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Hamai, Shinzo, Hon.

The Honorable Shinzo Hamai was Mayor of Hiroshima, Japan.

Hammer, Carolyn Reading

Carolyn Reading married Victor Hammer in 1955. The Hammers became good friends of Merton, who received permission to visit them in Lexington. Merton would later write to Carolyn to obtain books because of her position at the King Library at University of Kentucky. This was a bond that help University of Kentucky establish a small collection of Merton's papers.

Harding, Vincent
개인 · 1931-2014

Vincent Harding and his wife Rosemarie Freeney Harding were leaders in the Southern Freedom Movement during the Civil Rights struggle of the 1950's and 1960's. He has written a number of books, including «Martin Luther King: The Inconvenient Hero», and served as a senior academic consultant to the highly-acclaimed Eyes on the Prize series on PBS. In 1997, he and Rosemarie Freeney Harding founded the Veterans of Hope project, which gathers the wisdom of elder pioneers in civil rights and social justice for future generations. Harding is Professor Emeritus of Religion and Social Transformation at Illiff School of Theology in Denver.

Hassler, Dorothy

Dorothy Hassler was Director of Membership for the Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR) and writes from Nyack, New York.

Hauck, Walter S.

Walter S. Hauck was a friend and distantly related in-law to Thomas and John Paul Merton. Walter Hauck's sister, Elsie, married Harold Jenkins, Thomas and John Paul Merton's uncle, in 1938. In his letter to John Paul, he refers to himself as "Unc" Walt. Thomas Merton corresponded with Walter Hauck's daughter Nancy Hauck Boettcher.

Haussoullier, Claude

Claude Haussoullier was a French instructor at University of Massachusetts in Amherst and had spent some time teaching in Vietnam. She writes to thank Merton for his letter to Thich Nhât Hanh.

Havel, Jim

Jim Havel writes from Lawrence, Kansas.

Heilo, Sven
개인 · 1940-

When first writing to Merton, Sven Heilo was a law student living in Lund, Sweden. He had been born in Illinois to Swedish-Lutheran parents in 1940 and moved with his family to Sweden seven years later. He converted to Catholicism in 1960. He was considering a religious vocation and writes about this and a trip to the United States in 1964. There are no extant letters from Heilo from this trip, but Merton makes some remarks about the culture and politics of America and the candidacy of Goldwater. In 1965, Heilo went to work for a customs port in Stockholm and later married.

Helen, Sr., O.P.

Sr. Marie Helen was a Dominican sister of Corpus Christi Monastery in Bronx, New York.


Dom Walter Helmstetter was abbot of the Cistercian Abbey of the Genesee in Piffard, New York from the late 1950's to the early 1960's. Later, he became a hermit and writes to Merton from Palestine, Texas.

Henry, Aveen M.M.

Aveen Henry was writing on behalf of «The Tablet» from London.

Herbert, Rembert

In 1967, while writing this letter to Merton, Rembert Herbert was nearing graduation at Amherst College in Massachusetts. He is currently a faculty member in the Department of English at Hunter College High School in New York. He has published a number of books on Gregorian chant.


Fr. Vincentius Hermans was Procurator for the Cistercian Order and delegated by Abbot General Ignace Gillet to respond to Merton about some censorship issues.

Hersing, Tove

Tove Hersing was a child psychologist and convert to Catholicism writing from Copenhagen, Denmark. She tried to arrange a Danish translation of «The New Man», which was not followed through.

Hickman, Pat

Pat Hickman was Merton's girlfriend for a few months while he was a student at Columbia University in 1938. These letters were written during a week spend with Robert Lax in Olean, New York.

Hill, Harry Gerald, Jr.
개인 · 1932-

Harry Hill, Jr. was a bookseller from Los Angeles, California.

Hinchey, James F., Fr., C.O.

James Hinchey was a novice at Gethsemani from February of 1958 to March of 1959. It seems he had started at St. Benedict's College in Atchison, Kansas, before entry at Gethsemani and returned there to complete his degree. He went on to study at Duquesne University and University of Wisconsin for graduate studies. He joined the Oratorians and was ordained a priest in 1976.

