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Andrews, Faith Elizabeth (Young)
Pessoa singular

Wife of, and co-author with, Edward Deming Andrews in many books about the Shakers.

Angelita, Sr.
Pessoa singular
Atkins, Anselm, Fr., O.C.S.O.
Pessoa singular · 1934-1999

Former monk of the Monastery of the Holy Spirit in Conyers, Georgia. Previously listed under Fr. Anselm, O.C.S.O. (updated 2016).

Antoine, Fr., O.C.S.O.
Pessoa singular

Merton notes on copy of letter that Fr. Antoine is a Canadian Trappist.

Antonella, Mary, Sr., S.C.N.
Pessoa singular

Sr. Mary Antonella is was an administrator of the St. Joseph Infirmary in Louisville at the time of writing.

Antoninus, Br. (William Oliver Everson), O.P.
Pessoa singular · 1912-1994

Br. Antoninus, who later went back to his birth name of William Everson, was a Californian poet associated with the San Francisco Renaissance and Beat movements, publishing under both his secular and religious names. He joined the Dominican Order in 1951 after a second failed marriage and remained a religious brother through his correspondence with Merton. In 1969, he left the Dominicans to enter a third marriage. He founded Lime Kiln Press and taught at University of California, Santa Cruz, which not only allowed him to continue his poetry, but also made him known as a master printer. (Sources: Nelson, Cary [ed]. An Online Journal and Multimedia Companion to the «Anthology of Modern American Poetry». Oxford University Press, 2000. ‹›.)

Atencio, Mr.
Pessoa singular
Augustin, Marie, Sr., O.C.S.O.
Pessoa singular

Sr. Marie Augustin is writing from a Trappistine monastery in Laval, France.

Ayalew, Ato
Pessoa singular
Babin, Pierre, Fr., O.M.I.
Pessoa singular · 1925-

Fr. Pierre Babin, O.M.I. is writing as director of "Monde et Foi: Collection Internationale de Catéchèse pour Jeunes".

Baeten, Betsi
Pessoa singular · 1954-

Betsi Baeten was in eighth grade from West de Pere, Wisconsin, when she wrote to Merton. She was seeking some words for him on civil rights as she was serving as moderator for a group presenting this issue at a P.T.A. (Parent Teacher Association) meeting.

Baird, Mary Julian, Sr., R.S.M.
Pessoa singular

Sr. Mary Julian Baird is writing as a staff editor of the New Catholic Encyclopedia in Washington, D.C.

Barr, Ernest E.
Pessoa singular

Ernest Barr was an author writing to Merton from Toronto.

Barry, Marion S., Jr.
Pessoa singular

This is likely the same Marion Barry who would later become a long-time mayor of Washington, D.C.

Bartelme, Elizabeth
Pessoa singular

Elizabeth Bartelme was a publishing agent for Macmillan. She seemed to know some acquaintances of Merton's, such as Philip and Dan Berrigan and Ed Rice, and keep him informed of what was happening with them.

Bastos, María Luisa
Pessoa singular

María Luisa Bastos is writing on behalf of the Argentinean magazine «Sur» ("the South"), founded by Victoria Ocampo.

Batten, R. J., Fr., O.P.
Pessoa singular · 1921-

Fr. R. J. Batten was a Dominican priest writing from Wahroonga, New South Wales.

Beck, Dorothy
Pessoa singular · 1928-

Dorothy Beck was the author of some Zen stories and poems that Merton published in «Monks Pond». At the time of writing, she was working the in the Archives Department at Dartmouth College.

Bennett, (Ruth) Iris Weiss
Pessoa singular

Iris Weiss Bennett was the widow of Merton's guardian in England, Dr. Tom Izod Bennett. Communication between the Bennett's and Merton was few and far between after Merton left Cambridge.

Waddell, Chrysogonus, Fr., O.C.S.O.
Pessoa singular

Fr. Chrysogonus Waddell is a Trappist monk of Gethsemani Abbey who was studying in Rome at the time of this correspondence.

Wagner, Eusebius, Dom, O.C.S.O.
Pessoa singular

Dom Eusebius Wagner was Abbot of New Clairvaux Abbey in Vina, California.

Wallis, Benedict, Fr., O. Cart.
Pessoa singular

Fr. Benedict Wallis was a Carthusian monk of Le Grande Chartreuse in France.

