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Authority record
Tadashi, Kudo

Tadashi Kudo writes while on retreat at a Trappist monastery in Hokkaido, Japan.

Tadié, Marie

Marie Tadié, from Paris, France, served as translator and publishing agent for many of Merton's works in French, Spanish and Italian. Relations later became strained between Tadié, on one side, and Merton, his abbey and his American publishers on the other. Tadié tries to leverage exclusive rights to serve as translation and publishing agent for all Merton's books in romance languages. Merton, Gethsemani Abbey, Merton's American publishers, and Naomi Burton Stone were against this idea, and refused her offer. This prompted threats of legal action from Tadié.

Talbot, C. H. (Charles H.)

C. H. Talbot was a scholar from the Warburg Institute of London, England. He had written about medieval figures, such as Bernard of Clairvaux and William of York.

Taplinger, Richard J.
Person · 1911-1973

Richard Taplinger was head of Taplinger Publishing Company in New York.

Tardini, Domenico, Cardinal
Person · 1888-1961

Domenico Cardinal Tardini was an Italian priest who held high positions in the Roman Catholic Curia during the tenure of Pope Pius XII and was later elevated to cardinal and Secretary of State of the Vatican under Pope John XXIII in 1958.

Targ, William
Person · 1907-

William Targ writes from New York.

Tarín Iglesias, Manuel

Manuel Tarín Iglesias writes on behalf of the Sociedad Española de Radiodifusión in Barcelona, Spain.

Tarpey, Lawrence X.

Lawrence X. Tarpey, Sr. writes from Lexington, Kentucky.


The Rev. Francis C. Tatem, Jr. was Associate Rector for Religious Education at St. Thomas' Episcopal Church in Rochester, New York.

Tatman, Ted N.

Note that Rev. Theodore Nelson (Ted) Tatman later in life legally changed his name to Theodore N. McGill.

Taylor, Brenda

Brenda Taylor was Speakers Chairman for the University of Oklahoma's Conference on Religion. She writes from Norman, Oklahoma.

Tebé, Tomas

Tomas Tebé was an editor from Editorial Selecta in Barcelona, Spain.

Teresa Marie, Sr., M.M.

Sr. Teresa Marie was a Maryknoll sister from Maryknoll, New York.

Teresa, Mary, Dame, O.S.B.

Dame M. Teresa was a Benedictine nun of St. Scholastica Abbey in Teignmouth, Devon, England.


Sr. M. Teresa was Prioress of the Carmelite Monastery of the Holy Family in Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

Teresius, Fr., O.C.D.

Fr. Teresius was a Carmelite priest from Mexico City, Mexico.


Fr. Kenneth R. Terry was a priest of the Order of the Holy Cross of the Episcopal Church. At the time of writing, he was Master of Postulants. He writes from West Park, New York.

Thomais, Sr.

Sr. Thomais writes from the Sat Tal Ashram (Sattal Ashram), a Christian ashram in Nainital, India.

Thomas Merton Center
Corporate body · 1969-

In 1967, one year before his death, Merton established the Merton Legacy Trust, naming Bellarmine College as the repository of his manuscripts, letters, journals, tapes, drawings, photographs, and memorabilia. Two years later, in October 1969, the College established the Thomas Merton Center, with the Collection as its focal point. (Merton first deposited a collection of papers at Bellarmine College for a Merton Room in the library in 1963.) The Center serves as a regional, national, and international resource for scholarship and inquiry on Merton and his works and also on the ideas he promoted: contemplative life, spirituality, ecumenism, East-West relations, personal and corporate inner work, peace, and social justice. The Merton Center regularly sponsors courses, lectures, retreats, seminars, Road Scholar [elderhostel], and exhibits for scholars, students, and the general public.

Thomas, Fr., O.C.S.O.

Fr. Thomas was a Trappist monk of the Abbey of the Genesee in Piffard, New York.

Thomas, Mary, Mother, O.S.C.

Mother Mary Thomas was of the Order of St. Clare and served as superior of the Monastery of St. Clare in Lowell, Massachusetts.

