1 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-001-#01 |
1966-12-26, TL[c] Babin from Merton, 'Merci de votre bonne lettre: oui, elle était bien pour moi "un cadeau de Dieu." Je' |
1966 December 26 |
None |
2 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-001-#02 |
undated (#01), HLS Babin to Merton, 'Excusez-moi de vous écrire en français: je parle trop mal l'anglais et j'ai tenu à' |
undated |
None |
3 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-001-#03 |
undated (#02), TLS Babin to Merton, 'The MONK TO-DAY 1 - Does a monk have a specific task in the world? -' |
undated |
None |
4 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-002-#01 |
1958-10-08, TCS Bach from Merton, 'It was very good to get your delightful letter and to learn about all of you--' |
1958 October 8 |
None |
5 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-002-#02 |
1959-06-22, HPCS Bach from Merton, 'Thank you for the surprise letter and for the gift which I shall use to good' |
1959 June 22 |
None |
6 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-002-#03 |
1961-04-05, HPCS Bach from Merton, '[…] thanks for your gift and for your good news at Easter. Glad to hear Anne and' |
1961 April 5 |
None |
7 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-002-#04 |
1963-04-09, HPCS Bach from Merton, 'I will be saying the Masses for Mimi -- I hope she will take care of' |
1963 April 9 |
None |
8 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-003-#01 |
1963-09-12, TALS Baciu to Merton, 'Muchas gracias por su amable carta del 19 de Agosto, en la cual tiene la bondad de' |
1963 September 12 |
None |
9 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-003-#02 |
1963-11-19, TLS Baciu to Merton, 'Caro e estimado Poeta: muchas, muchísimas gracias por su carta del 30 de Octubre el' |
1963 November 19 |
None |
10 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-003-#03 |
1964-03-07 (#01), TLS Baciu to Merton, 'grato por suas linhas, acompanhando o texto lido no México, que, nas atuais' |
1964 March 7 |
None |
11 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-003-#04 |
1964-03-07 (#02), other Baciu, 'Stefan Baciu / Cesar Vallejo, Poeta' |
1964 March 7 |
None |
12 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-003-#05 |
1964-04-05, TL[c] Baciu from Merton, 'Probably you do not fit sufficiently well into the conventional academic categories.' |
1964 April 5 |
None |
13 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-003-#06 |
1965-04-05, TLS Baciu to Merton, 'suponho que por sobrecarga de trabalho, ficaram sem resposta minhas últimas cartas. ' |
1965 April 5 |
None |
14 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-003-#07 |
1965-05-17, TALS Baciu to Merton, 'que grande pena que Ud. não poderá escrever o Prefácio para meus poemas de Hawaii. ' |
1965 May 17 |
None |
15 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-003-#08 |
1965-05-21 (#01), TL[c] Baciu from Merton, 'I will try to reply to your letter before the matter ceases to be fresh in my mind. ' |
1965 May 21 |
None |
16 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-003-#09 |
1965-05-21 (#02), TL[c] Baciu from Merton, 'I will try to reply to your letter before the matter ceases to be fresh in my mind. ' |
1965 May 21 |
None |
17 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-003-#10 |
1965-05-27, TALS Baciu to Merton, 'sua carta (verdadeiro documento) foi um enorme prazer para mim, e por este prazer' |
1965 May 27 |
None |
18 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-003-#11 |
1966-01-27, TALS Baciu to Merton, 'Meu grande e caríssimo Thomas Merton: foi exatamente na hora (ontem pela' |
1966 January 27 |
None |
19 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-003-#12 |
1966-02-03, TALS[x] Baciu to Merton, 'Em 19 de abril prôximo, Manuel Bandeira vai fazer 80 anos. O fato se reveste,' |
1966 February 3 |
None |
20 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-003-#13 |
1966-06-17, TALS Baciu to Merton, 'é com alegria que posso lhe dizer que hoje acabo de pôr o ponto final em seu ensaio,' |
1966 June 17 |
None |
21 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-003-#14 |
1966-07-07, TL[c] Baciu from Merton, 'Your book on Manuel Bandeira arrived today. It is very handsome and I will read it' |
1966 July 7 |
None |
22 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-003-#15 |
1966-07-14, TALS Baciu to Merton, 'grato por sua boa carta, por tudo que nele me diz, e por suas plavras por meu' |
1966 July 14 |
None |
23 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-003-#16 |
1966-08-01, TL[c] Baciu from Merton, 'First of all, thanks very much for the excellent article. You have been very' |
1966 August 1 |
None |
24 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-003-#17 |
1967-05-31, TALS Baciu to Merton, 'hoje acabo de receber as provas do ensaio que escrevi sôbre Ud., a ser publicado, em' |
1967 May 31 |
None |
25 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-003-#18 |
1968-12-16, TLS[x] Baciu to Laughlin, James, 'I take the liberty to write you as a friend of Thomas Merton, since you were his' |
1968 December 16 |
None |
26 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-003-#19 |
1968-12-20, TL[x] Baciu from Laughlin, James, 'Thank you for your letter of December 16. Father Merton's death is a terrible loss' |
1968 December 2 |
None |
27 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-004-#01 |
1967-10-02, TL[c] Baeten from Merton, 'It is almost impossible for me to give you in a few words the reasons for race' |
1967 October 2 |
None |
28 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-004-#02 |
1967-10-13, HLS Baeten to Merton, 'How can I ever thank you enough for taking time out from your busy schedule in order' |
1967 October 13 |
None |
29 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-004-#03 |
1967, HLS Baeten to Merton, 'I am Moderator of a panel on Civil Rights which we eighth graders are presenting for' |
1967 (date approximate) |
None |
30 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-005-#01 |
1966-09-17, TALS[x] Bagguley to Merton, 'In June 1937, W. H. Auden, Louis Aragon, Stephen Spender and Nancy Cunard circulated' |
1966 September 17 |
None |
31 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-005-#02 |
1966-09-25, TL[x] Bagguley from Merton, 'Thanks for your invitation to write a few words on the Vietnam war. The statement' |
1966 September 25 |
None |
32 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-006-#01 |
1965-10-11, TALS Bailey to Merton, 'I have been very much impressed with the article you wrote for the September issue' |
1965 October 11 |
None |
33 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-007-#01 |
1962-02-19, TLS Baird to Merton, 'Your revised carbon of the article on Spiritual Direction reached my hands only this' |
1962 February 19 |
None |
34 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-008-#01 |
1967-09-13, TLS Baker to Merton, 'Glenn Hinson, who was my teacher and spiritual adviser at the Baptist seminary in' |
1967 September 13 |
None |
35 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-008-#02 |
1967-09-29, TL[c] Baker from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter. As I have not made any firm commitments as far ahead as' |
1967 September 29 |
None |
36 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-008-#03 |
1967-10-10, TLS Baker to Merton, 'I am grateful for your interest in my dissertation and for your concern that I get' |
1967 October 1 |
None |
37 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-008-#04 |
1967-10-16, TL[c] Baker from Merton, 'Fine. I'll keep Feb. 28th for you. Let me know when you will arrive, and whether' |
1967 October 16 |
None |
38 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-008-#05 |
1968-03-04, TLS Baker to Merton, 'I wish to express my appreciation to you for your hospitality last week and for the' |
1968 March 4 |
None |
39 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-008-#06 |
1968-03-28, TL[c] Baker from Merton, 'Thanks for the return of the various items. Actually, the mimeographed ones did not' |
1968 March 28 |
None |
40 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-008-#07 |
1968-05-no-day, TLS Baker to Merton, 'I am happy to tell you that my committee accepted the dissertation this week and' |
1968 May (date approximate) |
None |
41 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-008-#08 |
1968-06-11 (#01), TAL[c] Baker from Merton, 'In the past couple of weeks I have hardly had time to answer any mail at all. ' |
1968 June 11 |
None |
42 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-008-#09 |
1968-06-11 (#02), TL[c] Baker from Merton, 'In the past couple of weeks I have hardly had time to answer any mail at all. ' |
1968 June 11 |
None |
43 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-008-#10 |
1968-07-03, TLS Baker to Merton, 'We are safely settled in Bowling Green and are enjoying the "cool" Kentucky summer. ' |
1968 July 3 |
None |
44 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-008-#11 |
1968-07-25, TL[c] Baker from Merton, 'In your letter you mention the cool summer: it has got hot enough now! I have' |
1968 July 25 |
None |
45 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-008-#12 |
1980, other[x] Baker, 'James Thomas Baker [-] 335 Sumpter Avenue, Bowling Green, Kentucky' |
1980 (date approximate) |
None |
46 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-009-#01 |
1964-07-03, TAL[c] Balthasar from Merton, 'My friend Dom Jean Leclercq writes that he recently had the pleasure of visiting you' |
1964 July 3 |
None |
47 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-009-#02 |
1964-08-07, TAL[c] Balthasar from Merton, 'Je vous remercie de votre bonne lettre. Ce que vous me dites de votre théologie de' |
1964 August 7 |
None |
48 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-009-#03 |
1964-09-27, TAL[c] Balthasar from Merton, 'The wonderful package of books has arrived, and I am reading the first volume of' |
1964 September 27 |
None |
49 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-009-#04 |
1965-02-01, HLS Balthasar to Merton, 'Je dois' |
1965 February 1 |
