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Mott, Michael
Pessoa singular
Murray, Mary
Pessoa singular
Power, Norman
Pessoa singular
Roman, Mary
Pessoa singular
Rowe, Trevor
Pessoa singular
Russo, Tony
Pessoa singular
Salmon, Alan
Pessoa singular
Simmons, Carl
Pessoa singular
Stone, Rob
Pessoa singular
Van Dam, Thea
Pessoa singular
Wilt, Michael
Pessoa singular
Lipski, Alexander
Pessoa singular · 1919-2009

"Alexander Lipski... was born in Berlin, Germany... He came to the United States in l947. A year later he enrolled at UC Berkeley, where he met his wife, Mia, and where he received his Ph.D. in Russian History in 1953. He taught history at Michigan State University, before coming to Long Beach[, California]. He taught history, and later religious studies at CSULB from 1958 until his retirement in 1984."

Panichas, George Andrew
Pessoa singular · 1930-2010

George A. Panichas was an associate professor in the English Department of the University of Maryland in College Park at the time of writing to Merton. In addition, he was the an essayist, biographer and author of a number of books on politics, history and religion.

Gandhi, Mahatma
Pessoa singular · 1869-1948
Dear, John
Pessoa singular · 1959-
Bailey, Raymond
Pessoa singular · 1938-2021
Goodson, Bill
Pessoa singular
Kleier, Glenn
Pessoa singular
Moses, John
Pessoa singular
Mundy, Linus
Pessoa singular
Allen, Frank
Pessoa singular