Level of description
Digital object |
#3 |
1967-01-22, HLS to Merton, 'Many thanks for your letter about Holy Obedience which I think corresponds to Tenko' |
Item |
1967 January 22 |
167 |
"Byrne, Grace M." correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1952 |
#1 |
1952-10-16, TLS to Merton, 'We have just heard from our South American representative that Sudamericana are' |
Item |
1952 October 16 |
899 |
"Heschel, Abraham Joshua, Rabbi" correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1960-1985 |
#1 |
1966-09-29, TLS to Merton, 'It occurred to me that you might be pleased to know that I had the pleasure of' |
Item |
1966 September 29 |
#2 |
1966-11-10, TLS from Merton, 'You cannot imagine with what joy I received the copy of «Conjectures of a Guilty' |
Item |
1966 November 1 |
#3 |
1967-01-10, TL[c] from Merton, 'I am not scorning your do it yourselfer but after all this time I have a few things' |
Item |
1967 January 1 |
#1 |
1960-02-08, HLS to Merton, 'Thank you for sending me the copy of your «Selected Poems». I had picked it up' |
Item |
1960 February 8 |
#2 |
1960-12-01, TALS[x] from Merton, 'It was very thoughtful of you to send me the piece about Cuba by Leroi Jones. It is' |
Item |
1960 December 1 |
#4 |
1961-03-13, TLS[x] from Merton, 'Your fine letter of December 8th has lain long in the drawer. I have thought about' |
Item |
1961 March 13 |
#5 |
1961-08-22, HLS to Merton, 'I returned from a long sojourn in the Northwest trying to imbibe something of that' |
Item |
1961 August 22 |
#6 |
1961-09-01, HPCS from Merton, 'Thanks for your very good and kind letter. I am glad I gave you the books and that' |
Item |
1961 September 1 |
#12 |
1964-10-05, TLS[x] from Merton, 'Congratulations and blessings. I was praying for you Saturday, your profession day.' |
Item |
1964 October 5 |
#24 |
Undated (#02), other, Bancroft Library receipt for copies of Merton letters |
Item |
undated |
#3 |
undated (#01), TL[c] from Merton, 'Sorry, I owe answers to three or four notes. I will try to cover what I remember: ' |
Item |
undated |
#5 |
undated (#03), TAL[c] from Merton, 'Bibliographical problems come over horizon perhaps we need to hit Cornell again high' |
Item |
undated |
#2 |
1966-03-05 (#01), TL[c] from Merton, 'You may certainly read the galleys of MYSTICS AND ZEN MASTERS when the publisher has' |
Item |
1966 March 5 |
056 |
"Arasteh, A. Reza" correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1965-1984 |
#3 |
1965-12-27, TALS[x] from Merton, 'I am interested in your book, which I am sure will fill a great need in this' |
Item |
1965 December 27 |
#5 |
1968-01-26 (#01), TLS from Merton, 'Your book is very fine and I am giving it a slow and fruitful reading. I find it' |
Item |
1968 January 26 |
#10 |
1968-03-22 (#02), TL[c] from Merton, 'I am sorry I have not written for so long. It wasa [sic] disappointment not to see' |
Item |
1968 March 22 |
#12 |
1968-05-22 (#01), TL[c] from Merton, 'Here is the reworked piece on 'Rebirth in Christianity'. I have been somewhat' |
Item |
1968 May 22 |
#19 |
1978-02-17, TALS[x] from Smith, Anne Abel, 'I am glad to say we received this morning three complimentary copies of the Spanish' |
Item |
1978 February 17 |
#22 |
1984-01-19, HLS to Shannon, William, 'Thank you for your letter. I have located some information which will help you to' |
Item |
1984 January 19 |
#24 |
1984-02-26, TLS[x] from Shannon, William, 'I hope you do not mind my calling you by your first name. I feel that we are going' |
Item |
1984 February 26 |
