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US US-kylobm 1-B-102-#28 · · 1962 January 22
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "We received your gracious note of January 18 with the two manuscripts. Here we go again!"... Contents index: [originally filed in a collection of Censors Reports kept by James Fox - see also the "Censors Reports" file under "Christian Ethics and Nuclear War" (possibly also referring to "Target Equals City" and "Peace: Christian Duties and Responsibilities")].

US US-kylobm 1-B-102-#29 · · 1962 January 23
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "We certainly are keeping the Air Mail or Postal Clerks busy these days. I just received your note"... Contents index: [originally filed in a collection of Censors Reports kept by James Fox - see also the "Censors Reports" file under "Christian Ethics and Nuclear War" (possibly also referring to "Target Equals City" and "Peace: Christian Duties and Responsibilities")].

US US-kylobm 1-B-102-#30 · · 1962 January 25
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "Somehow, somewhere, I've mislaid the copy of Fr. Louis article on nuclear warfare. Would you be kind"... Contents index: [originally filed by Dom James Fox in a file about censors (see "Censors Reports" and likely regarding "Christian Ethics and Nuclear War" / dated "Conversion of St. Paul" (January 25) and Fox marks replying to his letter by late January 1962] two rejected articles / Fr. Charles [English?].

US US-kylobm 1-B-102-#31 · · 1962 February 18
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "Had word from Fr. Clement that «Nuclear War» has been cleared for publication. Still can't find"... Contents index: [originally filed in a collection of Censors Reports kept by James Fox - see also the "Censors Reports" file under "Christian Ethics and Nuclear War" (possibly also referring to "Target Equals City" and "Peace: Christian Duties and Responsibilities")].

US US-kylobm 1-B-102-#32 · · 1962 February 21
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "I received your gracious note of Septuagesima Sunday. Don't worry about the other copy of CHRISTIAN"... Contents index: [originally filed in a collection of Censors Reports kept by James Fox - see also the "Censors Reports" file under "Christian Ethics and Nuclear War" (possibly also referring to "Target Equals City" and "Peace: Christian Duties and Responsibilities")].

US US-kylobm 1-B-102-#73 · · 1973 December 4
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "As a Trappist monk of ancient vintage with no place to store things I never saved any correspondence"... Contents index: did not retain any of Merton's correspondence but offers to donate Merton's autographed and annotated copy of the 1929 edition of «The Confessions of St. Augustine».

US US-kylobm 1-B-107-#1 · · 1966 November 8
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "As a Unitarian and a Humanist I wish to thank Father Thomas Merton for his sensitive statement."... Contents index: regarding Merton's "Apologies to an Unbeliever", published in «Harpers» magazine.

US US-kylobm 1-B-122 · 하위 퐁 · 1968
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

Merton and Mother Benedicta Brennan discuss a meeting to discuss a reform of women's religious orders, including the founding of "Prayer Houses" among more active orders, the future of contemplatives, and contemplatives involved in action. Proposals are discussed for a meeting in Monroe, Michigan with the Sisters Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and in California with the Trappist nuns of Redwoods Monastery.

US US-kylobm 1-B-123-#1 · · 1952 July 8
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "I am writing you on behalf of a group of poets and artists who are at present engaged in preparing a"... Contents index: [includes a card with the word "good" in calligraphy] a project involving poets engraving handwritten poems on copper plates and working with an artist in a style reminiscent of William Blake / includes name of poets working on this project (including Dylan Thomas) / Brenson a friend of Jacques Maritain.

US US-kylobm 1-B-127-#1 · · 1967 May 3
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "Thank you for the poem, Originators, which we will put, with your permission, in Unicorn Folio"... Contents index: publishing poem "Originators" in Unicorn Folio Series One Number Three / Teo Savory [see also her correspondence file] - enclosing volume of her poems / Franciscan Brothers in peace march for the Santa Barbara Community Council to End the War in Vietnam.

US US-kylobm 1-B-127-#4 · · 1967 August 24
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "You must tell me the appropriate way to address you. I am reading WATERS OF SILOE and am almost"... Contents index: Brilliant in contact with James Hartz from Louisville, Kentucky - objects with Vietnam War and does not want to flee, but questions whether "Conscientious Objector" status is "shirking of responsibility".