None |
50 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-009-#05 |
1965-07-17, TAL[c] Balthasar from Merton, 'Thanks very much for the two new little books you sent. Your Rechenschaft looks' |
1965 July 17 |
None |
51 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-009-#06 |
1966-02-25, HLS Balthasar to Merton, 'Comment vous remercie d'avoir le temps' |
1966 February 25 |
None |
52 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-009-#07 |
1966-06-17, HLS Balthasar to Merton, 'Merci de votre lettre et de votre traduction dans Cross Currents. Je vous en' |
1966 June 17 |
None |
53 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-009-#08 |
1966-09-12, TAL[c] Balthasar from Merton, 'Grand merci de votre bonne lettre que date déjà de trois mois! Je pense que le Fr.' |
1966 September 12 |
None |
54 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S1-#000a |
1951, other Bamberger, 'Direction in St John of the +. Faulty directions [-] 1 Moral deficiency -' |
1966 August |
None |
55 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S1-#000b |
1960-09-06, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I remember that Friday was a day on which a truck normally used to go to town and' |
1966 August 3 |
None |
56 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S1-#000c |
1962-01-28, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Many thanks - enjoyable to read such a fantastic writer -- [-] Happy New Year [-] In' |
1966 August |
None |
57 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S1-#001a |
1963-11-04, TALS Bamberger from Flood, Maurice / to Merton, 'Just a few words to relate to you as Master of Novices that for some time a few of' |
1967 March 11 |
None |
58 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S1-#001b |
1963-11-11, TLS Bamberger from Mitchell, W. C., 'Per your request of 11-8-63, please note that we have been giving Father Merton' |
1967 March 11 |
None |
59 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S1-#002a |
1963-11-15, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'As man is late again tomorrow (Sat.) and I would otherwise miss practically a full' |
1967 March 12 |
None |
60 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S1-#002b |
1963-12-25, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'Thanks for your note. I can agree with your desire to work for new liturgical forms' |
1967 March 12 |
None |
61 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S1-#003a |
1964-01-02, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'About your class schedule, looks fine to me. All I need to know really is when you' |
1967 May 4 |
None |
62 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S1-#003b |
1964-01-15, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'No I don't have the [indecipherable word..] copies I have recently used the' |
1967 May 4 |
None |
63 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S1-#004a |
1964-06-10, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'It seems to me that the fact that milk is no longer given three times a week at' |
undated April 28 |
None |
64 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S1-#004b |
1964-09-15, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'About this skin condition, in resumé. 1) Poison ivy on the hands for over two' |
undated April 28 |
None |
65 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S1-#005 |
1964-09-18, HLS Bamberger from Merton, 'I am not quite sure I understand Dr Simon. He said something about fungus' |
undated |
None |
66 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S1-#006a |
1964-11-28, HLS Bamberger from Merton, 'Second thoughts on the study schedule we spoke of today. Instead of getting Fr' |
undated |
None |
67 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S1-#006b |
1964-12-no-day, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I could see you and Fr Prior about [indecipherable word..] either Thursday at 10.45' |
undated |
None |
68 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S1-#007 |
1964-12-no-day, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Do you think Bro Ca[ the rest of name is illegible] could find a small moment to' |
1965 July 19 |
None |
69 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S2-#008 |
1965-01-23, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Did not get allergy shot Sunday - will try again Monday after dinner OK? [-] fr m' |
1963 November 11 |
None |
70 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S2-#009 |
1965-01-no-day, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'It seems to me that it would be better if Bro Matthias never worked in the calf' |
1965 June 1 |
None |
71 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S2-#010 |
1965-03-29, TNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Mr. Wicklum, who is Dom Fulgence's friend-- called me. He expects to arrive Sunday,' |
undated |
None |
72 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S2-#011 |
1965-06-04, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I got out of the clinic at 12:30 and the Doctor was not yet finished. So far' |
undated |
None |
73 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S2-#012 |
1965-06-05, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'Dr Fortune had me thoroughly examined and I am satisfied that it came out well. ' |
undated |
None |
74 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S2-#013 |
1965-06-10, TLS Bamberger from Fortune, Carl, 'I have just received the report on the stool culture which we did on Father Merton. ' |
undated |
None |
75 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S2-#014 |
1965-07-06, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'I certainly think this ought to be published. It is an excellent job and very' |
undated |
None |
76 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S2-#015 |
1965-07-19, TLS Bamberger from Fortune, Carl, 'I have been very slow in writing you because I thought I would get a summary from' |
undated |
None |
77 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S2-#016 |
1965-07-29, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Maybe someone should do a report on the Monastic Renewal article herewith -' |
undated |
None |
78 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S2-#017 |
1965-08-01, HLS Bamberger from Merton, 'In case you don't know, the Medicare bill has been passed and [name note legible]' |
1965 March 29 |
None |
79 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S2-#018 |
1965-08-10, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I found this interesting message dating from the' |
1970 January 17 |
None |
80 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S2-#019 |
1965-08-10, TAN Bamberger to Merton, 'you may wish to see this sometime in the next' |
1970 April 5 |
None |
81 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S3-#020 |
1965-08-18, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'The diarrhea is bad again (due to fuss of trying to get everything in order,' |
1951 |
None |
82 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S3-#021 |
1965-08-18, HN Bamberger, 'Yesterday we had a council meeting and, at my suggestion, voted on F. Louis'' |
undated |
None |
83 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S3-#022a |
1965-09-19, TL Bamberger from Merton, 'As you see Jim is very definite about it and I trust his judgment which I think is' |
undated |
None |
84 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S3-#022b |
1965-09-20, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Are they giving you the Commonweal? I asked them to. May I have an article on' |
undated |
None |
85 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S3-#023 |
1965-09-no-day, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Could I catch you for a minute in infirmary after dinner? [-] Thanks in Jesu [-] fr' |
1966 September 22 |
None |
86 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S3-#024 |
1965-11-20, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'Thanks for your note. I'll take whatever you provide. How about yogurt? I am told' |
1966 September 13 |
None |
87 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S3-#025 |
1965-11-21, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I will start in Chapter today if you wish. Please get the information to those who' |
1966 November 7 |
None |
88 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S3-#026 |
1965-11-28, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'It turned out that I had this book after all. I thought I did not, someone was' |
undated |
None |
89 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S3-#027 |
1965-11-no-day, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'Could you please return this article when finished? [-] The buttermilk did not' |
undated |
None |
90 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S3-#028 |
1965-12-02, TL Bamberger from Merton, 'I grossly maligned the yogurt: it is the new buttermilk that is causing cramps and' |
1966 October 1 |
None |
91 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S3-#029 |
1965-12-09, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'The diarrhea cleared up ok. I have a slight cold, but no problem. The other' |
1966 November 2 |
None |
92 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S3-#030 |
1965-12-26, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Do you have a minute after dinner? [-] Thanx in Jesu [-] fr m' |
1966 November 1 |
None |
93 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S3-#031 |
1966-01-02, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Will your team please take care of this and will you deal with him directly? [-]' |
1966 November 8 |
None |
94 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S3-#032 |
1966-01-06, TAN Bamberger from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'May I please have copies of Ascent to Truth and No Man is an Island to send out? (1' |
1966 March 2 |
None |
95 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S3-#033 |
