Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
#13 1968-02-26, TLS to Merton, 'Enclosed for your interest is a copy of Dr. James Sander's Introduction to the Old' Item 1968 February 26
#1 1963-11-13, HPCS to Merton, 'Comme chaque année, je vous envoie mon meilleur souvenir à l'occasion de' Item 1963 November 13
105 "Boutoute, Louis, Abbot" correspondence Record subgroup 1951
#1 1968-07-30, TLS to Merton, 'We write to canvass your availability to contribute a paper to a conference being' Item 1968 July 3
#1 1966-11-08, HLS from Bowman, R. M., Mrs. / to Editors of «Harpers», 'As a Unitarian and a Humanist I wish to thank Father Thomas Merton for his sensitive' Item 1966 November 8
110 "Boyd, Tony" correspondence Record subgroup 1967
#6 1968-04-28, TLS to Merton, 'Thank you so much for all you did with Sue and Sandy. Whether Sue will ever come' Item 1968 April 28
122 "Brennan, Benedicta, Mother, I.H.M. (Sr. Margaret Brennan)" correspondence Record subgroup 1968
#1 1952-07-08, HLS to Merton, 'I am writing you on behalf of a group of poets and artists who are at present' Item 1952 July 8
#7 1964-12-28, TLS to Merton, 'Happy Feast. I pray this finds you filled with the love, joy and peace of this' Item 1964 December 28
#1 1967-05-30, TLS to Merton, 'Thank you for the poem, Originators, which we will put, with your permission, in' Item 1967 May 3
#2 1967-08-17, TALS to Merton, 'Enclosed is a «proof» of your poem, «The Originators» which we intend to' Item 1967 August 17
#4 1967-08-24, TLS to Merton, 'You must tell me the appropriate way to address you. I am reading WATERS OF SILOE' Item 1967 August 24
128 "Britton, Richard" correspondence Record subgroup 1966
#1 1964-08-26, TLS to Drury, Thomas J., Bishop, 'As you had suggested in my interview with you recently, I spoke with Father Bernard' Item 1964 August 26
#1 1967-05-15, TLS to Merton, 'Under separate cover I am sending you a book which is a kind of thankyou for your' Item 1967 May 15
134 "Brown, Raphael" correspondence Record subgroup 1966
#1 1966-12-24, HLS to Merton, 'Having done the Library of Congress reply to the McGill U. query on this topic for' Item 1966 December 24
#1 1966-06-30, TALS to Merton, 'I am writing on behalf of the Arts Festival Committee of McMaster University' Item 1966 June 3
#1 1963-12-04, TLS to Merton, 'Hawthorn is a familiar name to you I know. And I hope you remember the Daniel-Rops' Item 1963 December 4
137 "Bruce, Frank Milton" correspondence Record subgroup 1947-1949
#1 1947-06-17, TLS[x] to Fox, James, 'Enclosed is a letter which we have just written to Father Louis concerning "Exile' Item 1947 June 17
#3 1948-08-09, TLS to Merton, 'Some years ago a Jesuit telephoned me to say that a very dear friend of ours, a' Item 1948 August 9
#4 1963-07-18, TALS to Merton, 'I am writing by return, because you are anxious about Jacques Maritain, and so' Item 1963 July 18
#5 1963-09-08, TALS to Merton, 'Thank you very much for all those mimeographed things - I simply cannot tell you how' Item 1963 September 8
#7 1963-11-04, TALS to Merton, 'Raissa's anniversary, and the 8th will be my father's, when I hope you will say a' Item 1963 November 4
140 "Bryan, A." correspondence Record subgroup 1968
143 "Bstan-'dzin-rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama XIV" correspondence Record subgroup 1979, 1984, 1987
145 "Buckley, Arthur R." correspondence Record subgroup 1967
#1 1967-04-04, TLS to Merton, 'I write to inquire whether your schedule of commitments might permit you to do the' Item 1967 April 4
146 "Bùi-bàng-Hiên, R., Fr." correspondence Record subgroup 1965
#1 1963-04-22, TLS to Merton, 'We have received in The Special Collections Department of Margaret I. King Library' Item 1963 April 22
#3 1960-03-21, TLS to Merton, 'I flew back to New York the other day to watch the birth of "God is My Life". The' Item 1960 March 21
#6 1970-12-10, TLS to Center from Burdick, Jeanne, 'As a response to your letter of October 5th concerning correspondence between Thomas' Item 1970 December 1
