This encompasses an earlier era of correspondence than the majority of the collection. The correspondence is almost all from Ahern to Merton, except one letter by Merton from 1953, which was published. It is unfortunate that more of Merton's responses are not extant because he reviewed Ahern's biblical translations while Ahern reviewed Merton's early manuscripts and books. There is also early dialogue about Merton's restlessness at Gethsemani, talk about whether he would leave, and discussion about living the life of a hermit at Gethsemani.
Ahern, Barnabas Mary, Fr., C.P.First lines: "Thank you so very much for your kind letter of June 8. I myself was back in the USA during"...
Ahern, Barnabas Mary, Fr., C.P.First lines: "I have thought of you many a time since my last letter - and always with a prayer. Please do"... Contents index: American Passionists trip to Assisi / studying Ugaritic language / Dom Jean-Baptiste Porion [quoted in letter as "Jean Baptist Poirron"] / recommends Bl. Placid Riccordi for work as Master of Novices.
Ahern, Barnabas Mary, Fr., C.P.First lines: "It was very good to hear from you, and to know that you will carry on with the Scripture work."... Contents index: translating Ephesians / Monastic Orientation notes / Mother Schroen, R.S.C.J. / «No Man Is an Island» / critical of Merton's desire to be hermit / Larry McCluskey.
Ahern, Barnabas Mary, Fr., C.P.First lines: "1. The new translation must read smoothly and yet follow the text closely. It must be English"... Contents index: Editorial Policy for the Biblical translation in which Ahern was involved / "must stand comparison with the Kleist-Lilly Bible" but more correct.
Ahern, Barnabas Mary, Fr., C.P.First lines: "The letter has been and will be my address from the beginning of June until the end of November."... Contents index: moved to New Jersey to work as chairman of the board of [Biblical] translators / working on Epistles / editorial policy / not like Knox's translation.
Ahern, Barnabas Mary, Fr., C.P.First lines: "I returned just this morning from the summer schools in Detroit (to our own Fathers) and at"... Contents index: praise for «Bread in the Wilderness» and «Seeds of Contemplation» / Mother Schroen / Dom Barron from Solesmes Abbey and chant.
Ahern, Barnabas Mary, Fr., C.P.First lines: "Thank you ever so much -- first, for the fine letter of February 27, which I should have"... Contents index: responds to Merton's criticism that Ahern's translation of the Epistles was too conservative / more bold approach of «Jerusalem Bible» / St. Paul and the Resurrection / solitude in Christ / Dom Odo Casel and Maria-Laach.
Ahern, Barnabas Mary, Fr., C.P.First lines: "Thank you very much for the latest notes of Monastic Orientation which you were so good to send. I"... Contents index: Dan Walsh / Mother Schroen / «A Great Mystic of the Eighteenth Century» by Fr. Favre, C.SS.R..
Ahern, Barnabas Mary, Fr., C.P.First lines: "It was ever so good to receive your letter of October 19th, and to learn that the struggle still"... Contents index: addresses Merton's complaints of Gethsemani and its artificiality / authorship of Deutero-Isaiah / Jeremias / "parallels between the Bible and extra-biblical sources / suggestions for conference on saintly priest / Soloviev.
Ahern, Barnabas Mary, Fr., C.P.First lines: "It is long since I have written; but be assured that I have been praying for you. And I know that"... Contents index: true solitude / St. John of the Cross / "Robert's translation of Canticle in the Jerusalem Bible" / Wisdom of Solomon / Fr. Gabriel's «The Spiritual Director».
Ahern, Barnabas Mary, Fr., C.P.First lines: "I am writing directly to you, for I feared a letter to Father M. Louis might not reach him during"... Contents index: [carbon copy transcript of the letter filed in Dom James Fox's file concerning the Merton and the critical article of him by Dom Aelred Graham, "A Modern Man in Reverse" / see also "Graham, Aelred" correspondence file, Series 2 for this file].
Ahern, Barnabas Mary, Fr., C.P.First lines: "Before Ash Wednesday descends upon us I want to thank you for your last letter."... Contents index: [two carbon copy transcripts of the letter filed in Dom James Fox's file concerning Merton and the critical article of him by Dom Aelred Graham, "A Modern Man in Reverse" / see also "Graham, Aelred" correspondence file, Series 2 for this file].
Ahern, Barnabas Mary, Fr., C.P.First lines: "Thank you for your letter of clarification; for, yes, I was concerned. Your confidence is"... Contents index: criticizes Merton's idea of becoming a hermit / suggests a year-long sabbatical doing the work of a Trappist / recommends «Dialogues» of St. Catherine of Siena.