Walsh, Anthony
Pessoa singular · 1899-1994

Tony Walsh was the founder of the Benedict Labre House in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He was born in Paris, France, to Irish parents and was raise in England and Scotland. After some military service in France during and after World War I, he came to Canada and worked with Native American schools. He worked with the Legion War Services from 1942-1946. After some time of travel and study, he returned to found the Labre House. The members of the house serve the needs of the urban poor. Many early members had experience in the Catholic Worker Movement, and like that group, published a newspaper. The Labre House called theirs «Unity». In 1990, Walsh received Canada's highest civilian honor, the Order of Canada. (Source: "The Teacher: Anthony Walsh." 2004. Website of the Osoyoos Museum. Accessed at the Bellarmine University Library 28 Aug. 2006. ‹›.)

Pessoa singular · 1930-2008

Edmund Wasserman, nicknamed "Cap" or "Cappy" by Merton, was a former Gethsemani monk known as Fr. John of the Cross. He entered the monastery in 1948 and studied under Merton. He was a close friend of Merton, but left in late 1962. Merton became close to Wasserman's family, becoming like an adopted son to his parents. Merton wrote extensively to Wasserman's sister, Ann, who joined the Carmelites in Cleveland, taking the name of Sr. Anita of Jesus. (Source: "John of the Cross Wasserman." «International Thomas Merton Society Newsletter», Vol. 16, No. 1. [Louisville, KY: International Thomas Merton Society, 2009], p. 3.)

Wasserman, Edmund (Senior)
Pessoa singular · d. 1962

Edmund Wasserman (Senior) was married to Margaret (Peg) Wasserman. They were the parents of Merton's friends, Sr. Anita (Ann) and Edmund (Junior, whom Merton called "Cappy" or "Cap"). Edmund (Junior) was at Gethsemani Abbey with Merton for many years before leaving in 1963 and was known there as Fr. John of the Cross. Edmund Wasserman (Senior) died in 1962.

Wasserman, Margaret (Peg)
Pessoa singular

Margaret (Peg) Wasserman was married to Edmund Wasserman (Senior). They were the parents of Merton's friends, Sr. Anita (Ann) and Edmund (Junior, whom Merton called "Cappy" or "Cap"). Edmund (Junior) was at Gethsemani Abbey with Merton for many years before leaving in 1963 and was known there as Fr. John of the Cross.

Watkins, Will
Pessoa singular

Will Watkins writes from San Francisco, California.

Watson, Robert B.
Pessoa singular

Robert B. Watson wrote to Merton from New York. He was a doctor who had spent nearly ten years in Brazil and responds to Merton's writings in the «Sewanee Review» on Brazilian poetry.

Waugh, Evelyn
Pessoa singular · 1903-1966

Evelyn Waugh (1903-1966), famous British author and satirist, was a convert to Catholicism in 1930 and served as a mentor to Merton in his early career as a writer.

Weatherhead, Benet, Fr., O.P.
Pessoa singular

Fr. Benet Weatherhead was a Dominican priest from Blackfriars in Cambridge, England. He briefly served as editor of «Blackfriars».

Wells, Abbie Jane
Pessoa singular

Abbie Jane Wells writes from Juneau, Alaska. She would later write the book, «The Gospel According to Abbie Jane Wells: A Sampler».

Wells, Joel
Pessoa singular

Joel Wells was editor of «The Critic», published by the Thomas More Association of Chicago, Illinois. He has gone on to write many books concerning Catholicism, humor and social commentary.

Werblowsky, R. J. Zwi
Pessoa singular · 1924-

Raphael Jehudah Zwi Werblowsky is a scholar of comparative religion. He was born in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1924. He taught at Manchester and Leeds Universities in England before going to Hebrew University in Jerusalem in 1962.

Weybright, Victor
Pessoa singular · 1903-

Victor Weybright writes on behalf of the New American Library of World Literature.

White, Jo Anne
Pessoa singular

Jo Anne White was secretary to John Ciardi, poetry editor of the «Saturday Review». She writes from New York.

Wicksteed, James R. (Samson), Dom, O.C.S.O.
Pessoa singular

Dom James R. (Samson) Wicksteed was editor of «Cistercian Studies» and writes from the Abbey, Caldey Island, in Pembrokeshire, Wales.

