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US US-kylobm 1-A-057-#25 · Item · 1964 February 16
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "Here are the letters from Merton that I promised to mail you. Father Shannon called me a few days"... Contents index: [letter to Patrick Hart from Evora Arca de Sardiña regarding her correspondence and detailing which letters to restrict or publish].

Arca de Sardiña, Evora
US US-kylobm 1-B-058-#29 · Item · 1964 February 23
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "Your letter from Budapest was wonderful. Got to me long after Christmas however and I did not write"... Contents index: response to Berrigan's doubts that the Church would send him as a delegate to Prague peace conference and Merton's struggles with censorship on peace / Hildegard and Jean Goss Mayr / John Heidbrink / conflict in Latin America - Vietnam / «Black Revolution» and essays on peace / Karl Rahner / Henry Miller in Mexico.

Merton, Thomas
US US-kylobm 1-B-058-#30 · Item · 1964 February 23
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "Your letter from Budapest was wonderful. Got to me long after Christmas however and I did not write"... Contents index: response to Berrigan's doubts that the Church would send him as a delegate to Prague peace conference and Merton's struggles with censorship on peace / Hildegard and Jean Goss Mayr / John Heidbrink / conflict in Latin America - Vietnam / «Black Revolution» and essays on peace / Karl Rahner / Henry Miller in Mexico.

Merton, Thomas
US US-kylobm 1-B-157-#1 · Item · 1964 March 1
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "I am in profound agreement with your talks on the hermit life etc. However there is one small point"... Contents index: mostly agrees with Flavian and Dom André on eremitical life - disagrees that monks be permitted free transitus to live this life and that communities should be more restrictive in allowing transfer but more accommodating in allowing the hermit lifestyle if someone is mature enough.

Merton, Thomas
US US-kylobm 1-B-130-#1 · Item · 1964 March 4
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "When I observe that your letter was written on January 30th and when I see this date on which I"... Contents index: Merton explains that his "'formula for success' actually has no bearing on success itself" - his success was by accident and he has not been afraid to state view the public may not like.

Merton, Thomas
US US-kylobm 1-B-058-#31 · Item · 1964 March 5
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "I am sending on some junk mail another another [sic] heading. I though[t] it might be of"... Contents index: Latin America - non-violence "too little and too late"? / censorship of his materials / trip to South Africa / [Rolf?] Hochhuth play / Moscow-Prague trip for the summer / Berrigan's piece on Notre Dame / Merton's piece on poets - Henry Miller - "why isn't this guy a Catholic"? / Aleriaand Marocco / John Heidbrink.

Berrigan, Daniel J., Fr., S.J.
US US-kylobm 1-B-111-#1 · Item · 1964 March 13
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "Unfortunately a rather heavy schedule makes it impossible for me to answer your letter adequately."... Contents index: contemplative mission - "not just wound up in little cocoons" - Merton has been active even though living as a contemplative / should not think that contemplation has no real value / recommends «English Spirituality» by Martin Thornton / monastic revival in Protestants / Merton will pray for Bozarth's vocation.

Merton, Thomas
US US-kylobm 1-A-034-#2 · Item · 1964 April 1
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "Thanks for your letter. I am glad to hear that things have been developing well, and am certainly"... Contents index: El Latroun / Mont des Cats / Dom André / hermit's life / Dom Winandy in diocese of San Angelo, TX / Fr. Seraphim of Ava in Wisconsin / Abbot of St. Procopius, Lisle, IL.

Merton, Thomas
US US-kylobm 1-B-158-#10 · Item · 1964 April 18
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "Glad to hear from you again, and thanks for the clippings. No we don't get the Tablet. But"... Contents index: clippings from «Tablet» and «Ramparts» magazines / «Merton Reader» / visit in May to Gethsemani by the Hibakusha, survivors of Hiroshima.

Merton, Thomas
US US-kylobm 1-B-039-#2 · Item · 1964 April 24
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "You know that for a long time I have been cooking up a printing project for your press. I am still"... Contents index: working on Chuang Tzu / "J" [Laughlin] / "Message to Poets" and "Art and Freedom" for a pamphlet - can't be a book and upset Farrar Straus / John Beecher's book of poems / "beautifully printed little thing" from the Benedictine Nuns of Stanbrook in England.

Merton, Thomas
US US-kylobm 1-B-040-#2 · Item · 1964 May 9
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "I want to answer your good letter as quickly as possible because if I leave it in the drawer my mind"... Contents index: «Pax Christi» / suggests Archbishop Roberts, S.J., who is involved in such issues for the Second Vatican Council; Fr. Bernard Häring, C.SS.R.; James Laughlin at New Directions for support; John Heidbrink at FOR for publication / in writing about war, not in touch with Rome - discouraged by institutional aspect.

