Correspondence from and to Thomas Merton

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
#3 1967-08-26, TALS to Merton, 'Thank you very much for your prompt reply. It was quite encouraging. There has' Item 1967 August 26
#4 1965-05-08, HLS to Merton, 'Je n'ai pas esé vous déranger avant pour vous donner la nouvelle que depuis le 22' Item 1965 May 8
028 "Bass, Richard" correspondence Record subgroup 1965
029 "Bastin, Ted" correspondence Record subgroup 1967
030 "Bastos, María Luisa" correspondence Record subgroup 1965-1966
#1 1967-07-18, TLS to Merton, 'Father John McNeil at LeMoyne College here gave me your name as someone to write,' Item 1967 July 18
033 "Batten, R. J., Fr., O.P." correspondence Record subgroup 1967
035 "Beaumont, Jeane" correspondence Record subgroup 1965, 1968
#1 1954-07-28, TALS to Merton, 'L'idée m'est venue d'entrer très simplement en rapport avec vous. L'on nous a lu au' Item 1954 July 28
#4 1967-02-03, TLS to Merton, 'I am so very happy that you are willing to do a commentary on Camus' «The' Item 1967 February 3
#6 1967-08-23, TALS to Merton, 'Please excuse my unconscionable delay in writing you about your superb commentary on' Item 1967 August 23
#10 1972-08-22, TLS[x] to Center from Belford, Lee Archer, 'Enclosed you will find the letters Thomas Merton wrote me. Most of them are' Item 1972 August 22
042 "Belli, German" correspondence Record subgroup 1965
045 "Benedict, Fr., O.C.S.O." correspondence Record subgroup 1950
#1 1950-05-23, TLS to Merton, 'Yesterday Father Abbot asked me to get in touch with you and ask your advice about' Item 1950 May 23
046 "Benedictus, Fr., O.C.S.O." correspondence Record subgroup 1954-1955
#1 1954-09-05, HLS to Merton, 'Two years ago I send you my last letter. Meanwhile I studied with much spiritual' Item 1954 September 5
#6 1967-01-07, HLS to Merton, 'Thank you so much for your wonderful letter and the essays enclosed. I have not yet' Item 1967 January 7
#1 1967-03-13, TLS to Merton, 'In my college freshman English class, I'm working on a term paper, comparing you' Item 1967 March 13
#1 1960-12-19, TLS to Merton, 'It's a long time I wanted to write to you again, but I wrote like a mad cap and then' Item 1960 December 19
#3 undated (#02), HLS to Merton, 'Please don't be annoyed for me writing again, interrupting the life of silence which' Item undated
053 "Bergida, Hedy" correspondence Record subgroup 1967
054 "Bernadette, Sr." correspondence Record subgroup 1964
#15 1962-11-12 (#01), TLS to Merton, 'A short one to say hello, and to hope all is well there. Just back last night from' Item 1962 November 12
#16 1962-11-12 (#02), other to Merton, 'FUND RAISING DRIVE FOR INTERNATIONAL CENTER [-] 1. Name of' Item 1962 November 12 (date approximate)
#63 1967-03-19, HLS to Merton, 'Here I am by the ocean at Santa Barbara, stuck without writing papers but determined' Item 1967 March 19
#74 1967-10-06, TAL to Merton, 'Thanks for all the good material. I had a few of these made up for the brethren' Item 1967 October 6
#84 1968-11-27, TLS to Merton, 'This is a very brief note to say hello. You will by now have heard of the trial and' Item 1968 November 27
#86 1980, HLS[x] to Center from Berrigan, Daniel, 'Rejoice with us! On September 8, eight of us entered a General Electric Nuclear' Item 1980 (date approximate)
#88 1982-07-11 (#02), other, 'The Merton-Berrigan' Item 1982 July 11
#90 1982-08-05, TLS from Tyler, James / to William Shannon, 'The news that your publishing project has been accepted by the Merton Trust is' Item 1982 August 5
#92 undated (#01), other, 'Letters by Thomas Merton to Daniel and Philip Berrigan in the Department of Rare' Item undated
#94 undated (#03), other, 'Contemporary Authors, Volumes 33-36, First' Item undated
#2 1964-10-no-day, TLS to Merton, 'You will recall the hopes that Dan and I had that you would write the foreword of' Item 1964 October (date approximate)
#11 1967-12-no-day, HLS to Merton, 'Apologies for not having kept you better informed. Since getting out of jail, there' Item 1967 December (date approximate)
