1958-11-16, transcript to Merton, 'Special circumstances have prevented my writing to you to thank you for the 2 pieces'

식별 요소


US US-kylobm 1-A-036-#17

기록보존소의 이름과 위치

기술 계층


1958-11-16, transcript to Merton, 'Special circumstances have prevented my writing to you to thank you for the 2 pieces'


  • 1958 November 16 (생성)


4 page(s); Transcript copy of a letter, i.e., re-typed or re-written after original.

생산자 이름


개인 이력

Jaime Andrade was an Ecuadorian sculptor and engraver from Quito. Merton commissioned him to do a statue of the Virgin Mary and child Jesus in dark wood for the novitiate library.

내용과 구조 요소

범위와 내용

First lines: "Special circumstances have prevented my writing to you to thank you for the 2 pieces of literature"... Contents index: [translation of 1958/11/12 letter] Merton's poem "Prometheus" / Mother and Child statue taking shape - child must hold something: branch, fruit, root / not interested in Trappist foundation in Quito - vices of colonial times, cultural loss, exploitation of the people by Church / books requested from Cultural Center - Julio Endara.

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    The donor or source was: Gethsemani Abbey Archives.

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