1966-01-13, HNS Bamberger from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'May I please have 4 Chuang Tzu to send out and 4 Gandhi also? Many thanx in Jesu' |
1966 July 23 |
None |
96 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S3-#034 |
1966-01-28, HNS Bamberger from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'May I please have 2 Emblems of Season [sic] to sign and send out? Many thanks in' |
1966 July 21 |
None |
97 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S3-#035 |
1966-02-06, other Bamberger, 'Books -' |
undated |
None |
98 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#036 |
1966-02-23, HNS Bamberger from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'May I please have 1 copy hard cover No Man is Island [sic] to sign and send? ' |
1966 March 11 |
None |
99 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#037 |
1966-03-02, TNS Bamberger, 'Ammon Hennacy [-] Box 655 [-] Salt Lake City, Utah [-] Gandhi on Non Violence [-]' |
1966 April 14 |
None |
100 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#038 |
1966-03-04, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I thought you might want to see the clipping. Dr Mitchell has a new office and his' |
1966 September 8 |
None |
101 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#039 |
1966-03-08, TN Bamberger from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'May I please have two copies of Chuang Tzu and of Gandhi to sign and send out? [-]' |
1966 September 19 |
None |
102 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#040 |
1966-03-10, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I just saw the eye-doctor and he wants me in his office to check on possible eye' |
1966 November 16 |
None |
103 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#041 |
1966-03-11, HN Bamberger, 'If possible, please, send a copy of "Seasons of Celebration" to: Dom Abade Basilio' |
undated |
None |
104 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#042 |
1966-03-21, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Here is the letter I have of that Rilke material. You are welcome to it - please do' |
1966 January 28 |
None |
105 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#043 |
1966-04-10, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Of course there will be no conference today or next Sunday. After that will be if I' |
1966 December 16 |
None |
106 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#044 |
1966-04-14, HNS Bamberger from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'Thanks for your note about Harpers. I am glad everything is all right - now. May I' |
1967 June |
None |
107 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#045 |
1966-05-12, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'In preparing my talks on the Church and the modern world and looking ahead to some' |
1967 June |
None |
108 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#046 |
1966-05-21, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I will try out sleeping in hermitage for a few nights - to see if dampness effects' |
1966 March 8 |
None |
109 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#047 |
1966-05-28, HN Bamberger, 'Doing better - moved from Infirmary to hermitage. Buddhist monk, prof. at' |
1967 October |
None |
110 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#048 |
1966-05-28, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I have an appointment with Dr Mitchell Saturday - could you please make the' |
1966 February 23 |
None |
111 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#049 |
1966-06-11, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Dr Mitchell told me to come back next Saturday the 11th if the bursitis was still' |
1966 January 13 |
None |
112 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#050 |
1966-06-21, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I have to see Dr Mitchell 10 am next Saturday - 25th [-] Could you please make' |
1966 January 6 |
None |
113 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#051 |
1966-07-04, TL[c] Bamberger from Merton to Richard Schmidlen, 'Three points: first the books that were given gratis to Mrs Parsons were as far as' |
1967 May |
None |
114 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#052 |
1966-07-07, TNS Bamberger from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'May I please have the following to sign and send out: requested by Dom Leclercq for' |
1966 December 28 |
None |
115 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#053 |
1966-07-21, TN Bamberger, 'For our files. [-] Lunsford P.' |
1966 November 2 |
None |
116 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#054 |
1966-07-23, TN Bamberger, 'Benedictine Convent [-] P.O. Box 25 [-] Toronto, Uganda, Africa [-] Re. of Dom' |
1967 April |
None |
117 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#055 |
1966-07-26, TAN Bamberger from Merton, 'I have to write a piece on Dom Vital for Achel's magazine: will you please let me' |
1966 July 7 |
None |
118 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#056 |
1966-07-27, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I need to be at the Medical Arts Building about 10.30 Friday. So if we leave here' |
undated |
None |
119 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#057 |
1966-08-03, TALS[x] Bamberger from Merton, 'Thanks for your note of the other day. It was helpful and more clear than our talk,' |
1963 November 4 |
None |
120 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#058 |
1966-08-11, HN Bamberger from Merton, 'My request to B. Irenaeus for new sox has not led to anything. But I will need them' |
1968 |
None |
121 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#059 |
1966-08-14, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'I have to see Dr Mitchell again this Friday. If we could leave about 9 that would' |
undated |
None |
122 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#060 |
1966-08-no-day, TL[x] Bamberger from Merton, 'I am really very grateful for your kind and clear note of yesterday. It certainly' |
undated |
None |
123 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#061 |
1966-08-no-day, TALS[x] Bamberger from Merton, 'Our talk yesterday has been fruitful in this: it has suggested some helpful' |
undated |
None |
124 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#062 |
1966-09-05, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I have to go to see Dr Mitchell next Friday Sept 9. If I leave at 9 it will be ok. ' |
undated |
None |
125 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#063 |
1966-09-05, TN Bamberger to Merton, 'could we change your date to Saturday, do you think? Bernard has several people to' |
undated |
None |
126 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#064 |
1966-09-05, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Maybe if Bro Clement has a ride Friday (I could just as easily go at 7 or whenever' |
undated |
None |
127 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#065 |
1966-09-08, TAN Bamberger from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'As soon as we have copies of Raids on Unspeakable I would like 12 of them to send' |
undated November 21 |
None |
128 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#066 |
1966-09-11, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Dr Mitchell ex-rayed the back and said the operation had been a complete success and' |
1966 October 29 |
None |
129 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#067 |
1966-09-13, TN Bamberger, 'Genowefa Bogatynska [-] ul. Rakowicka 21/4 [-] Krakow, POLAND [-] 1' |
1966 December 12 |
None |
130 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#068 |
1966-09-18, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Don't worry about that Bio. Strath. If there is no special health-food outfit' |
1967 October |
None |
131 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#069 |
1966-09-19, HNS Bamberger from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'May I please have our hardcover No Man Is Island [sic] and 1 paperback' |
undated |
None |
132 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#070 |
1966-09-22, TAN Bamberger, 'requested by fr. Louis [-] 26 Bro. Lavrans assorted cards [-] 6 postulants guide [-]' |
undated |
None |
133 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#071 |
1966-10-01, HN Bamberger, 'Gethsemani Life of Praise [-] 3 books to Fr Louis [-]' |
undated |
None |
134 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#072 |
1966-10-22, TNS Bamberger from Merton, 'The tests were ok and there is nothing new. Same sensitive colon. Once again' |
undated |
None |
135 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#073 |
1966-10-29, HNS Bamberger from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'May I please have 3 Chuang Tzu to send out? [-] Thanx [-] fr m' |
1966 July 4 |
None |
136 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#074 |
1966-11-01, TN Bamberger, 'Editora Vozes Ltda. [-] Caixa Postal 23 [-] Petropolis - Est Do' |
undated |
None |
137 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S4-#075 |
1966-11-02, TN Bamberger, 'Jack O'Neil [-] Peace Corps [-] Box 707 [-] Monrovia Liberia [-] 1 Crucifix [-] New' |
undated |
None |
138 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#076 |
1966-11-07, TN Bamberger, 'Frln. Dagmar Henne [-] Agence Hoffman [-] Seestrasse 6 [-] 8 Munchen 23 W.' |
undated |
None |
139 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#077 |
1966-11-07, TLS Bamberger from Merton, 'Report on visit to Dr Mitchell yesterday: ex rays show trouble with disks in two' |
1966 March 1 |
None |
140 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#078 |
1966-11-08, TN Bamberger, 'Paperbacks: Waters of Siloe - Sign of Jonas [-] To: Therese Plater Syberg [-] 31' |
1966 November |
None |
141 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#079 |
1966-11-16, HNS Bamberger from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'May I please have 5 copies of Conjectures to sign and send out? Thanks in' |
undated December 6 |
None |
142 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#080 |
