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Keefe, Chester P.
Pessoa singular

Chester P. Keefe writes to ask Merton about the daily activities of a monk and the layout of Gethsemani Abbey for a senior class design project at the Rhode Island School of Design. They had decided to design a Trappist monastery.

Keefe, Fred
Pessoa singular

Fred Keefe was an editor for «The New Yorker» magazine and agreed to put Merton in touch with Nat Hentoff, who wrote a piece on Lenny Bruce and Bud Powell.

Kelly, J. M., Fr., C.S.B.
Pessoa singular

Fr. J. M. Kelly was a Basilian priest and President of St. Michael's College in Toronto.

Kelly, Mary Lu
Pessoa singular

Mary Lu Kelly was project assistant to Dr. Robert F. Roeming, a French and Italian professor at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Kernan, Julie K.
Pessoa singular

Julie Kernan was an editor for P. J. Kenedy and Sons in New York. Merton wrote an introduction for a book they were publishing, Raïssa Maritain's «Notes on the Our Father».

Bracken, Kevin, Fr., O.C.S.O.
Pessoa singular

Fr. Kevin Bracken was a Trappist monk from Our Lady of Bethlehem Abbey in Portglenone, County Antrim, Northern Ireland.

Kikama, Edward Y.
Pessoa singular

Edward Kikama writes from Japan.

Kim, Francis Igchin
Pessoa singular

Francis Kim writes from Taegu [Daegu], South Korea.

Kormos, Andrew J.
Pessoa singular

Andrew Kormos writes from Santa Ana, California.

Körte, Mary Norbert, Sr., O.P.
Pessoa singular

Sr. Mary Norbert Körte was a Dominican from San Francisco, California.

Kreyche, Robert J.
Pessoa singular · 1920-

Robert J. Kreyche wrote about philosophy and mysticism. He attempts to contact Merton after having spent some time with John Howard Griffin. He writes from Shawnee Mission, Kansas.

Kunz, Benedict, Br., O.C.S.O.
Pessoa singular

Br. Benedict Kunz was a Trappist monk from Gethsemani Abbey.

Lambing, Gregory, Fr., O.C.S.O.
Pessoa singular

Fr. Gregory Lambing (at that time Br. Gregory) was a monk of Gethsemani Abbey.

Langley, Max
Pessoa singular
Lanza del Vasto, Chanterelle
Pessoa singular

Chanterelle Lanza del Vasto was the wife of Joseph Jean Lanza del Vasto, the founder of the Communautés de l'Arche in France.

Larkin, Ernest, Fr., O. Carm.
Pessoa singular

Fr. Ernest Larkin was a Carmelite priest from Whitefirars Hall in Washington, D.C.

Lauvant, Benedict, Fr., O.P.
Pessoa singular

Fr. Benedict Lauvant was a Dominican priest writing from Toulouse, France.

Lawson, Penelope, Sr., C.S.M.V.
Pessoa singular · 1890-1977

Sr. Penelope Lawson was from the Anglican Community of St. Mary the Virgin in Wantage, England. She spent most of her time there as librarian at St. Mary's Convent and authored a number of books. She is also well-known for translations of early and medieval Christian writers. It was through translation of writings of Isaac of Stella that she was first in contact with Merton. (Source: «The Hidden Ground of Love», pp. 477-478.)

Pascal, Fr.
Pessoa singular
Patricia, Mary, Mother, P.C.C.
Pessoa singular

Mother M. Patricia was superior of the Monastery of the Poor Clares (Mosteiro das Pobres Clarrisas) in Paraiba, Brazil.

Pauker, John
Pessoa singular · 1920-

John Pauker was a poet, playwright, editor, and translator. He and his wife, Shoo-Shoo, ran an art gallery called the Fun House in Washington, D.C., where he displayed some of Merton's art in 1967. Pauker edited the quarterly «Furioso» from 1947-1953. He was later the American editor of «The Lugano Review». He published books of poetry, a Broadway play called "Moonbirds", and translated the Hungarian novel by Lajos Zilahy, «The Dukays», which was a nationwide bestseller.

Payne, David
Pessoa singular
Peachey, Paul
Pessoa singular · 1918-

Paul Peachey is a Mennonite scholar and Executive Secretary of the Church Peace Mission. He began this work shortly after the retirement of A. J. Muste and took over much of the group's coordination until it disbanded in 1967. Peachey was the author and editor of a number of books about Christianity and social justice. The Church Peace Mission was headquartered in Washington, D.C.