Williams, C. Dickerman
Pessoa singular · 1900-1998

C. Dickerman Williams was an attorney from New York who helped Merton to find a lawyer in Louisville to assist him with his literary estate. He wrote a letter to Louisville attorney Wilson W. Wyatt.

Williams, John Rodney
Pessoa singular · 1919-

John R. Williams was an assistant professor of English at Southeastern Louisiana College in Hammond, Louisiana.

Williams, Robert Lawrence
Pessoa singular

Robert Lawrence Williams was, at the time of writing to Merton, a tenor vocalist. He was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but writes to Merton from Boston, Massachusetts, and later from New York. He served as president of the Foundation for African Students of Brighton, Massachusetts. (Source: «The Hidden Ground of Love», p. 587.)

Williams, William Carlos
Pessoa singular · 1883-1963

William Carlos Williams was a poet, novelist, playwright and essayist from Rutherford, New Jersey, where he also maintained a pediatric medical practice. (Source: «The Courage for Truth», p. 289.)

Wilson, Keith
Pessoa singular · 1927-

Keith Wilson is a poet and professor emeritus and former poet-in-residence from New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, New Mexico. His poetry was influenced by his life in the southwest and its native tribes, and the violence Wilson experienced in his tours of duty in the Navy during the Korean War. He has published a number of collections of poetry. (Source: "Keith Wilson." Contemporary Authors Online. 2002. Literature Resource Center. Thomson Gale. Bellarmine University Lib., Louisville, Kentucky. 13 Sep. 2006 ‹›.)

Winzen, Damasus, Dom, O.S.B.
Pessoa singular · 1901-1971

Dom Damasus Winzen was a Benedictine monk of Maria Laach Abbey in Germany until the rise of Hitler. He moved to the United States and first writes to Merton while at Regina Laudis Abbey in Bethlehem, Connecticut, in 1950. In 1951, he founded Mount Saviour Monastery in Elmira, New York. The monastery was founded on principles of simplicity and equality without traditional divisions between choir monks and lay brothers, all sharing in the raising of sheep. (Source: «The School of Charity», p. 18.)

Wolff, Kurt
Pessoa singular
Woolf, Cecil
Pessoa singular

Cecil Woolf and John Bagguley were editors of the book «Authors Take Sides on Vietnam». The book asked a range of authors to address the following questions: "Are you for, or against, the intervention of the United States in Vietnam?"; and "How, in your opinion, should the conflict in Vietnam be resolved?". Other authors in the volume included: W. H. Auden; William F. Buckley, Jr.; William S. Burroughs; Lawrence Ferlinghetti; and Allen Ginsberg. The book was modeled after «Authors Take Sides on the Spanish War», published in 1937, and compiled by Nancy Cunard. Woolf and Bagguley write to Merton from London.

Wray, Jeanne Adams
Pessoa singular

Jeanne Adams Wray was Managing Editor of the «Cimarron Review», Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma.

Wright, Scott
Pessoa singular

Scott Wright was a student in library science at the University of Minnesota. As part of his coursework, he wrote a paper entitled "The Merton-Mailer Vision".

Wu, John, Jr.
Pessoa singular

John Wu, Jr. is a professor of philosophy and English literature at Chinese Culture University in Taiwan. He is the son of John C. H. Wu.

Wygal, James
Pessoa singular

Dr. James Wygal was a friend of Merton and served as his psychiatrist during the 1960's. He began work with Gethsemani Abbey's novices in the mid-1950's. For Merton, it may have been an excuse to see a friend and go to Louisville as therapy. He notes in his journals about listening to jazz records with Wygal and once going instead of his appointment with Fr. John Loftus of Bellarmine College to see live jazz. Besides his professional contact with Merton, Wygal served as part of the group raising money for a Merton Room at Bellarmine College.

Young, Chris
Pessoa singular · 1954-

At the time of writing, Chris Young was a 13-year-old who was planning to enter a high school seminary and someday wanted to be a Trappist monk. A fan of Merton's writings, he wanted to be a writer himself and sent Merton copies of two pieces he had written.

