1963-11-15, HNS from Merton, 'As man is late again tomorrow (Sat.) and I would otherwise miss practically a full'

식별 요소


US US-kylobm 1-B-010-S5-#162

기록보존소의 이름과 위치

기술 계층


1963-11-15, HNS from Merton, 'As man is late again tomorrow (Sat.) and I would otherwise miss practically a full'


  • 1963 November 15 (생성)


1 page(s); Holograph (handwritten) signed note. Note used for very brief mailed correspondence or intramural message.

생산자 이름


개인 이력

Thomas Merton (1915-1968) was a writer and Trappist monk at Our Lady of Gethsemani Abbey in Kentucky. His writings include such classics as The Seven Storey Mountain, New Seeds of Contemplation, and Zen and the Birds of Appetite. Merton is the author of more than seventy books that include poetry, personal journals, collections of letters, social criticism, and writings on peace, justice, and ecumenism.

내용과 구조 요소

범위와 내용

First lines: "As man is late again tomorrow (Sat.) and I would otherwise miss practically a full week"... Contents index: [verso: long note by Bamberger describing the lecture in Chapter of Fr. Charles English, O.C.S.O. of Holy Spirit Monastery in Conyers, Georgia, a monastic censor of Merton's works who also appreciated Merton's writings - English was a friend of Dorothy Day and known as Fr. Jack English at the Catholic Worker in New York].

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    수집의 직접적 출처

    The donor or source was: Bamberger, John.

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