First lines: "Dr Fortune had me thoroughly examined and I am satisfied that it came out well. Nothing serious"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "The diarrhea cleared up ok. I have a slight cold, but no problem. The other stomach problem seems"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "«Isaac of Ninive» [sic]"... Contents index: [handwritten scrap of paper].
Bamberger, John Eudes, Dom, O.C.S.O.First lines: "In case you don't know, the Medicare bill has been passed and [name note legible] and those eligible"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "I certainly think this ought to be published. It is an excellent job and very useful. On the other"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "I got out of the clinic at 12:30 and the Doctor was not yet finished. So far everything"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "I have to go to see Dr Mitchell next Friday Sept 9. If I leave at 9 it will be ok. Many thanx"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "Could I catch you for a minute in infirmary after dinner? [-] Thanks in Jesu [-] fr m Louis"... Contents index: [verso: Bamberger notes that Merton "got bug spray in his eye - no damage"].
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "This is a very awful translation of some texts of Isaac of Nineveh by the Dutchman,"... Contents index: [verso: notes by Bamberger about Merton's move to the hermitage].
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "This shoulder and back thing gets more and more troublesome. It is especially bad at night when it"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "P. Patrick wants these bulletins for Collectanea. Can you red this copy? I am taking the ones"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "As man is late again tomorrow (Sat.) and I would otherwise miss practically a full week"... Contents index: [verso: long note by Bamberger describing the lecture in Chapter of Fr. Charles English, O.C.S.O. of Holy Spirit Monastery in Conyers, Georgia, a monastic censor of Merton's works who also appreciated Merton's writings - English was a friend of Dorothy Day and known as Fr. Jack English at the Catholic Worker in New York].
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "This has all the earmarks of an Opus Chrysogonicum as I can tell from a brief examination"... Contents index: [verso: Bamberger notes that this message was "apropos of some notes I found in Acta Sanctorum"].
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "I'd appreciate if these prescriptions could be filled as soon as convenient. I did not have time"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "Just for the record: this has been building up since Christmas and quite a few factors are involved"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "Of course there will be no conference today or next Sunday. After that will be if I get anything"... Contents index: [verso: Bamberger comments on Merton's condition upon returning from back surgery].
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "As far as I can see there is no way for the bro novices to get to your 10 20 Mass on Thursdays"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "An afterthought on my note of the other day. This is by way of exception, I won't be bothering you"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "It seems to me that the fact that milk is no longer given three times a week at supper constitutes"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "I have to see Dr Mitchell 10 am next Saturday - 25th [-] Could you please make arrangements"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "I remember that Friday was a day on which a truck normally used to go to town and asked B. Clement"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "I have to write a piece on Dom Vital for Achel's magazine: will you please let me have any relevant"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "One of those antihistamines broke up in my pocket. As I don't know how to ask Bro Camillus or what"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "Books - Philantia"... Contents index: [bookmark used by Merton - note by Bamberger: "found in 'Opera Omnia S. Cyrili Jerusalem'"].
Bamberger, John Eudes, Dom, O.C.S.O.First lines: "Do you think Bro Ca[ the rest of name is illegible] could find a small moment to translate this?"... Contents index: [verso: Bamberger notes that Merton refers to a Polish letter he needed to be translated].
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "I will give a conference today after all on some Oriental texts on the Presentation if anybody wants"... Contents index: [see also #148a on the other side of the same note].
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "Thank you for referring Father Thomas Merton to us. Father has tinnitus aurium due to degeneration"... Contents index: [from doctors Francis J. Peisel, Roland W. Richmond, and Raymond E. Jones].
Peisel, FrancisFirst lines: "Could you please return this article when finished? [-] The buttermilk did not bother me"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "The x rays showed slight trouble in the lower back but nothing special: the leg pain seems to be"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "You're scheduled for Assistant Priest at the Sol. Abbatial Mass, on Thursday, Feast of the Ascension"... Contents index: [verso: "this card is one of several designs printed by the Trappist monks of Our Lady of Gethsemani…"] appears to be an intramural note from one monk to another.