Merton, Thomas
US US-kylobm 1-B-058-#33 · Item · 1964 May 18
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "Whitmonday. Time for abrief [sic] letter, perhaps uninspired. I am worn out (not really) from"... Contents index: book on Gandhi and piece on "Mercy" / Georgetown Strategy Center wants Merton's input but he can't / visit of Hibakusha of Hiroshima bombing / Polish tape arrived but not South African / Jan Milic Lochman from Prague / Ivan Illich inviting Merton to Latin American conference / why Merton can't travel.

Merton, Thomas
US US-kylobm 1-B-058-#34 · Item · 1964 May 18
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "Whitmonday. Time for abrief [sic] letter, perhaps uninspired. I am worn out (not really) from"... Contents index: book on Gandhi and piece on "Mercy" / Georgetown Strategy Center wants Merton's input but he can't / visit of Hibakusha of Hiroshima bombing / Polish tape arrived but not South African [Berrigan notes "Confiscated?"] / Jan Milic Lochman from Prague / Ivan Illich inviting Merton to Latin American conference / why Merton can't travel.

Merton, Thomas
US US-kylobm 1-B-020-#10 · Item · 1964 May 22
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "Here is the Bolshakoff ms and the preface with it. I understand that the whole thing is to be"... Contents index: suggestions about the revisions needed to publish the Bolshakoff manuscript / rumor that Herder is coming out with a book on Cassian.

Merton, Thomas
US US-kylobm 1-B-020-#11 · Item · 1964 May 22
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "Here is the Bolshakoff ms and the preface with it. I understand that the whole thing is to be"... Contents index: suggestions about the revisions needed to publish the Bolshakoff manuscript / rumor that Herder is coming out with a book on Cassian.

Merton, Thomas
US US-kylobm 1-B-074-#1 · Item · 1964 May 23
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "We were very pleased to have your order for one of our books a few months ago. Quite a number of us"... Contents index: «The Seven Storey Mountain» - Merton's journey to Catholicism and similar journeys of others to the Bruderhof Community / sending two of the Society's books.

Black, Hector
US US-kylobm 1-B-058-#35 · Item · 1964 June 2
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "What a wonderful letter you wrote me, and how deeply I appreciate it… I was desolate to hear that"... Contents index: South African tape likely confiscated in mail out of the country / new assignment in New York City with Jesuit Missions / John Heidbrink - retreats for clergy have expanded to Protestant retreat houses / ideas for new Gethsemani retreat - small and unstructured / Ivan Illich / Claire Booth Luce / Catholics and Marxists.

Berrigan, Daniel J., Fr., S.J.
US US-kylobm 1-A-076-#34 · Item · 1964 June 28
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "Only now am I getting around to answering your fine letter of last November or December. I know you"... Contents index: Pope Pius XI and salvation for non-Christians / Titus Burkhardt's book on Fes in Morocco / Khalwa and time in the hermitage / silence at Gethsemani / Orientalists for translation / Malaval in translation / John of the Cross and St. Teresa / Jakob Boehme / Achmad al'Alawi.

Merton, Thomas
US US-kylobm 1-B-058-#36 · Item · 1964 June 3
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "One of the things that you can do for Latin America is get in touch with the poet Pablo Antonio"... Contents index: "Letter to Pablo Antonio Cuadra Concerning Giants" - getting in touch with Cuadra in Nicaragua / Henry Miller - «Stand Still Like the Humming Bird» / Michael Serafian - «The Pilgrim» - Cardinal Bea / essay "Black Revolution" in «Negro Digest» / Pope John XXIII / being outside the Catholic mainstream.

Merton, Thomas
US US-kylobm 1-B-074-#2 · Item · 1964 July 4
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "Please forgive the long delay in replying to your very kind letter and acknowledging the two fine"... Contents index: book from Black on Eberhard Arnold and relation to Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker / other book from Black, «Children in Community».

Merton, Thomas
US US-kylobm 1-B-034-#1 · Item · 1964 July 14
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "Yesterday I had the very great pleasure of speaking at some length with Rabbi Abraham Heschel who"... Contents index: [1st draft] Jewish Chapter of the Second Vatican Council / need for healing between Christians and Jews to serve both faiths / the fear of alienation with Moslems countered with reinforcement of the status of all "people of the Book" in the «Koran» / promises to Abraham / Protestant ecumenism.

Merton, Thomas
US US-kylobm 1-B-034-#2 · Item · 1964 July 14
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "Yesterday I had the very great pleasure of speaking at some length with Rabbi Abraham Heschel who"... Contents index: [2nd draft] Jewish Chapter of the Second Vatican Council / need for healing between Christians and Jews to serve both faiths / the fear of alienation with Moslems countered with reinforcement of the status of all "people of the Book" in the «Koran» / promises to Abraham / Protestant ecumenism.

