'Under separate cover I am sending the notes which I promised for the end of January!'
1951-03-26, TALS to Merton, 'I was very happy to hear that you are launching out into your Scripture course. '
1951-03-26, TALS to Merton, 'I was very happy to hear that you are launching out into your Scripture course. '
1951-05-28, HLS to Merton, 'Your pamphlet on prayer is very good. If I may offer one minor suggestion it is'
1951-05-28, HLS to Merton, 'Your pamphlet on prayer is very good. If I may offer one minor suggestion it is'
1951-06-02, TALS to Merton, 'Sincere congratulations on your appointment as Master of Students; your new task'
1951-06-02, TALS to Merton, 'Sincere congratulations on your appointment as Master of Students; your new task'
1951-09-16, TLS to Merton, 'Enclosed you will find the document you requested for the edification or something'
1951-09-16, TLS to Merton, 'Enclosed you will find the document you requested for the edification or something'
1951-09-17, TLS to Merton, 'An advance copy or your excellent new book, Ascent to Truth, reached us a few days'
1951-09-17, TLS to Merton, 'An advance copy or your excellent new book, Ascent to Truth, reached us a few days'
1951-11-09, HLS[x] to Merton, 'Il y a plusieurs [indecipherable word] que je désire vous écrire, depuis que je'
1951-11-09, HLS[x] to Merton, 'Il y a plusieurs [indecipherable word] que je désire vous écrire, depuis que je'
1951-11-17, TLS[x] from Merton, 'Cette lettre vous surprendra à première vue, mais plus dutout lorsque je vous aurai'
1951-11-17, TLS[x] from Merton, 'Cette lettre vous surprendra à première vue, mais plus dutout lorsque je vous aurai'
1952-01-30, TLS[c] to Merton, 'We are planning to publish in book form approximately 100 of the best articles which'
1952-01-30, TLS[c] to Merton, 'We are planning to publish in book form approximately 100 of the best articles which'
1952-03-17, TL[c] to Merton, 'Your brief sketch of St. John of the Cross is very nice except for one aspect which'
1952-03-17, TL[c] to Merton, 'Your brief sketch of St. John of the Cross is very nice except for one aspect which'
1952-05-02 (#01), TLS from Merton, 'Could you please look over these two works of art (?) and tell me if they are too'
1952-05-02 (#01), TLS from Merton, 'Could you please look over these two works of art (?) and tell me if they are too'
1952-05-02 (#02), HNS to Merton, 'I like St John very much but if the lady is St Teresa I think you've missed her'
1952-05-02 (#02), HNS to Merton, 'I like St John very much but if the lady is St Teresa I think you've missed her'
1952-07-08, HLS to Merton, 'I am writing you on behalf of a group of poets and artists who are at present'
1952-07-08, HLS to Merton, 'I am writing you on behalf of a group of poets and artists who are at present'
1952-08-09, TLS to Merton, 'As we have been directed, I address to you this critique of Father Louis' latest'
1952-08-09, TLS to Merton, 'As we have been directed, I address to you this critique of Father Louis' latest'
1952-08-19, TLS to Merton, 'No, your ms. is not lost. It arrived here yesterday, forwarded from Glockner.'
1952-08-19, TLS to Merton, 'No, your ms. is not lost. It arrived here yesterday, forwarded from Glockner.'
1952-08-25, TALS to Merton, 'I hope sincerely that St. Louis' day has brought many graces. I offered Holy Mass'
1952-08-25, TALS to Merton, 'I hope sincerely that St. Louis' day has brought many graces. I offered Holy Mass'
1952-09-04, TLS to Merton, 'Under separate cover I am returning the ms. All typographical errors are checked'
1952-09-04, TLS to Merton, 'Under separate cover I am returning the ms. All typographical errors are checked'
1952-09-22, TLS to Merton, 'In the absence of your dear Rev. Father I take the responsibility of addressing this'
1952-09-22, TLS to Merton, 'In the absence of your dear Rev. Father I take the responsibility of addressing this'
1952-10-16, TLS to Merton, 'We have just heard from our South American representative that Sudamericana are'
1952-10-16, TLS to Merton, 'We have just heard from our South American representative that Sudamericana are'
1952-11-16, TLS to Merton, 'This is just a note to thank you for the copy of Monastic Orientation which you were'
1952-11-16, TLS to Merton, 'This is just a note to thank you for the copy of Monastic Orientation which you were'
1952-12-30, TLS to Merton, 'Though I did not write for Christmas, I did not forget; for I offered Holy Mass for'
1952-12-30, TLS to Merton, 'Though I did not write for Christmas, I did not forget; for I offered Holy Mass for'