Benedict, Br., O.C.S.O.First lines: "Can someone use these? Dan Walsh gave them - they gather dust in my place. [-] In the Lord"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "Here is the serum - the Doc says I am to ask for a shot when the previous one runs out."...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "I ran out of «witch hazel» [-] May I please have a bottle today (Saturday) if possible?"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "The Br. Antoninus record was passed on to fr Linus and"... Contents index: [contains another handwritten note in pencil from Br. Charles to Bamberger].
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "Sorry I am so bad at answering notes. First I want to thank you for the translations of Ammonas."...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "I will have an informal conference and discussion on church architecture today, for those who wish"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "Could this be mimeographed as usual - whenever convenient. No wild rush - but sometime about"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "I have a heavy cold at the moment but I could have a talk with you Tuesday or Wednesday at 11 a.m."...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "I will try to remember to leave the radio on AM and PM. - 8-10 and 2-4 or 5. Any time you want"... Contents index: [verso: handwritten reply from Br. Richard on July 15 (year unknown)].
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "Are you free for two minutes after dinner today? [-] In Jesu [-] fr m Louis"... Contents index: [verso: Bamberger makes some knows about some of Merton's health problems and some quotes from Merton on his desire for solitude and attempt of the eremitical life].
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "As this skin thing seems to be getting worse and the poison ivy seems to be in my system, I think"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "Br Aelred is having trouble with coffee, could he have 1/2 cup of milk at supper? [-] many thanks."...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "Does anyone in your department have copy of "Eight Freedom Songs"? I have none at all and we threw"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "Dr Scheen said the skin condition is progressing - ordered another ointment to help out."...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "Fr Eudes [-] many thanks! [-] fr m Louis"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "I am sorry this got buried under a pile of stuff and forgotten and I didn't get to read it until"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "I did not get your note until noon today. Sometime I will say a few words to clear up this"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "I need to go to Dr. in L'ville next «Friday» - could you please arrange as usual - leave around"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "I remember Bernard Hall - at best I could give it only a cursory glance that would not do it justice"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "Interested? I have signed this - it will appear in one of those ads that groups take out in papers"... Contents index: [Bamberger notes: "Protest against illegal and immoral war in Vietnam. I signed too."].
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "Jim Wygal gave me this to read and said to pass it on to you. It seems ok. [-] In Our Lord"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "One of those antihistamines broke up in my pocket. As I don't know how to ask Bro Camillus or what"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "Our B. Robert (postulant) has a chill with diarrhea etc again and has been resting. I told him"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "Please put this in the mail when you are through with it. [-] Thanx in Jesu [-] fr m Louis"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "Rev. Father and I and Bro Colman are all very doubtful of whether Bro"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "Saturday Fr Felix is giving the novice conference, so Juniors will not come this time - In Our Lord"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "Thanks for your note on Bro [name scratch out by Bamberger]. The points you cited were the main"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "This has all the earmarks of an Opus Chrysogonicum as I can tell from a brief examination"... Contents index: [verso: Bamberger notes that this message was "apropos of some notes I found in Acta Sanctorum"].
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "You might enjoy this - no need to return it. [-] In Jesu [-] fr m Louis"... Contents index: [verso: note by Bamberger, "Article on Van Gogh by Meerloo"].
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "Zalman Schachter will be here tomorrow Tuesday - nothing special is planned. Two other Rabbis"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "The enclosed is the fund raising enclosure written by Ted for Hancock's first mailing"... Contents index: handwritten note enclosed in a pamphlet «A Proposal to Save The Shaker Community at Hancock, Massachusetts».
Andrews, Faith Elizabeth (Young)First lines: "Would you have the opera Gregory Palamas of Nilus by any fortunate chance? If so could I borrow"...
Bamberger, John Eudes, Dom, O.C.S.O.First lines: "You're scheduled for Assistant Priest at the Sol. Abbatial Mass, on Thursday, Feast of the Ascension"... Contents index: [verso: "this card is one of several designs printed by the Trappist monks of Our Lady of Gethsemani…"] appears to be an intramural note from one monk to another.
Benedict, Br., O.C.S.O.First lines: "I also need some more Lomotil. I have a prescription if you want that but it would probably be"...