Hines, Denis, Fr., O.C.S.O.

Fr. Denis Hines, a Trappist priest, writes first from a hermitage in Sedona, Arizona. He mentions previously being at St. Benedicts Abbey in Snowmass, Colorado. Later, his card to Merton is addressed from Christ in the Desert Monastery in New Mexico. His hermitage at Sedona was getting shut down and he was looking for a new site. Merton informs him that he will not be allowed to establish a hermitage at Gethsemani at that time.

Hinshaw, Thelma

Thelma Hinshaw writes to thank Merton for sending a signed copy of «New Seeds of Contemplation». She asks Merton to explain the use of the term "holy recollection", and Merton sends her his take on recollection. Hinshaw writes from Florence, Arizona.

Hollo, Anselm
개인 · 1934-

Anselm Hollo was a professor in the Department of English at University of Iowa in Iowa City at the time of correspondence with Merton. He was a Finnish poet who lived for a time on the Isle of Wight, and, since 1968, has taught at a number of universities in the United States. His translations of poems and his own poems are found throughout Merton's little literary magazine «Monks Pond». He has published a number of books of his poetry and of poetry in translation.

Horia, Vintila
개인 · 1915-1992

Merton writes to Vintila Horia in Madrid, Spain. Horia was a Romanian novelist, poet and essayist writing in French. His best known novel was «Dieu est né en exil» (God was born in exile).

Hovda, Robert Walker, Fr.
개인 · 1920-1992

Fr. Robert Hovda writes from the St. Paul's Student Center at North Dakota State University in Fargo. He asks Merton's help in putting together contemporary Prayers of the Faithful for the Liturgical Conference in Washington, D.C. He was best known for his work in liturgical renewal but was also deeply involved in peace, civil rights, and social justice concerns. He has published a number of books on liturgy.

Hunt, John

At the time of writing, John Hunt was Senior Editor of «The Saturday Evening Post».

Inman, Will
개인 · 1923-

Born William Archibald McGirt, Jr., Will Inman wrote under his mothers maiden name and the name it was legally changed to in 1973, Inman. Inman was a poet, essayist and activist for causes such as civil rights, gay rights, and opposition to the Vietnam War.

Ittyavirah, Sadhu

Sadhu Ittyavirah was a Catholic author from India who sent Merton some of his books, including «The Witness», «1+1=1» and «We Are One».

Iverson, Lalla

Dr. Lalla Iverson was Director of the Association for Rural Aid in Medicine (ARAM). She writes from Rockville, Maryland.

Jackson, Thomas W., Fr.

Fr. Thomas W. Jackson was Catholic Chaplain for the Pennsylvania State Correctional Institution at Pittsburgh.

Jacobson, Herbert Laurence
개인 · 1915-

H. L. Jacobson was Director of the GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) International Trade Centre, publishers of «International Trade FORUM». He writes from Geneva, Switzerland.

James, Stephen D.

Stephen James was founder and President of the Peace Hostage Exchange Foundation, headquartered in New York. The idea was to send delegations from the United States to strategic targets in the Soviet Union and vice versa. The hope was to get some prominent individuals, like Merton or Robert Kennedy, to go over and to get Premier Krushchev's family and others to come here in exchange.

Jenkins, Harold Brewster
개인 · 1889-1972

Harold Brewster Jenkins was Merton's uncle on his mother's side. He married Elsie Hauck Holahan in 1938. (See "Jenkins, Elsie" for a more complete description).

Johnson, George

George Johnson was on the Catholic Worker staff. He visited Gethsemani in late February 1962 with Jim Forest and others. Merton mentions this meeting in his journal entry of March 2, 1962.