US US-kylobm 1-B-137-#1 · · 1947 June 17
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "Enclosed is a letter which we have just written to Father Louis concerning "Exile Ends in Glory.""... Contents index: [Merton uses verso of letter for notes for a manuscript of "The Cloud and the Fire," an early draft of «The Ascent to Truth», see manuscripts of "The Cloud and the Fire" for original] recommendation to reduce length of «Exile Ends in Glory» to reduce cost and appeal to a wider audience.

US US-kylobm 1-B-137-#3 · · 1948 August 9
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "Some years ago a Jesuit telephoned me to say that a very dear friend of ours, a Jesuit missionary in"... Contents index: death of Dom Frederic Dunne / suggestion of advertising «The Seven Storey Mountain» with "Another Man Who Got Even with God" (after title of Fr. Raymond's book) / Al Croft's trip to Gethsemani / possiblity of publishing biography of the life of St. Bernard of Clairvaux.

US US-kylobm 1-B-157-#3 · · 1968 March 3 (date approximate)
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "To start with I want to send you my best wishes for God's blessing for your new and responsible task"... Contents index: [no date - attached to 1968/03/30 letter] letter to Dom Flavian urging him to allow Merton to go to Bangkok conference and an invitation to go to Rawaseneng monastery in Indonesia / Dom Willibrord van Dijk.

US US-kylobm 1-B-157-#19 · · 1985 January 9
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "Thank you for letting me read this book by Victor Kramer. To quote Naomi: "«This» is the Merton"... Contents index: praise for Victor Kramer's book («Thomas Merton» and later revised as «Thomas Merton, Monk and Artist») / comparison to Michael Mott's «Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton» and George Woodcock's «Thomas Merton, Monk and Poet».

US US-kylobm 1-B-162-#1 · · 1952 January 3
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "We are planning to publish in book form approximately 100 of the best articles which have appeared"... Contents index: asking Merton's consent to publish "I Begin to Meditate" (appearing in the November, 1948 edition of the « Catholic Digest Reader») in the « Catholic Digest Reader».

US US-kylobm 1-B-163-#4 · · 1967 July 3
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "Guess what! You got a new name you didn't need!!!! HELLO!! This is the Disaster Kid from the"... Contents index: "letter to a hippy hermit" / Monterey Pop Festival with grandma / D. T. Suzuki / Butorovich recommends Kahlil Gibran, O. Henry, J.R.R. Tolkien and John Lennon to Merton / asks what he would add or leave out of «Seven Storey Mountain» / Pablo Picasso / types lyrics - Beatles songs from "Sgt. Pepper" / Ravi Shankar.

US US-kylobm 1-B-163-#7 · · 1967 August 28
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "I send this quick. I know you would probably not hear so I am writing. I have a feeling that"... Contents index: [attaches newspaper article about the death of Brian Epstein, manager of the Beatles] worries that the Beatles will either "break up or tighten up" - distressed about Ringo Starr naming his baby Jason / asks for a Mass for Brian Epstein / seeing Ravi Shankar in Los Angeles.

"Aziz, Abdul" correspondence
US US-kylobm 1-A-076 · 하위 퐁 · 1959-1968, 1990-1999
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

This is a large and important cache of letters that sparked Merton's interest in Sufism. Included are original signed letters by Aziz, and carbon copies or photocopies of letters by Merton. Only Merton's side of the correspondence has yet been fully published and can be found in <i>The Hidden Ground of Love</i>. Selection from Aziz's side of the correspondence can be found in <i>Merton and Sufism</i>. Also in this group of records can be found correspondence between the Merton Center and Nicholas Heer in regards to obtaining some correspondence between Heer and Aziz. This correspondence dating from 1959 through 1962 is included in this collection.

US US-kylobm 1-A-076-#5 · · 1960 November 1
Part of Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

First lines: "I am in correspondence with a Prof. Louis Massignon of Paris, the common bond of correspondence"... Contents index: Islamic mysticism, Sufism / Christian mysticism - «The Ascent to Truth», St. John of the Cross / Hindu Yoga / Fr. Paul Nwyia / Ibn Abbad / how to obtain Merton's books and other books on mysticism.