Yourcenar, Marguerite
Pessoa singular · 1903-1987

Marguerite Yourcenar was a Belgian-born French novelist. She sends Merton her book «L'Oeuvre au Noir» in 1968.

Zilboorg, Gregory
Pessoa singular · 1891-1959

Gregory Zilboorg was a prominent psychiatrist and convert to Catholicism. Merton obtained a rare permission to leave Gethsemani to hear Gregory Zilboorg lecture at St. John's Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota. Merton spoke privately to Zilboorg of his desire for more solitude and to live as a hermit at Gethsemani or to leave if that were not possible. Zilboorg considered his feelings pathological, a message Dom James, Merton's abbot, was happy to hear. It is questionable whether Zilboorg's harsh criticism, some of which may be defended, was unbiased. Merton's pre-monastic interest in Sigmund Freud was rekindled, and Zilboorg may have felt threatened by another prominent Catholic convert writing on the subject. Zilboorg writes to Merton from New York. (Source: The Thomas Merton Encyclopedia, p. 550.)

Zino, Vittorio Emanuele
Pessoa singular

Vittorio Emanuele Zino writes from New York.

Zoretkin, Alexandra
Pessoa singular

Alexandra Zoretkin writes from Washington, D.C.

Zukofsky, Louis
Pessoa singular · 1904-1978

Louis Zukofsky was a poet and professor of English, who was born in New York, where he also spent his professional life. His poetry of the 1930's was considered part of the "objectivist" movement and associated with the work of William Carlos Williams and Ezra Pound. Later, he was rediscovered by the Black Mountain poets. He is known for the collection of poems, entitled "A", which spanned his whole writing career from the 1920's to the 1970's and was published the year of his death. (Source: "Zukofsky, Louis." World Authors. 1975. Online. H.W. Wilson. Bellarmine University Library, Louisville, KY. 4 Oct. 2006. ‹›.)

Pooler, Alfred D., Fr., C.P.
Pessoa singular · 1933-2015

Fr. Alfred Pooler was a Passionist priest that helped in the early years of the Thomas Merton Center in contacting people who had been in correspondence with Thomas Merton.

Ferraro, Joseph (also José Ferraro)
Pessoa singular

Joseph Ferraro was assistant professor of philosophy at University of the Americas in Mexico at the time of writing to Merton. He had written a dissertation on the theological virtues of St. John of the Cross and the relation to St. Thomas Aquinas, «Las virtudes teologales en la doctrina de San Juan de la Cruz».

Fevrier, Fran
Pessoa singular

Fran Fevrier took over the role as poetry editor for «The Florida Quarterly» from Martin Lee Curry who became general editor. This literary magazine began at University of Florida in Gainesville in 1967 and was the first of its kind at the university. Curry convinced Merton to send in a poem for the first issue. Merton also contributed the poem "Welcome" for the second issue, which was published in November of 1967.

Field, James Justin, Fr., O.P.
Pessoa singular

Fr. James Justin Field was a Dominican and Bishop of St. Georges-in-Grenada.

Filho, Armando Rezende
Pessoa singular

Armando Rezende Filho writes from Brazil.

Finch, Jeremiah Stanton
Pessoa singular · 1910-

Jeremiah Stanton Finch was dean of the Vanderbilt University Divinity School at the time of correspondence and was trying to arrange a faculty retreat at Gethsemani.

Fitzpatrick, Patricia, Sr., O.S.B.
Pessoa singular

Sr. Patricia Fitzpatrick was a Benedictine from Mount Saint Benedict Convent and Corbett College in Crookston, Minnesota.

Flanagan, Raymond, Fr., O.C.S.O.
Pessoa singular · 1903-1990

Flanagan, usually publishing under Fr. M. Raymond, was another Gethsemani author whose writing career started in the early forties, slightly before Merton's, and ran contemporaneously with Merton's through the late sixties. Quite different in style and substance from Merton's work, Flanagan's books include «The Man Who Got Even with God», «God Goes to Murderers Row», and «Burnt-Out Incense». Merton and Flanagan often saw each other at opposing ends of disagreements about theology or the training of novices.

Floersh, John Alexander, Archbishop
Pessoa singular · 1886-1968

Archbishop John Floersh served as bishop of Louisville archdiocese from 1924-1967.

