Books and Pamphlets by Thomas Merton or with His Contributions (Published, Manuscript, or Proof with Reviews, Censors Reports, Royalties, and Related Materials)

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
D4a Reviews Subseries 2002
006 Art and worship (notes on art and worship). Series unpublished
012 Behavior of Titans, The. Series 1961
014 Book of Hours, A. Series 2007
016 Breakthrough to peace: twelve views on the threat of thermonuclear extermination. Edited with an introduction by Thomas Merton. Series 1962
018 Cargo theology. Transcription from tape, 1968. Series 1977
025 Christian life of prayer, The. Series unpublished
028 Cistercian Fathers and Their Monastic Theology, The: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 8. Series 2016
037 Come Into the Silence. Series 2022
043 Courage for Truth, The: The Letters of Thomas Merton to Writers. Series 1993
044 Course in Christian Mysticism, A. Series 2017
053 Echoing Silence: Thomas Merton on the Vocation of Writing. Series 2007
056 Elected Silence. Series 1949
060 Exile ends in glory. German. [Von der verbannung zur herrlichkeit: das leben der Trappistin, Mutter M. Berchmans]. Series 1953
065 Fitzgerald file (from Msgr. Richard F. Fitzgerald). Series unpublished
069 Geography of Holiness: The Photography of Thomas Merton. Series 1981
070 Geography of Lograire, The. Series 1969
086 Introduction to Cistercian theology, An. Series unpublished
090 Ishi Means Man. Series 1976
100 Letters of Thomas Merton in Times of Crisis, The. Series 1995
103 Life of the Vows, The: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 6. Series 2012
108 Love and Living. Series 1979
110 Man in the sycamore tree, The. Novel by Thomas Merton. Series 1992
112 Medieval Cistercian History: Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 9. Series 2019
114 Monastic Introduction to Sacred Scripture, A: Novitiate Conferences on Scripture and Liturgy 1. Series 2020
120 My Argument with the Gestapo; a macaronic journal. Series 1969
122 Nativity Kerygma. Series 1960
124 New Seeds of Contemplation. Series 1961
135 Passion for Peace: The Social Essays by Thomas Merton. Series 1995
136 Pasternak/Merton: six letters. Series 1976
144 Pre-Benedictine Monasticism: Intiation into the Monastic Tradition 2. Series 2006
150 Road to Joy, The: The letters of Thomas Merton to new and old friends, selected and edited by Robert E. Daggy. Series 1989
153 Saint Peter of Tarentaise. Series 2001
164 Seeds of Destruction. Series 1964
170 Seven Storey Mountain, The. Catalan. [La muntanya dels set cercles]. Series 1963
171 Seven Storey Mountain, The. Danish. [Den store stilhed]. Series 1950
175 Silent Life, The. Series 1957
176 Solitary life, The. Series 1960
187 Tears of the Blind Lions, The. Series 1949
190 Thomas Merton and James Laughlin: Selected Letters / edited by David D. Cooper. Series 1997
191 Thomas Merton appointment calendar, The. Series 1978
192 Thomas Merton in Alaska: Prelude to the Asian Journal: The Alaskan Conferences, Journals, and Letters. Series 1989
199 Thomas Merton Studies Center, The. Series 1971
202 Thomas Merton: A Life in Letters, the Essential Collection. Series 2008
204 Thomas Merton: Essential Writings. Series 2001
207 Thoughts in solitude. French. [Les chemins de la joie]. Series 1958
210 Tower of Babel. Series 1957
211 Turning Toward the World: The Pivotal Years. The Journals of Thomas Merton vol. 4 1960-1964. Series 1996
215 Waters of Siloe, The. Series 1949
217 Way of Chuang Tzu, The. Series 1965
220 When Prophecy Still Had a Voice: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Robert Lax. Series 2001
224 Woods, Shore, Desert: A Notebook - May 1968. Series 1982
003 Alaskan Journal of Thomas Merton, The; edited by Robert E. Daggy. Series 1988
D4a Reviews Subseries 1988
004 Albert Camus' The plague; introduction and commentary. Series 1968
005 Anthology c. 1940 [compiled by Thomas Merton of poems by others]. Series unpublished
015 Bread in the Wilderness. Series 1953
017 Cables to the Ace: or, Familiar Liturgies of Misunderstanding. Series 1968
021 Catch of Anti-letters, A. Series 1978
026 Christian worship and social reform. Series unpublished
027 Christmas sermons of Bl. Guerric of Igny, The. Series 1955
033 Cold war and Black revolution. Series 1964
040 Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander. Series 1966
046 Dancing in the Water of Life: Seeking Peace in the Hermitage. Series 1997
048 Day of a Stranger. Series 1982
052 Early poems, 1940-42. Series 1968
057 Emblems of a Season of Fury. Series 1963
058 Encounter: Thomas Merton and D. T. Suzuki. Series 1988
063 Faith and Violence: Christian Teaching and Christian Practice. Series 1968
064 Figures for an Apocalypse. Series 1947
066 Foreign prefaces of Thomas Merton. Series 1981
068 From the Monastery to the World: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Ernesto Cardenal translated and edited by Jessie Sandoval. Series 1997
071 God is My Life: The Story of Our Lady of Gethsemani. Photographs by Shirley Burden, introduction by Thomas Merton. Series 1960
076 Hidden Ground of Love: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Experience and Social Concerns / selected and edited by William H. Shannon. Series 1985
078 Honorable Reader: Reflections on My Work. Series 1989
079 I Have Seen What I Was Looking For: Selected Spiritual Writings. Series 2005
080 In the Dark Before Dawn: New Selected Poems of Thomas Merton. Series 2005
087 Introduction to the life of the vows, An. Series unpublished
088 Introductions East and West: The Foreign Prefaces of Thomas Merton. Series 1981
089 Invitation to Contemplative Life, An. Series 2006
093 Labyrinth, The. Series unpublished
094 Last of the Fathers, The: Saint Bernard of Clairvaux and the encyclical letter, Doctor Mellifluus. Series 1954
097 Letters from Tom: A Selection of Letters from Father Thomas Merton, Monk of Gethsemani, to W. H. Ferry 1961-1968. Series 1984
101 Life and Holiness. Series 1961
104 Literary Essays of Thomas Merton, The. Series 1981
107 Living Bread, The. Series 1956
109 Man in the Divided Sea, A. Series 1946
111 Martha, Mary and Lazarus: Action and Contemplation in Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. Series 1980
115 Monastic Journey, The. Series 1977
118 Monastic Peace. Series 1960
119 Monks Pond. Series 1989
125 No Man Is an Island. Series 1955
126 Nonviolent Alternative, The. Series 1980
128 On Christian Contemplation. Series 2012
130 Opening the Bible. Series 1972
132 Other Side of the Mountain, The: the end of the journey. Series 1998
133 Our monastic observances. Series unpublished
138 Pocket Thomas Merton, The. Series 2006
139 Poemas. Series 1961