Thompson, August Louis, Fr.
Person · 1926-2019

Fr. August Thompson was an African-American priest who was serving at St. Charles Church in Ferriday, Louisiana, at the time of writing to Merton. He was interviewed by John Howard Griffin for an article for «Ramparts» magazine about the experience of being a black Catholic priest and the effects of racism on the Catholic Church. He ran into some trouble with his bishop, Charles Pasquale Greco, of Alexandria, Louisiana. The bishop disputed many claims of institutional racism by Thompson, and was even angrier that the Church was given a bad image publicly on this issue. Thompson met Merton in 1963 and corresponded with him for a number of years.

Thompson, Charles Stanley

Charles Stanley Thompson worked for the British National Heath Service. He converted to Catholicism in 1954. He became involved in a peace organization called the Pax Society, which later allied with the Pax Christi International movement. Thompson served as bulletin editor for the British society's «Pax Bulletin» from 1956-1963. He was also chairperson until 1971. (Source: «The Hidden Ground of Love», p. 571.)

Thompson, Lawrence S.

Lawrence S. Thompson was Director of the University of Kentucky Libraries at the time of correspondence with Thomas Merton. Merton sent gifts of his manuscripts and other papers for the university's Special Collections and Archives.

Thompson, Thomas

Thomas Thompson writes from Dußlingen (Dusslingen), West Germany. He spent half a year at Gethsemani Abbey while Merton was Novice Master, under the name Frater William. He re-entered lay life to study and teach theology and was getting a doctorate in Germany at the time of writing.

Thunberg, Erling A.

Erling A. Thunberg was Coordinating Director for the International Center for Integrative Studies (ICIS). He writes from New York.

Thunberg, Lars
Person · 1928-

Professor Lars Thunberg wrote a book entitled, «Microcosm and Mediator: The Theological Anthropology of Maximus the Confessor».

Tighe, Benedict F., Msgr.
Person · 1927-2004

Fr. Benedict Tighe was a Benedictine monk of Mount Saviour Monastery in Pine City, New York, at the time of writing to Merton. Born Francis James Tighe, he took Benedict in religion. In 1966, he took a sabbatical and served as chaplain on military bases in Europe. He decided not to return to the Benedictines and served the rest of his years as a parish priest in Connecticut. He was honored as a monsignor in 1991 by Pope John Paul II. (Source: "Msgr. Benedict Tighe, served at St. Mary’s". «The Ridgefield Press». Obituaries. Online from Hersam Acorn Newspapers. 17 Oct 2004. Bellarmine University Library. 11 July 2006. ‹›.)

Tiller, Frances Aurand
Person · 1925-2015

Frances Tiller had been writing to Thomas Merton before making a visit to Gethsemani Abbey with her husband, the Rev. Thomas Tiller and their children around September of 1964. They were living in Jackson, Mississippi, and were friends of another of Merton's acquaintances there, Msgr. Josiah G. Chatham.

Tillich, Paul
Person · 1886-1965

Paul Tillich was German-born Protestant theologian whose books on systematic theology were among the most influential in theological circles of the 20th Century. He was ordained a Lutheran minister and served as a chaplain in the German army during World War I. He was against this war and he came to realize that the Christian principles underpinning society were under attack. A fierce critic of the Nazi regime, he was one of the first non-Jewish professors to be expelled from a German university. He went to the United States and spent the rest of his career with professorships at Union Theological Seminary, Harvard University, and University of Chicago. (Source: «The Hidden Ground of Love», pp. 575-576.)

Tillson, David S.

David Tillson writes from Brockport, New York.

Tintori, Amedeo

Amedeo Tintori writes from Livorno, Italy, concerning Merton's article "Monastic Peace".

Tjo Tchel-Oung, Joseph

Joseph Tjo Tchel-Oung was from Holy Ghost College in Seoul, Korea.

Tobin, Mary Luke, Sr., S.L.
Person · 1908-2006

Sr. Mary Luke Tobin was former Superior General of the Sisters of Loretto. She writes from the Loretto Motherhouse in Nerinx, Kentucky. Sr. Mary Luke was the only American woman who served as an observer to the Second Vatican Council.