Johnson, Halvard
개인 · 1936-

Poet Halvard Johnson was born in Newburgh, New York, and spent his boyhood in both in small Hudson Valley towns and New York. He spent his years after college in Ohio hitchhiking around the United States in the late 1950's. After graduate study in English at University of Chicago, he began teaching at the University of Texas, El Paso for four years. Near the end of his time in Texas, he sent Merton some poems for «Monks Pond». After this, he taught in Puerto Rico, traveled Europe, and now has returned to his native New York where he writes and teaches at the New School. A number of his books of poetry have been published. (Source: Monks Pond, pp. 109 and 207.)

Jovanovich, William

At the time of this correspondence, William Jovanovich was writing from New York as President of Harcourt, Brace and World.

Kauffmann, L.

L. Lauffmann writes from Bruay en Artois, France.

Keller, Thomas, Fr., O.S.B.

Fr. Thomas Keller was a Benedictine monk writing from Hauterive Abbey, Switzerland.

Kelley, William Melvin
개인 · 1937-

William Melvin Kelley was born and raised in New York. He went to Harvard with the intention of becoming a lawyer, but experienced a life-changing desire to become a writer after attending a prose fiction class of John Hawkes. He began writing an did not finish at Harvard. His novels and short stories reflect mythic takes on the frustration of the African American experience of racism in the United States. He first writes to Merton in response to a review Merton wrote for Kelley's first novel, «A Different Drummer», thanking him more that he "got it" than for liking it. The following year, he writes Merton after having read some of his writings. He expresses that he is not a Christian and harbors both happy and bitter memories of his mother's Catholicism. He expresses feeling more affirmed in Catholic Italy, though, than Protestant America. He would later move to Paris, a move to further distance himself from United States culture. He would later seek to rediscover some of the oral history tradition of Africa. Some of his other books include «A Drop of Patience» and «Dəm». (Source: "Kelley, William Melvin". World Authors. 1970. Online. H.W. Wilson. Bellarmine University Library, Louisville, KY. 2005/05/12. ‹http://vnweb.hwwilsonweb.com›.)

Kelly, Mona S.

Mona Kelly writes from Amherstburg, Ontario. She was the mother of Fr. Timothy Kelly, who was later to be the eighth abbot of Gethsemani, serving from 1973-2000.

Kendrick, Wallace

Wallace Kendrick was with the Catholic Worker movement.

Kennedy, Ethel (Skakel)
개인 · 1928-

Ethel Kennedy is the widow of Robert F. Kennedy and daughter of George and Ann Skakel (see "Skakel, Ann Brannack" file).

Kent, Catherine M.
개인 · 1945-

Catherine Kent was a 23-year-old teacher from Dorchester, Massachusetts, at the time of writing.

Kerell, Walter

Walter Kerell writes from the Catholic Worker in New York.

Khouri-Sarkis, Gabriel
개인 · 1898-1968

Gabriel Khouri-Sarkis was editor of L'Orient Syrien and a West Syrian Rite Catholic priest. He writes from Paris, France.

Kim, Agnes Jae Soon, Sr.

Sr. Agnes Jae Soon Kim was from the Convent of the Sacred Heart in Seoul, South Korea.

King, Coretta Scott
개인 · 1927-2006

Coretta Scott King, an advocate of civil rights and racial equality, is the widow of Martin Luther King, Jr. Merton writes to her after Martin's assassination. She telegrammed Gethsemani following Merton's death.

King, Simon

Simon King was Director of Burns and Oates publishers and writes from London.

King, Winston Lee
개인 · 1907-

Winston L. King was a professor at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. He and Merton discuss Zen and the visit of Shibayama Roshi to Nashville.

Kirk, David, Fr.
개인 · 1935-

Fr. David Kirk was a peace activist and member of the secular institute of the Company of St. Paul. He was studying in Rome in the early letters and later comes back to the United States to help found Emmaus House in New York.


Bonaventure Knaebel was a Benedictine Archabbot at the Archabbey of St. Meinrad at the time of writing.

Kneller, John William
개인 · 1916-

John W. Kneller was Provost of Oberlin College in Ohio.

Knight, Laura

Laura Knight was a high school junior at Thomas Jefferson High School in Louisville, Kentucky. She asks for Merton's help in writing a term paper on him.