1966-11-20, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'The only hitch would be if Dr M. wanted me to see the neuro-surgeon who can't be' |
1965 January 23 |
None |
143 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#081 |
1966-11-20, TN Bamberger to Merton, 'Bernard says OK for 8:30 am Monday, but he said he has to be back here by 4 pm. I' |
undated |
None |
144 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#082 |
1966-11-20, HNS Bamberger from Merton to Br. Camillus, 'I had some ointment in the bathroom and it has vanished. One of the inmates playing' |
undated |
None |
145 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#083 |
1966-11-23, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'As regards your question; -- I have no trouble with six bottles -- but I wonder' |
1967 March |
None |
146 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#084a |
1966-11-no-day, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'I will need to get to town next Monday the 7th to see Dr Mitchell, as usual in the' |
1967 March 3 |
None |
147 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#084b |
1966-11-no-day, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'Next Monday the 21st I have to report back to Dr Mitchell. I am glad to say that' |
1967 March 3 |
None |
148 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#085 |
1966-12-12, HNS Bamberger, 'Gifts to Miss Naal. [-] 1 - Conjectures [-] 1 - New Man PB. [-] 1 - Gandhi [-] 1lb' |
undated |
None |
149 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#086 |
1966-12-16, TALS Bamberger from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'This is an ex novice. I think it would be an act of charity to send' |
1966 September 11 |
None |
150 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#087 |
1966-12-27, HN Bamberger from Merton, 'I have to see the Doctor again Friday (Dec. 30th) [-] Will you please make the' |
1965 December 26 |
None |
151 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#088 |
1966-12-28, HNS Bamberger from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'May I please have 3 Raids on Unspeakable to send out? [-] Thanx in Jesu [-] fr m' |
undated |
None |
152 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#089 |
1966, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I will need another bursitis shot next Monday Sept 26th [-] Could you please' |
undated |
None |
153 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#090 |
1967-01-02, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Thought you would like to glance at this - thou [sic] you can throw it away. [-] In' |
1965 November 28 |
None |
154 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#091 |
1967-01-03, TL[x] Bamberger from Peisel, Francis, et al., 'Thank you for referring Father Thomas Merton to us. Father has tinnitus aurium due' |
1968 August 3 |
None |
155 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#092 |
1967-03-03, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I left it in the novitiate - it should be there - or in the library. Sorry I don't' |
1968 August 18 |
None |
156 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#093 |
1967-03-03, HNS Bamberger to Merton, 'Would you have the new edition (in French) of St Basil's letters? Seems I saw it' |
1962 January 28 |
None |
157 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#094 |
1967-03-11 (#01), TL[c] Bamberger from Merton, 'This is not anything urgent, but I am just beginning to wonder. Br Martin has been' |
undated |
None |
158 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#095a |
1967-03-11 (#02), TALS[x] Bamberger from Merton, 'This is not anything urgent, but I am just beginning to wonder. Br Martin has been' |
1966 May 28 |
None |
159 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#095b |
1967-03-12 (#01), TL[c] Bamberger from Merton, 'Thanks for your reassuring note. It did clear things up a bit and I would not be' |
1966 May 28 |
None |
160 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#096 |
1967-03-12 (#02), TLS[x] Bamberger from Merton, 'Thanks for your reassuring note. It did clear things up a bit and I would not be' |
undated December 16 |
None |
161 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#097 |
1967-03-30, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'P. Patrick wants these bulletins for Collectanea. Can you red this copy? I am' |
1966 May 21 |
None |
162 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#098a |
1967-03-no-day, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I am planning to see Dr Mitchell this Thursday A.M. Can you please arrange' |
1965 August 18 |
None |
163 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#098b |
1967-03-no-day, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'As to the Alberti piece: please believe that I had no idea you would take it that' |
1965 August 18 |
None |
164 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#099 |
1967-04-no-day, HNS Bamberger from Merton to Br. Camillus, 'I am leaving shirt[?] here as I have to go back next week - will set things up and' |
undated |
None |
165 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#100 |
1967-04-no-day, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'I'd appreciate if these prescriptions could be filled as soon as convenient. I did' |
1967 June 8 |
None |
166 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#101 |
1967-05-04 (#01), TL[c] Bamberger from Merton, 'Through the devious workings of Providence I have now fallen into the hands of a new' |
1965 September 2 |
None |
167 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#102 |
1967-05-04 (#02), TLS[x] Bamberger from Merton, 'Through the devious workings of Providence I have now fallen into the hands of a new' |
undated |
None |
168 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#103 |
1967-05-24, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'The x rays showed slight trouble in the lower back but nothing special: the leg' |
undated |
None |
169 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#104 |
1967-05-no-day, HANS Bamberger from Merton to Br. Camillus, 'The doctor sent me a shot as I can't get there this week (Decoration Day) [-] I'll' |
undated |
None |
170 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#105 |
1967-06-08, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I thought you would be interested in these reports. [-] In Jesu [-] fr m' |
undated |
None |
171 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#106 |
1967-06-no-day, HNS Bamberger from Merton to Br. Camillus, 'Have to go to Dr tomorrow - just checked and found there was no underwear -' |
1965 November 21 |
None |
172 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#107 |
1967-06-no-day, HNS Bamberger from Merton to Br. Camillus, 'I am through with the clothes for a while now- Don't know where to return them?? ' |
undated |
None |
173 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#108a |
1967-10-28, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'If you have not done so I strongly recommend you take a look at the American' |
1966 November 2 |
None |
174 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#108b |
1967-10-no-day, HNS Bamberger from Merton to Br. Camillus, 'I have to go to Louisville Thursday about 8 a.m. Could you please fix it up?' |
1966 November 2 |
None |
175 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#109 |
1967-10-no-day, HNS Bamberger, 'I'll take the clothes down tomorrow AM. [-] Thanks [-] fr m' |
1967 January 2 |
None |
176 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#110 |
1967, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Dr Mitchell wants to operate on that bursa. He has arranged for me to be admitted' |
1966 March 21 |
None |
177 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#111 |
1968-08-18, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'That flight is Eastern 504y - arriving in Washington DC. National Airport 8:17 p.m.' |
1963 December 25 |
None |
178 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#112 |
1968-08-30, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Dr Mitchell recommended these - can you please provide? [-] Thanks in Jesu [-] fr m' |
undated September 19 |
None |
179 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#113 |
1968, HNS Bamberger from Merton to Br. Camillus, 'Could you get the secular clothes again for me to go to town Tuesday Jan 9? ' |
undated |
None |
180 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#114 |
1970-01-17, HLS Bamberger from Marie-Pascal, Sr. / to John Eudes Bamberger, 'En ce moment, je termine la lecture de votre article su Th. Merton Traduit par P.' |
1964 November 28 |
None |
181 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#115 |
1970-04-05, HLS Bamberger from Marie-Pascal, Sr. / to John Eudes Bamberger, 'Je suis toute confuse et aussi très heureuse de ce que vous avez bien voulu me' |
1966 March 4 |
None |
182 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#116 |
1984-12-02, TLS[x] Bamberger to Hart, Patrick, 'I enclose a copy of the review of Mott's book on Fr. Louis. It is typed' |
1964 September 18 |
None |
183 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#117 |
1984-12-02, other[x] Bamberger, 'When Thomas Merton died some sixteen years ago the New York Times referred to him as' |
undated |
None |
184 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#118 |
undated-04-28 (#01), TL[c] Bamberger from Merton, 'Thanks for letting me see your essay on Basil. I think you are on to something' |
undated |
None |
185 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#119 |
undated-04-28 (#02), TALS[x] Bamberger from Merton, 'Thanks for letting me see your essay on Basil. I think you are on to something' |
1966 August 14 |
None |
186 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#120 |
undated-06-29, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'This is a very awful translation of some texts of Isaac of Nineveh by the' |
1964 December |
None |
187 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#121 |
undated-08-27, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'I trust in your tolerance on this holy day. This stuff, of which I have used one' |