#25 |
undated (#01), other, 'Arasteh, A(bdol) Reza 1927- / «Personal:» Born September 27, 1927, in Shiraz,' |
Item |
undated |
#9 |
1961-12-no-day, HCS from Merton, 'All blessings and joy at Christmas. May God give you strength, patience, light and' |
Item |
1961 December (date approximate) |
#18 |
1962-10-29 (#02), TLS[x] from Merton, 'This is a troubled time, in which you are going to have to collect your forces and' |
Item |
1962 October 29 |
#19 |
1963-01-01, TLS[x] from Merton, 'Well, this is the first letter dated 1963 that I have written, and by a miracle I' |
Item |
1963 January 1 |
#30 |
Undated (#01), other, addresses for Arca de Sardiña |
Item |
undated |
058 |
"Argentieri, Robert K." correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1968 |
060 |
"Armstrong, Bonnie" correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1967 |
#1 |
1967-12-07, TAL[c] from Armstrong, Bonnie / to Miss J. Gravelotte, 'Thank you very much for your letter of November 31st asking about the possibility of' |
Item |
1967 December 7 |
061 |
"Arnold, Fr., O.C.S.O." correspondence |
Record subgroup |
undated |
#2 |
1967-05-27, TLS to Merton, 'We [sic] like to share with you our latest publication: 'Salt and Light; Talks and' |
Item |
1967 May 27 |
#1 |
1965-09-14, TL[c] from Merton, 'Thanks for sending me your article. It is a smasher and I really enjoyed it. I' |
Item |
1965 September 14 |
072 |
"Augustinius, Gervasius F., Fr., K.M.NTARA." correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1965 |
#2 |
1963-05-31, HALS from Merton, 'Many thanks for your kind letter. I am glad to grant permission for 'The Moslems'' |
Item |
1963 May 31 |
#3 |
1970-10-09, TLS[x] to Center from Austin, Waddell, 'In reply to your letter of October 1st, I am pleased to hear of the Thomas Merton' |
Item |
1970 October 9 |
#1 |
1959-09-02, TALS to Nicholas Heer, 'I have come to know you through Mr. Nooruddin Shoreibah (of 3, Ali Galal Street,' |
Item |
1959 September 2 |
#2 |
1959-11-18, HLS from Heer, Nicholas / to Abdul Aziz, 'Let me first apologize for not answering your letter of 22 September 1959 before' |
Item |
1959 November 18 |
#4 |
1960-01-25, TALS to Nicholas Heer, 'I had replied to your letter dated 18th November 1959 on 17th December 1959, and I' |
Item |
1960 January 25 |
#12 |
1961-05-13 (#01), TALS[x] from Merton, 'It has been a long time since I received your good letter of March 8th. The books' |
Item |
1961 May 13 |
#21 |
1962-04-04 (#03), other[x] from Merton, 'SONG FOR THE DEATH OF AVERROËS (from Ibn Al Arabi, after the Spanish version of Asin' |
Item |
1962 April 4 |
#22 |
1962-04-04 (#04), other[x] from Merton, 'A LETTER TO PABLO ANTONIO CUADRA CONCERNING GIANTS [-] 1. [-] At a moment when all' |
Item |
1962 April 4 |
#24 |
1962-04-04 (#06), other[x] from Merton, 'SAN JUAN DE LA CRUZ [-] C.D. CANTOR DEL AMOR DIVINO [-] ¡Cuán manso y' |
Item |
1962 April 4 |
#26 |
1962-12-18, TALS to Merton, 'I had replied to your letter on 21st June, 1962 in which I raised a number of' |
Item |
1962 December 18 |
#27 |
1962-12-26 (#01), TALS[x] from Merton, 'It is certainly true that I deserve your mild and kind reproach for being a poor' |
Item |
1962 December 26 |
#30 |
1963-06-02, TALS[x] from Merton, 'Many thanks for your good letter of April 4th. I am sorry I have been so slow in' |
Item |
1963 June 2 |
#32 |
1963-10-18, TL[c] from Merton, 'The delay in replying to your letter is due to three things: first, my desire to' |
Item |
1963 October 18 |
#35 |
