Level of description
Digital object |
#8 |
1968-08-31, TLS from Merton, 'I8m [sic] returning what's left of your beautiful book. Have used and pilfered for' |
Item |
1968 August 31 |
#9 |
1968-09-06, TLS to Merton, 'No, Mpond 3 hasn't arrived yet; sure it will in a day or two--. Book is with' |
Item |
1968 September 6 |
#10 |
1970-10-14, TLS[x] to Center from Brigham, Besmilr, 'I will be glad to contribute my correspondence with Thomas Merton to your Studies' |
Item |
1970 October 14 |
#11 |
1971-03-14, TLS[x] to Center from Brigham, Besmilr, 'I notice that I never did write out the quote mentioned in the letter that' |
Item |
1971 March 14 |
#12 |
1971-03-22, TL[c] from Center to Brigham, Besmilr, 'Thank you for your letter of March 14, together with the one of last October 14. We' |
Item |
1971 March 22 |
#13 |
1971-04-17, TLS[x] to Center from Brigham, Besmilr, 'You will see that our correspondence was not extensive, that it was a brief' |
Item |
1971 April 17 |
#3 |
1967-08-21, TL[c] from Merton, 'I am returning the proof immediately. Very beautiful. I like the woodcuts' |
Item |
1967 August 21 |
#6 |
1968-02-27, TLS to Merton, 'Teo and I received the Merton/Lax yesterday. In the morning, we went to the' |
Item |
1968 February 27 |
#2 |
1967-10-26 (#01), TL[c] from Merton, 'I have looked over your manuscript and it has many good things in it. But' |
Item |
1967 October 26 |
#1 |
1967-04-14, TLS to Merton, 'In August the Thomas More Association will publish the «1968 Catholic Book' |
Item |
1967 April 14 |
131 |
"Broussard, Louis J." correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1964 |
132 |
"Brown, John B." correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1968 |
133 |
"Brown, John Pairman (Jock)" correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1967 |
135 |
"Brown, Russ" correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1966 |
#2 |
1948-07-13, TLS to Merton, 'Thanks very much for your thoughtfulness in sending us the list of your friends to' |
Item |
1948 July 13 |
#4 |
1949-06-23, TL to Merton, 'Thank you for your letter of June 21st regarding the title for the Lutgarde' |
Item |
1949 June 23 |
#1 |
1967-04-22, TLS to Merton, 'The enclosed is a 'religious entertainment'--not exactly a play--on some of the' |
Item |
1967 April 22 |
139 |
"Bruyn, Marcella van, Dame, O.S.B." correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1963-1967 |
#10 |
1964-02-24 (#01), TL[c] from Merton, 'This is chiefly to wish you many blessings and graces on March 12th and to say how' |
Item |
1964 February 24 |
#13 |
1964-09-14, other to Merton, 'I thought this would interest you, if you do not already know the book, which is one' |
Item |
1964 September 14 |
#15 |
1965-02-12, TALS to Merton, 'I did not get round to writing to you for your fiftieth birthday, but I remembered' |
Item |
1965 February 12 |
#17 |
1965-06-16, TL[c] from Merton, 'First, since you mention the prospectus at the top of your letter, I will say "yes"' |
Item |
1965 June 16 |
#21 |
1966-06-08, TALS to Merton, 'At the risk of appearing again too soon, I write to know how you are. I was' |
Item |
1966 June 8 |
#25 |
undated, other[x], 'He abideth patiently He forgiveth easily He understandeth mercifully He' |
Item |
undated |
#1 |
1968-04-19, telegram to Merton, 'WILL BE WHERE WE WERE OR NEAR BETWEEN 12:00 - 4:00 PM EACH HOUR ON HOUR SUNDAY' |
Item |
1968 April 19 |
#2 |
