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Mahaney, Henry, Fr., O.F.M.

Fr. Henry Mahaney was a Franciscan priest from St. Pius X Church of the Capuchin Fathers in Middletown, Connecticut.

Maly, Eugene H., Fr.
Person · 1920-1980

Fr. Eugene H. Maly writes for the periodical «The Bible Today», a publication of Mt. St. Mary's Seminary in Norwood, Ohio.

Mantero, Manuel
Person · 1930-

Manuel Mantero was a poet writing from Madrid, Spain.

Marconi, Adria
Person · 1944-

Adria Marconi was a student from Milan, Italy, studying foreign language and graduating with a degree in English and American literature.

Margaret Mary, Sr., O.S.B.

Sr. Margaret Mary was a Benedictine nun of St. John's McNamara School of Nursing in Rapid City, South Dakota.

Maria de los Angeles, Sr., C.D.

Sr. Maria de los Angeles was a nun of the Carmelite Monastery of Cristo Rey in San Francisco, California.

Marino, Francis J., Fr., S.M.

Fr. Francis Marino was a Marianist priest from Immaculate Conception Church in Westerly, Rhode Island. He suggests that Merton write to Sr. Immaculate Heart of White Plains, New York, considering their plans for a new contemplative order with a goal of liturgical renewal, called the "Handmaids of the Blessed Trinity".

Marks, Patricia, Sr., M.C.F.

Sr. Patricia Marks writes to ask Merton's contribution to her congregation's newsletter, «The Light».

Marron, Peter

Peter Marron writes on behalf of «Cithara», "essays in the Judeo-Christian tradition".

Marsch, Michael

Michael Marsch was a German Christian who went to Israel to study Hebrew.

Mary Charlotte, Sr., S.C.N.

Sr. Mary Charlotte was President of Catherine Spalding College in Louisville (now known as Spalding University) and was a Sister of Charity of Nazareth.

Mary Philomena, Mother, P.C.C.

Mother Mary Philomena was Abbess of the Monastery of the Poor Clares in Chicago, Illinois.

Maslin, Christiana

Christiana Maslin writes from Saint-Chaffrey, Hautes-Alpes, France.

Maze, Thiband M., Fr., O.S.B.

Fr. Thiband M. Maze was a Benedictine monk from the Abbaye Notre-Dame Du Bec in France.

McBride, Alfred, Fr.
Person · 1928-

Fr. Alfred McBride writes to member of the National Association for Pastoral Renewal (NAPR) advisory board, which included Merton.

McClenahan, John L., M.D.

John L. McClenahan was a physician writing from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

McCorkell, Edward, Dom, O.C.S.O.

Dom Edward McCorkell was abbot of the Trappist monks at Holy Cross Abbey in Berryville, Virginia.

McDonnell, Kilian, Fr., O.S.B.
Person · 1921-

Fr. Kilian McDonnell is a Benedictine monk of St. John's Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota. He is founder and president of the Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research. He had the rare distinction for a Catholic monk in the early 1960's to do advanced studies in a Protestant faculty in Germany. He also studied under Catholic theologian Hans Küng. He was editor of «Sponsa Regis», (later known as «Sisters Today») to which Merton contributed. (Source: "Father Kilian McDonnell, OSB". Website of the Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research. Accessed 9 November 2005. ‹›.)

Person · 1911-1998

Born in Philadelphia in 1911, Thomas McDonough served as archbishop of the Archdiocese of Louisville, Kentucky, from 1967 to 1981, taking over from Archbishop John Floersh. Prior to this, McDonough had been bishop in the Diocese of Savannah, Georgia.

McElhose, Cindy
Person · 1956-

Cindy McElhose was an 11-year-old from Grand Blanc, Michigan. Her class project was to write a letter to a famous person and ask how to be a better teenager and American.

McElroy, Frank E.

Frank E. McElroy was Executive Director of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, Northeastern Region, in Boston, Massachusetts.

McGinley, Gerard, Dom, O.C.S.O.
Person · 1906-1955

Dom Gerard McGinley was Abbot of Our Lady of the Genesee in Piffard, New York at the time of this correspondence with Merton.

McInerny, Dennis Q.

Dennis Q. McInerny was a doctoral student in the American Studies program at University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. He was writing his dissertation on Merton, which was published in 1969 as "Thomas Merton and Society: A Study of the Man and His Thought against the Background of Contemporary American Culture". In 1974, his book «Thomas Merton: The Man and His Work» was published.

McKinney, John F.

John F. McKinney was Recording Director of the Catholic Poetry Society of America in New York. They were the publishers of «Spirit». A recording was made of some of Merton's poetry. The poems were read by Richard Gray.