#1 1968-06-24, HLS to Merton, 'Recently I polled our community for suggestions as to a Retreat Master for our next' Item 1968 June 24
#2 1967-05-22, TLS to Merton, 'I have been working here at Boystown since the first of the year, spend part of the' Item 1967 May 22
156 "Burns, Ethel M." correspondence Record subgroup 1958-1967, 1970
#8 1966-08-22, HLS to Merton, 'Your feast day will soon be here and I want to wish you a happy one. A little' Item 1966 August 22
#3 1968-03-30 (#02), TLS[x] from van den Bogaard, Cyprian / to Flavian Burns, 'To start with I want to send you my best wishes for God's blessing for your new and' Item 1968 March 3 (date approximate)
#6 1968-06-20, HLS to Merton, 'My own opinion is still, that you should not go to this meeting. I think they' Item 1968 June 2
#10 1968-09-04, TL[x] from Laughlin, James, 'Thank you so much for your letter authorizing that any charges on Father Louis's' Item 1968 September 4
#19 1985-01-09, HLS[x] to Hart, Patrick, 'Thank you for letting me read this book by Victor Kramer. To quote Naomi:' Item 1985 January 9
#9 1964-03-31, TLS to Merton, 'Many thanks for yours of March 25th. I feel very ashamed of myself for not having' Item 1964 March 31
159 "Burtt, Edwin Arthur, Dr." correspondence Record subgroup 1965-1966
162 "Bussard, Paul, Fr." correspondence Record subgroup 1952
#1 1952-01-30, TLS[c] to Merton, 'We are planning to publish in book form approximately 100 of the best articles which' Item 1952 January 3
#4 1967-07-03, TALS to Merton, 'Guess what! You got a new name you didn't need!!!! HELLO!! This is the Disaster' Item 1967 July 3
#7 1967-08-28, HLS to Merton, 'I send this quick. I know you would probably not hear so I am writing. I have a' Item 1967 August 28
164 "Butterfield, Victor Lloyd" correspondence Record subgroup 1967
165 "Byles, Marie Beuzeville" correspondence Record subgroup 1966-1967
#1 1968-08-19, TLS to Merton, 'Thank you very much for your nice letter, and I am excited about my poems' Item 1968 August 19
#2 1967-09-no-day (#01), other to Merton, 'NEW DIMENSIONS IN THEOLOGY [-] A new Eight-Week Series of Tuesday Night Lectures at' Item 1967 September (date approximate)
#1 1961-04-10, TLS[x] from Kelty, Matthew, 'Father Louis would have me assure you of his prayers for your husband and for all' Item 1961 April 1
#2 1961-05-06 (#01), HLS to Merton, 'Te escribo para informarle que mi esposo y el novio de […] amiga Marta Elena' Item 1961 May 6
#3 1961-05-06 (#02), transcript to Merton, 'I am writing to tell you that my husband and the fiancé of my friend Marta Elena' Item 1961 May 6
#5 1961-07-26 (#01), HLS to Merton, 'Cuando escribe de cosas espirituales […] escribirle en español […] es más fácil para' Item 1961 July 26
#6 1961-07-26 (#02), transcript to Merton, 'When I write about spiritual things I would prefer to write you in Spanish as it is' Item 1961 July 26
#29 1992-09-no-day, other from Sardinia Corp. / to William Shannon, 'EVORA ARCA' Item 1992 September
#1 undated, TALS to Merton, 'Several people have asked about you in the letters that I received. Mrs. Hardebeck' Item undated
062 "Arnold, Johann Christoph" correspondence Record subgroup 1964, 1967
#1 1964-07-09, TLS to Merton, 'We want to thank you very much for your letter of July 4 in response to the books' Item 1964 July 9
063 "Arrés, Thérèse" correspondence Record subgroup 1951
#1 1951-11-09, HLS[x] to Merton, 'Il y a plusieurs [indecipherable word] que je désire vous écrire, depuis que je' Item 1951 November 9
#1 1968-09-07, TANS to Merton, 'tell father louis that ron seitz called and said that he would be here on Tuesday at' Item 1968 September 7
066 "Astudillo, Rubén" correspondence Record subgroup undated
#1 undated, TLS to Merton, 'Verdad que no importa el que no seamos católicos los dos, para que puede a llamarle' Item undated
#2 1968-01-31, HLS to Merton, 'I'm just curious to see whether letters get through to you now. In 1966 I wrote you' Item 1968 January 31