1966-05-08, TLS to Merton, 'That letter of your received in July has been waiting an answer for many a month. I' |
Item |
1966 May 8 |
#1 |
1965-07-14, HLS to Merton, 'Excuse me my writing to you: I know, I mustn't write so often, to disturb you. ' |
Item |
1965 July 14 |
#2 |
1967-04-08, TL[c] from Merton, 'Thanks for your kind letter of April 4th. I do not think it would be possible for' |
Item |
1967 April 8 |
#3 |
1964-09-27, TAL[c] from Merton, 'The wonderful package of books has arrived, and I am reading the first volume of' |
Item |
1964 September 27 |
#7 |
1966-06-17, HLS to Merton, 'Merci de votre lettre et de votre traduction dans Cross Currents. Je vous en' |
Item |
1966 June 17 |
#000a |
1966-08-no-day, TALS[x] from Merton, 'Our talk yesterday has been fruitful in this: it has suggested some helpful' |
Item |
1966 August |
#000b |
1966-08-03, TALS[x] from Merton, 'Thanks for your note of the other day. It was helpful and more clear than our talk,' |
Item |
1966 August 3 |
#002a |
1967-03-12 (#01), TL[c] from Merton, 'Thanks for your reassuring note. It did clear things up a bit and I would not be' |
Item |
1967 March 12 |
#002b |
1967-03-12 (#02), TLS[x] from Merton, 'Thanks for your reassuring note. It did clear things up a bit and I would not be' |
Item |
1967 March 12 |
#006a |
undated (#01), TL[c] from Merton, 'Thanks for the tip about Reiteznstein and recluses. In what source is this found' |
Item |
undated |
#010 |
undated, other, 'John Fitzgerald Kennedy [-] 35th President of the United States [-] Born May 29,' |
Item |
undated |
#011 |
undated, other, 'Robert Francis Kennedy [-] Senator of the United States [-] November 20, 1925 - June' |
Item |
undated |
#012 |
undated, other, 'God bless you. VERY REV. THOMAS PLASSMANN, O.F.M. [-] RECTOR [-] CHRIST THE' |
Item |
undated |
#019 |
1970-04-05, HLS from Marie-Pascal, Sr. / to John Eudes Bamberger, 'Je suis toute confuse et aussi très heureuse de ce que vous avez bien voulu me' |
Item |
1970 April 5 |
S3 |
Correspondence from Bamberger's Files with Other Monks Regarding Gift Book Donations |
Series |
1951-1966 |
#021 |
undated, other, 'The Law in the Teaching of Saint Paul. [-] The topic of our first conference this' |
Item |
undated |
#023 |
1966-09-22, TAN, 'requested by fr. Louis [-] 26 Bro. Lavrans assorted cards [-] 6 postulants guide [-]' |
Item |
1966 September 22 |
#024 |
1966-09-13, TN, 'Genowefa Bogatynska [-] ul. Rakowicka 21/4 [-] Krakow, «POLAND» [-] 1' |
Item |
1966 September 13 |
#025 |
1966-11-07, TN, 'Frln. Dagmar Henne [-] Agence Hoffman [-] Seestrasse 6 [-] 8 Munchen 23 W.' |
Item |
1966 November 7 |
#028 |
1966-10-01, HN, 'Gethsemani Life of Praise [-] 3 books to Fr Louis [-]' |
Item |
1966 October 1 |
#033 |
1966-07-23, TN, 'Benedictine Convent [-] P.O. Box 25 [-] Toronto, Uganda, Africa [-] Re. of Dom' |
Item |
1966 July 23 |
#034 |
1966-07-21, TN, 'For our files. [-] Lunsford P.' |
Item |
1966 July 21 |
#038 |
1966-09-08, TAN from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'As soon as we have copies of Raids on Unspeakable I would like 12 of them to send' |
Item |
1966 September 8 |
#049 |
1966-01-13, HNS from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'May I please have 4 Chuang Tzu to send out and 4 Gandhi also? Many thanx in Jesu' |
Item |
1966 January 13 |
#060 |
undated, TN from Merton to Richard Schmidlen, 'In middle of afternoon I tried to call gatehouse on the radio but got no answer. ' |
Item |
undated |
#061 |
