Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
#36 1963-05-04, HLS to Merton, 'First of all, I trust you to refrain from any official reference to what I might say' Item 1963 May 4 (date approximate)
#37 1964-01-02, HALS to Merton, 'Judged best not to submit this to formal censorship-- as I don’t know how long it' Item 1964 January 2
#42 1964-05-27, HLS to Merton, 'You should have your green light for the Diaspora very soon; but meanwhile I've run' Item 1964 May 27
#55 1965-01-22, HLS to Merton, 'Your Berrigan preface strikes me as quite conservative - for 1965 - and I see no' Item 1965 January 22
#56 1965-01-25, HLS to Merton, 'Mille pardons! I just picked up your brochure on the drawings and realized for the' Item 1965 January 25
#65 1967-01-18, HLS to Merton, 'Don't worry about your ms. All is under control. Have you read Dewart's «Future' Item 1967 January 18
#76 undated (#02), HNS to Merton, 'Fret not about your novel - I'm not supposed to be reading novels so how could I' Item undated
#77 undated (#03), HLS to Merton, 'There used to be an old woman around the parish at 59th St. who specialized in' Item undated
#3 1967-01-05, TLS to Merton, 'Your kind letter arrived just in time for me to share it with the project's' Item 1967 January 5
104 "Bousquet, Fr." correspondence Record subgroup 1963
106 "Bowers, Charles F., Fr." correspondence Record subgroup 1968
108 "Boyd, Alda Lee" correspondence Record subgroup 1967
#2 1967-11-06, other to Merton, '[…] A HERMIT'S PREFERENCES Seabury Press recently sent Thomas Merton an author' Item 1967 November 6
112 "Bracali, Anna" correspondence Record subgroup undated
#1 undated, TL to Merton, 'Vi ho scritto già altre volte e sempre i Trappisti non mi hanno fatto mancare il' Item undated
113 "Bracken, Kevin, Fr., O.C.S.O." correspondence Record subgroup 1965
114 "Brady, Thomas" correspondence Record subgroup 1967
116 "Brandt, Charles, Br., O.C.S.O." correspondence Record subgroup 1964-1966
#1 1964-09-14, TLS to Merton, 'Perhaps you will remember me. Back in Easter, '56, when Fr. Hilary was guestmaster,' Item 1964 September 14
118 "Braveman, Barbara Ann" correspondence Record subgroup 1968
123 "Brenson, Theodore" correspondence Record subgroup 1952
#1 1968-05-20, TLS to Merton, 'I am writing you for two reasons. I hope I don't waste your valuable time. A' Item 1968 May 2
#1 1964-03-17, HLS to Merton, 'Sorry, I forgot to insert the M. before your name! I know this is a poor time to' Item 1964 March 17
126 "Brigham, Besmilr" correspondence Record subgroup 1968, 1970-1971
#1 1968-01-22 (#01), TLS to Merton, 'Passed on to me through Keith Wilson an 'invitation' to submit to Monks Pond. Are' Item 1968 January 22
#2 1968-01-22 (#02), other to Merton, 'Besmilr Brigham--- drag sheet [-] Biography-- Choctaw (French, Irish and' Item 1968 January 22 (date approximate)
#14 1971-04-27, TL[c] from Center to Brigham, Besmilr, 'Thank you so much for the three original letters you sent us that Thomas Merton had' Item 1971 April 27
#2 1964-08-28, TLS to Merton, 'This letter is accompanied by the sincere hope that you will pardon my presumption' Item 1964 August 28
#1 1960-05-31, HLS to Merton, 'Thank you for your letter and for the articles - I was most interested, especially' Item 1960 May 31
#24 1967-01-25, TALS to Merton, 'A very happy birthday to you - don't forget it is also my feast, and pray for me' Item 1967 January 25
141 "Bryan, Gerard, Fr., O.C.S.O." correspondence Record subgroup 1963, 1966
#3 1987-09-19, other, 'A Long Look Homeward [-] An Interview with the Dalai Lama of Tibet [-] Glenn H.' Item 1987 September 19
144 "Bucher, Vitus, Fr., O.S.B." correspondence Record subgroup 1953
148 "Bunge, Gabriel, Br., O.S.B." correspondence Record subgroup 1963
#2 1963-12-12, TLS to Merton, 'Nearly one year ago I got a letter from you, in which letter you gave me some good' Item 1963 December 12