Person · 1910-

Richard Tobin was Managing Editor of the «Saturday Review» at the time of writing to Merton. He writes from New York.

Todd, John M.

John M. Todd was publisher from Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd. in London, England. His secretary, Virginia Johnstone, sends Merton a reply.

Tomei, Lucille

Lucille Tomei was from New York. She writes postcards to Merton while traveling in Germany and Austria.

Toufenti, Paolo

Paolo Toufenti writes from Rome, Italy.

Tovell, Vincent

Vincent Tovell writes on behalf of Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) from Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Tower, Miss

Thomas Merton's letter to this recipient addresses her as "Miss Tower." She had sent Merton a copy of a new book by Martin Luther King, Jr.

Person · 1885-1986

Gwynedd Fanny Merton Trier (Aunt Gwyn) was the oldest sister of Thomas Merton's father, Owen Merton. She married Erwin Julian Trier in 1915 and moved to England. At the time of writing to Merton in the 1960's, she was living in Fairlawn, West Horsley. Merton used to see her during his breaks from school while attending the nearby Ripley Court. (Source: «The Road to Joy», p. 78.)

Trigueros de León, Ricardo
Person · 1917-1965

Ricardo Trigueros de León was Director General of Publications for the Ministry of Education in San Salvador, El Salvador.

Tshering, Tashi

Tashi Tshering was a student from University of Washington in Seattle, Washington. He was a Tibetan and sent Merton the book «Tibet's Great Yogi Milarepa», edited by W. Y. Evans-Wentz. Tashi Tshering worked at University of Washington's Tibetan Research Project. He met Merton through a visit to Gethsemani in 1961 and later wrote a letter.

Tucker, Martin
Person · 1928-

Martin Tucker writes from Brooklyn, New York.

Tudor-Hart, Percyval
Person · 1873-1954

Percyval Tudor-Hart was the art teacher and mentor of Thomas Merton's father, the painter Owen Merton.

Tully, Jane, Sr., M.M.

Sr. Jane Tully was a Maryknoll Missionary from Mwanza, Tanzania.

Tünnermann Bernheim, Carlos
Person · 1933-

Carlos Tünnermann Bernheim was Rector of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua in Leon, Nicaragua. He is a lawyer, educator and literary critic.


Sr. Lucille was a Religious Sister of Mercy writing from Clymer, New York, at the time of writing to Merton. She later left the religious life and resumed her birth name, Mary Turner.

Tüz, Tamás, Fr.
Person · 1916-

Fr. Tamás Tüz writes from St. Edward Church in San Diego, California. He was a poet born in Hungary. He spent time in a Russian concentration camp during the Second World War. After the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, he came first to Canada and then to the United States. At the time of writing to Merton, he had published four books of poetry.

Tyner, Raymond

Raymond Tyner was editor of the «Green River Review» (originally to be entitled the «Kentucky Review» until duplicate title discovered). He writes from Owensboro, Kentucky.

Uminski, M. R.
Person · 1912-

M. R. Uminski was master of a British ship in the Hudson Steamship Company. He was of Polish decent and offers to translate Merton's book «New Seeds of Contemplation» into Polish, and for this book he writes to thank Merton.

Upson, Wilfred, Dom, O.S.B.
Person · 1880-1963

Dom Wilfred Upson (born John Henry Neil Upson) was, at the time of writing to Dom James Fox, Abbot of Prinknash Abbey (Our Lady and St. Peter at Prinknash), a Benedictine monastery in Gloucestershire, England. Upson first entered monastic life as an Anglican with the community of monks led by Aelred Carlyle on Caldey Island. After a conflict with the Church of England, the community converted en masse to Catholicism. Caldey Island was later sold to Cistercian monks in 1928, and the community moved to Gloucestershire. Upson was elected first abbot in 1937 and served in that position until 1961. Merton would be in contact with another Anglican-convert who would become Catholic at Prinknash, Bede Griffiths (Merton and Griffiths having been in contact during Griffith's later years at his monastery in India). (Source: "A Monk and His Movies." 23 October 2013. Accessed 5 August 2020. ‹›.)

