Level of description
Digital object |
#1 |
1964-09-09, TLS to Merton, 'We want you to know of our gratitude for the generous contribution sent by you in' |
Item |
1964 September 9 |
#12 |
1964-10-07, TLS to Merton, 'Father Philip Berrigan asked me to get the address of Chris McNair for you, and it' |
Item |
1964 October 7 |
024 |
"Barton, Robert Joyce" correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1967 |
#1 |
1967-08-07, TALS to Merton, 'My hope is that you might explain your poem, "Fall '66" which appeared in the «New' |
Item |
1967 August 7 |
#1 |
1960-07-13, TLS to Merton, 'It gave me much pleasure to hear that something in «The House» may be of use to' |
Item |
1960 July 13 |
#5 |
1967-12-02, HLS to Merton, 'I am very greatfull [sic] for your kindness sending your article: «The Cross' |
Item |
1967 December 2 |
#2 |
1967-07-25, TL[c] from Merton, 'Thanks for inviting me to the convocation on Pot, Pills and LSD next spring. I am' |
Item |
1967 July 25 |
#1 |
1967-10-29, TLS to Merton, 'I know that you must be inundated with letters seeking your advice on all sorts of' |
Item |
1967 October 29 |
#1 |
1964-07-14 (#01), TL[d] from Merton, 'Yesterday I had the very great pleasure of speaking at some length with Rabbi' |
Item |
1964 July 14 |
#2 |
1964-07-14 (#02), TAL[d] from Merton, 'Yesterday I had the very great pleasure of speaking at some length with Rabbi' |
Item |
1964 July 14 |
#1 |
1968-08-27, TLS to Merton, 'I am so pleased that you are going to print the two Zen stories and some poems. ' |
Item |
1968 August 27 |
#3 |
1966-01-02, TALS to Merton, 'Why I address you thus instead of as Dear Tom you will understand when I reveal to' |
Item |
1966 January 2 |
#4 |
1966-03-17, TLS to Merton, 'It was a great lift to the spirit to find in our mail your note and the preface to' |
Item |
1966 March 17 |
#1 |
1963-11-29, TL[c] from Merton, 'Thank you for your very kind letter of October 19th. I am sorry to have delayed in' |
Item |
1963 November 29 |
#8 |
1968-03-27, TLS from Merton, 'It took a little time for the copies of the «Plague» pamphlet to arrive, but' |
Item |
1968 March 27 |
#9 |
1968-04-09, TLS[x] from Koshland, William / to John Goodbody, 'I am so very grateful to have received Thomas Merton's INTRODUCTION AND COMMENTARY' |
Item |
1968 April 9 |
043 |
"Benaudes, Teris" correspondence |
Record subgroup |
undated |
#2 |
1955-03-14, HLS to Merton, 'Kind thanks for your hearty letter of Dec. '54! It took a long time before we' |
Item |
1955 March 14 |
#1 |
1966-08-14, HLS to Merton, 'On a visit to California, I brought some family and friends letters and papers- etc-' |
Item |
1966 August 14 |
#2 |
1966-08-14 (#01), TL[c] from Merton, 'Thanks very much indeed for your note and for the Silver Jubilee Gift. You take me' |
Item |
1966 August 14 |
#3 |
1966-08-14 (#02), TALS[x] from Merton, 'Thanks very much indeed for your note and for the Silver Jubilee Gift. You take me' |
Item |
1966 August 14 |
#7 |
1967-01-19 (#01), TL[c] from Merton, 'Thanks for your warm good letter, and for Lerone's Boston talk. Starting with that,' |
Item |
1967 January 19 |
#8 |
1967-01-19 (#02), TLS[x] from Merton, 'Thanks for your warm good letter, and for Lerone's Boston talk. Starting with that,' |
Item |
1967 January 19 |
#9 |
undated, other[x], '(His first Mass) "Friday I said that Mass I had promised to Our Lady of Cobre… It' |
Item |
undated |
051 |
"Bentley, Leilani" correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1967 |
052 |
"Berg, Marina de" correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1960 |
#2 |
undated (#01), HLS to Merton, 'Thanks for your nice letter. I wrote immediately to Dom Gabriel and sended [sic]' |
Item |
undated |
#6 |
undated (#05), HLS to Merton, 'Thank you very much for your nice letter and corrections which I sended [sic]' |
Item |
undated |
#8 |
undated (#07), HLS to Merton, 'Thank you so much for your nice book. I've' |
Item |
undated |
#1 |
1966-12-01, TL[c] from Merton, 'I am happy to hear that you have a chance to live as a hermit in Texas and am' |
Item |
1966 December 1 |
056 |
"Bernard, Fr., O.C.D." correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1954 |
057 |
"Bernet, Kenneth, Fr., S.F.M." correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1968 |
060 |
"Berry, Thomas, Fr., C.P." correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1961 |
061 |
"Berry, Wendell" correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1967-1968 |
#3 |
1968-01-31, TL[c] from Merton, 'What keeps me from writing more is that I never know if Port Royal Kentucky is' |