149 "Burden, Shirley C." correspondence Record subgroup 1959-1961, 1965, 1970
#1 1959-12-16, TLS to Merton, 'This letter is two-fold - to wish you a very, very Merry Christmas and to report on' Item 1959 December 16
#2 1960-01-19, TLS to Merton, 'I am enclosing the proofs of your introduction to God is My Life. I would have' Item 1960 January 19
#4 1961-01-11, TLS to Merton, 'Well, here I am back in California again, no closer to Gethsemani, but full of' Item 1961 January 11
#5 1961-08-28, TLS to Merton, 'Shortly you will receive a small gift package from me. It is a chasuble I saw in a' Item 1961 August 28
153 "Burke, Herbert Caryl" correspondence Record subgroup 1962
155 "Burns, Dan (Br. Ralph)" correspondence Record subgroup 1967
#3 1961-06-17, TLS from Kelty, Matthew (for Merton) / to Ethel Burns, 'A note of thanks from Father Louis for your letter and also for your Mass offering. ' Item 1961 June 17
#15 1970-11-21, HLS to Center from Burns, Ethel, 'I hope these articles will be of some use to you - some of them are deteriorating' Item 1970 November 21
157 "Burns, Flavian, Dom, O.C.S.O." correspondence Record subgroup 1964, 1968
#17 1968-12-11, TL[x] from Laughlin, James, 'I am shattered by this unbelievable event. I know it is God's will, and I know that' Item 1968 December 11
#18 1968-12-13, HLS[x] from Jenkins, Harold, 'Thank you for your telegram informing us of Father Thomas Merton's death. I assume' Item 1968 December 13
158 "Burns, Thomas Ferrier" correspondence Record subgroup 1962-1966
#1 1949-11-15, TL[x] to Merton, 'I hope you got my letter of 20th October safely? We are all ready to go ahead with' Item 1949 November 15
#4 1963-03-04, TLS to Merton, 'Betty Bartelme, of Macmillan, tells me that they are bringing out a book of yours' Item 1963 March 4
#3 1966-02-09, HLS to Merton, 'The copy of «The Way of Chuang Tzu» which you kindly sent me has been forwarded' Item 1966 February 9
160 "Busby, C. R." correspondence Record subgroup 1961
161 "Bush, Cynthia" correspondence Record subgroup 1967
#1 1967-07-20, TLS to Merton, 'We are sending you, under separate cover, an advance copy of Jules Supervielle's' Item 1967 July 2
#24 1982-09-06, TALS from Hickey, Regis / to Br. Patrick Hart, 'Here are duplicated copies of six letters, apparently from Father Louis (Thomas)' Item 1982 September 6
#1 1967-01-09, TLS to Merton, 'It is good to report to you that Professor John H. Ford of Bellarmine College has' Item 1967 January 9
#1 1966-10-20, TLS to Merton, 'I am very much appreciating 'Gandhi and the One-Eyed Giant', and shall try and get' Item 1966 October 2
#5 1967-05-03, HLS to Merton, 'Many thanks for "Chuang Tzu". I have already recommended it for the library of an' Item 1967 May 3
168 "Byrne, Michael, Fr." correspondence Record subgroup 1967
#12 1964-05-25, from Bolshakoff, Serge, 'Since I received your letter nearly a year ago I had no more news from you and do' Item 1964 May 25
021 "Barry, Marion S., Jr." correspondence Record subgroup 1964
#1 1964-09-09, TLS to Merton, 'We want you to know of our gratitude for the generous contribution sent by you in' Item 1964 September 9
#12 1964-10-07, TLS to Merton, 'Father Philip Berrigan asked me to get the address of Chris McNair for you, and it' Item 1964 October 7
024 "Barton, Robert Joyce" correspondence Record subgroup 1967
#1 1967-08-07, TALS to Merton, 'My hope is that you might explain your poem, "Fall '66" which appeared in the «New' Item 1967 August 7
#1 1960-07-13, TLS to Merton, 'It gave me much pleasure to hear that something in «The House» may be of use to' Item 1960 July 13
#5 1967-12-02, HLS to Merton, 'I am very greatfull [sic] for your kindness sending your article: «The Cross' Item 1967 December 2
