Books and Manuscripts of Books By and About Thomas Merton; and Books Used by Merton

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
139 Poemas. Series 1961
140 Poesia e la vita contemplativa, La. Series 1950
141 Power and Meaning of Love, The. Series 1976
152 Run to the Mountain: The Story of a Vocation. Series 1995
157 School of the spirit, The. Series 1997
158 Search for Solitude, A: Pursuing Monk's True Life. Series 1996
162 Seeds of Contemplation. Series 1949
168 Sensation time at the home and other new poems. Series 1977
169 Seven Storey Mountain, The. Series 1948
172 Shining Wilderness, The. Series 1989
183 Strange Islands, The. Series 1957
188 Thirty-seven meditations. Series 1958
189 Thirty Poems. Series 1944
193 Thomas Merton in California: The Redwoods Conferences and Letters. Series 2024
195 Thomas Merton on Prayer. Series 1989
196 Thomas Merton on St. Bernard. Series 1981
198 Thomas Merton Reader, A. Series 1962
205 Thomas Merton: Preview of the Asian journey. Series 1989
221 When the Trees Say Nothing: Writings on Nature. Series 2003
223 Witness to Freedom: The Letters of Thomas Merton in Times of Crisis, selected and edited by William H. Shannon. Series 1994
iv Ancillary Books and Marginalia by Author Record subgroup 1853-2023
002 Advent and Christmas with Thomas Merton. Series 2002
Journal Review Item 2002
007 Ascent to Truth. Series 1951
008 Asian Journal of Thomas Merton. Series 1973
010 Barth's dream and other conjectures. Series unpublished
013 Beholding Paradise: The Photographs of Thomas Merton. Series 2020
020 Cassian and the Fathers. Series 2005
022 Charter, Customs, and Constitutions of the Cistercians: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 7. Series 2015
023 Chi Chung Shan: Mu-Duen Tze Chuan. Series 1989
036 Columbia poetry 1939. Series 1939
038 Compassionate Fire: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Catherine de Hueck Doherty. Series 2009
041 Contemplation in a World of Action. Series 1971
042 Contemplative Prayer. Series 1969
050 Dialogues with Silence: Prayers and Drawings by Thomas Merton. Series 2001
051 Disputed Questions. Series 1960
061 Exile Ends in Glory; The Life of a Trappistine, Mother M. Berchmans, O.C.S.O. Series 1947
062 Existential communion. Series 1961
072 Grammar of perfection, A. Series unpublished
073 Guigo the Carthusian, the Solitary Life. Series 1966
077 Hidden Wholeness, A: Visual World of Thomas Merton. Photographs by Thomas Merton and John Howard Griffin. Text by John Howard Griffin. Series 1970
081 In the Valley of Wormwood: Cistercian Blessed and Saints of the Golden Age. Series 2014
082 Inner Experience, The: Notes on Contemplation. Series 2003
083 Interesting era, An. Series 1966
092 Keeping a Spiritual Journal with Thomas Merton: A Personal Book of Days. Series 1988
102 Life, works, and doctrine of St. Bernard, The. Series unpublished
106 Liturgical year, The. Series unpublished
113 Merton and Judaism: Holiness in Words - Recognition, Repentance, and Renewal. Series 2004
121 Mystics and Zen masters. Series 1967
129 On Eastern Meditation. Series 2012
131 Original Child Bomb: points for meditation to be scratch on the walls of a cave. Series 1962
137 Peace in the Post-Christian Era. Series 2004
143 Praying the Psalms. Series 1955
146 Prometheus: A Meditation. Series 1960
147 Raids on the Unspeakable. Series 1966
148 Redeeming the Time: the Catholic church after Vatican II. Series 1966
149 Reflections on the character and genius of Fénelon: an introduction to Fénelon's letters. Series 1964
151 Rule of Saint Benedict, The: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 4. Series 2009
159 Seasons of Celebration. Series 1965
161 Seeds. Series 2003
163 Seeds of contemplation. Dutch. [Ter overweging]. Series 1949
165 Seeking Paradise: The Spirit of the Shakers. Series 2003
166 Selected Essays of Thomas Merton, The. Series 2013
167 Selected Poems of Thomas Merton, The. Series 1951
177 Solitary life, The: a letter of Guido [I, Prior of the Grande Chartreuse, 1083?-1136]. Series 1960
178 Solitude and Love of the World. Series 1998
179 Spirit of Simplicity, The. Series 2018
180 Spiritual Direction and Meditation. Series 1961
181 Springs of Contemplation, The: Retreat at the Abbey of Gethsemani. Series 1992
185 Survival or Prophecy?: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Jean Leclercq. Series 2002
186 Suzuki project. Series 1988
194 Thomas Merton on Peace. Series 1971
197 Thomas Merton on Zen. Series 1978
200 Thomas Merton, Early Essays, 1947-1952. Series 2015
203 Thomas Merton: A Selection from his Writings. Series 1991
206 Thoughts in Solitude. Series 1958
208 Thoughts on the East. Series 1995
209 True Solitude, The: Selections from the Writings of Thomas Merton. Series 1970
214 Waters of Silence, The. Series 1950
219 What Ought I To Do? Sayings of the Desert Fathers. Series 1962
222 Wisdom of the Desert, The. Series 1960
225 Year With Thomas Merton, A: Daily Meditations from His Journal. Series 2005
1 Review Item 2002
Seasonal A Christmas Present for the Spirit Item 2002 View
001 30 Days with Thomas Merton – Words of Contemplation and Hope. Series 2017
009 At Home in the World: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Rosemary Radford Ruether. Series 1995
011 Basic Principles of Monastic Spirituality. Series 1957
019 Carta caritatis. Series unpublished
024 Choosing to Love the World: On Contemplation. Series 2008
029 Cisterican Fathers and Forefathers: Essays and Conferences. Series 2018
030 Clement of Alexandria: Selections from the Protreptikos. Series 1968
031 Climate of Monastic Prayer, The. Series 1969
032 Cloud and the fire, The. Series unpublished
034 Cold War Letters, The. Series 2006
035 Collected Poems of Thomas Merton, The. Series 1977
039 Conferences on St. Bernard of Clairvaux. Series unpublished
045 Course in Desert Spirituality, A: Fifteen Sessions with Famous Trappist Monk. Series 2019
047 Day of a stranger and Woods, Shore, Desert. Series unpublished
049 Del monasterio al mundo: correspondencia entre Ernesto Cardenal y Thomas Merton (1959-1968). Series 2000
054 Edifying cables. Series 1968