Perchik, Simon
Pessoa singular · 1923-

Poet Simon Perchik was an attorney living in Staten Island, New York, at the time of writing to Merton. He was born in New Jersey and now resides in East Hampton, New York. As a young man, he worked as a milkman and served as a bomber pilot during the Second World War. Merton includes him in the first volume of «Monks Pond». In the November 15, 2000 «Library Journal», Perchik was described as "the most widely published unknown poet in America..." (Source: "Simon Perchik Poetry Page". Perchik's website. 2 Feb. 2006. ‹›)

Pickett, Barbara
Pessoa singular · d. 2010

Barbara Pickett was a reference librarian at the Louisville Free Public Library in Kentucky. Merton contributes a piece to their staff newsletter, «Staff Log», entitled, "My Visits to the Secular Bookhouse".

Pinto, Mara Ann
Pessoa singular

Mara Ann Pinto was a high school student from South Euclid, Ohio, who had recently read «The Seven Storey Mountain». She mentions her initial "aversion to reading books by priests and nuns"; however, she was glad to have read the book and mentions its profound effect on her.

Placid, M., Br., O.C.S.O.
Pessoa singular

Br. M. Placid was a Trappist monk of the Southern Star Abbey in Kopua, New Zealand. He asks Merton some questions regarding monastic formation, solitude, Dechanet's book on yoga, and the "Prayer of Jesus.

Planz, Allen
Pessoa singular

Allen Planz and Carl Larsen were editing an anthology of poems concerning race and civil rights in the United States. They ask for Merton's contributions. Allen Planz writes from New York.

Plassmann, Thomas, Fr., O.F.M.
Pessoa singular · 1879-1959

Fr. Thomas Plassmann was a Franciscan priest and President of St. Bonaventure College in New York.

Polansky, Joseph
Pessoa singular

Joseph Polansky writes from St. Anthony's Church in Pollansbee, West Virginia.

Porter, Arabel J.
Pessoa singular

Arabel J. Porter was senior editor of the New American Library (NAL), publishers of the various Signet series among others. He writes from New York. Merton send them his manuscript for «Faith and Violence».

Poulin, Clarence
Pessoa singular

The poet Clarence Poulin wrote to Merton from Penacook, New Hampshire.

Pound, Ezra
Pessoa singular
Prince, Raymond (Raymond H.)
Pessoa singular · 1925-

Raymond H. Prince was a professor of Psychiatry at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. He was the editor of the R. M. Bucke Memorial Society Newsletter, which discussed the intersection of religion and psychiatry and trends of the time such as psychotropic, "mind-expanding", drugs and the similarities and differences between these "trips" and mystical religious experience. He became Director of the Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry and editor of «Transcultural Psychiatry Research Review». They first came into contact through Linda Parsons (now Linda Sabbath). (Source: «The Hidden Ground of Love», pp. 492-493.)

Punnett, Ronald Anthony
Pessoa singular · 1946-1986

Ron Punnett (who went under the pen name of Ronald Anthony Punnét), was a black poet born in Trinidad. He was a British citizen but was serving in the United States army and was stationed at Fr. Benning, Georgia. He had been writing poetry for about five years and had, previous to military service, served as poetry editor to the «Ninth Circle» in Las Cruces, New Mexico. He wrote at the suggestion of Keith Wilson, and Merton published some of his poems in the second volume of «Monks Pond». Carlos Reyes published some of his poetry under his Wine Press, a small press from Portland, Oregon, along with poets Richard Morris, Kenneth Brewer, Halvard Johnson, Peter Wild, and David Tammer.

Quartley, David
Pessoa singular

David Quartley was a classmate of Merton's at Oakham School in England. He was visiting the United States in 1968, and wanted to know whether he could visit Merton en route between Chicago, Illinois, and Charlotte, North Carolina, in September. Quartley worked for the Industrial Products Division of the Singer Sewing Machine Company in London, England. There is no reply; however, Merton would have been gone on his journey to the West coast by this time.

Raciti, Gantana, Fr., O.C.S.O.
Pessoa singular

Fr. Gantana Raciti was a monk of the Trappist monastery of Our Lady of Orval in Belgium.

Rae, Raymonde
Pessoa singular

Raymonde Rae was a sixteen-year-old student from Dublin, Ireland. He writes in praise of Merton and James Joyce.

Rago, Henry Anthony
Pessoa singular · 1915-1969

Henry Rago was editor of «Poetry» magazine. He writes from Chicago, Illinois.

Ralston, William H., Rev. Dr.
Pessoa singular

The Rev. Dr. William H. Ralston was an Episcopal priest who taught at the University of the South at Sewanee, Tennessee, at the time of writing to Merton. He was on the editorial board of the literary magazine, «The Sewanee Review». He had a love of the «Book of Common Prayer» and helped found the society to preserve its usage. He went on to become the rector of St. John's, Savannah.