Merton, Thomas
US US-kylobm 1-B-034-#3 · Item · 1964 July 14
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "Yesterday I had the very great pleasure of speaking at some length with Rabbi Abraham Heschel who"... Contents index: [Letter as sent] Jewish Chapter of the Second Vatican Council / need for healing between Christians and Jews to serve both faiths / the fear of alienation with Moslems countered with reinforcement of the status of all "people of the Book" in the «Koran» / promises to Abraham / Protestant ecumenism.

Merton, Thomas
US US-kylobm 1-B-058-#37 · Item · 1964 July (date approximate)
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "This is a poor excuse for a letter after all the months. But they have been harried ones; I am"... Contents index: [verso: Vigeland Sculpture Park in Oslo, post card signed from Glasgow, and post marked from Morocco] touring northwest Africa with Fr. Lewis Cox / Barry Goldwater and the race issue / Prague week (conference on peace) - East-West dialogue / Bill Congdon in Rome / Philip Berrigan in Mississippi.

Berrigan, Daniel J., Fr., S.J.
US US-kylobm 1-B-058-#38 · Item · 1964 August 4
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "Many thanks for your card from Oslo Morocco. We have played your tapes after much aggiornamento"... Contents index: Jerry Berrigan of Syracuse - sending transcript of the African tape / reforming religious life - proposes talk at Loretto / proposed meeting with Berrigan and John Heidbrink in October / frustrated attempts to write on important matters - leaving cycle of "burn out" / Merton's physical resemblance to Henry Miller, Picasso or "ex con".

Merton, Thomas
US US-kylobm 1-B-058-#39 · Item · 1964 August 4
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "Many thanks for your card from Oslo Morocco. We have played your tapes after much aggiornamento"... Contents index: Jerry Berrigan of Syracuse - sending transcript of the African tape / reforming religious life - proposes talk at Loretto / proposed meeting with Berrigan and John Heidbrink in October / frustrated attempts to write on important matters - leaving cycle of "burn out" / Merton's physical resemblance to Henry Miller, Picasso or "ex con".

Merton, Thomas
US US-kylobm 1-B-117-#1 · Item · 1964 August 11
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "Thanks for your letter of July 21st. I am slow in replying, and yet this is relatively fast too."... Contents index: Merton thinks Brasier's questions interesting, but does not think he can do book on apologetics - more the work of a Dominican or a Jesuit - not in fitting with the contemplative life.

Merton, Thomas
US US-kylobm 1-A-053-#1 · Item · 1964 August 17
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "At the request of our Father Louis we are forwarding to you today our library copy of THE RIGHT"... Contents index: [from "Fr. M. Regis, O.C.S.O., Librarian" on Gethsemani Abbey letterhead, likely Appel, sent to Paul V. Moynihan, reference librarian at the Bapst Library of Boston College] sending the book «The Right Reverend Dom M. Edmund Obrecht, O.C.S.O.» by the late Fr. Amadeus Ginsbach of Gethsemani Abbey.

Appel, Regis, Fr., O.C.S.O.
US US-kylobm 1-A-036-#32 · Item · 1964 August 21
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "Discúlpeme usted que de tarde en tarde le escriba unas letras. Mis actividades no me dejan mucho"... Contents index: [includes color slide of mosaics] «Emblems in a Season of Fury» / good translations of poems / explanation of new artistic style that Andrade is developing of mosaics in relief employed in modern architecture.

Andrade, Jaime
US US-kylobm 1-B-021-#1 · Item · 1964 September 9
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "We want you to know of our gratitude for the generous contribution sent by you in the amount of"... Contents index: thanking Merton for a contribution made to the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in support of civil rights work.

Barry, Marion S., Jr.
US US-kylobm 1-A-016-#3 · Item · 1964 September 11
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "2. spilt into the cloister. The Abbot of Solesmes officiated and the next day for Rome. I spoke to"... Contents index: [two postcards of Chartres Cathedral] Dom Doyère / lack of religious vocations in France vs. too many young priests in America / Abbot of Wisques.

Akers, Sibylle von Kaskel
US US-kylobm 1-B-080-#1 · Item · 1964 September 13
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "I am half way through your book "A Thomas Merton Reader" and find it fascinating. However, that is"... Contents index: describes family connection with Merton / describes that Nanny, her grandmother (Freida Hauck), is in poor health and is now living with her parents and the tensions caused in caring for her / asks for Merton's prayers for Nanny / Nancy has married and has children so cannon help her parents care for Nanny.