Urgoiti, Julián

Julián Urgoiti was head of Editorial Sudamericana publishers in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Vagnozzi, Egidio, Cardinal
Person · 1906-1980

In late 1958, Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi was appointed Apostolic Delegate to the United States, replacing Amleto Cicognani. Vagnozzi was elevated to Cardinal in 1967.

Vahanian, Gabriel
Person · 1927-

Gabriel Vahanian was one of the foremost theologians of the Death of God Movement that flourished in the 1960's. Later, he would write about technology and its effects on society and theology, including reflections on the thoughts of Jacques Ellul. Gabriel Vahanian writes to Merton while at his summer residence in Allauch, France. At that time, he was a professor at Syracuse University in New York.

Vail, Mariann

Mariann Vail writes from Richmond, Indiana.

Valeri, Valerio, Cardinal
Person · 1883-1963

Valerio Cardinal Valeri was Prefect of the Roman Curia's Congregation of the Affairs of Religious, currently known as the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. He writes from the Vatican.

Valle, Francisco
Person · 1942-

Francisco Valle was a surrealist poet born in Nicaragua. He sends Merton an inscribed copy of one of his books.

Vallejo, Georgette de
Person · 1908-1984

Georgette de Vallejo was born Georgette Marie Philippart in Paris in 1908. She married poet and author César Vallejo in 1934. Widowed by César's death in 1938, she would later write some biographical works and compile some anthologies of her late husband and his works in the 1960's and 1970's.

Valverde, José Maria
Person · 1926-1996

José Maria Valverde was a poet born in Valencia de Alcántara, Spain. At the time of writing to Merton, he was a professor at University of Barcelona. He was the administrator of the publisher Eler.

van der Post, Laurens
Person · 1906-1996

Laurens van der Post was a writer born in South Africa. He writes about the conflicts of having been born into a Boer family, educated by the British who had recently defeated them, and hating the system of apartheid. His attacks on South African apartheid in a magazine he co-founded in his youth, «Voorslag», led to his exile. He spent some time in Japan and later joined the British army in 1939. He served in the Second World War. After the war, he was send on a mission by the British government's Colonial Development Corporation, which took him into the African interior. He began to write some travelogues and novels with influences of Jungian psychology. He saw racial tensions in light of the conflict between our interior battles between our primitive and civilized self, and racism as exteriorizing our interior hatred of the primitive self to what we perceive as primitive in other groups. Other themes of mysticism and interiority occur in his novels, prompting Merton's interest in them. (Source: "Van der Post, Laurens". World Authors 1950-1970. 1975. Wilson Biographies Plus. Online. H.W. Wilson. Bellarmine University Library, Louisville, KY. 18 July 2006. ‹›.)

Van Doren, Charles Lincoln
Person · 1926-2019

Charles Lincoln Van Doren was the son of famed poet Mark Van Doren, Mark having been one of Merton's professors at Columbia University. Charles became an scholar and professor at Columbia University, as well, but his legacy was later overshadowed by scandal. He was a long-term contestant on the game show Twenty-One. His winning streak was later revealed as a fraud.

Van Doren, Mark
Person · 1894-1972

Mark Van Doren won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry in 1940 for his 1939 volume of collected poems and was a literary critic and professor. He had a profound effect on Merton as a professor of English at Columbia University in New York. Van Doren was at Columbia from 1920 to 1959. Merton stayed in contact with Van Doren after leaving Columbia and after entering the monastery. Van Doren selected the pieces for Merton's «Thirty Poems» and helped get them published. Merton also knew Van Doren's wife, Dorothy, and sons Charles and John. Mark Van Doren visited Merton at Gethsemani a few times and met once with him in Louisville. (Source: «The Road to Joy», p. 3.)


Merton writes to Dom Emmanuel Van Gassel, Abbot of St. Benedictus-Abdij, a Cistercian monastery in Achel, Belgium. He was superior of the abbey from 1965-1989.