undated |
None |
188 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#122 |
undated-09-19, HLS Bamberger from Merton, 'Things are going quite well. It has been painful and rough at times but there is a' |
1965 January |
None |
189 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#123 |
undated-11-21, HNS Bamberger from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'May I please have 1 - Gandhi [-] 1 - Raids on the Unspeakable [-] to send out - and' |
undated |
None |
190 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#124 |
undated-12-06, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I have to get a bursitis shot. Next Tuesday Dec. 6. Could you please' |
undated |
None |
191 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#125 |
undated-12-16, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Many thanks for letting me use this book. It is tremendous! [-] In Jesu [-] fr m' |
1966 June 11 |
None |
192 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#126 |
undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton to Fr. Linus, 'I will have an informal conference and discussion on church architecture today, for' |
1965 December 9 |
None |
193 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#127 |
undated, other Bamberger, 'A Christmas Poem. For Jane, Kate and Ann and Lee, and Dorothy. (that is, a poem' |
undated |
None |
194 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#128 |
undated, TLS Bamberger to Merton, 'Fr. Prior just gave me your note about B. Martin and the Conferences. I did not see' |
undated |
None |
195 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#129 |
undated, other Bamberger, 'John Fitzgerald Kennedy [-] 35th President of the United States [-] Born May 29,' |
1965 September 19 |
None |
196 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#130 |
undated, other Bamberger, 'Robert Francis Kennedy [-] Senator of the United States [-] November 20, 1925 - June' |
1967 March |
None |
197 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#131 |
undated, other Bamberger, 'God bless you. VERY REV. THOMAS PLASSMANN, O.F.M. [-] RECTOR [-] CHRIST THE' |
1967 October 28 |
None |
198 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#132 |
undated, other Bamberger, 'Room where FR. LOUIS died is on the corner. Taken by Mother Christiana of' |
undated |
None |
199 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#133 |
undated, TN Bamberger, 'Frln. Dagmar Henne [-] Agence Hoffman [-] Seestrasse 6 [-] 8 Munchen 23 W. Germany' |
undated |
None |
200 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#134 |
undated, HC Bamberger, 'This was fr. Louis's: I found it Dec. 25, 1968 in Mign PL 153 Guigo's' |
undated |
None |
201 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#135 |
undated, HNS Bamberger, 'I'll drop by Monday AM for' |
1967 May 24 |
None |
202 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#136 |
undated, other Bamberger, 'The Law in the Teaching of Saint Paul. [-] The topic of our first conference this' |
undated |
None |
203 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#137 |
undated, other Bamberger from Merton, 'RE: Monastic Formation, Junior Professed Choir Monks. [-] Suggestions. [-] 1) That' |
1966 November 7 |
None |
204 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#138 |
undated, other Bamberger, 'Scripture [-] The Psalms -Msgr Patrick Boylan (2 Vol) [-] Hesed and Hasid ' |
undated |
None |
205 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#139 |
undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Interested? I have signed this - it will appear in one of those ads that groups' |
1966 April 1 |
None |
206 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#140 |
undated, HN Bamberger, 'Fr. Louis [-] two paperback books. @ 1.35 [-] $2.70 [-] B' |
1965 December 2 |
None |
207 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#141 |
undated, Bamberger, 'Sent gifts (translator) to: [-] Rev. Fr. Bui-bang-Hien [-] Truong Mich Giany [-]' |
1964 September 15 |
None |
208 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#142 |
undated, other Bamberger |
1964 January 2 |
None |
209 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#143 |
undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'One of those antihistamines broke up in my pocket. As I don't know how to ask Bro' |
undated |
None |
210 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#144 |
undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I remember Bernard Hall - at best I could give it only a cursory glance that would' |
undated |
None |
211 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#145 |
undated, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'Dom Leclercq asked me to pass on a newspaper sto[ry] on psychoanalysis, but it turns' |
undated |
None |
212 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#146 |
undated, other Bamberger, 'Fr. Louis' bookmark in' |
undated |
None |
213 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#147 |
undated, HN Bamberger from Merton, 'I spoke with Br Finbarr. In my opinion this boy has a good monastic vocation but he' |
undated |
None |
214 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#148a |
undated, HN Bamberger from Merton, 'address from Dom Columban [-] M. Michel Pigeon [-] 46 Boulevard de la Concorde [-]' |
undated |
None |
215 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#148b |
undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Zalman Schachter will be here tomorrow Tuesday - nothing special is planned. Two' |
undated |
None |
216 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#149 |
undated, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'An afterthought on my note of the other day. This is by way of exception, I won't' |
undated |
None |
217 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#150 |
undated, TNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Just for the record: this has been building up since Christmas and quite a few' |
1966 May 12 |
None |
218 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#151 |
undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Thanks for your note on Bro [name scratch out by Bamberger]. The points you cited' |
undated |
None |
219 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#152 |
undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Our B. Robert (postulant) has a chill with diarrhea etc again and has been resting. ' |
1964 June 1 |
None |
220 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#153 |
undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I did not get your note until noon today. Sometime I will say a few words to clear' |
undated |
None |
221 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#154 |
undated, HN Bamberger to Merton, 'will you give a conference at 4:00 p.m. on some Oriental texts on the Presentation' |
undated |
None |
222 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#155 |
undated, TNS Bamberger from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'These people have produced a record of some well known actor reading some of my' |
1966 |
None |
223 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#156 |
undated, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'Tentatively I thought the best time for Rabbi Werblowski to give conference to' |
1965 July 29 |
None |
224 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#157 |
undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Does anyone in your department have copy of "Eight Freedom Songs"? I have none at' |
undated June 29 |
None |
225 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#158 |
undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'This has all the earmarks of an Opus Chrysogonicum as I can tell from a brief' |
1966 February 6 |
None |
226 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#159 |
undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Rev. Father and I and Bro Colman are all very doubtful of whether' |
1960 September 6 |
None |
227 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#160 |
undated, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'As far as I can see there is no way for the bro novices to get to your 10 20 Mass on' |
1966 September 18 |
None |
228 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#161 |
undated, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'This shoulder and back thing gets more and more troublesome. It is especially bad' |
1966 January 2 |
None |
229 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#162 |
undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I am sorry this got buried under a pile of stuff and forgotten and I didn't get to' |
1963 November 15 |
None |
230 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#163 |
undated, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'Bro Ailred is now using a book of poems of Tiutchev in Russian and French which you' |
1966 August 11 |
None |
231 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#164 |
undated, TNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Concerning the change in time of the Brothers' lauds: as you have it set up it' |
undated August 27 |
None |
232 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#165a |
undated, other Bamberger, 'Isaac of Ninive' |
1966 September 5 |
None |
233 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#165b |
undated, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'I hope you did not think I was being even more unsociable than usual this morning. ' |
1966 September 5 |
None |
234 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#166 |
undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Saturday Fr Felix is giving the novice conference, so Juniors will not come this' |
1966 July 26 |
None |
235 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#167 |
undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Jim Wygal gave me this to read and said to pass it on to you. It seems ok. [-] In' |
undated |
None |
236 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#168 |
undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Dr Scheen said the skin condition is progressing - ordered another ointment to help' |
