CLASSIFICATION OF COLLECTIONS (link to full classification / see selected categories below)
Selected Categories (full list above)
- Books by and about Thomas Merton
- Books BY Thomas Merton (with reviews by others of books by Merton) [reviews added / no manuscripts yet]
- Books and Reviews of Books ABOUT Merton
- Correspondence: Letters to and from Thomas Merton
- Calendar View of Letters/Correspondence by Date (June 1964 and 1965 [partial / some A and B])
- Doctoral Dissertations and Graduate and Undergraduate Theses about Thomas Merton | (link to sortable list)
- Essays by Thomas Merton (including Reviews by Merton of other authors' books) [A titles only]
- Poems by Thomas Merton (Manuscript or Published) [pending]
Merton Center Legacy Classification System (Section and Sub-Section Listings / description in process of being added)