1961-11-18, TALS to Merton, '1. I am in receipt of both your letters as well as a copy of your open letter to'

식별 요소


US US-kylobm 1-A-076-#16

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1961-11-18, TALS to Merton, '1. I am in receipt of both your letters as well as a copy of your open letter to'


  • 1961 November 18 (생성)


3 page(s); Typed signed letter with holograph (handwritten) annotations.

생산자 이름

개인 이력

Living in Karachi, Pakistan, Abdul Aziz can be attributed with sparking Merton's first interest in Sufism, an interest later shared with his novices at Gethsemani. Beginning their correspondence in late 1960, Merton and Aziz would exchange books and ideas. Aziz was introduced to Merton's work through Louis Massignon, a mutual friend. An important insight from these letters is Merton's response to Aziz's request for a description of his prayer life.

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범위와 내용

First lines: "1. I am in receipt of both your letters as well as a copy of your open letter to Cuadra. In the"... Contents index: Sirdar Iqbal Ali Shah / Kashf al Majub / Holy Names of Allah / "The Moslems' Angel of Death" (Azrael) / ascetic elements of mystic spirituality and the Incarnation / U.S.-Russia and Gog-Magog / nuclear war / Tawhid / Tirmizi / St. Basil / Aziz's biography.

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