Item |
1968 January 31 |
#3 |
1964-11-23, other to Merton, 'Invoice [-] France-Asie [-] Revue bilingue des Problèmes asiatiques et de Synthèse' |
Item |
1964 November 23 |
063 |
"Best, James S." correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1966-1967 |
#2 |
1966-12-23, TL[c] from Merton, 'About the paper "Blessed are the Meek". I am under the impression it was printed in' |
Item |
1966 December 23 |
#3 |
1967-01-16, TALS to Merton, 'I've written «Cowley» for permission and will use the article in March, and in' |
Item |
1967 January 16 |
#5 |
1967-07-29, TLS to Merton, 'I expect you too will want to answer Lillian Marks. I hope I did not apologize' |
Item |
1967 July 29 |
#1 |
1971-03-10, TLS[x] to Center from Betchov, Greti, 'We received your letter concerning our correspondence with the late Thomas Merton,' |
Item |
1971 March 1 |
#4 |
1972-07-06, TL[c] from Center to Betchov, Greti, 'Thank you very much for sending us xerox copies of Thomas Merton's correspondence' |
Item |
1972 July 6 |
065 |
"Bettencourt, Yolanda" correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1957-1959 |
#2 |
1958-01-10, TLS to Merton, 'Thanks for your letter of December 19, 1957. I have already written to Curtis Brown' |
Item |
1958 January 1 |
#3 |
1958-11-25, TLS to Merton, 'We have received through D. Timóteo Amoroso Anastácio O.S.B. translator of NO MAN IS' |
Item |
1958 November 25 |
067 |
"Beyer, Anna Helga" correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1966 |
#1 |
1966-09-14, TALS to Merton, 'Vor mir liegt Ihr Buch " Aufstieg zur Wahrheit". Ich empfinde gerade die' |
Item |
1966 September 14 |
002 |
"Bach, Marian T." correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1958-1963 |
#3 |
1961-04-05, HPCS from Merton, '[…] thanks for your gift and for your good news at Easter. Glad to hear Anne and' |
Item |
1961 April 5 |
003 |
"Baciu, Stefan" correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1963-1967 |
#3 |
1964-03-07 (#01), TLS to Merton, 'grato por suas linhas, acompanhando o texto lido no México, que, nas atuais' |
Item |
1964 March 7 |
#4 |
1964-03-07 (#02), other, 'Stefan Baciu / Cesar Vallejo, Poeta' |
Item |
1964 March 7 |
#18 |
1968-12-16, TLS[x] to Laughlin, James, 'I take the liberty to write you as a friend of Thomas Merton, since you were his' |
Item |
1968 December 16 |
004 |
"Baeten, Betsi" correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1967 |
#1 |
1967-10-02, TL[c] from Merton, 'It is almost impossible for me to give you in a few words the reasons for race' |
Item |
1967 October 2 |
#3 |
1967, HLS to Merton, 'I am Moderator of a panel on Civil Rights which we eighth graders are presenting for' |
Item |
1967 (date approximate) |
008 |
"Baker, James Thomas" correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1967-1968, 1980 |
#5 |
1968-03-04, TLS to Merton, 'I wish to express my appreciation to you for your hospitality last week and for the' |
Item |
1968 March 4 |
#6 |
1968-03-28, TL[c] from Merton, 'Thanks for the return of the various items. Actually, the mimeographed ones did not' |
Item |
1968 March 28 |
009 |
"Balthasar, Hans Urs von" correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1964-1966 |
#1 |
1964-07-03, TAL[c] from Merton, 'My friend Dom Jean Leclercq writes that he recently had the pleasure of visiting you' |
Item |
1964 July 3 |
#2 |
1964-08-07, TAL[c] from Merton, 'Je vous remercie de votre bonne lettre. Ce que vous me dites de votre théologie de' |
Item |
1964 August 7 |
068 |
"Bieberman, Lisa" correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1967, 1971 |
#4 |
1967-04-no-day, other, '«Psychedelic Information Center» BULLETIN [-] A New York City group, the' |
Item |
1967 April |
#6 |
undated, other, 'on getting the message by Lisa Bieberman [-] "I'll show you mine if you'll show me' |
Item |
undated |
#2 |
1967-09-25 (#01), TALS to Merton, 'this is an extremely hard letter to write, so I ask you to overlook its faults and see' |
Item |
1967 September 25 |
#3 |
1967-09-25 (#02), other to Merton, 'Appeared New York Times 4 Sept. 67 (editorial page) «A COCKTAIL PARTY» Penned' |
Item |
1967 September 25 |
#2 |
1960-02-16, TL[x] from Fox, James, 'We have more pleasant news for you now than in our last letter in regard to the book' |
Item |
1960 February 16 |
#13 |
1967-01-24 (#01), TLS[x] from Bernard, Fr., O.C.S.O. / to James Fox, 'Vous n'êtes pas sans savoir que notre Père Abbé vient d'être nommé Chevalier de la' |
Item |
1967 January 24 |