Bamberger, John Eudes, Dom, O.C.S.O.First lines: "I'll drop by Monday AM for a"...
Bamberger, John Eudes, Dom, O.C.S.O.First lines: "About your class schedule, looks fine to me. All I need to know really is when you are having"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "Report on visit to Dr Mitchell yesterday: ex rays show trouble with disks in two places. I am back"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "Does anyone in your department have copy of "Eight Freedom Songs"? I have none at all and we threw"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "Our B. Robert (postulant) has a chill with diarrhea etc again and has been resting. I told him"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "If you have not done so I strongly recommend you take a look at the American Heritage for Oct. 1966"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "could we change your date to Saturday, do you think? Bernard has several people to take"... Contents index: [see also #165b on the other side of the same note].
Bamberger, John Eudes, Dom, O.C.S.O.First lines: "As you see Jim is very definite about it and I trust his judgment which I think is fairly objective"... Contents index: [verso: Bamberger notes that Merton is referring to visits to see Louisville psychiatrist, Dr. James Wygal].
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "As to the Alberti piece: please believe that I had no idea you would take it that way."... Contents index: [only a segment of a message (top and bottom cut off) - verso: Bamberger notes that this was a message from Merton to one of his secretaries].
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "+How the traction works. [-] You hook it on to head of the bed. But here the head of the bed is"... Contents index: [Merton's description and diagram of being in traction in the hospital].
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "Zalman Schachter will be here tomorrow Tuesday - nothing special is planned. Two other Rabbis"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "address from Dom Columban [-] M. Michel Pigeon [-] 46 Boulevard de la Concorde [-] Poitiers (Vienne)"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "on getting the message by Lisa Bieberman [-] "I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours," said"... Contents index: Sidney Cohen and Timothy Leary / communication of LSD experiences / validity of religious experiences on LSD.
Bieberman, LisaFirst lines: "RE: Monastic Formation, Junior Professed Choir Monks. [-] Suggestions. [-] 1) That the experiment"... Contents index: [typed page - note in Merton's handwriting, "Fr Eudes [-] from fr m Louis"].
Merton, ThomasContents index: [small square of red cloth glued to paper - some text cut off - possible relic].
Bamberger, John Eudes, Dom, O.C.S.O.First lines: "«Isaac of Ninive» [sic]"... Contents index: [handwritten scrap of paper].
Bamberger, John Eudes, Dom, O.C.S.O.First lines: "«Scripture» [-] The Psalms -Msgr Patrick Boylan (2 Vol) [-] Hesed and Hasid -Dom Rembert Sorg"... Contents index: [typed list of books grouped by subject category - Merton's handwritten note, "Ones checked for ch. novitiate", (i.e. Merton's book selections for choir novitiate)].
Bamberger, John Eudes, Dom, O.C.S.O.First lines: "A Christmas Poem. For Jane, Kate and Ann and Lee, and Dorothy. (that is, a poem only for girls.)"... Contents index: [poem by Bamberger].
Bamberger, John Eudes, Dom, O.C.S.O.First lines: "Fr. Louis' bookmark in «Schaeffer»"...
Bamberger, John Eudes, Dom, O.C.S.O.First lines: "God bless you. VERY REV. THOMAS PLASSMANN, O.F.M. [-] RECTOR [-] CHRIST THE KING"...
Bamberger, John Eudes, Dom, O.C.S.O.First lines: "John Fitzgerald Kennedy [-] 35th President of the United States [-] Born May 29, 1917"... Contents index: [memorial card for the death of John F. Kennedy with a colorized photograph, and a prayer and quote from St. Ambrose on verso].
Bamberger, John Eudes, Dom, O.C.S.O.First lines: "on getting the message by Lisa Bieberman [-] "I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours," said"... Contents index: Sidney Cohen and Timothy Leary / communication of LSD experiences / validity of religious experiences on LSD.
Bieberman, LisaFirst lines: "Robert Francis Kennedy [-] Senator of the United States [-] November 20, 1925 - June 6, 1968"... Contents index: [memorial card for the death of Robert F. Kennedy with a black and white photograph, and a prayer and quote from St. Ambrose on verso].