Mother Mary Francis Clare McLaughlin was the Prioress of the Poor Clares of New Orleans, Louisiana. She gave Merton the "Shalom" sign for the door of his hermitage.

McNally, Arthur, Fr., C.P.

Fr. Arthur McNally was a Passionist priest and Associate Editor of «The Sign», a national Catholic magazine.

McNamara, Geraldine

Geraldine McNamara was a high-school student who writes to ask Merton about Trappist life.

McNamara, William, Fr., O.C.D.
Person · 1926-

Fr. William McNamara was a Carmelite priest writing on behalf of the Spiritual Life Institute of America (SLIA) in Sedona, Arizona. He has written on the contemplative life and founded Carmelite hermitages in the United States and Canada. (Source: «The School of Charity», p. 281.)

McNiff, Mary S.

Mary S. McNiff was Assistant to the Librarian of St. John's Seminary in Brighton, Massachusetts.


Fr. Daniel Meenan was a Jesuit priest and Editor of the «Sacred Heart Messenger», national magazine of the Apostleship of Prayer.

Person · 1880-1970

Dom Petrus Balthazar Albertus van der Meer de Walcheren was a Benedictine monk of Beuron Abbey in Germany. He was a friend of Jacques and Raïssa Maritain. Jacques Maritain wrote an introduction for his book «Le Paradis Blanc» about the Carthusians of La Valsainte.

Mejía Sánchez, Ernesto
Person · 1923-1985

Ernesto Mejía Sánchez was born in Nicaragua and lived his later life as a poet, essayist, literary critic, anthologist, and diplomat in Mexico. He can be placed with the "Generación del 40" and noted alongside other Nicaraguan poets, like Merton's friend Ernesto Cardenal and José Coronel Urtecho.

Tadié, Marie

Marie Tadié, from Paris, France, served as translator and publishing agent for many of Merton's works in French, Spanish and Italian. Relations later became strained between Tadié, on one side, and Merton, his abbey and his American publishers on the other. Tadié tries to leverage exclusive rights to serve as translation and publishing agent for all Merton's books in romance languages. Merton, Gethsemani Abbey, Merton's American publishers, and Naomi Burton Stone were against this idea, and refused her offer. This prompted threats of legal action from Tadié.

Olin, Maria Blanca, Sr.

Sr. Maria Blanca Olin was a Benedictine nun of the Monastery of St. Benedict (Monestir de Saint Benet) in Montserrat, Spain.

Yü Pin, Paul, Cardinal
Person · 1901-1978

Archbishop Paul Yü Pin, later elevated to Cardinal, was Archbishop of Nanking (Nanjing), China. He was opposed to the Chinese Communist government and was living in Taipei, Taiwan. He had an assignment from the Holy See to re-establish Fu-Jen Catholic University in Taiwan.


Robert Steed was a novice at Gethsemani from 1951-1953, and was known at that time as Br. Corentine. He later joined the Catholic Worker Movement. He writes from New York.

Fearns, John Michael, Bishop
Person · 1897-1977

Bishop John Michael Fearns was an auxiliary bishop who served the Archdiocese of New York from 1957 to 1972.

O'Neill, Joseph E., Fr., S.J.

Fr. Joseph E. O'Neill was a Jesuit priest and Editor of «Thought», a quarterly review published at Fordham University in New York.

Person · 1942-2013

Leopoldo José Bartolomé was a professor of anthropology at the Universidad Nacional de Misiones in Argentina. He was the author of a book of poetry, «El ojo del can», which he inscribed and sent to Merton in 1965.

Casey, Donald J.

Donald J. Casey writes as Executive Editor of «World Campus» from Maryknoll, New York.

Chaves, Maria Braz
Person · 1934-

Maria Braz Chaves (Maria Therezinha) writes from Minas Gerais, Brazil. Merton wrote her a brief letter of thanks in November of 1966. The letter is not extant but was reproduced for a book by Maria Braz Chaves, «Um Ser Entre Bilhões». The book was published in 1969 and Braz Chaves sends a copy with a note in the book and a separate letter to Dom Flavian Burns, Abbot of Gethsemani Abbey, in memory of Thomas Merton.

De Montfort, Br., O.C.S.O.

Br. De Montfort was a monk of Gethsemani Abbey. He seemed to be assisting Merton in furnishing either Merton's hermitage or one of the either sheds Merton used for prayer. There are also discussions of other little places for other monks to pray in nature but to take shelter from the rain and talk of a small chapel.

Doucette, Bedford

Bedford Doucette was a former novice of Gethsemani Abbey who was living in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada, at the time of correspondence with Thomas Merton.