#14 |
1967-01-24 (#02), TLS[x] from Bernard, Fr., O.C.S.O. / to Merton, 'Vous savez déjà par une indiscrétion de mon Père Prieur (mon frère de sang) la' |
Item |
1967 January 24 |
#16 |
1967-01-31, HLS to Merton, 'J'aurais voulu vous annonce' |
Item |
1967 January 31 |
#17 |
1967-02-01 (#01), TLS[x] from Fox, James, 'I would not want you to misinterpret my letter which I have written to good Father' |
Item |
1967 February 1 |
#1 |
1962-01-23, TLS to Merton, 'I have a recent letter from Edward Deming Andrews of Pittsfield, Massachusetts in' |
Item |
1962 January 23 |
#3 |
1962-02-14, TLS to Merton, 'I want to thank you for your fascinating and helpful letter concerning the Shaker' |
Item |
1962 February 14 |
#1 |
1966-10-08, TLS[x] to Merton, 'I hate to impose upon you, but I am sure you will understand why I do it. One of' |
Item |
1966 October 8 |
#2 |
1966-10-13, TL[x] from Merton, 'I have been hoping to answer your letter of late August and now your new letter with' |
Item |
1966 October 13 |
#2 |
1968-03-08, TL[c] from Merton, 'I have finished reading the galleys of BLACK POWER AND WHITE PROTESTANTS which I am' |
Item |
1968 March 8 |
#2 |
1964-10-28, TLS from Merton, 'When I suggested the Little Sisters I realized that the suggestion would be a bit of' |
Item |
1964 October 28 |
#4 |
1965-05-27, HNS from Merton, 'Thanks for telling me about Nanny. I did not know about her, but in the middle of' |
Item |
1965 May 27 |
#6 |
1965-06-16 (#02), TL[c] from Merton, 'Thanks very much for sending the telegram to let me know of Nanny's death. It was' |
Item |
1965 June 16 |
#8 |
1966-04-23, HNS from Merton, 'I wanted to answer your first letter about the new baby, but let it slip until too' |
Item |
1966 April 23 |
#9 |
1966-07-22, TLS from Merton, 'Thanks for your last letter. If you want any more of those booklets about the' |
Item |
1966 July 22 |
#10 |
1970-10-23, HLS[x] to Center from Boettcher, Nancy Hauck, 'Enclosed are the letters I have from Tom Merton. Please Xerox them for me. I have' |
Item |
1970 October 23 |
#2 |
undated, HLS to Merton, 'Thank you so much for your letter - for your goodness. I enjoyed it very much. It' |
Item |
undated |
#1 |
1966-02-02, HLS to Merton, 'I am a sophomore at Niskayuna High School, Niskayuna, New York, and we are doing a' |
Item |
1966 February 2 |
#2 |
1961-03-20, HLS to Merton, 'Many thanks for your kind letter of March 14th. I have received it today on my' |
Item |
1961 March 2 |
#14 |
1963-04-11, HLS to Merton, 'I am already in Rome since April 6th and hope to remain here till July. Since I' |
Item |
1963 April 11 |
#20 |
1963-12-23, HLS to Merton, 'Many thanks for your kind letter and cheque which is for me quite princely. It' |
Item |
1963 December 23 |
#21 |
1964-01-26, HLS to Merton, 'Before Lent begins and I leave Oxford on Feb 13th for London and abroad I send you' |
Item |
1964 January 26 |
#24 |
1964-10-21, HLS to Merton, 'I have no letters from you since last December, although I wrote myself to you three' |
Item |
1964 October 21 |
#25 |
1964-10-28, TAL[c] from Merton, 'Thank you for your recent letter, as usuall [sic] full of interesting news of your' |
Item |
1964 October 28 |
#27 |
1964-12-20, HLS to Merton, 'Many thanks for your letter and the cheque, for which I thank very much you and the' |
Item |
1964 December 2 |
#29 |
1965-06-09, TL[c] from Merton, 'It is always so good to receive your extremely informative and lively letters, but I' |
Item |
1965 June 9 |
#30 |
1965-08-19, HLS to Merton, 'Many thanks for your two letters of June 9th and August 10th, which were forwarded' |
Item |
1965 August 19 |
#36 |
1966-10-24, TL[c] from Merton, 'I am very much afraid that if I am called to be like Theophane the Recluse a letter' |
Item |
1966 October 24 |
#37 |
1966-12-no-day, TL[x] to Sobesedniks (circular letter), 'Since I wrote my last letter in the end of July there were many developments for the' |
Item |
1966 December |
#40 |
1967-04-no-day, TL[x] to Sobesedniks (circular letter), 'I write this letter from Florence in the end of my three-months-long stay in Italy,' |
Item |
1967 April |
#4 |
1967-05-13, TL[c] from Merton, 'I have been meaning to write and thank you for the first issue of Latitudes. I' |
Item |
1967 May 13 |
#18 |
1967-12-10, TL[c] from Merton, 'I don't see any problems whatever about the copyrights. It seems to me everything' |
Item |
1967 December 1 |
#20 |
1968-01-31, TLS to Merton, 'Thank you for your note. What is this about starting a magazine of your own? I' |
Item |
1968 January 31 |