Bamberger, John Eudes, Dom, O.C.S.O.First lines: "Room where FR. LOUIS died is on the corner. Taken by Mother Christiana of Seiben"... Contents index: [color photograph of the exterior of the room where Merton died].
Bamberger, John Eudes, Dom, O.C.S.O.First lines: "The Law in the Teaching of Saint Paul. [-] The topic of our first conference this morning is"... Contents index: [term paper by Bamberger while a scholastic at Gethsemani - Merton was Master of Scholastic and has handwritten corrections and a grade on the paper].
Bamberger, John Eudes, Dom, O.C.S.O.First lines: "1. [-] JAIME ANDRADE AND HIS SCULPTURE: "THE VIRGIN AND THE CHILD" [-] Jaime Andrade in"... Contents index: [seems to be a collected transcript of various press releases about Andrade's sculpture sent to Gethsemani - "The Virgin and the Child"].
Andrade, JaimeFirst lines: "(His first Mass) "Friday I said that Mass I had promised to Our Lady of Cobre… It was at St. Anne's"... Contents index: photocopy of a handwritten quote from «The Sign of Jonas», p. 194, copyright 1953 / describes Merton's first Mass in 1949 and the amice, corporal, purificator, and finger towel which came from Gloria Bennett's Catholic High School class of black students in Mobile, Alabama.
Bennett, Gloria Cecelia SylvesterFirst lines: "He abideth patiently He forgiveth easily He understandeth mercifully He forgetteth utterly"... Contents index: [Merton provided this text to Stanbrook Abbey Press and cited it was "From a fourteenth century manuscript" / Sr. Margaret Truran of Stanbrook notes, "The text is hand-set by the Stanbrook Abbey Press in Jan van Krimpen’s font 'Romulus Cancelleresca Bastarda', a trademark of the Press. The calligraphic capitals H and E are done by Margaret Adams."].
Bruyn, Marcella van, Dame, O.S.B.First lines: "1. [-] JAIME ANDRADE AND HIS SCULPTURE: "THE VIRGIN AND THE CHILD" [-] Jaime Andrade in"... Contents index: [seems to be a collected transcript of various press releases about Andrade's sculpture sent to Gethsemani - "The Virgin and the Child"].
Andrade, JaimeFirst lines: "He abideth patiently He forgiveth easily He understandeth mercifully He forgetteth utterly"... Contents index: [Merton provided this text to Stanbrook Abbey Press and cited it was "From a fourteenth century manuscript" / Sr. Margaret Truran of Stanbrook notes, "The text is hand-set by the Stanbrook Abbey Press in Jan van Krimpen’s font 'Romulus Cancelleresca Bastarda', a trademark of the Press. The calligraphic capitals H and E are done by Margaret Adams."].
Bruyn, Marcella van, Dame, O.S.B.First lines: "(His first Mass) "Friday I said that Mass I had promised to Our Lady of Cobre… It was at St. Anne's"... Contents index: photocopy of a handwritten quote from «The Sign of Jonas», p. 194, copyright 1953 / describes Merton's first Mass in 1949 and the amice, corporal, purificator, and finger towel which came from Gloria Bennett's Catholic High School class of black students in Mobile, Alabama.
Bennett, Gloria Cecelia SylvesterFirst lines: "Several people have asked about you in the letters that I received. Mrs. Hardebeck who corresponds"... Contents index: Fr. Gerald / Br. Joseph, Maryknoll brother from Lima, Peru / inscribed book for Faith Baldwin.
Arnold, Fr., O.C.S.O.First lines: "Several people have asked about you in the letters that I received. Mrs. Hardebeck who corresponds"... Contents index: Fr. Gerald / Br. Joseph, Maryknoll brother from Lima, Peru / inscribed book for Faith Baldwin.
Arnold, Fr., O.C.S.O.First lines: "The tests were ok and there is nothing new. Same sensitive colon. Once again recommendation"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "I have no objection to you and juniors using the sheep barn cell, as there are few novices now"...
Merton, ThomasFirst lines: "Vi ho scritto già altre volte e sempre i Trappisti non mi hanno fatto mancare il loro aiuto. Sono"...
Bracali, Anna