1964-12-09 (#01), TL[c] from Merton, 'It was a pleasure to get your letter this morning. Certainly I hope to write you a' |
Item |
1964 December 9 |
#37 |
1965-11-01, TALS to Merton, 'In your December reply to my X'mas and New Years greetings you had kindly promised' |
Item |
1965 November 1 |
#38 |
1965-11-02, TALS[x] from Merton, 'I am really sorry for my long silence, and I know that there is no real way to make' |
Item |
1965 November 2 |
#40 |
1965-11-07 (#02), TALS[x] from Merton, 'Yesterday, two days after sending off my letter to you, I received your letter. I ' |
Item |
1965 November 7 |
#60 |
1994-11-30, HLS[x] to Shannon, William, 'I acknowedge with gratitude your last letter dt.' |
Item |
1994 November 3 |
#70 |
undated (#02), other, 'Ch. Abdul Aziz, whose letters sparked Merton's interest in Sufism, has lived all his' |
Item |
undated |
001 |
"Babin, Pierre, Fr., O.M.I." correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1966 |
#1 |
1966-12-26, TL[c] from Merton, 'Merci de votre bonne lettre: oui, elle était bien pour moi "un cadeau de Dieu." Je' |
Item |
1966 December 26 |
#1 |
1958-10-08, TCS from Merton, 'It was very good to get your delightful letter and to learn about all of you--' |
Item |
1958 October 8 |
#2 |
1963-11-19, TLS to Merton, 'Caro e estimado Poeta: muchas, muchísimas gracias por su carta del 30 de Octubre el' |
Item |
1963 November 19 |
#5 |
1964-04-05, TL[c] from Merton, 'Probably you do not fit sufficiently well into the conventional academic categories.' |
Item |
1964 April 5 |
#7 |
1965-05-17, TALS to Merton, 'que grande pena que Ud. não poderá escrever o Prefácio para meus poemas de Hawaii. ' |
Item |
1965 May 17 |
#8 |
1965-05-21 (#01), TL[c] from Merton, 'I will try to reply to your letter before the matter ceases to be fresh in my mind. ' |
Item |
1965 May 21 |
#11 |
1966-01-27, TALS to Merton, 'Meu grande e caríssimo Thomas Merton: foi exatamente «na hora» (ontem pela' |
Item |
1966 January 27 |
#13 |
1966-06-17, TALS to Merton, 'é com alegria que posso lhe dizer que hoje acabo de pôr o ponto final em seu ensaio,' |
Item |
1966 June 17 |
#14 |
1966-07-07, TL[c] from Merton, 'Your book on Manuel Bandeira arrived today. It is very handsome and I will read it' |
Item |
1966 July 7 |
#15 |
1966-07-14, TALS to Merton, 'grato por sua boa carta, por tudo que nele me diz, e por suas plavras por meu' |
Item |
1966 July 14 |
#19 |
1968-12-20, TL[x] from Laughlin, James, 'Thank you for your letter of December 16. Father Merton's death is a terrible loss' |
Item |
1968 December 2 |
#2 |
1967-10-13, HLS to Merton, 'How can I ever thank you enough for taking time out from your busy schedule in order' |
Item |
1967 October 13 |
#1 |
1965-10-11, TALS to Merton, 'I have been very much impressed with the article you wrote for the September issue' |
Item |
1965 October 11 |
007 |
"Baird, Mary Julian, Sr., R.S.M." correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1962 |
#1 |
1967-09-13, TLS to Merton, 'Glenn Hinson, who was my teacher and spiritual adviser at the Baptist seminary in' |
Item |
1967 September 13 |
#3 |
1967-10-10, TLS to Merton, 'I am grateful for your interest in my dissertation and for your concern that I get' |
Item |
1967 October 1 |
#8 |
1968-06-11 (#01), TAL[c] from Merton, 'In the past couple of weeks I have hardly had time to answer any mail at all. ' |
Item |
1968 June 11 |
#2 |
1963-10-15, HLS to Merton, 'I have often been on the point of writing, but other things have always interfered. ' |
Item |
1963 October 15 |
#8 |