undated |
None |
237 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#169 |
undated, HN Bamberger from Merton, 'I will give a conference today after all on some Oriental texts on the Presentation' |
undated |
None |
238 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#170 |
undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Please put this in the mail when you are through with it. [-] Thanx in Jesu [-] fr' |
1966 June 21 |
None |
239 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#171 |
undated, TN Bamberger from Merton to Richard Schmidlen, 'In middle of afternoon I tried to call gatehouse on the radio but got no answer. ' |
1966 July 27 |
None |
240 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#172 |
undated, TN Bamberger from Merton to Richard Schmidlen, 'I tried calling again this morning with no result. Perhaps we are not set up the' |
undated |
None |
241 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#173 |
undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton to Richard Schmidlen, 'I will try to remember to leave the radio on AM and PM. - 8-10 and 2-4 or 5. Any' |
1965 July 6 |
None |
242 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#174 |
undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton to Br. Chrysostom, 'Sorry I am so bad at answering notes. First I want to thank you for the' |
1965 June 5 |
None |
243 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#175 |
undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton to Br. Camillus, 'Can someone use these? Dan Walsh gave them - they gather dust in my place. [-] In' |
1965 November 2 |
None |
244 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#176 |
undated, HNS Bamberger, 'I also need some more Lomotil. I have a prescription if you want that but it would' |
1965 November |
None |
245 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#177 |
undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton to Br. Charles, 'The Br. Antoninus record was passed on to fr Linus' |
undated |
None |
246 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#178 |
undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton to Maurice Flood, 'I have a heavy cold at the moment but I could have a talk with you Tuesday or' |
1965 August 1 |
None |
247 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#179 |
undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton to Maurice Flood, 'Could this be mimeographed as usual - whenever convenient. No wild rush - but' |
undated |
None |
248 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#180 |
undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton to Br. Camillus, 'Here is the serum - the Doc says I am to ask for a shot when the previous one runs' |
undated |
None |
249 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#181 |
undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton to Br. Camillus, 'I ran out of witch hazel [-] May I please have a bottle today (Saturday) if' |
1966 December 27 (date approximate) |
None |
250 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#182 |
undated, HN Bamberger from Merton, '+How the traction works. [-] You hook it on to head of the bed. But here the head' |
undated |
None |
251 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#183 |
undated, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'I suggested that Bro Kieran see you again. He has had a flare up of rather acute' |
undated |
None |
252 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#184 |
undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Are you free for two minutes after dinner today? [-] In Jesu [-] fr m' |
1965 June 4 |
None |
253 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#185 |
undated, HN Bamberger from Merton, 'might as well put this in to library when through [-] inadvertently signed in blood.' |
1967 |
None |
254 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#186 |
undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Fr Eudes [-] many thanks! [-] fr m' |
1967 March 3 |
None |
255 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#187 |
undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'You might enjoy this - no need to return it. [-] In Jesu [-] fr m' |
1964 December |
None |
256 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#188 |
undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'As this skin thing seems to be getting worse and the poison ivy seems to be in my' |
1966 September 5 |
None |
257 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#189 |
undated, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'I don't know if you saw the note on the door opposite yours, but about eleven thirty' |
undated |
None |
258 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#190 |
undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I need to go to Dr. in L'ville next Friday - could you please arrange as' |
1967 April |
None |
259 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#191 |
undated, TAN Bamberger from Merton, 'I have no objection to you and juniors using the sheep barn cell, as there are few' |
1966 October 22 |
None |
260 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#192 |
undated, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'I had a long session with Br Alphonse yesterday. He is one novice about' |
1966 November |
None |
261 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#193 |
undated, TN Bamberger from Merton, '[name stricken] who just entered, has a lot of anxiety and insecurity and I doubt if' |
1964 January 15 |
None |
262 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#194 |
undated, HCS Bamberger from Merton, 'Thanks for the offer of the room - as I am now I can get along without it. Things' |
1966 November 23 |
None |
263 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#195a |
undated, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'I saw Dr Scheen, who said the skin condition is not due to an allergy, but did not' |
1965 August 1 |
None |
264 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#195b |
undated, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'I removed those patches today after dinner. On the right side, sumac, there was' |
1965 August 1 |
None |
265 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#196 |
undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Br Aelred is having trouble with coffee, could he have 1/2 cup of milk at supper?' |
1965 September |
None |
266 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#197 |
undated, HNS Bamberger to Merton, 'Would you have the opera Gregory Palamas of Nilus by any fortunate chance? If so' |
1967 January 3 |
None |
267 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#198 |
undated (#01), TL[c] Bamberger from Merton, 'Thanks for the tip about Reiteznstein and recluses. In what source is this found' |
1984 December 2 |
None |
268 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-010-S5-#199 |
undated (#02), TLS[x] Bamberger from Merton, 'Thanks for the tip about Reiteznstein and recluses. In what source is this found' |
1984 December 2 |
None |
269 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-011-#01 |
1967-08-16, TLS Bando to Merton, 'We have taken the liberty of translating your article which you had sent us for the' |
1967 August 16 |
None |
270 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-011-#02 |
1967-08-24, TL[c] Bando from Merton, 'I am very glad that you thought it worth while to present a Japanese version of my' |
1967 August 24 |
None |
271 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-011-#03 |
1967-09-24, TPCS Bando to Merton, 'Thank you very much for your kind reply permitting us to include the Japanese' |
1967 September 24 |
None |
272 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#01 |
1962-06-11, TLS Bane to Merton, 'About a year ago, the Superior of the Maryknoll Cloistered Sisters sent me a copy of' |
1962 June 11 |
None |
273 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#02 |
1962-07-04 (#01), transcript Bane from Merton, 'This is not an adequate letter, but I do want to get some kind of reply into the' |
1962 July 4 |
None |
274 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#03 |
1962-07-04 (#02), transcript Bane from Merton, 'This is not an adequate letter, but I do want to get some kind of reply into the' |
1962 July 4 |
None |
275 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#04 |
1964-12-26, TL[c] Bane from Merton, 'I am sorry to have left your letter unanswered for so long. I am always glad to' |
1964 December 26 |
None |
276 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#05 |
1965-12-14, TLS Bane to Merton, 'I haven't been acknowledging your kindness in the articles which you send us from' |
1965 December 14 |
None |
277 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#06 |
1965-12-24, TL[c] Bane from Merton, 'It is Christmas Eve and the afternoon is free, so I have taken time to get a few' |
1965 December 24 |
None |
278 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#07 |
1966-04-20, TLS Bane to Merton, 'Please forgive the intrusion and unusual request. There is a small group of' |
1966 April 2 |
None |
279 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#08 |
1966-05-02, TL[c] Bane from Merton, 'Many thanks for your letter of April 20 and for your invitation to preach a retreat,' |
1966 May 2 |
None |
280 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#09 |
1966-05-10, TLS Bane to Merton, 'God bless you, Father, for your genuine Christianity! I'm sure you couldn't' |
1966 May 1 |
None |
281 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#10 |
1966-07-23 (#01), TLS Bane to Merton, 'I am taking advantage of your offer to be of service to us. Uniquely, you can be of' |
1966 July 23 |
None |
282 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#11 |
1966 July 23 |
None |
283 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#12 |
1966-08-09, TL[c] Bane from Merton, 'I have been meaning to answer your letter, and I am sorry to discover that today,' |
1966 August 9 |
None |
284 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#13 |