Dwyer, Robert Joseph, Archbishop
Person · 1908-1976

The Most Reverend Robert J. Dwyer was Bishop of Reno, Nevada, at the time of correspondence with Merton. He later became the Archbishop of Portland, Oregon.

Edwards, George R.
Person · 1920-2010

The Rev. George Edwards was a professor at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in 1965. He had been a consciencious objector during the Second World War, and, together with Jean Edwards, became leaders in the Louisville peace and justice community, organizing for the local chapter of the Fellowship of Reconciliation.

Gribble, James

James Gribble was Associate Director of the University of Kentucky Libraries at the time of correspondence with Thomas Merton.

Groves, Gerald

Dr. Gerald Groves was a former monk of Gethsemani. He wrote the book «Up and Down Merton's Mountain».

Karpowich, Lorraine

Lorraine Karpowich was Editor-in-chief of the 1964 issues of «Blueprint», a quarterly publication of the National Honor Society of the Academy of the Holy Angels, Fort Lee, New Jersey.

Larsson, Raymond Ellsworth
Person · 1901-1991

The poet and Catholic convert born Raymond Edward Francis Larsson would write under the pen name Raymond Ellsworth Larsson.

Lewis, John
Person · 1940-2020

John Lewis is a current member of the U.S. Congress and a leader during the Civil Rights Movement for African Americans. He was chairperson of SNCC from 1963-1966.

Luces, Maureen

Maureen Luces, a 19-year old from Brooklyn, New York, wrote to Merton asking advice about whether to become a cloistered Carmelite nun or to enter a missionary order. Merton's answer to her letter is the only extant piece of correspondence. According to her daughter, Luces was later prevented from entering a convent based on racial exclusion, but became a Fullbright Scholar in France and attended the Georgetown School of Foreign Service. She later married and became a member of the Third Order Carmelites.

Metcalf, Paul C.
Person · 1917-1999

Paul Cuthbert Metcalf was a novelist associated with the Black Mountain school of the 1950's. He was the great-grandson of Herbert Melville. Brought up in the northeast, he went to Harvard for college but dropped out. His first attempt at writing after this was a failure. According to Metcalf, "[a]round 1940 or so I spent a summer living and studying (and drinking) with the poet Conrad Aiken." He held a number of small jobs after this until in 1945, he contacted tuberculosis. In his recovery in the mountains of northern Georgia, he read voraciously. Soon after, he wrote his first published book, «Will West». He began his association with Black Mountain College with a connection he had gained earlier in life. Charles Olsen had visited Metcalf's family while doing Melville research when Metcalf was 14. Through Olsen, Metcalf met poet Jonathan Williams of the Jargon Society, who became Metcalf's first publisher. It was through Williams that Metcalf was put in touch with Merton about writing for «Monks Pond». Another of Merton's friends, Guy Davenport, became a fan of Metcalf's work. At the time of writing to Merton, Metcalf was selling real estate in Chester, Massachusetts. He express a desire to Merton to get out of this and pursue writing full time. He was able to do this in the late sixties after receiving the inheritance from the death of his parents. By the end of his life, he had published over 20 books. Merton uses a section of his book «Patagoni» about Pre-Columbian South America. (Source: "Metcalf, Paul" World Authors." 1999. Wilson Biographies Plus. Online. H.W. Wilson. Bellarmine University Library, Louisville, KY. 16 Dec. 2005. ‹›.)

Michael, of Melrose

Michael "of Melrose" writes from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst.

Mildred, Sr., O.S.B.

Sr. Mildred was a Benedictine sister of Regina Laudis monastery in Bethlehem, Connecticut.

Miller, William J.

William J. Miller wrote a plan for the construction of a Cistercian monastery as an undergraduate thesis in architecture at the University of Cincinnati in Ohio.

Miller, William Robert
Person · 1927-1970

William Robert Miller was Managing Editor of «Fellowship» of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, and later took the same role at the «United Church Herald» of the United Church of Christ. It is in this capacity in 1962 in which he writes to Merton to commend him for an article in «Jubilee». By 1964, he writes to Merton as Associate Editor of the Religious Department at Holt, Rinehart and Winston in New York. Miller wrote a number of books about peacemaking, Christian nonviolence, and other related themes.

Mills, John

John Mills was a painter, print-maker, and essayist of art history. He knew Merton's friend in publishing, James Laughlin, and sends Merton an autobiographical poem (not extant with letter).

Moody, Dale
Person · 1915-1992

Dale Moody was, at the time of writing to Merton, a professor at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.

Moody, Roger

Roger Moody writes on behalf of the West Campaigners against Factory Farming / West of England Campaign against Factory Farming (WECAFF). He writes from Edinburgh, Scotland.

Moore, J. P., Msgr.