1964-12-31, HLS to Merton, 'It's a very long time since I have written. I am so sorry, but you certainly know' |
Item |
1964 December 31 |
#9 |
1965-05-22 (#01), TALS[x] from Merton, 'Please believe that I am covered with the most utter confusion. I knew I owed you a' |
Item |
1965 May 22 |
#11 |
1966-07-11, HLS to Merton, 'This letter is principally to say that I am going to be in the states next year from' |
Item |
1966 July 11 |
#14 |
1967-01-14, TLS[x] from Merton, 'I hope this will meet you in New York and find you well and ready for action. ' |
Item |
1967 January 14 |
#15 |
1967-01-27, HLS to Merton, 'Thank you very much for your letter. I have now heard from my friends in Louisville' |
Item |
1967 January 27 |
#22 |
1967-08-29, HLS to Merton, 'This is just to ask one thing. I had planned to come to Gethsemani after Easter' |
Item |
1967 August 29 |
#23 |
1967-09-15, TLS[x] from Merton, 'I have two letters of yours to answer, and the first one is the second. There is no' |
Item |
1967 September 15 |
#24 |
1967-09-27, TALS to Merton, 'Thank you very much for your letter which was extremely encouraging from more points' |
Item |
1967 September 27 |
#27 |
1968-02-05, HLS to Merton, 'Thank you very much for your letter and the article, which I have glanced through. ' |
Item |
1968 February 5 |
#29 |
1968-03-21, HLS to Merton, 'Here is the first draft of the translation of Ana Griffiths' poems. It's the only' |
Item |
1968 March 21 |
#30 |
1968-03-24, TLS[c] from Merton, 'The hermitage looks like this even today-- though we are supposed to be in 'spring'.' |
Item |
1968 March 24 |
#39 |
1972-10-26, TLS to Center from Allchin, Arthur MacDonald, and Sr. Bridget, 'Thank you for your letter of August 7th about my correspondence with Thomas Merton. ' |
Item |
1972 October 26 |
#44 |
undated (#02), other, 'The Reverend Arthur MacDonald Allchin (known as Donald to his' |
Item |
undated |
#45 |
undated (#03), other, 'These pages include summary-notes of the Allchin letters with the dates of the' |
Item |
undated |
#1 |
1967-11-18, other, 'When Seabury Press decided to do Camus' 'The Plague' for its Religious Dimensions in' |
Item |
1967 November 18 |
#2 |
1968-02-09, TLS to Merton, 'I thought you'd like to know that everyone in New York now knows about your fields' |
Item |
1968 February 9 |
028 |
"Alvares, Marcos Maria de, Fr., O.F.M." correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1954 |
031 |
"Amps, Zachary, Br., O.C.S.O. (Br. M. Bernadine)" correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1961-1968 |
#5 |
1967-04-11 (#02), TN to Merton, 'According to our record (of this year} we have not sent anything to the reverse side' |
Item |
1967 April 11 |
#11 |
1968-02-07, TN from Merton, 'Could you please send to this library, free of charge, the following: New Seeds of' |
Item |
1968 February 7 |
#13 |
undated-11-19, TN to Merton, 'Because I 'worked out' Saturday afternoon, I was unable to take care of your request' |
Item |
undated November 19 |
#6 |
1963-12-01, TL[c] from Merton, 'No, I am afraid that the murder of President Kennedy has left me inarticulate. If' |
Item |
1963 December 1 |
#7 |
1964-09-26, TL[c] from Merton, 'Thanks for your note: I am relaying the information to Cardenal, Seminario de' |
Item |
1964 September 26 |
#1 |
1963-05-28, TL[c] from Merton, 'Things do not seem to be too encouraging, in your life, do they? I am sorry to hear' |
Item |
1963 May 28 |
#3 |
1965-03-06, TL[c] from Merton, 'Forgive me please for not answering sooner. You can doubtless guess that mail is' |
Item |
1965 March 6 |