1953, other[x] from Merton, 'to Fathe Vitus of the clerics of St. John's Abbey - from the scholastics of Our Lady'
1953, other[x] from Merton, 'to Fathe Vitus of the clerics of St. John's Abbey - from the scholastics of Our Lady'
1953-01-14, TALS to Merton, 'This is a shot in the dark - probably completely unwarranted. But I know you'
1953-01-14, TALS to Merton, 'This is a shot in the dark - probably completely unwarranted. But I know you'
1953-01-22, TL[c] from Merton, 'Many thanks for your kind and solicitous letter. If a cryptic sentence of mine led'
1953-01-22, TL[c] from Merton, 'Many thanks for your kind and solicitous letter. If a cryptic sentence of mine led'
1953-01-29, TLS to Merton, 'Thank you for your letter of clarification; for, yes, I was concerned. Your'
1953-01-29, TLS to Merton, 'Thank you for your letter of clarification; for, yes, I was concerned. Your'
1953-02-16, transcript to Merton, 'Before Ash Wednesday descends upon us I want to thank you for your last'
1953-02-16, transcript to Merton, 'Before Ash Wednesday descends upon us I want to thank you for your last'
1953-02-20, transcript to Fox, James, 'I am writing directly to you, for I feared a letter to Father M. Louis might not'
1953-02-20, transcript to Fox, James, 'I am writing directly to you, for I feared a letter to Father M. Louis might not'
1953-03-03, TL[x] from Fox, James, 'We received your charming letter of February 14. I am answering for good Father'
1953-03-03, TL[x] from Fox, James, 'We received your charming letter of February 14. I am answering for good Father'
1953-04-30, TLS from Merton, 'I am rushing to you, tardily, an un-proofread article on St Bernard which has been'
1953-04-30, TLS from Merton, 'I am rushing to you, tardily, an un-proofread article on St Bernard which has been'
1953-05-17, TLS to Merton, 'It is long since I have written; but be assured that I have been praying for you. '
1953-05-17, TLS to Merton, 'It is long since I have written; but be assured that I have been praying for you. '
1953-05-22, TALS from Merton, 'Here is the completed draft of «Tower of Babel». I am sending it as a straight'
1953-05-22, TALS from Merton, 'Here is the completed draft of «Tower of Babel». I am sending it as a straight'
1953-10-12, HLS from Merton, 'You will be glad to here that Harcourt Brace is bringing out the Encyclical, with'
1953-10-12, HLS from Merton, 'You will be glad to here that Harcourt Brace is bringing out the Encyclical, with'
1953-10-29, TALS to Merton, 'This Intro. to Doctor Mellifluus seems to me quite the best thing of this sort you'
1953-10-29, TALS to Merton, 'This Intro. to Doctor Mellifluus seems to me quite the best thing of this sort you'
1953-11-10, TALS to Merton, 'It was ever so good to receive your letter of October 19th, and to learn that the'
1953-11-10, TALS to Merton, 'It was ever so good to receive your letter of October 19th, and to learn that the'
1954-02-01, TLS to Merton, 'Thank you very much for the latest notes of Monastic Orientation which you were so'
1954-02-01, TLS to Merton, 'Thank you very much for the latest notes of Monastic Orientation which you were so'
1954-02-28, HLS to Merton, 'La lettre de Soeur Thérèse écrite'
1954-02-28, HLS to Merton, 'La lettre de Soeur Thérèse écrite'
1954-05-12, TLS to Merton, 'Thank you ever so much -- first, for the fine letter of February 27, which I should'
1954-05-12, TLS to Merton, 'Thank you ever so much -- first, for the fine letter of February 27, which I should'
1954-07-11, HLS to Merton, 'This will have to be short, because if I don't finish it tonight, I won't be able to'
1954-07-11, HLS to Merton, 'This will have to be short, because if I don't finish it tonight, I won't be able to'
1954-07-28, TALS to Merton, 'L'idée m'est venue d'entrer très simplement en rapport avec vous. L'on nous a lu au'
1954-07-28, TALS to Merton, 'L'idée m'est venue d'entrer très simplement en rapport avec vous. L'on nous a lu au'
1954-08-09, TLS to Merton, 'I returned just this morning from the summer schools in Detroit (to our own Fathers)'
1954-08-09, TLS to Merton, 'I returned just this morning from the summer schools in Detroit (to our own Fathers)'
1954-09-05, HLS to Merton, 'Two years ago I send you my last letter. Meanwhile I studied with much spiritual'
1954-09-05, HLS to Merton, 'Two years ago I send you my last letter. Meanwhile I studied with much spiritual'
1954-09-15, TALS to Merton, 'En rentrant de notre pèlerinage de Rome j'ai trouvé votre lettre si fraternelle qui'