Monsignor J. P. Moore writes from the Catholic Chapel at the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York. He was the priest who had instructed and baptized Merton at Corpus Christi Church in New York. He visited Gethsemani in November of 1964. Merton notes in his journals that, at the time, Moore had been serving as chaplain at the military academy at West Point for twenty-five years.

Moore, Thomas Verner
Person · 1877-1969

Dom Thomas Verner Moore was the founder of a Carthusian charterhouse, the first in the Americas, at Sky Farm (later named the Charterhouse of the Transfiguration) in southern Vermont. He was born in Louisville, Kentucky, in 1877. He joined the Paulists in 1896. In 1903, he was granted the first doctorate in psychology in the District of Columbia from Catholic University of America. He was sent to study under one of the pioneers of psychology, Wilhelm Wundt, in Germany, but returned to the United States due to health problems. During the First World War, he changed orders from the Paulists to the English Benedictines at Downside Abbey. He went on to study medicine and earned an M.D. from John Hopkins in 1915. He then opened a children's clinic and taught clinical medical classes at Catholic University, later heading the department. After he retired in 1947, at the age of 70, he became a Carthusian at the Cartuja de Miraflores, in Burgos, Spain. In 1950, he returned to the United States under orders to begin the Sky Farm foundation. (Sources: ["Carthusian Solitude." Time magazine (11 Dec. 1950). Bellarmine University Library, Louisville, KY. 5 May 2008. «,9171,814099-2,00.html»]; and [Stafford, John W. "Thomas Verner Moore: 1877-1969." American Journal of Psychology: Vol. 83, No. 2 (June, 1970), pp. 286-288. JSTOR. Bellarmine University Library, Louisville, KY. 5 May 2008. ‹›].)

Moorhouse, Geoffrey
Person · 1931-

Geoffrey Moorhouse was a journalist on the editorial staff of «The Guardian» in London, England.


María Angustias Moreno Olmedo writes from Granada, Spain. She has published books on the genealogy and heraldry of Granada and a catalog of the archives of the Alhambra.

Morgana, Dante J.

Dr. Dante J. Morgana, a medical doctor and Benedictine Oblate (Frater Augustinus Morgana), writes from Buffalo, New York. He seems to have spent some time (1961?) as a postulant at Gethsemani Abbey.

Moubarac, Youakim, Fr.

Fr. Youakim Moubarac was a professor of Arabic classics at the Institut Catholique de Paris in France.

Moynihan, Paul V.

Paul V. Moynihan was Chief Reference Librarian of Bapst Library at Boston College in Massachusetts.

Mulloy, Joseph T.
Person · 1943-

Joseph Mulloy and his wife, Karen, corresponded with Merton for a number of years. In 1968, it was arranged through a mutual friend for Joseph to meet Merton at Gethsemani. Merton supported Mulloy in seeking Conscientious Objector status for the Vietnam War and wrote a letter to Local Board 47 in Louisville, Kentucky. Despite this, Mulloy was sent to prison. (Source: «The Road to Joy», p. 366.)

Mumford, Lewis
Person · 1895-1990

Letters from Mumford are addressed from Amenia, New York, but Merton mentions a letter of his written from London. Mumford was a well known architectural critic, urban planner, and commentator of the effects of modern technology on human development. Merton mentions reading some of Mumford's articles and his books «The Myth of the Machine» and «Technics and Civilization».

Murphy, Kay

Kay Murphy was the manager of the Literary Rights Division of the American Broadcasting Company (ABC).

Mwoleka, Christopher, Bishop
Person · 1927-2002

Fr. Christopher Mwoleka became Bishop of Rulenge in Tanzania in 1969. When he first wrote to Merton in 1967, he explains that he had first read Merton in 1952, and that «Seeds of Contemplation» was an inspiration for him to leave his job as an office clerk and enter seminary. He was ordained in 1962 and would later read a number of Merton's books. Shortly after beginning their correspondence, Mwoleka began teaching at St. Charles Lwanga's Katoke Seminary in Biharamulo.

Neff, Allen R.

Allen R. Neff was an English professor at Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois. Claire Livingston asked him to send Merton some poems for consideration in «Monks Pond». Merton included his work in volume three of «Monks Pond».

Neff, Dorothy

Dorothy Neff writes from Virginia Beach, Virginia, in response to «The Seven Storey Mountain» and «The Sign of Jonas».

Neri, Carole, Mother, R.S.C.J.

Mother Carole Neri was a Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus at the Convent of the Sacred Heart in Albany, New York. At the time of writing to Merton, she was not yet the superior (still Sr. Carole) and was Mistress of Novices.

Nicholl, Donald

Donald Nicholl was from the History Department at University of Keele in Staffordshire, England.