#4 1968-08-26, HLS to Merton, 'I have never thanked you for the two issues of «Monks Pond». I haven't had' Item 1968 August 26
#1 1967-05-22, TLS to Merton, 'My name is David Aud. My father (Jim) speaks highly of you, having been an English' Item 1967 May 22
071 "Augustine, Br." correspondence Record subgroup 1967
073 "Aurelia, Mary, Sr." correspondence Record subgroup undated
#1 undated, HLS to Hilary, Fr., 'This is a letter to thank you and also to ask a favor. Thank you for introducing me' Item undated
074 "Austin, Waddell" correspondence Record subgroup 1963, 1970
076 "Aziz, Abdul" correspondence Record subgroup 1959-1968, 1990-1999
#5 1960-11-01, TALS to Merton, 'I am in correspondence with a Prof. Louis Massignon of Paris, the common bond of' Item 1960 November 1
#48 1966-04-04, HLS to Merton, 'My very dear good friend, I received your kind letter dt 23/3/66, while I was lying' Item 1966 April 4
#55 1991-10-29, HLS[x] to Shannon, William, 'I heaved a sigh of relief to receive your long-awaited letter dt. 3/10/91 which' Item 1991 October 29
#56 1991-12-06, HLS[x] to Shannon, William, 'On receipt of your long-awaited letter dt. 3.10.1991, I sent you an aerogramme dt.' Item 1991 December 6
#57 1992-07-26, HLS[x] to Shannon, William, 'I acknowledge with deep gratitude and joy the receipt of your valuable gift of the' Item 1992 July 26
#61 1995-03-01, HLS[x] to Shannon, William, 'On 15th December, 1994, I went to the local post office to send you my hearty' Item 1995 March 1
#65 1997-04-15, HLS[x] to Shannon, William, 'I am glad that at long last you were good enough to find some time from your heavy' Item 1997 April 15
#67 1999-08-23, TLS to Center from Heer, Nicholas, 'Thank you for your letter of 16 August 1999. Enclosed are the original Abdel [sic]' Item 1999 August 23
#68 1999-09-18, TLS to Center from Heer, Nicholas, 'Thank you for your letter of 11 September 1999. I'm glad to know that the Abdul' Item 1999 September 18
#69 undated (#01), other, 'My academic qualifications are of the highest order, being M.A., LL.B., I was a' Item undated
#2 undated (#01), HLS to Merton, 'Excusez-moi de vous écrire en français: je parle trop mal l'anglais et j'ai tenu à' Item undated
#1 1963-09-12, TALS to Merton, 'Muchas gracias por su amable carta del 19 de Agosto, en la cual tiene la bondad de' Item 1963 September 12
#6 1965-04-05, TLS to Merton, 'suponho que por sobrecarga de trabalho, ficaram sem resposta minhas últimas cartas. ' Item 1965 April 5
#10 1965-05-27, TALS to Merton, 'sua carta (verdadeiro documento) foi um enorme prazer para mim, e por este prazer' Item 1965 May 27
#12 1966-02-03, TALS[x] to Merton, 'Em 19 de abril prôximo, Manuel Bandeira vai fazer 80 anos. O fato se reveste,' Item 1966 February 3
#17 1967-05-31, TALS to Merton, 'hoje acabo de receber as provas do ensaio que escrevi sôbre Ud., a ser publicado, em' Item 1967 May 31
006 "Bailey, J. Martin" correspondence Record subgroup 1965
#10 1968-07-03, TLS to Merton, 'We are safely settled in Bowling Green and are enjoying the "cool" Kentucky summer. ' Item 1968 July 3
#12 1980, other[x], 'James Thomas Baker [-] 335 Sumpter Avenue, Bowling Green, Kentucky' Item 1980 (date approximate)
#4 1965-02-01, HLS to Merton, 'Je dois' Item 1965 February 1
010 "Bamberger, John Eudes, Dom, O.C.S.O." correspondence Record subgroup 1951-1984
#1 1967-08-16, TLS to Merton, 'We have taken the liberty of translating your article which you had sent us for the' Item 1967 August 16
#16 1967-08-09, TLS to Merton, 'Your letter was a very pleasant surprise, Father. Thank you. We read and discussed' Item 1967 August 9
#19 1967-09-17, TALS to Merton, 'May the Lord give you His peace! Thank you for the enclosed typescripts which we' Item 1967 September 17 (date approximate)
#21 1967-09-30, TLS to Merton, 'Thank you very much for the tape which came a few days ago. We have heard the first' Item 1967 September 3
#25 1967-10-25, TLS to Merton, 'The tape came last Saturday and it is excellent. Thank you very much, Father, I' Item 1967 October 25