#1 1961-08-15, TALS to Merton, 'Recently when talking with Dr. John Wu he spoke of your interest in the spiritual' Item 1961 August 15
#7 1968-04-08, TLS to Merton, 'I enclose a check, a blank for transfer of copyright on the poem "Envoy" that you' Item 1968 April 8
#9 1968-08-06, HLS to Merton, 'We're trying to get ready to leave here for the West Coast on the 20th of this' Item 1968 August 6
#2 1964-10-25, TLS to Merton, 'Je vous remercie pour votre lettre, que j'ai à nouveau reçue avec le retard' Item 1964 October 25
#4 1967-07-28, HLS from Marks, Lillian, 'I had set aside the May issue of «Fellowship» in order to read Thomas Merton's' Item 1967 July 28
064 "Betchor, Greti" correspondence Record subgroup 1971-1972
#3 1972-06-30, TLS to Center from Betchov, Greti, 'We received your letter of June 9th concerning our correspondence with Thomas Merton' Item 1972 June 3
#3 1967-04-25, TLS to Merton, 'Thanks very much for your letter. I appreciate what you say about not being too' Item 1967 April 25
069 "Biegansho, H., Miss" correspondence Record subgroup 1967
#1 1967-09-24, TLS to Fox, James, 'it may be, for all I know, discourteous to write to a member of your/Abbey [sic]' Item 1967 September 24
072 "Bixler, Michael F." correspondence Record subgroup 1968
073 "Black, Bernard, Fr., C.S.B." correspondence Record subgroup 1962
#1 1964-05-23, TLS to Merton, 'We were very pleased to have your order for one of our books a few months ago. ' Item 1964 May 23
075 "Black, Mary Childs" correspondence Record subgroup 1962
079 "Boekel, C.W. van, Dr., M.S.C." correspondence Record subgroup 1964
081 "Bogatynska, Genowefa" correspondence Record subgroup 1960-1972
#1 1972-06-01, TLS[x] to Center from Tarnawski, Stefan, 'I am the private-attorney of Mrs. Waclawa Sowinska of Kraków, ul.Kingi 7, Poland,' Item 1972 June 1
082 "Bogdana, Sr." correspondence Record subgroup 1965, 1967, 1970
#5 1970-11-10, TL[c] from Center to Bogdana, Sr., 'Thank you for the information you sent about your correspondence with Father Thomas' Item 1970 November 1
084 "Bolshakoff, Serge (Sergius) Nikolaevich" correspondence Record subgroup 1961-1968, 1994
#7 1962-09-02, HLS to Merton, 'Many thanks for your kind letter. I am glad that you liked the manuscript. Of' Item 1962 September 2
#8 1962-09-03, HNS to Merton, 'P.S. I read your letter to the Mayor of Hiroshima with attention. I think it shall' Item 1962 September 3
#11 1963-01-08, HLS to Merton, 'I am sending you by the registered post my little Mss in French -- "Staretz' Item 1963 January 8
#17 1963-11-10, HLS to Merton, 'I salute you from Caldey Abbey, this fascinating island monastery, which I did not' Item 1963 November 1
#28 1965-05-08, HLS to Merton, 'Since I left England in January I didn't write you. My present journey was most' Item 1965 May 8
#31 1965-10-02, HLS to Merton, 'Many thanks for your moving letter of Sept 15th, which I received here on my arrival' Item 1965 October 2
#34 1965-12-13, HLS to Merton, 'Many thanks for your letter and for your cheque, which I much appreciate. It helps' Item 1965 December 13
#45 undated (#01), other to Merton, 'The list of people to send the LETTER TO' Item undated
#46 undated (#02), other, 'A Russian Forerunner of Psychosomatic Medicine [-] STARETZ SEMEN KLIMICH' Item undated
#1 1966-10-14, TALS to Merton, 'John Griffin wrote me as soon as he got back from the Abbey with you and Jacques' Item 1966 October 14
#10 1967-10-03 (#01), TLS[c] from Griffin, John Howard, 'Gregory and I are in a dudgeon over these Merton photos. After we mocked up a first' Item 1967 October 3
#16 1967-10-15, TLS to Merton, 'Acknowledging your letter which clarified CABLES TO THE [sic] ACE and all news of' Item 1967 October 15
#22 1997-03-31 (#01), TLS to Grip, Robert, 'Thanks so much for the kindly support, the generous clarification of expenses in our' Item 1997 March 31
#24 1997-04-30, TLS to Grip, Robert, 'Thanks so much for your kind letter of 21 April, as well as for the much-needed' Item 1997 April 3