Landry, Gerald

Gerald Landry was living in Glen Garden, New Jersey, at the time of Merton's letter to him.

Landy, Kathleen

Kathleen Landy was writing on behalf of the Bureau of Information of the United States Catholic Conference in Washington, D.C.

Lardé, Rogelius

Rogelius Lardé was writing on behalf of «The Second Coming» magazine and writes from New York, declining two of Merton's poems.

Lauth, Lou, Jr.

Lou Lauth, Jr. was Editor of the «Blue Book of Magazine Writers» and worked for the National Research Bureau, Inc., Chicago, Illinois.

Lawler, Justus George
개인 · 1927-

Justus George Lawler was an editor with Herder and Herder. He lived near Chicago and edited the journal «Continuum». He has since written books on Church history, ethics, and Catholic literature and art.

Lazo, Mario

Mario Lazo writes from Norfolk, Connecticut. He was working on a book concerning the instruction of Latin American history in public schools in the United States. He would later quote Merton in his book on Cuba, «A Dagger in the Heart».

Lazure, Martha C.

Martha Lazure writes on behalf of Raymond H. Prince (see "Prince, Raymond" file) for permission to quote from Merton's May 22, 1965 letter to Dr. Prince for the newsletter of the R. M. Bucke Memorial Society. She writes from Montreal, Quebec.

Allman, Susan

Susan Allman was with the publicity department of Seabury Press in New York.

Anderson, James Bruce

James Bruce Anderson served as editor for a journal of poetry called the "Charlatan" published by the Trinity Episcopal Church in Iowa City.

Andrade, Jaime
개인 · 1913-1990

Jaime Andrade was an Ecuadorian sculptor and engraver from Quito. Merton commissioned him to do a statue of the Virgin Mary and child Jesus in dark wood for the novitiate library.

Andrews, Edward Deming
개인 · 1894-1964

Edward Deming Andrews was a foremost authority on the United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing, or the Shakers. As Merton became exposed to the remains of the community at Pleasant Hill, he sought out Andrews' expertise. After Edward's death, Merton corresponded with his wife, Faith (see "Andrews, Faith Elizabeth" file). (Source: «The Hidden Ground of Love».)

Appleton, John

At the time of writing, John Appleton was Senior Editor of «The Saturday Evening Post».

Arasteh, A. Reza
개인 · 1927-1992

Abdol Reza Arasteh was born in Shiraz, Iran, in 1927. He had studied both Eastern and Western psychology and seemed to bridge Merton's earlier interest in psychology with his later interest in Sufism, Zen and other eastern traditions. He lived a number of years in the United States and became a citizen in 1976. (Source: «The Hidden Ground of Love», p. 40-41.)

Arca de Sardiña, Evora

Evora Arca de Sardiña was born in Cuba, attended high school in New York, and returned to Cuba in 1950. In Cuba, she was involved in social work the poor. When Castro came to power in 1959, she fled to the United States with her husband and her five sons and settled in Miami. Her husband, Eugenio, was part of the CIA-trained anti-Castro assault force captured at the Bay of Pigs. (Source: «Witness to Freedom».)

Astudillo, Rubén

Rubén Astudillo is writing from Ecuador on behalf of the publication «El Mercurio».

Aud, David
개인 · 1946-

David Aud is writing as a member of the Student Senate at St. Bonaventure University and is the son of Jim Aud, who was an English student of Merton's in the 1940's.

Baciu, Stefan
개인 · 1918-1993

Stefan Baciu was a poet and professor of romance languages whose works include surveys of Latin American surrealistic poetry and themes of communism in poetry. He was editor of the literary magazine, «MELE». During his time of correspondence with Merton, he is first in Seattle and later in Honolulu.

Barnard, Roger

Roger Barnard is writing as Features Editor for the publication «Peace News» from London.

Batastini, Robert J.

Robert Batastini is writing as Vice-President of the Gregorian Institute of America in Chicago, Illinois.

Bates, Harvey H., Rev.

The Rev. Harvey Bates was Co-Chaplain for the United Campus Christian Fellowship at Syracuse University in New York.