#1 1967-10-29, TLS to Merton, 'I know that you must be inundated with letters seeking your advice on all sorts of' Item 1967 October 29
#1 1968-08-27, TLS to Merton, 'I am so pleased that you are going to print the two Zen stories and some poems. ' Item 1968 August 27
#3 1966-01-02, TALS to Merton, 'Why I address you thus instead of as Dear Tom you will understand when I reveal to' Item 1966 January 2
#4 1966-03-17, TLS to Merton, 'It was a great lift to the spirit to find in our mail your note and the preface to' Item 1966 March 17
#9 1968-04-09, TLS[x] from Koshland, William / to John Goodbody, 'I am so very grateful to have received Thomas Merton's INTRODUCTION AND COMMENTARY' Item 1968 April 9
043 "Benaudes, Teris" correspondence Record subgroup undated
#2 1955-03-14, HLS to Merton, 'Kind thanks for your hearty letter of Dec. '54! It took a long time before we' Item 1955 March 14
#1 1966-08-14, HLS to Merton, 'On a visit to California, I brought some family and friends letters and papers- etc-' Item 1966 August 14
#9 undated, other[x], '(His first Mass) "Friday I said that Mass I had promised to Our Lady of Cobre… It' Item undated
051 "Bentley, Leilani" correspondence Record subgroup 1967
052 "Berg, Marina de" correspondence Record subgroup 1960
#2 undated (#01), HLS to Merton, 'Thanks for your nice letter. I wrote immediately to Dom Gabriel and sended [sic]' Item undated
#6 undated (#05), HLS to Merton, 'Thank you very much for your nice letter and corrections which I sended [sic]' Item undated
#8 undated (#07), HLS to Merton, 'Thank you so much for your nice book. I've' Item undated
056 "Bernard, Fr., O.C.D." correspondence Record subgroup 1954
057 "Bernet, Kenneth, Fr., S.F.M." correspondence Record subgroup 1968
058 "Berrigan, Daniel J., Fr., S.J." correspondence Record subgroup 1961-1982
#7 1962-01-24 (#02), other to Merton, 'Censor «A» ALL ARE GENUINE POEMS; MANY ARE SUPERB [-] Censor«B» [sic]' Item 1962 January 24 (date approximate)
#9 1962-05-16, TLS to Merton, 'A long overdue note to say hello, and to acknlwedge [sic] yours of a month or more' Item 1962 May 16
#27 1963-12-no-day, HPCS to Merton, 'Thank you for your kind letter. I will look for the Ramparts and everything else of' Item 1963 December (date approximate)
#35 1964-06-02, TALS to Merton, 'What a wonderful letter you wrote me, and how deeply I appreciate it… I was' Item 1964 June 2
#37 1964-07-no-day, HPCS to Merton, 'This is a poor excuse for a letter after all the months. But they have been harried' Item 1964 July (date approximate)
#47 1965-06-01, HLS to Merton, 'How grateful Tom for your marvelous welcome. Your wisdom, yourself! We went away' Item 1965 June 1
#70 1967-07-15, TALS to Merton, 'It seems like ages, know I've been remiss. Jim Forest sent on one of yrs. to him' Item 1967 July 15
#80 1968-01-29, TLS to Merton, 'A short hectic one as usual; Just in from Chi toward dawn; we had several good' Item 1968 January 29
#87 1982-07-11 (#01), other from Shannon, William, 'Note on the letters of Daniel Berrigan: When I put this correspondence together, I' Item 1982 July 11
#91 1982-09-28, TL[c] from Shannon, William, 'I am not sure you will remember me, I have been teaching at Nazareth College-for' Item 1982 September 28
#6 1965-02-no-day (#02), TALS to Merton, 'The foreword arrived, so an immediate word of my gratitude- tremendously pleased' Item 1965 February (date approximate)
060 "Berry, Thomas, Fr., C.P." correspondence Record subgroup 1961
061 "Berry, Wendell" correspondence Record subgroup 1967-1968
#3 1964-11-23, other to Merton, 'Invoice [-] France-Asie [-] Revue bilingue des Problèmes asiatiques et de Synthèse' Item 1964 November 23
063 "Best, James S." correspondence Record subgroup 1966-1967
#3 1967-01-16, TALS to Merton, 'I've written «Cowley» for permission and will use the article in March, and in' Item 1967 January 16