Ahern, Barnabas Mary, Fr., C.P.First lines: "This is a shot in the dark - probably completely unwarranted. But I know you understand, and will"... Contents index: sees hints that Merton has an idea of leaving Gethsemani and argues extensively that it will undermine his previous work and cause critics to write him off.
Ahern, Barnabas Mary, Fr., C.P.First lines: "Though I did not write for Christmas, I did not forget; for I offered Holy Mass for you and your"... Contents index: new Passionist foundation in Japan with Father Matthew chosen as Superior / Ahern suggests that Merton meet Fr. Matthew / Merton's notes on Cistercian Theology / St. Paul of the Cross (founder of Passionists) / emphasis on the Resurrection in Acts.
Ahern, Barnabas Mary, Fr., C.P.First lines: "This is just a note to thank you for the copy of Monastic Orientation which you were so kind to send"... Contents index: suggests introducing students to the "De Virtutibus in the Secunda Secundae" and recommends L. Bouyer's «La Bible et L'Evangile».
Ahern, Barnabas Mary, Fr., C.P.First lines: "Under separate cover I am returning the ms. All typographical errors are checked and circled to"... Contents index: St. Augustine on the liturgy / Bouyer's «Pascal Mystery» / criticizes the "looseness" and poor sentence structure in Merton's writing.
Ahern, Barnabas Mary, Fr., C.P.First lines: "I hope sincerely that St. Louis' day has brought many graces. I offered Holy Mass for you this"... Contents index: [see "Censors Reports" file for original letter] censor's criticism on «The Sign of Jonas» from Fr. Barnabas Ahern, C.P., of the Passionist Fathers of Chicago - 2 pages of typed letter and handwritten note verso with seven pages of "doctrinal suggestions" and five pages of "typographical corrections".
Ahern, Barnabas Mary, Fr., C.P.First lines: "No, your ms. is not lost. It arrived here yesterday, forwarded from Glockner. I have already begun"... Contents index: review of manuscript / Merton's Journal / proposes question: "What must one do practically when he has come to distrust his human concepts of the realities of the Faith?".
Ahern, Barnabas Mary, Fr., C.P.First lines: "Sincere congratulations on your appointment as Master of Students; your new task will mean so much"... Contents index: Benedictines and Cistercians as sources for instruction / St. John's «Ascent» / Henri Daniel-Rops / other recommendations for authors and texts to teach students.
Ahern, Barnabas Mary, Fr., C.P.First lines: "I was very happy to hear that you are launching out into your Scripture course. «Faber fit»"... Contents index: gives extensive advice on the structure of his courses and how Merton should treat Old and New Testaments, what books to read, etc. / bio. of Fr. Charbel (Sharbel) / discussion of solitude and being a "'hermit' among the Trappists".
Ahern, Barnabas Mary, Fr., C.P.First lines: "Under separate cover I am sending the notes which I promised for the end of January! The first half"... Contents index: 1 page of letter and 5 of notes, mainly Old Testament / St. Nicholas of Flue, St. Anna Maria of Jesus, and Lebanese hermit, Fr. Charbel (Sharbel) / ends with discussion of the Holy Father's warnings against the misuse/misinterpretation of Scripture.
Ahern, Barnabas Mary, Fr., C.P.First lines: "Senses of Scripture in «Divino Afflante Spiritu» 1. Background of Encyclical: Shortly before"... Contents index: [notes by Ahern].
Ahern, Barnabas Mary, Fr., C.P.First lines: "It will be a pleasure and privilege to lend any help I can; so never hesitate to ask. The good Lord"... Contents index: criticism and commentary of Merton's books / sends "exposé on the Scriptural senses" / advice on carefully checking French reviews.
Ahern, Barnabas Mary, Fr., C.P.First lines: "I am very grateful for the copy of «Monastic Orientation» which you kindly sent me. I have"... Contents index: need for knowledge / Pope Pius XI's «Unigenitus Dei Filius» / Osee / M.E. Boismard / Louis Chardon / notes from non-Catholic authors on the Prophets sent to Merton.
Ahern, Barnabas Mary, Fr., C.P.First lines: "May Our Lord and Our Lady bless you for cooperating so generously and earnestly in the good that"... Contents index: article for «Commonweal» on contemplation / Fr. M. Raymond, article "Mystical Life - Mystical Prayer" / suggests Merton write on Dom Odo Casel and Maria-Laach.
Ahern, Barnabas Mary, Fr., C.P.