Ramparts magazine
Pessoa coletiva

«Ramparts» was a literary and political magazine running from 1962-1975, originally a Catholic literary quarterly, that took liberal positions on many issues of the day, such as opposing the Vietnam War.

Ravitch, Norman
Pessoa singular

Norman Ravitch was associate professor of history and chairman for the Committee on Lectures on Religion at the Riverside Campus of the University of California.

Reed, Edward
Pessoa singular

Edward Reed was Director of Publications for the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions in Santa Barbara, California.

Reyes, Mañuela, M. de
Pessoa singular

Mañuela M. de Reyes writes from Mexico.

Ritt, Thomas Francis
Pessoa singular

Thomas Francis Ritt was the Director of the Catholic Council on Civil Liberties, headquartered in Lawndale, California. It was a nonprofit organization of Catholic laity. He did a Catholic commentary for KPFK Pacifica Radio in Los Angeles.

Robinson, John-David
Pessoa singular

John-David Robinson writes from Saint Paul, Minnesota, as editor of «Sun», a magazine of "Visual Theology", discussing liturgy from the visual art standpoint and the theology invoked by visual symbols.

Rodríguez, María de las Victorias de Sta. Teresita, Sr.
Pessoa singular

Sr. María de la Victorias de Sta. Teresita Rodríguez was from the Congregation of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament and writes from the Monasterio del Verbo Encarnado y del Santisimo Sacramento from Mexico City, Mexico.

Roloff, Ronald, Fr., O.S.B.
Pessoa singular · 1922-

Fr. Ronald Roloff was, at the time of correspondence with Merton, a Benedictine priest at St. John's Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota.

Ruff, Charles J.
Pessoa singular

Charles J. Ruff was a realtor from Cincinnati, Ohio. He offers Merton a field dog, an English Springer Spaniel, for his hermitage.

Russell, Mr.
Pessoa singular
Ryan, Richard
Pessoa singular · 1946-
Sage, Carleton M., Fr., S.S.
Pessoa singular · 1904-

Fr. Carleton Michael Sage writes at first from the Theological College of the Catholic University of America and later from St. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore, Maryland.

Salazar, Tulio Botero, C.M., Archbishop
Pessoa singular · 1904-1981

Archbishop Tulio Botero Salazar was a Vincentian priest who became Archbishop of Medellín, Colombia.

Salinas, Jaime
Pessoa singular · 1925-
Scharper, Phillip
Pessoa singular

Phillip Scharper seems to have worked with Frank Sheed at the publisher Sheed and Ward.

Schreffer, Luke, Fr., O.S.A.
Pessoa singular

Fr. Luke Schreffer was an Augustinian priest from St. Augustine Monastery in Nova Scotia, Canada.

Schuurmans, Emmanuel, Dom, O.C.S.O.
Pessoa singular

In 1958, Br. Emmanuel Schuurmans became Abbot of Maria Toevlucht (Mary's Refuge) in Zundert in the Netherlands. He brought about many reforms to his community and Merton discusses with him permission to live the eremitical life and other changes to the Trappist Order.

Schwarzschild, Stephen, Rabbi
Pessoa singular · 1924-1989

Rabbi Stephen Schwarzschild was a pacifist rabbi writing from Temple Beth El in Lynn, Massachusetts.

Sebastian, Fr., O.C.D.
Pessoa singular

Fr. Sebastian was the editor of «Elias» magazine. He writes from Stella Maris Monastery in Haifa, Israel.

Seraphim, Fr., O.C.S.O.
Pessoa singular

Fr. Seraphim was a Trappist monk from Tilburg Abbey in the Netherlands.

Sexton, Dismas, Fr., O.F.M.
Pessoa singular

Fr. Dismas Sexton was a Franciscan writing first from the novitiate and later from Saint Joseph Seminary in Teutopolis, Illinois.

Sheed, F. J. (Francis Joseph)
Pessoa singular · 1897-1981

With his wife Maisie Ward, Francis Joseph Sheed founded the publishing house of Sheed and Ward in 1926. Sheed was a Roman Catholic theologian and leading apologist of the 20th Century. Born in Australia, he moved to London after his law studies and married Ward in 1926. The following year the established a Roman Catholic publishing house concerned not only with theology but broader issues of literature and culture. In 1933, they founded a New York branch of the publishing company and thenceforth Sheed spent time between the London and New York offices. (Source: "Sheed, F. J." Biography from Current Biography. 1981. Online. Biography Reference Bank. H.W. Wilson. Bellarmine University Library, Louisville, KY. 2006/04/25. ‹›.)

Sheerin, John Bail, Fr., C.S.P.
Pessoa singular · 1906-

Fr. John B. Sheerin was Paulist priest and editor of «The Catholic World». He writes from New York.

