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Chlest, Augustin Joseph, Fr.

Fr. Augustine Chlest was writing from St. Joseph Church in Carpinteria, California.

Chrysantha, Mary, Sr., O.S.F.

Sr. M. Chrysantha was a Franciscan sister at the College of St. Francis in Joliet, Illinois.

Chrysostom, Fr., O.C.S.O.

Fr. Chrysostom was a Trappist monk at Mepkin Abbey in Moncks Corner, South Carolina.

Clement, Fr., C.P.

Fr. Clement was a priest at a Passionist monastery in Fukuoka-Shi, Japan.

Coakley, Mother, R.S.C.J.

Mother Coakley was a Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Master of Novices of the Convent of the Sacred Heart in Albany, New York.

Colla, Rienzo

Rienzo Colla was Editor of «La Locusta», a publication for young Catholics published from Vincenza, Italy.

Columba, Maria

Maria Columba was writing from St. Petersburg, Florida.


Fr. Tarcisius Conner was a monk of Gethsemani assigned to the Vatican at the beginning of their correspondence. He writes to Merton from Rome, Paris, and Mont des Cats Abbey in Northern France.

Corman, Cid
Persona · 1924-2004

Cid Corman was a poet who went to Japan in 1951 and founded a literary magazine and press by the name of Origin. Besides writing his own poetry, he translated the works of a number of French and Japanese poets (source: «The Courage for Truth», p. 246). Cid Corman writes to Merton from Kyoto, Japan.

Cortés, Alfonso
Persona · 1893-1969

Known as "El Poeta Loco" of Nicaragua, Merton had a profound respect for his works and metaphysical insights. Christine Bochen states that "[i]n a brief essay introducing his translations of poems by Cortés, Merton recalls Ernesto Cardenal's account of seeing Cortés chained to a beam in Rubén Dario's house, where he is said to have gone insane on February 18, 1927 (source: «The Courage for Truth», p. 176).

Cousins, Norman
Persona · 1912-1990

Norman Cousins was Editor of the «Saturday Review» and an outspoken opponent of the Vietnam War.

Crail, Charles J.

Charles J. Crail was District Forester for the Commonwealth of Kentucky Division of Forestry in Elizabethtown.

Crane, Robert D.

Dr. Robert Crane was a Research Associate with the Center for Strategic Studies and was later with the Hudson Institute for National Security and International Order in Croton-on-Hudson, New York. He was involved in Republican Party functions and conservative-leaning think-tanks on national and international security and outer space security.

Crotty, William E.

William Crotty was part of the Faculty Association of the Baldwinsville Academy and Central Schools in Baldwinsville, New York.

Curry, Martin Lee

Martin Lee Curry was poetry editor and later general editor for «The Florida Quarterly». This literary magazine began at University of Florida in Gainesville in 1967 and was the first of its kind at the university. Curry convinced Merton to send in a poem for the first issue. Merton also contributed the poem "Welcome" for the second issue, which was published in November of 1967.

Cusak, Andrew, Fr.

Fr. Andrew Cusak was the Guidance Director for the Stamford Catholic High School at the time of correspondence.

Dana, Doris
Persona · 1920-2006

Doris Dana writes to Merton from New York and from her travels to France. Dana was the long-time companion of poet, educator, feminist, Nobel laureate and Chilean diplomat, Gabriela Mistral (pen name of Lucila de María del Perpetuo Socorro Godoy Alcayaga, 1889-1957). Dana translated and edited some of Mistral's poems. Dana seemed to be a mutual friend with Merton of both John Howard Griffin and Jacques Maritain. She visited Merton in early January of 1967, when she introduced Merton to the story of Ishi and sparked some of Merton's interest in Native Americans; and then visited him again in late October of 1967, when they traveled to Lexington together to visit Victor and Carolyn Hammer and John Jacob Niles.

Daniel, Bradford

Bradford Daniel was working with John Howard Griffin at the time of correspondence and writes on the letterhead of the American Society of Magazine Photographers in Mansfield, Texas.

Persona · 1905-1974

Fr. Jean Daniélou was a Jesuit scholar of early Christianity who was editor of «Études» in Paris, a Catholic general interest magazine. In 1969, he was made a cardinal by Pope Paul VI and was a member of the Académie Française.

Das, J. B.

J. B. Das was writing a tribute to Dr. Mahanambrata Brahmachari, a friend of Merton's from Columbia and about whom he mentions in «The Seven Storey Mountain». He is asking for a contribution to this written piece by Merton.

Davis, Irvin

Irvan Davis writes on behalf of Celebrities Art Exhibits in St. Louis, Missouri.

Davis, James Peter, Archbishop
Persona · 1904-1988

Archbishop James P. Davis was bishop of San Juan, Puerto Rico, at the time of correspondence with Merton.

Davison, Peter Hubert
Persona · 1928-

Peter Davison was director of «The Atlantic Monthly Press» from Boston, Massachusetts. He asks Merton for his thoughts on Bertrand Russell's autobiography for use as a promotional quote.

Day, Dorothy
Persona · 1897-1980

Social activist, author, and co-founder of the Catholic Worker Movement, Dorothy Day was a profound influence and mentor for Merton. Merton especially respected her commitment to non-violence and to the poor. A complex and dynamic figure, she espoused politically leftist views, while maintaining a traditional faith in Catholicism. (Source: «The Hidden Ground of Love», pp. 135-136.)