undated, TN from Merton to Richard Schmidlen, 'I tried calling again this morning with no result. Perhaps we are not set up the' |
Item |
undated |
#065 |
undated-11-21, HNS from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'May I please have 1 - Gandhi [-] 1 - Raids on the Unspeakable [-] to send out - and' |
Item |
undated November 21 |
#074 |
undated, HNS from Merton to Br. Camillus, 'Here is the serum - the Doc says I am to ask for a shot when the previous one runs' |
Item |
undated |
S5 |
Merton-Bamberger Correspondence from Bamberger's Files |
Series |
1960-1984 |
#076 |
undated, TN from Merton, 'I don't know if you saw the note on the door opposite yours, but about eleven thirty' |
Item |
undated |
#085 |
undated, HNS from Merton, 'Br Aelred is having trouble with coffee, could he have 1/2 cup of milk at supper?' |
Item |
undated |
#100 |
1967-06-08, HNS from Merton, 'I thought you would be interested in these reports. [-] In Jesu [-] fr m' |
Item |
1967 June 8 |
#103 |
undated, TN from Merton, 'Dom Leclercq asked me to pass on a newspaper sto[ry] on psychoanalysis, but it turns' |
Item |
undated |
#105 |
undated, HNS from Merton, 'Interested? I have signed this - it will appear in one of those ads that groups' |
Item |
undated |
#107 |
undated, HNS from Merton, 'I need to go to Dr. in L'ville next «Friday» - could you please arrange as' |
Item |
undated |
#111 |
1963-12-25, TN from Merton, 'Thanks for your note. I can agree with your desire to work for new liturgical forms' |
Item |
1963 December 25 |
#126 |
1965-12-09, HNS from Merton, 'The diarrhea cleared up ok. I have a slight cold, but no problem. The other' |
Item |
1965 December 9 |
#146 |
undated, HNS from Merton, 'Our B. Robert (postulant) has a chill with diarrhea etc again and has been resting. ' |
Item |
undated |
#153 |
undated, HNS from Merton, 'This has all the earmarks of an Opus Chrysogonicum as I can tell from a brief' |
Item |
undated |
#156 |
1965-07-29, HNS from Merton, 'Maybe someone should do a report on the «Monastic Renewal» article herewith -' |
Item |
1965 July 29 |
#157 |
undated-06-29, HNS from Merton, 'This is a very awful translation of some texts of Isaac of Nineveh by the' |
Item |
undated June 29 |
#175 |
1965-11-20, TN from Merton, 'Thanks for your note. I'll take whatever you provide. How about yogurt? I am told' |
Item |
1965 November 2 |
#179 |
undated, other, '«Isaac of Ninive»' |
Item |
undated |
#182 |
undated, HNS from Merton, 'Saturday Fr Felix is giving the novice conference, so Juniors will not come this' |
Item |
undated |
#186 |
1967-03-30, TN from Merton, 'P. Patrick wants these bulletins for Collectanea. Can you red this copy? I am' |
Item |
1967 March 3 |
#188 |
1966-09-05, HNS from Merton, 'I have to go to see Dr Mitchell next Friday Sept 9. If I leave at 9 it will be ok. ' |
Item |
1966 September 5 |
#189 |
undated, HNS from Merton, 'Dr Scheen said the skin condition is progressing - ordered another ointment to help' |
Item |
undated |
#194 |
1966-11-23, TN from Merton, 'As regards your question; -- I have no trouble with six bottles -- but I wonder' |
Item |
1966 November 23 |
#198 |
1984-12-02, TLS[x] to Hart, Patrick, 'I enclose a copy of the review of Mott's book on Fr. Louis. It is typed' |
Item |
1984 December 2 |
#1 |
1962-06-11, TLS to Merton, 'About a year ago, the Superior of the Maryknoll Cloistered Sisters sent me a copy of' |
Item |
1962 June 11 |
#8 |