086 "Bond, Fred F." correspondence Record subgroup 1968
088 "Boodoosingh, A., Mrs." correspondence Record subgroup 1968
#7 1970-11-10, TL[x] from Center to Borgerhoff, Cornelia, 'Thank you for donating the letter of Thomas Merton to our collection. It will be a' Item 1970 November 1
090 "Borgstin, Gregory, Fr., O.S.B." correspondence Record subgroup 1964-1967
#1 1964-02-05, HNS to Merton, 'Tonight I have read 'The Monk in the Diaspora'. It is splendid; and it touches on' Item 1964 February 5
091 "Borton, Cameron, Rev." correspondence Record subgroup 1968, 1972
#5 1972-08-no-day, TALS[x] to Center from Borton, Cameron, 'I am enclosing a xeroxed copy of the one letter I received from Thomas Merton in' Item 1972 August (date approximate)
092 "Boscher, Maurice, Fr." correspondence Record subgroup 1963
#1 1963-11-01, HLS to Merton, 'Mon Révérend Père et très cher Père, […] arrivé à Tahiti depuis le [..]' Item 1963 November 1
#1 1954-07-11, HLS to Merton, 'This will have to be short, because if I don't finish it tonight, I won't be able to' Item 1954 July 11
#1 1961-04-19, TLS to Merton, 'Je prends la liberté de vous écrire pour vous demander la permission de publier une' Item 1961 April 19
#5 1952-03-17, TL[c] to Merton, 'Your brief sketch of St. John of the Cross is very nice except for one aspect which' Item 1952 March 17
#13 1953-10-29, TALS to Merton, 'This Intro. to Doctor Mellifluus seems to me quite the best thing of this sort you' Item 1953 October 29
#15 1959-01-07, HLS to Fox, James, 'I'm really distressed at being so in arrears with the censorship. Just after' Item 1959 January 7
#16 1959-03-03, TLS to Fox, James, 'Have just mailed a most enthusiastic endorsement of The Power and Meaning of Love' Item 1959 March 3
#17 1960-03-01, HLS to Fox, James, 'First- please tell Fr. Louis to go ahead with his preface to Disputed Questions -' Item 1960 March 1
#26 1962-01-18, HLS to Fox, James, 'Here is a returned ms of Fr. Louis - «Nuclear War» and Frather Jn Eudes article' Item 1962 January 18
#28 1962-01-22 (#02), TLS[c] from Fox, James, 'We received your gracious note of January 18 with the two manuscripts. Here we go' Item 1962 January 22
#29 1962-01-23, TLS[c] from Fox, James, 'We certainly are keeping the Air Mail or Postal Clerks busy these days. I just' Item 1962 January 23
#30 1962-01-25, HLS to Fox, James, 'Somehow, somewhere, I've mislaid the copy of Fr. Louis article on nuclear warfare.' Item 1962 January 25
#31 1962-02-18, HLS to Fox, James, 'Had word from Fr. Clement that «Nuclear War» has been cleared for publication.' Item 1962 February 18
#32 1962-02-21, TALS[c] from Fox, James, 'I received your gracious note of Septuagesima Sunday. Don't worry about the other' Item 1962 February 21
#39 1964-02-01, HLS to Merton, 'Will take care of your Notes on Art etc at once. For the records' Item 1964 February 1
#48 1964-08-11, TAL[c] to Merton, 'Thanks for your last letter and your green light on Honest to God for the' Item 1964 August 11
#49 1964-08-24, HLS to Merton, 'By all means go ahead with Few Questions: Fewer Answers. I read it without the' Item 1964 August 24
#58 1965-02-12, HLS to Merton, 'Forgive this delay re your rubbings, but we have not been idle. The Museum is' Item 1965 February 12
#59 1965-04-15, HLS to Merton, 'Mille pardons. Really I'm all confused. Just came across most of this on my desk' Item 1965 April 15
#64 1966-11-30, HLS to Merton, 'Always a pleasure to have a word from you. How I wish I had a valid eremitical' Item 1966 November 3
#73 1973-12-04, HLS to Center from Bourne, Paul, 'As a Trappist monk of ancient vintage with no place to store things I never saved' Item 1973 December 4
#74 1973-12-05, TAL[c] from Center to Bourne, Paul, 'I have just finished a fascinating experience of going through the Thomas Merton' Item 1973 December 5
#9 1967-05-22, TLS to Merton, 'Last week at a small conference of our Bible consultants I was able to grab the' Item 1967 May 22