1954-09-15, TALS to Merton, 'En rentrant de notre pèlerinage de Rome j'ai trouvé votre lettre si fraternelle qui'
1954-10-29, TALS to Merton, 'Thank you very much for your letter of the 16th. Indeed I was surprised! In fact I'
1954-10-29, TALS to Merton, 'Thank you very much for your letter of the 16th. Indeed I was surprised! In fact I'
1954-11-11, HLS to Merton, 'Magna cum laetitia et gratitudine,'
1954-11-11, HLS to Merton, 'Magna cum laetitia et gratitudine,'
1955, other[c] from Merton, 'Silence in Heaven--- a note to the Father Censors. [-] This text was written for the'
1955, other[c] from Merton, 'Silence in Heaven--- a note to the Father Censors. [-] This text was written for the'
1955-01-16, HLS to Merton, 'I wish to thank you with all my heart for the immense help 'Bread in the Wilderness''
1955-01-16, HLS to Merton, 'I wish to thank you with all my heart for the immense help 'Bread in the Wilderness''
1955-03-14, HLS to Merton, 'Kind thanks for your hearty letter of Dec. '54! It took a long time before we'
1955-03-14, HLS to Merton, 'Kind thanks for your hearty letter of Dec. '54! It took a long time before we'
1955-07-24 (#01), TALS to Merton, 'The letter has been and will be my address from the beginning of June until the end'
1955-07-24 (#01), TALS to Merton, 'The letter has been and will be my address from the beginning of June until the end'
1955-07-24 (#02), other to Merton, '1. The new translation must read smoothly and yet follow the text closely. It must'
1955-07-24 (#02), other to Merton, '1. The new translation must read smoothly and yet follow the text closely. It must'
1955-09-05, TALS to Merton, 'It was very good to hear from you, and to know that you will carry on with the'
1955-09-05, TALS to Merton, 'It was very good to hear from you, and to know that you will carry on with the'
1955-12-15 (#01), TLS to Merton, 'Con un telegramma di stamane Le annunziavo la spedizione per posta aerea della'
1955-12-15 (#01), TLS to Merton, 'Con un telegramma di stamane Le annunziavo la spedizione per posta aerea della'
1955-12-15 (#02), other to Merton, 'Ci è stato rivolto gentile invito di scrivere alcune parole di presentazione e di'
1955-12-15 (#02), other to Merton, 'Ci è stato rivolto gentile invito di scrivere alcune parole di presentazione e di'
1956-02-01, TL[c] from Burns, Tom / to Graham Watson, 'This is just a formal acknowledgment of your letter of the 31st January about THE'
1956-02-01, TL[c] from Burns, Tom / to Graham Watson, 'This is just a formal acknowledgment of your letter of the 31st January about THE'
1956-04-08, TALS to Merton, 'I have thought of you many a time since my last letter - and always with a prayer. '
1956-04-08, TALS to Merton, 'I have thought of you many a time since my last letter - and always with a prayer. '
1957-12-03, TLS to Merton, 'The first Portuguese edition of NO MAN IS AN ISLAND was a great success - out of'
1957-12-03, TLS to Merton, 'The first Portuguese edition of NO MAN IS AN ISLAND was a great success - out of'
1958-01-07, other, 'PROJECT PROPOSAL / «Title»: THE ARTS OF THE SHAKERS / An exhibition of'
1958-01-07, other, 'PROJECT PROPOSAL / «Title»: THE ARTS OF THE SHAKERS / An exhibition of'
1958-01-10, TLS to Merton, 'Thanks for your letter of December 19, 1957. I have already written to Curtis Brown'
1958-01-10, TLS to Merton, 'Thanks for your letter of December 19, 1957. I have already written to Curtis Brown'
1958-01-25, HLS to Merton, '[…] Lá muito, escreverlhe, quando'
1958-01-25, HLS to Merton, '[…] Lá muito, escreverlhe, quando'
1958-02-05, TLS[x] from Merton to Julio Endara, 'Tengo el honor de pedirles, a Uds, ayuda en un asunto que interesera tal artista'
1958-02-05, TLS[x] from Merton to Julio Endara, 'Tengo el honor de pedirles, a Uds, ayuda en un asunto que interesera tal artista'
1958-02-24, HLS to Merton, 'El distinguido Presidente de la Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Dr. Julio Endara,'
1958-02-24, HLS to Merton, 'El distinguido Presidente de la Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Dr. Julio Endara,'
1958-03-03 (#01), TL[c] from Merton, 'Le agradezco mucho su carta, y voy a explicarle mis ideas para la obra propuesta, de'
1958-03-03 (#01), TL[c] from Merton, 'Le agradezco mucho su carta, y voy a explicarle mis ideas para la obra propuesta, de'
1958-03-03 (#02), transcript from Merton, 'I thank you very much for your letters, and I am going to explain to you my ideas'
1958-03-03 (#02), transcript from Merton, 'I thank you very much for your letters, and I am going to explain to you my ideas'
