This series contains works regarding Merton under the first-named author, creator, editor, etc., of a title. Subseries are arranged by dates and titles.
Higgins, Michael W.Completed for doctorate, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1979.
Higgins, Michael W.This subseries contains book reviews about the given Merton-related title. In a small number of cases, there are other materials such as manuscripts and proofs.
Grayston, DonaldThis subseries contains book reviews about the given Merton-related title. In a small number of cases, there are other materials such as manuscripts and proofs.
Higgins, Michael W.This subseries contains book reviews about the given Merton-related title. In a small number of cases, there are other materials such as manuscripts and proofs.
Higgins, Michael W.Review (by: Higgins, Michael W.) in Merton Seasonal 9:1 (Winter-Spring 1984): 12-13 [online: accessed March 8th, 2017].
Higgins, Michael W.Review (by: Higgins, Michael W.) in Merton Seasonal 13:4 (Fall 1988): 22-23.
Higgins, Michael W.Review (by: Higgins, Michael W.) in The Merton Seasonal 46.2 (Summer 2021): 38-39.
Higgins, Michael W.Review (by: Higgins, Michael W.) in The Merton Annual 32 (2019): 279-282.
Higgins, Michael W.Review (by: Higgins, Michael W.) in Grail [Canada] 6.1 (March 1990): 106-110.
Higgins, Michael W.Review (by: Higgins, Michael W.) in Catholic New Times [Toronto, ON] (30 October 1983): 9.
Higgins, Michael W.Review (by: Higgins, Michael W.) in Toronto Sunday Times (14 January 1984): K-10.
Higgins, Michael W.Review (by: Higgins, Michael W.) in Catholic Register (21-28 August 2005): 31.
Higgins, Michael W.Review (by: Higgins, Michael W.) in Catholic Register (30 October 2005): 16.
Higgins, Michael W.Review (by: Higgins, Michael W.) in Reporter Toronto (1977): 47-48.
Higgins, Michael W.Review (by: Higgins, Michael W.) in Literary Review of Canada 16.9 (November 2008): 27.
Higgins, Michael W.Review (by: Higgins, Michael W.) in The Catholic Register (September 20, 2014) [online: accessed September 22, 2014].
Higgins, Michael W.This subseries contains book reviews about the given Merton-related title. In a small number of cases, there are other materials such as manuscripts and proofs.
Higgins, Michael W.