Fox, Robert J., Msgr., d. 1984
Pessoa singular

Msgr. Robert J. Fox was from the Archdiocese of New York in the office of Spanish Community Action. He died in 1984 at the age of 54.

Frachebourd, Andre, Fr., O.C.S.O.
Pessoa singular

Fr. Andre Frachebourd writes from the Abbey of Notre Dame de Tamié in France.

Francis, Mary, Mother, P.C.C.
Pessoa singular

Mother M. Francis was abbess of the Poor Clare Monastery of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Roswell, New Mexico.

Frankl, Howard
Pessoa singular

Howard Frankl met Ernesto Cardenal while in Cuernavaca, Mexico. Cardenal was Frankl's godfather and instructed him in catechism. Frankl spent over two months as a retreatant at the Benedictine community of Nuestra Senora de la Resurrecion. This was the community of another Merton correspondent, Dom Gregorio Lemercier. Under pressure from the Vatican, the community was disbanded and Lemercier laicized in the late 1960's. Ernesto Cardenal shared his Merton correspondence with Frankl. Cardenal liked Frankl's poems and translated some of them into Spanish. Frankl initiates correspondence with Merton by sending some of his poems.

Frost, Marguerite, Eldress
Pessoa singular

Eldress Marguerite Frost was from the Shaker community at Canterbury, New Hampshire.

Fuller, Hoyt W.
Pessoa singular

Hoyt W. Fuller was Managing Editor of «Negro Digest» and writes from Chicago, Illinois.

Fusco, Joseph P., Fr.
Pessoa singular

Fr. Joseph Fusco was Chairman of the Departments of Modern and Classical Languages at Camden Catholic High School in Cherry Hill, New Jersey.

Gabites, O. Paul
Pessoa singular

Paul Gabites was Consul General of the New Zealand Consulate in New York.

Gaither, John Francis (Jack)
Pessoa singular

John Francis (Jack) Gaither was from Evansville, Indiana. He is the son of Marice (Mimi) Gaither and donated a large collection of Mimi's letters to the Thomas Merton Center in 2001.

Gannon, Lawrence, Br., O.C.S.O.
Pessoa singular

Br. Lawrence Gannon was a Trappist from Gethsemani writing to Merton while at the Monastery of the Precious Blood in Eagle River, Alaska, where Merton visited in 1968 and spoke at a series of conferences for the contemplative nuns there.

Gannon, Leone
Pessoa singular

Leone Gannon worked in Gethsemani Abbey's guesthouse.

Gardiner, Margaret
Pessoa singular · 1904-2005

Margaret Gardiner writes to Merton from England to ask his support in making some opposition statements to the Vietnam War and in supporting US draft resisters for «The Times» of London.

Garrison, Mr.
Pessoa singular

Garrison was a friend of a Sister Robert Vincent, who forwarded a letter by Garrison to Merton.

Gatimu, Caesar M., Bishop
Pessoa singular · 1921-1987

Bishop Caesar Gatimu was of the Diocese of Nyeri in Kenya.

Geist, Peter, III
Pessoa singular

Peter Geist writes from Matinicus Island, Maine and Saint Louis, Missouri. He was a professor of industrial design at Washington University in Saint Louis and designed books and corporate logos. Merton contacts him to design a books of pictures about Gethsemani Abbey, «Monastic Life at Gethsemani» (1965, softcover) and «Gethsemani: A Life of Praise» (1966, hardcover).

George, Michael M.
Pessoa singular

Michael M. George was Program Officer for the Council on Leaders and Specialists (CLS) and writes from Washington, D.C. He was trying to arrange for Dr. Alberto Caturelli, an Argentine philosopher, to meet Merton. Merton agreed but Dr. Caturelli later cancelled due to a heavy schedule.

Giabbani, Anselmo, Dom, O.S.B. Cam., d. 2004
Pessoa singular

Dom Anselmo Giabbani was Prior General of the Camaldolese and writes from Italy. He served as Camaldolese Prior General from 1951-1963. He died in 2004 at the age of 96.

Gibson, Jane
Pessoa singular

Jane Gibson was writing on behalf of «Jubilee» magazine.

Giltner, Dr.
Pessoa singular
Gisi, Martha
Pessoa singular

Martha Gisi writes from Schaffhauserrheinweg, Switzerland.