1966-11-26, TLS Bane to Merton, 'May the Lord give you his peace! Thank you for the most recent materials you sent. ' |
1966 November 26 |
None |
285 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#14 |
1967-07-17, TLS Bane to Merton, 'Thank you for the last envelope of literature which you sent. It is always deeply' |
1967 July 17 |
None |
286 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#15 |
1967-07-31, TL[c] Bane from Merton, 'Thanks for your kind letter of the 17th. I will ask someone to send on some more' |
1967 July 31 |
None |
287 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#16 |
1967-08-09, TLS Bane to Merton, 'Your letter was a very pleasant surprise, Father. Thank you. We read and discussed' |
1967 August 9 |
None |
288 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#17 |
1967-08-14, TL[x] Bane from Merton, 'Thanks for your recent letter. I have contacted Sister Luke at Loretto in the hope' |
1967 August 14 |
None |
289 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#18 |
1967-08-20, TLS Bane to Merton, 'Thank you for your wonderful letter. It meant a lot, and the promise of a' |
1967 August 2 |
None |
290 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#19 |
1967-09-17, TALS Bane to Merton, 'May the Lord give you His peace! Thank you for the enclosed typescripts which we' |
1967 September 17 (date approximate) |
None |
291 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#20 |
1967-09-20, TL[c] Bane from Merton, 'The tape is on its way to you, but a roundabout way as I am having someone' |
1967 September 2 |
None |
292 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#21 |
1967-09-30, TLS Bane to Merton, 'Thank you very much for the tape which came a few days ago. We have heard the first' |
1967 September 3 |
None |
293 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#22 |
1967-10-03, TL[c] Bane from Merton, 'About the "Message of Contemplatives" tape: it would probably be wiser and more' |
1967 October 3 |
None |
294 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#23 |
1967-10-05, TL[c] Bane from Merton, 'Once more, about the date. Let me try to get down to something more definite. ' |
1967 October 5 |
None |
295 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#24 |
1967-10-10, TLS Bane to Merton, 'Just a note to thank you for your recent letters and let you know that I am working' |
1967 October 1 |
None |
296 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#25 |
1967-10-25, TLS Bane to Merton, 'The tape came last Saturday and it is excellent. Thank you very much, Father, I' |
1967 October 25 |
None |
297 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#26 |
1967-11-06, TL[c] Bane from Merton, 'I have checked about the guesthouse facilities and it will be all right if some or' |
1967 November 6 |
None |
298 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#27 |
1967-11-10, TLS Bane to Merton, 'It was good to hear from you. I think everything is pretty well underway now. ' |
1967 November 1 |
None |
299 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#28 |
1967-11-14, TL[c] Bane from Merton, 'Thanks for the letter and the points for discussion. Some of them are really first' |
1967 November 14 |
None |
300 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#29 |
1967-11-17, TALS Bane to Merton, 'You'll be relieved when all this correspondence lets up a bit. A few complications' |
1967 November 17 |
None |
301 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#30 |
1967-12-09, TLS Bane to Merton, 'Just a brief and most sincere thank-you right now. It was a great week. Right now' |
1967 December 9 |
None |
302 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#31 |
1967-12-17, TLS Bane to Merton, 'May you have a truly blessed Christmas. The tape came yesterday but I have only' |
1967 December 17 (date approximate) |
None |
303 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#32 |
1967-12-21, TL[c] Bane from Merton, 'Thanks so much for the two letters. I have just a moment to answer quickly. Snowed' |
1967 December 21 |
None |
304 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#33 |
1967-12-no-day, TALS Bane to Merton, 'We wish you the blessing of this holy season and pray that all of us may grow in the' |
1967 December |
None |
305 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#34 |
1968-02-16, TL[c] Bane from Merton, 'Thanks for the list of the people who are getting the tapes. In a while I hope to' |
1968 February 16 |
None |
306 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#35 |
1968-02-19, TLS Bane to Merton, 'Thank you for your letter and invitation to the meeting on May 27th to 30th. I' |
1968 February 19 |
None |
307 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#36 |
1968-03-19, TL[c] Bane to Merton, 'Plans are shaping up pretty well for the small meeting at the end of May. We have' |
1968 March 19 |
None |
308 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#37 |
1968-08-18, TLS Bane to Merton, 'How have you been? We have thought of you often and the influence you have had on' |
1968 August 18 |
None |
309 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#38 |
1972-09-16, TLS Bane to Center from Bane, Elaine, 'Thank you for your letters of inquiry regarding my correspondence with the late' |
1972 September 16 |
None |
310 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#39 |
1972-10-02 (#01), TL[c] Bane from Center to Bane, Elaine, 'Thank you for your recent response to our request for Merton correspondence that you' |
1972 October 2 |
None |
311 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#40 |
1972-10-02 (#02), TAL[c] Bane from Center to Bane, Elaine, 'I have a copy of Mr. Bailey's letter to you of October second, explaining to you' |
1972 October 2 |
None |
312 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#41 |
1972-12-04, TALS[x] Bane from Center to Bane, Elaine, 'I will start off by asking your overlooking the errors, and hastily typed letter. I' |
1972 December 4 |
None |
313 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-012-#42 |
1973-01-08, TALS Bane to Center from Bane, Elaine, 'Thank you for your very cordial letter of December 4th regarding my correspondence' |
1973 January 8 |
None |
314 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-013-#01 |
1966-02-07, TLS Bannon to Merton, 'In the March Art Supplement of the Magnificat, Roman Catholic Diocese of' |
1966 February 7 |
None |
315 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-013-#02 |
1966-02-12, TL[c] Bannon from Merton, 'First of all if you want material about me, there was an article in the Louisville' |
1966 February 12 |
None |
316 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-014-#01 |
1968-02-22, HLS Baptist to Merton, 'Thanks for the letter and photograph. I had no idea you were so husky looking. ' |
1968 February 22 |
None |
317 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-014-#02 |
1968-04-10, TL[c] Baptist from Merton, 'I am sorry I left your letter so long without an answer. It is almost impossible' |
1968 April 1 |
None |
318 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-015-#01 |
1967-06-06, TLS Barbara to Merton, 'In view of the many changes taking place within the structured framework of' |
1967 June 6 |
None |
319 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-015-#02 |
1967-06-09, TL[c] Barbara from Merton, 'Apparently word is getting around that I am now permitted to go out and speak on' |
1967 June 9 |
None |
320 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-016-#01 |
1967-04-20, TALS Barnard to Merton, 'Excuse me writing to you unannounced, out of the blue, like this. I have been a' |
1967 April 2 |
None |
321 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-016-#02 |
1967-04-24, TL[c] Barnard from Merton, 'Thanks for your good letter. I am glad you found the two books interesting enough' |
1967 April 24 |
None |
322 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-016-#03 |
1967-06-23, TLS Barnard to Merton, 'Hello there; sorry I've been so long in writing to you. Did you get the copies of' |
1967 June 23 |
None |
323 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-016-#04 |
1967-06-27, TL[c] Barnard from Merton, 'Many thanks for your double-letter. I will try to answer it speedily while its' |
1967 June 27 |
None |
324 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-016-#05 |
1967-08-31, TALS Barnard to Merton, 'Thanks so much for the Auschwitz review-- I think it is terrific, absolutely, and' |
1967 August 31 |
None |
325 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-016-#06 |
1967-10-11, TL[c] Barnard from Merton, 'I enjoyed your piece in the last PN (or the last one here) about the Writers take' |
1967 October 11 |
None |
326 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-017-#01 |
1965-06-25, TL[c] Barnes from Merton, 'It was good to hear from you again. I am glad you have done so well in school, and' |
1965 June 25 |
None |
327 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-017-#02 |
1967-12-04, TLS Barnes to Merton, 'The grace of Christ be with you in abundance this Christmas. You know how much I' |
1967 December 4 |
None |
328 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-017-#03 |
1967-12-16, TL[c] Barnes from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter. It shows that you are finding your way confidently and I am' |
1967 December 16 |
None |
329 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-018-#01 |
1967-06-24, TLS Barr to Merton, 'Thank you for your form letter on Father Davis and authoritarianism in the Church;' |
1967 June 24 |
None |
330 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-018-#02 |
1967-07-08, TL[c] Barr from Merton, 'Thanks for your long and interesting letter of June 24, with its enclosures. I' |
1967 July 8 |
None |
331 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-019-#01 |
1968-07-no-day, HLS Barrett to Merton, 'In the latest issue of Liturgical Arts magazine I noticed that you are' |
1968 July |
None |
332 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-020-#01 |
1960-10-25, TLS Barry from Barry, Colman / to Fr. Oliver, O.S.B., 'If Father Louis O.C.S.O. is getting interested in Dom Calmet to the extent of' |