Boettcher, Nancy Hauck
US US-kylobm 1-B-139-#13 · Item · 1964 September 14
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "I thought this would interest you, if you do not already know the book, which is one of the most"... Contents index: [handwritten and signed note from van Bruyn - typed selections from «Venture to the Interior» by Laurens van der Post].

Bruyn, Marcella van, Dame, O.S.B.
US US-kylobm 1-B-116-#1 · Item · 1964 September 14
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "Perhaps you will remember me. Back in Easter, '56, when Fr. Hilary was guestmaster, I spent about 8"... Contents index: advise on contemplative vocation / background of meeting Merton before entering, and when thinking about, Trappist vocation / life first with the Anglican Benedictines / desire to join Camaldolese - need for greater solitude in nature (Thoreau a childhood hero) / time with Fr. Minard in South Carolina / Dom Winandy / authenticity of Merton's vocation to the solitary life and recommendations to others - stay with Trappists or look elsewhere? / Merton's article on the eremitical life.

Brandt, Charles, Br., O.C.S.O.
US US-kylobm 1-B-054-#1 · Item · 1964 September 16
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "About the passage in the «New Man» to which you refer: I do not have a copy of the book at"... The letter discusses the meaning of the "sin and mental illness" in Merton's book «The New Man» (specifically, the third paragraph of Section 136). Merton explains that he is not suggesting that "actual sin usually leads to mental illness", but rather that all illness and death stem from the fallen human condition.

Merton, Thomas
US US-kylobm 1-A-016-#4 · Item · 1964 September 18 (date approximate)
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "I hope that I have not transgressed your wishes in showing your letter at Wisques. Dom Doyère asked"... Contents index: [no date but seems to fall between 1964/09/11 and 1964/09/22 letters] "Monk in Diaspora".

Akers, Sibylle von Kaskel
US US-kylobm 1-B-058-#40 · Item · 1964 September 19
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "Got a good letter from John Heidbrink today and he said you were bac[k] also told me where to find"... Contents index: arranged talk with Loretto community / Merton's showing of abstract drawings in Louisville / aggiornamento of Trappist life and monastic formation - vocation problem / article on Flannery O'Connor / more of Merton's writing on peace getting through censors, though nothing "technical about the morality of the bomb".

Merton, Thomas
US US-kylobm 1-B-058-#41 · Item · 1964 September 19
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "Got a good letter from John Heidbrink today and he said you were bac[k] also told me where to find"... Contents index: arranged talk with Loretto community / Merton's showing of abstract drawings in Louisville / aggiornamento of Trappist life and monastic formation - vocation problem / article on Flannery O'Connor / more of Merton's writing on peace getting through censors, though nothing "technical about the morality of the bomb".

Merton, Thomas
US US-kylobm 1-A-016-#5 · Item · 1964 September 22
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "It has been good hearing from you. I am glad you were at Wisques and of course have no objection at"... Contents index: Abbot of Wisques and Dom Doyère / copies of "Monk in Diaspora" / Miguel de Sanmiguel, publisher at Guadarrama / Spanish poets / Abbot of Montserrat.

Merton, Thomas
US US-kylobm 1-A-016-#6 · Item · 1964 September 24
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "After the Chateaux de la Loire and the pre-historic caves in Dordogne, we have now seen the remains"... Contents index: [two postcards of the Abbaye de Fontfroide] ruins of Cistercian abbeys / sister-in-law, a Carmelite in Tours living without electricity.

Akers, Sibylle von Kaskel
US US-kylobm 1-B-059-#1 · Item · 1964 September 25
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "Sure, by all means have them send the proofs and I will try to writ[e] at least something, if I"... Contents index: five day conference of novice masters "kicking around seven main types of misunderstanding" / some peace writings approved for publishing after a rewrite - thinks writings are now stronger / Carole Denise McNair killed in the September 1963 bombing in Birmingham, Alabama - "Picture of a Black Child with a White Doll".

Merton, Thomas
US US-kylobm 1-B-116-#2 · Item · 1964 September 27
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "It was good to hear from you, and I think I have a fairly clear memory of your visit, though it was"... Contents index: Trappist monastic life - good on promoting the «vita activa» (active life) of work and active communal prayer, but not good at promoting true solitude - will drive away those looking for solitude unless eremitical life is allowed - suggests Fr. Minard's group / Merton looking for a solution for more solitude within the Order.

Merton, Thomas
US US-kylobm 1-B-116-#3 · Item · 1964 September 27
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "It was good to hear from you, and I think I have a fairly clear memory of your visit, though it was"... Contents index: [copied from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2] Trappist monastic life - good on promoting the «vita activa» (active life) of work and active communal prayer, but not good at promoting true solitude - will drive away those looking for solitude unless eremitical life is allowed - suggests Fr. Minard's group / Merton looking for a solution for more solitude within the Order.

Merton, Thomas