"Brigham, Besmilr" correspondence

식별 요소


US US-kylobm 1-B-126

기록보존소의 이름과 위치

기술 계층

하위 퐁


"Brigham, Besmilr" correspondence


  • 1968, 1970-1971 (생성)


1 folder(s), 14 item(s), 20 page(s)

생산자 이름


개인 이력

Besmilr Brigham was born in Pace, Mississippi in 1923. Although spending much in her life traveling to places such as France, Central America, and Mexico, she was living in Horatio, Arkansas, the home of her parents, at the time of correspondence with Merton. She now lives with her daughter and son-in-law, the poet Keith Wilson, in New Mexico. In 1971, she published the book «Heaved from the Earth». Merton had many good things to say about another book she was attempting to publish at the time of writing entitled «The Tiger» (Source: The United States of Poetry website, a program produced by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting [http://www.worldofpoetry.org/usop/word.htm]).

내용과 구조 요소

범위와 내용

Poet Keith Wilson (see "Wilson, Keith" file) had asked Brigham to send some poetry to Merton for publication in <u>Monks Pond</u>. Merton decides to include her poems in the last three of his total four <u>Monks Pond</u> issues. Included are original letters to and from Merton concerning Merton's thoughts on Brigham's poems and details about their publication in <u>Monks Pond</u>.

정리 시스템

Records are arranged chronologically. Records are not divided into Series.

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Regulations governing use of the collection can be found here: (‹https://bellarmine.libraryhost.com/index.php/rules›).

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