Persona · 1926-

Bernard de Aguiar was born in New Jersey in 1926. First a Benedictine, he transferred to Gethsemani and became a Trappist in 1951 where he took the name Sylvanus. After 11 years at the Abbey, he was ordained a priest. Soon after, in 1962, he obtained permission to live an eremitical life away from Gethsemani with Dom Jacques Winandy in Martinique. In 1969, he moved to Hornby Island (between the British Columbia mainland and Vancouver Island) and started a pottery studio called Earthen Vessels. He was laicized in 1974.

de León, Ricardo I.

Ricardo I. de León was a former novice at Gethsemani who was living in the Philippines at the time of correspondence with Merton. He later became director of Caritas Manila, a Catholic social services agency.

de Menil, John
Persona · 1904-1973

John de Menil (husband of Dominique de Menil) writes from Houston, Texas. A prominent oil family, the de Menils collected one of the largest and most important American collections of art. They also devoted much of their later lives to ecumenism. The Menil Collection and the Rothko Chapel are testaments to their legacy in the arts and in ecumenism.

de Spoelberch, Jacques

Jacques de Spoelberch was an editor for Houghton Mifflin in Boston, Massachusetts, and asks Merton to do an introduction for Michel Bernanos' «La Montagne Morte de la Vie».

de Vinck, José
Persona · 1912-2012

Baron José M. G. A. de Vinck was a publisher, editor, translator, writer, and owner of Alleluia Press. He wrote and translated books on philosophy and theology. He writes from Allendale, New Jersey.

Deikman, Arthur J., M.D.

Dr. Arthur J. Deikman of Austen Riggs Center in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.

Dell'Isola, Frank

Frank Dell'Isola compiled and updated bibliographies of Thomas Merton's writings, as well as writing books and articles on Scripture studies.

Delteil, Canon

Canon Delteil was from Merton's childhood home of Saint-Antonin in France. He sends two letters of Owen Merton and some pictures. (The letters and pictures were not kept together in this file.)

D'Incecco, Nick

Nick D'Incecco writes as director of public relations for Prentice-Hall publishers from Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.

Donnelly, Jim

Jim Donnelly was a Maryknoll seminarian at the time of writing.

Doyle, Teresa Ann, Sr., O.S.B.

Teresa Ann Doyle was a Benedictine sister and editor of the «American Benedictine Review», published in Collegeville, Minnesota.

Dugan, James L., Fr., S.J.

Fr. James Dugan was a Jesuit priest from Weston College in Massachusetts.

Dumont, Charles, Fr., O.C.S.O.

Fr. Charles Dumont was a monk of the Trappist Abbey of Scourmont near Chimay, Belgium. He was editor of «Collectanea Cisterciensia» and helped establish the English counterpart called «Cistercian Studies». (Source: «The School of Charity», p. 66.)

Dumoulin, Heinrich, Fr., S.J.
Persona · 1905-1995

Fr. Heinrich Dumoulin was a Jesuit priest, professor at Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan, and a scholar of the history of Zen Buddhism. In the mid-seventies, he was the founder and first director of the Nanzen Institute for Religion and Culture.

Dunne, Finley Peter, Jr.

Peter Dunne was executive director of The Temple of Understanding in Washington, D.C. The organization was founded to promote interreligious dialog and to build a center in Washington to facilitate interfaith education (later, programming of educational programs became the sole emphasis and the idea of building a center was abandoned). Merton was invited to speak at the first international conference of the organization in Calcutta and was able to make this a part of his journey to Asia.

Dureau, Jean, Fr., O.P.

Fr. Dureau, a Dominican priest, writes in 1959 from Stockholm on the letterhead of the publication «Dominikanerna». His 1966 letter is from Paris.

García Elorrio, Juan

Juan García Elorrio was Secretary General of the Encuentro Latino-Americano Camilo Torres to be held in Montevideo, Uruguay on February 15, 1968, and invites Merton's contributions. He supported the Movimiento de Sacerdotes del Tercer Mundo (Priests in the Third World Movement) and was Editor of the magazine «Cristianismo y Revolución» in Argentina. He writes from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Enderle, Rupert

Rupert Enderle was owner of the Enderle Bookstore, a Herder Agency, that dealt in publications and the import and export of books. He writes from Tokyo.

Engländer, Elsa

Elsa Engländer was author of the 1958 book, «In sehr grosser Freude». She writes from Linz, Austria.

Erichson, Knut

Knut Erichson writes from Bonn am Rein on behalf of the publisher Bonner Buchgemeinde. Having been impressed with Merton's drawings that were published in Clare Booth Luce's «Saints for Now» of St. Thérèse of Lisieux and of St. John of the Cross, Erichson asks Merton to send a drawing of St. Catherine of Siena for an edition of Sigrid Undset's book on the saint, «Katharina Benincasa». The book was published by Verlag Bonner Buchgemeinde in 1954 with Merton's drawing of St. Catherine on the front cover of the dust jacket.

Erlach, Franz Sales, M.D.

Franz Erlach was a medical doctor who emigrated from Austria in 1938 with his wife, Dr. Helen P. Erlach, and two children. At the time of this letter, they had retired to Croton-on-Hudson, New York.

Fabian, Br., O.C.S.O.

Br. Fabian was a Trappist monk of Holy Spirit Abbey in Huntsville, Utah, one of the daughter houses of Gethsemani Abbey.

Fentener van Vlissingen, R.

R. Fentener van Vlissingen was a psychiatrist writing from Rotterdam, Netherlands.