1968-06-18, TLS to Merton, 'It looks like I spend most of my time on the road - but not in behalf of myself. I'

식별 요소


US US-kylobm 1-B-121-#1

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1968-06-18, TLS to Merton, 'It looks like I spend most of my time on the road - but not in behalf of myself. I'


  • 1968 June 18 (생성)


1 page(s); Typed signed letter.

생산자 이름


개인 이력

Bishop Joseph Breitenbeck was serving as the Archdiocese of Detroit at the time of this correspondence.

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범위와 내용

First lines: "It looks like I spend most of my time on the road - but not in behalf of myself. I had just"... Contents index: thanks to Merton for his support for contemplative nuns and the letter he sent to the Pope.

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