1966-05-02, TL[c] from Merton, 'Many thanks for your letter of April 20 and for your invitation to preach a retreat,' |
Item |
1966 May 2 |
#20 |
1967-09-20, TL[c] from Merton, 'The tape is on its way to you, but a roundabout way as I am having someone' |
Item |
1967 September 2 |
#36 |
1968-03-19, TL[c] to Merton, 'Plans are shaping up pretty well for the small meeting at the end of May. We have' |
Item |
1968 March 19 |
#37 |
1968-08-18, TLS to Merton, 'How have you been? We have thought of you often and the influence you have had on' |
Item |
1968 August 18 |
#38 |
1972-09-16, TLS to Center from Bane, Elaine, 'Thank you for your letters of inquiry regarding my correspondence with the late' |
Item |
1972 September 16 |
#39 |
1972-10-02 (#01), TL[c] from Center to Bane, Elaine, 'Thank you for your recent response to our request for Merton correspondence that you' |
Item |
1972 October 2 |
#1 |
1966-02-07, TLS to Merton, 'In the March Art Supplement of the «Magnificat», Roman Catholic Diocese of' |
Item |
1966 February 7 |
#2 |
1966-02-12, TL[c] from Merton, 'First of all if you want material about me, there was an article in the Louisville' |
Item |
1966 February 12 |
#2 |
1967-06-09, TL[c] from Merton, 'Apparently word is getting around that I am now permitted to go out and speak on' |
Item |
1967 June 9 |
#3 |
1967-06-23, TLS to Merton, 'Hello there; sorry I've been so long in writing to you. Did you get the copies of' |
Item |
1967 June 23 |
#6 |
1967-10-11, TL[c] from Merton, 'I enjoyed your piece in the last PN (or the last one here) about the Writers take' |
Item |
1967 October 11 |
017 |
"Barnes, Thomas Garden" correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1965, 1967 |
#2 |
1967-12-04, TLS to Merton, 'The grace of Christ be with you in abundance this Christmas. You know how much I' |
Item |
1967 December 4 |
#1 |
1967-06-24, TLS to Merton, 'Thank you for your form letter on Father Davis and authoritarianism in the Church;' |
Item |
1967 June 24 |
020 |
"Barry, Colman J., Fr., O.S.B." correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1960-1967 |
#5 |
1962-04-27, TLS to Merton, 'Thank you for your letter and for the article for THE AMERICAN BENEDICTINE REVIEW. ' |
Item |
1962 April 27 |
#6 |
1962-05-28, TALS from Merton, 'Sorry, bad news. My higher superiors have judged that it is not quite fitting for a' |
Item |
1962 May 28 |
#1 |
1962-02-13, TLS to Merton, 'Your articles that have recently appeared in «The Catholic Worker» and in' |
Item |
1962 February 13 |
#4 |
1962-03-27, TLS to Merton, 'Thank you so much for your letter which raised my hopes very high that you will be' |
Item |
1962 March 27 |
#6 |
1962-08-08, TL[c] from Merton, 'Recently I have gone over a manuscript that has been waiting for revision, and I' |
Item |
1962 August 8 |
#7 |
1962-09-14, TLS to Merton, 'I am so delighted to have your new manuscript, and I have read it very carefully and' |
Item |
1962 September 14 |
#8 |
1962-09-25, TL[c] from Merton, 'Thanks for the good letter of the 14th. I see your point about making the additions' |
Item |
1962 September 25 |
#10 |
1963-05-20, TLS to Merton, 'I was most distressed to receive your letter of May 16th, and I can only say that I' |
Item |
1963 May 2 |
#17 |
1967-10-03, TL[c] from Merton, 'Thanks so much for your cheering letter of last month, and for John L'Heureux's' |
Item |
1967 October 3 |
#1 |
1965, Merton, 'Para el Padre Merton con mi amistad y mis' |
Item |
1965 |