1958-03-03 (#03), TALS[x] from Merton, 'Le agradezco mucho su carta, y voy a explicarle mis ideas para la obra propuesta, de'
1958-03-03 (#03), TALS[x] from Merton, 'Le agradezco mucho su carta, y voy a explicarle mis ideas para la obra propuesta, de'
1958-03-14, TLS to Merton, 'The Abbot General has asked me to inform you and Father Paul of Holy Ghost Abbey'
1958-03-14, TLS to Merton, 'The Abbot General has asked me to inform you and Father Paul of Holy Ghost Abbey'
1958-03-18, HLS[x] to Merton, 'Contesto su interesante carta de 7 de los corriente. Mi plan de trabajo será el'
1958-03-18, HLS[x] to Merton, 'Contesto su interesante carta de 7 de los corriente. Mi plan de trabajo será el'
1958-03-27, TALS[x] from Merton, 'Le agradezco mucho su carta del 18, y tengo mucho gusto en decirle antesde todo que'
1958-03-27, TALS[x] from Merton, 'Le agradezco mucho su carta del 18, y tengo mucho gusto en decirle antesde todo que'
1958-03-31, HLS[x] from Merton, 'He … de la'
1958-03-31, HLS[x] from Merton, 'He … de la'
1958-04-18, TALS[x] to Merton, 'Recibí hace algunos días sus estimables cartas del 27 y 31 de marzo las cuales no ha'
1958-04-18, TALS[x] to Merton, 'Recibí hace algunos días sus estimables cartas del 27 y 31 de marzo las cuales no ha'
1958-05-03, HLS to Merton, 'Sua carta, que acabo de reciber, foi viva graça tão'
1958-05-03, HLS to Merton, 'Sua carta, que acabo de reciber, foi viva graça tão'
1958-05-14, TLS[x] from Merton, 'Since you understand English well, I can write to you in that language and thus save'
1958-05-14, TLS[x] from Merton, 'Since you understand English well, I can write to you in that language and thus save'
1958-07-08, HLS[x] to Merton, 'No he podido contestar a sus cartas mi agradecerle por el envío de su'
1958-07-08, HLS[x] to Merton, 'No he podido contestar a sus cartas mi agradecerle por el envío de su'
1958-07-11, HLS to Fox, James, 'A hasty note to apologize for having caused something in the nature of a minor'
1958-07-11, HLS to Fox, James, 'A hasty note to apologize for having caused something in the nature of a minor'
1958-07-16, HLS to Merton, 'It is never a bother to me when people inquire about, or drop in to look at, "The'
1958-07-16, HLS to Merton, 'It is never a bother to me when people inquire about, or drop in to look at, "The'
1958-07-18 (#01), TALS[x] from Merton, 'It was very good to get your letter, the pictures, and especially the picture of the'
1958-07-18 (#01), TALS[x] from Merton, 'It was very good to get your letter, the pictures, and especially the picture of the'
1958-07-18 (#02), TL from Merton, 'If I were free to do what I thought best myself, or if I could get permission to do'
1958-07-18 (#02), TL from Merton, 'If I were free to do what I thought best myself, or if I could get permission to do'
1958-07-29, HLS[x] from Merton, 'Gracias por su atenta carta de 18 de julio por el cheque de quinientos dólares'
1958-07-29, HLS[x] from Merton, 'Gracias por su atenta carta de 18 de julio por el cheque de quinientos dólares'
1958-08-08, TCS[x] from Merton, 'Your letter arrived this morning and I enjoyed all of it very much. I reply'
1958-08-08, TCS[x] from Merton, 'Your letter arrived this morning and I enjoyed all of it very much. I reply'
1958-08-10, HLS to Merton, 'Ayude - une também'
1958-08-10, HLS to Merton, 'Ayude - une também'
1958-10-08, TCS from Merton, 'It was very good to get your delightful letter and to learn about all of you--'
1958-10-08, TCS from Merton, 'It was very good to get your delightful letter and to learn about all of you--'
1958-11-12, HLS[x] from Merton, 'Circunstancia espacialísimas me han impedido escribí a usted dando'
1958-11-12, HLS[x] from Merton, 'Circunstancia espacialísimas me han impedido escribí a usted dando'
1958-11-16, transcript to Merton, 'Special circumstances have prevented my writing to you to thank you for the 2 pieces'
1958-11-16, transcript to Merton, 'Special circumstances have prevented my writing to you to thank you for the 2 pieces'
1958-11-20 (#01), TL from Merton, 'I am grateful to you for your long and interesting letter, and for your thoughtful,'
1958-11-20 (#01), TL from Merton, 'I am grateful to you for your long and interesting letter, and for your thoughtful,'
1958-11-20 (#02), TALS[x] from Merton, 'I am grateful to you for your long and interesting letter, and for your thoughtful,'
1958-11-20 (#02), TALS[x] from Merton, 'I am grateful to you for your long and interesting letter, and for your thoughtful,'