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              2 Descrição arquivística resultados para Correspondência

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              Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton
              US US-kylobm TMC-RG1 · Gravar grupo · 1931-2024
              Parte de Thomas Merton Collection

              This Record Group contains Merton's correspondence. The bulk years of the collection are between 1963 and his death in 1968 with some earlier correspondence or copies of correspondence. There are an estimated ten thousand pieces of correspondence. Included are both letters to and from Merton. In addition, there are letters that are related to Merton or the Merton Center, but not to or from Merton. Subjects of this collection vary and include personal correspondence, conscience matter and other spiritual direction, dialogue with social activist groups, and correspondence with publishers. Most materials are unpublished at present. Bibliographic records for Bellarmine Library and Merton Center holdings of published volumes can be found by following the "Catalogued Holdings" link below.

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