"Berrigan, Philip" correspondence

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US US-kylobm 1-B-059

Namn och placering på arkivinstitutionen




"Berrigan, Philip" correspondence


  • 1964-1968 (Skapande)


1 folder(s), 12 item(s), 15 page(s)



Biografiska anmärkningar

Philip Berrigan was a social activist and writer whose acts of civil disobedience during the Vietnam War made him a household name in the peace movement. Younger brother of Daniel Berrigan, he became a priest like his brother, but with the Josephites instead of the Jesuits. He would later marry and would be excommunicated. Throughout his life, he continued to protest nuclear proliferation in the United States and was often imprisoned for his actions.

Innehåll och strukturelement

Omfattning och innehåll

Though he was not as often in contact with Merton as Daniel, Philip Berrigan influenced, and was influenced by, Merton. Philip Berrigan took an active posture of civil disobedience that did not rule out the use of violence toward property if that property were being used in service of immoral ends. Merton struggled with Philip's actions but spoke more with Daniel regarding these issues. Philip's correspondence file contains originals of his letters to Merton and copies of Merton's letters to him.


Records are arranged chronologically. Records are not divided into Series.

Element för villkor för tillgång och användning

Villkor för åtkomst

Regulations governing use of the collection can be found here: (‹https://bellarmine.libraryhost.com/index.php/rules›). Records with Source listed as "Cornell University Department of Rare Books" may not be published or reproduced without written permission from the Rare Books Department at Cornell.

Teknisk åtkomst

Villkor för reproduktion

Materialets språk


      Språk och skriptananmärkningar


      Förvärvs- och bevarande- och gallringselement


      Källa för förvärv

      Information rörande bevarande- och gallringsvärdering samt schemaläggning


      Relaterade materialelement

      Existens och placering av original

      Existensen och placering av kopior

      Relaterat arkivmaterial

      See one published letters from Merton to Philip Berrigan in «The Hidden Ground of Love» (‹https://bellarmine.on.worldcat.org/search?queryString=no%3A26858207›), p. 101.

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      Specialiserade anmärkningar

      Alternativt/alternativa signum

      Element för Förteckningskontroll

      Regler eller standarder

      Använda källor

      Caption of headline photo: Phillip Berrigan is pictured on the far right and Daniel Berrigan in a blue plaid shirt in center with Merton seated on the photo's left (Tony Walsh with back to the camera).


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      metadata Digitalt objekt

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