Shehan, Lawrence, Cardinal
Pessoa singular · 1898-1984

Lawrence Joseph Cardinal Shehan was Archbishop of Baltimore, Maryland.

Shepherd, Robert Marshall
Pessoa singular

Bob Shepherd was a friend of Merton's from Lexington, Kentucky. He worked in communications and public relations offices at Transylvania College and at the University of Kentucky in Lexington.

Shieh, Shih-hao Francis
Pessoa singular

Francis Shih-hao Shieh was an assistant professor at Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Shipps, Howard Fenimore
Pessoa singular

Howard Fenimore Shipps was a professor in the Department of Church History at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky.

Shivapremananda, Swami
Pessoa singular · 1925-

Swami Shivapremananda is the rector and spiritual master of the Cento Sivananda Yoga-Vedanta in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Shore, Meg
Pessoa singular

Meg Shore was a student at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York, and a student of Denise Levertov.

Siers, Ambrose
Pessoa singular

Ambrose Siers was Promotion Manager of the Thomas More Association. He writes from Chicago, Illinois.

Silberman, Lou H., Rabbi
Pessoa singular

Rabbi Lou H. Silberman was a professor from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, who came to Gethsemani with Rabbi Zalman Schachter in mid-August 1962 to speak to the novices regarding Hebrew, the Psalms and the Dead Sea scrolls.

Simic, Charles
Pessoa singular · 1938-

Poet Charles Simic was born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. He came with his family in 1949 to the United States, and they settled in Chicago, Illinois. His college studies began at University of Chicago and then New York University. He finished his undergraduate work at NYU after two years of service in the army. After working as a proofreader for the «Chicago Sun-Times», he spent the late 1960's as an editorial assistant to the photography magazine «Aperture» in New York, where Merton corresponds with him about contributing to «Monks Pond». He would later become a professor of English at the California State College, Hayward, and at the University of New Hampshire, Durham. Since his first published work before writing to Merton, he has published a number books of poetry. (Source: "Simic, Charles" Biography from World Authors 1970-1975. 1980. Online. Biography Reference Bank. H.W. Wilson. Bellarmine University Library, Louisville, KY. 3 May 2006. ‹›.)

Simmons, Lois Marie, Sr., R.S.H.M.
Pessoa singular

Sr. Lois Marie Simmons was a Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary from Richmond, Virginia.

Singh, Rickey
Pessoa singular
Sisto, Dick
Pessoa singular

Dick Sisto is a jazz vibraphonist and is currently the music director of the Seelbach Bar at the Seelbach Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky. He shared an interest with Merton in Zen Buddhism and currently conducts meditation workshops. His wife, Penny Sisto, is a fabric artist who has created Merton-themed quilts.

Slater, Lydia Pasternak
Pessoa singular

Lydia Pasternak Slater was a research chemist from Russia who emigrated first to Germany and later to Great Britain after the Nazi rise to power. She wrote poetry and translated works of her brother, Boris Pasternak.

Sloan, Mr.
Pessoa singular
Sloyan, Gerard Stephen, Fr.
Pessoa singular · 1919-

Fr. Gerard Stephen Sloyan was, at the time of writing to Merton, a professor at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He has written some texts on theology and morality.

Smiley, Glenn E.
Pessoa singular

Rev. Glenn Smiley was Associate Executive Secretary for the Fellowship of Reconciliation in Nyack, New York, at the time of writing. He was a pacifist, prominent in the Civil Rights Movement, and a friend of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Smith, E. Gene
Pessoa singular

E. Gene Smith writes from Seattle, Washington. He was a student of Dezhung Rinpoche, a Buddhist mystic residing in Seattle after exile from his native Tibet.

Smith, Susan
Pessoa singular

Susan Smith was a student at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri at the time of writing. Following Merton's correspondence with Barbara Ann Braveman, another member of the staff of the student publication «Free Lance» (also "Freelance"), Smith came to Gethsemani to interview Merton on March 30, 1968 with Sandy Meyer, and students named Sally and Mike (possibly Michael Castro?).

Snyder, Gary
Pessoa singular · 1930-

Gary Snyder was a poet associated with the Beat Generation in the San Francisco of the 1950's. He was the protagonist in Jack Kerouac's «The Dharma Bums». His writing interests have included ecology and the myths of Japan, China, and of the Native Americans. He knew Merton's poet friend, Cid Corman, and Merton's friend in publishing, James Laughlin. At this time, Snyder was spending some time in the Sierra Nevada mountains between living in Japan and studying Zen. (Source: "Snyder, Gary". Biography from Hutchinson Encyclopedia of Biography . 2000. Online. Biography Reference Bank. H.W. Wilson. Bellarmine University Library, Louisville, KY. 9 May 2006. ‹›.)