1960 October 25 |
None |
333 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-020-#02 |
1960-11-06, HALS Barry to Merton, 'Thank you for your kind letter. I am so happy the censors approved your excellent' |
1960 November 6 |
None |
334 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-020-#03 |
1960-11-22, TLS Barry to Merton, 'Under separate cover you are receiving three complimentary copies of the last issue' |
1960 November 22 |
None |
335 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-020-#04 |
1962-02-20, HLS Barry to Merton, 'Thank you very much for your kind and generous letter and its contents. We read' |
1962 February 2 |
None |
336 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-020-#05 |
1962-04-27, TLS Barry to Merton, 'Thank you for your letter and for the article for THE AMERICAN BENEDICTINE REVIEW. ' |
1962 April 27 |
None |
337 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-020-#06 |
1962-05-28, TALS Barry from Merton, 'Sorry, bad news. My higher superiors have judged that it is not quite fitting for a' |
1962 May 28 |
None |
338 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-020-#07 |
1962-11-13, TLS Barry from Merton, 'I believe I did not yet answer your letter about the publication of my letter to Fr' |
1962 November 13 |
None |
339 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-020-#08 |
1962-12-04, HLS Barry from Merton, 'I got your good letter this morning and I think it is a good idea to get started on' |
1962 December 4 |
None |
340 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-020-#09 |
1963-12-04, HPCS Barry to Merton, 'Your letter reached me here where I am on a research tour. Thank you for sending' |
1963 December 4 |
None |
341 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-020-#10 |
1964-05-22 (#01), TLS Barry from Merton, 'Here is the Bolshakoff ms and the preface with it. I understand that the whole' |
1964 May 22 |
None |
342 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-020-#11 |
1964-05-22 (#02), TAL[c] Barry from Merton, 'Here is the Bolshakoff ms and the preface with it. I understand that the whole' |
1964 May 22 |
None |
343 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-020-#12 |
1964-05-25, Barry from Bolshakoff, Serge, 'Since I received your letter nearly a year ago I had no more news from you and do' |
1964 May 25 |
None |
344 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-020-#13 |
1967-08-15, TL[c] Barry from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter. Sounds interesting. I gladly contribute what ideas I can,' |
1967 August 15 |
None |
345 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-021-#01 |
1964-09-09, TLS Barry to Merton, 'We want you to know of our gratitude for the generous contribution sent by you in' |
1964 September 9 |
None |
346 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-022-#01 |
1962-02-13, TLS Bartelme to Merton, 'Your articles that have recently appeared in The Catholic Worker and in' |
1962 February 13 |
None |
347 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-022-#02 |
1962-02-27, TALS Bartelme to Merton, 'Thank you so much for sending me your article, as well as the off-print from' |
1962 February 27 |
None |
348 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-022-#03 |
1962-03-22, TL[c] Bartelme from Merton, 'Many thanks for your letter of February 27th. I have of course been thinking' |
1962 March 22 |
None |
349 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-022-#04 |
1962-03-27, TLS Bartelme to Merton, 'Thank you so much for your letter which raised my hopes very high that you will be' |
1962 March 27 |
None |
350 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-022-#05 |
1962-06-06, TL[c] Bartelme from Merton, 'Well, I finally have an answer for you on the Peace Book. The book is finished all' |
1962 June 6 |
None |
351 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-022-#06 |
1962-08-08, TL[c] Bartelme from Merton, 'Recently I have gone over a manuscript that has been waiting for revision, and I' |
1962 August 8 |
None |
352 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-022-#07 |
1962-09-14, TLS Bartelme to Merton, 'I am so delighted to have your new manuscript, and I have read it very carefully and' |
1962 September 14 |
None |
353 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-022-#08 |
1962-09-25, TL[c] Bartelme from Merton, 'Thanks for the good letter of the 14th. I see your point about making the additions' |
1962 September 25 |
None |
354 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-022-#09 |
1963-01-23, TALS Bartelme to Merton, 'You must think that I have been out of the country, as it has taken me so long to' |
1963 January 23 |
None |
355 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-022-#10 |
1963-05-20, TLS Bartelme to Merton, 'I was most distressed to receive your letter of May 16th, and I can only say that I' |
1963 May 2 |
None |
356 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-022-#11 |
1963-08-12, TLS Bartelme to Merton, 'Our manufacturing department has now returned to me the' |
1963 August 12 |
None |
357 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-022-#12 |
1964-10-07, TLS Bartelme to Merton, 'Father Philip Berrigan asked me to get the address of Chris McNair for you, and it' |
1964 October 7 |
None |
358 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-022-#13 |
1965-02-02, TLS Bartelme to Merton, 'I am so happy to have your introduction to Father Philip Berrigan's book, and I' |
1965 February 2 |
None |
359 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-022-#14 |
1965-12-03, TL[c] Bartelme from Merton, 'I am sorry to see how long it is since I got your letter and Dan's proofs. Did not' |
1965 December 3 |
None |
360 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-022-#15 |
1965-12-08, TLS[x] Bartelme to Merton, 'Thank you ever so much for your very fine remarks on Father Berrigan's poems. I am' |
1965 December 8 |
None |
361 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-022-#16 |
1967-09-13, TLS Bartelme to Merton, 'I am sending you a copy of a book that we are publishing in October by John' |
1967 September 13 |
None |
362 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-022-#17 |
1967-10-03, TL[c] Bartelme from Merton, 'Thanks so much for your cheering letter of last month, and for John L'Heureux's' |
1967 October 3 |
None |
363 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-022-#18 |
1968-05-24, TLS Bartelme to Merton, 'I am sending you herewith a copy of the Catholic Worker Reader, A Penny a' |
1968 May 24 |
None |
364 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-022-#19 |
1968-05-31, TL[c] Bartelme from Merton, 'Thanks so much for Penny a Copy. Tom and Jim did a fine job of editing and I' |
1968 May 31 |
None |
365 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-023-#01 |
1965, Bartolomé Merton, 'Para el Padre Merton con mi amistad y mis' |
1965 |
None |
366 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-024-#01 |
1967-08-07, TALS Barton to Merton, 'My hope is that you might explain your poem, "Fall '66" which appeared in the New' |
1967 August 7 |
None |
367 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-024-#02 |
1967-08-11, TL[c] Barton from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter. Yes, I think there are probably unconscious resonances of' |
1967 August 11 |
None |
368 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-024-#03 |
1967-08-26, TALS Barton to Merton, 'Thank you very much for your prompt reply. It was quite encouraging. There has' |
1967 August 26 |
None |
369 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-024-#04 |
1967-09-25 (#01), TL[c] Barton from Merton, 'One thing I have been meaning to say: if you don't know the poetic work of David' |
1967 September 25 |
None |
370 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-024-#05 |
1967-09-25 (#02), TLS[x] Barton from Merton, 'One thing I have been meaning to say: if you don't know the poetic work of David' |
1967 September 25 |
None |
371 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-025-#01 |
1960-07-13, TLS Barzun to Merton, 'It gave me much pleasure to hear that something in The House may be of use to' |
1960 July 13 |
None |
372 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-025-#02 |
1971-04-15, TLS[x] Barzun to Center from Barzan, Jacques, 'I have looked in likely places for any letters I may have received from my friend' |
1971 April 15 |
None |
373 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-026-#01 |
1963-10-31, HLS Basetti-Sani to Merton, 'Je m'excuse de venir vous déranger. ' |
1963 October 31 |
None |
374 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-026-#02 |
1964-10-29, TALS Basetti-Sani to Merton, 'vous [sic] saurez m'excuser si j'ai attendu presque une année pour vous écris' |
1964 October 29 |
None |
375 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-026-#03 |
1965-01-03, TL[c] Basetti-Sani from Merton, 'Je vous remercie, avec un peu de retard, pour l'envoi de votre article, très' |
1965 January 3 |
None |
376 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-026-#04 |
1965-05-08, HLS Basetti-Sani to Merton, 'Je n'ai pas esé vous déranger avant pour vous donner la nouvelle que depuis le 22' |
1965 May 8 |
None |
377 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-026-#05 |
1967-12-02, HLS Basetti-Sani to Merton, 'I am very greatfull [sic] for your kindness sending your article: The Cross' |
1967 December 2 |
None |
378 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-027-#01 |
1968-07-18, HLS Baskin to Merton, 'Please send a copy of Monks Pond, Spring 1968 as described in the May issue' |
1968 July 18 |
None |
379 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-028-#01 |
1965-04-05, TL[c] Bass from Merton, 'I am happy to say a word to your fellow members of the Guild of St Paul in your' |
1965 April 5 |
None |
380 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-029-#01 |
1967-12-11, HLS Bastin to Merton, 'I am writing to you as manager of our quarterly journal "Theoria to Theory", though' |
1967 December 11 |
None |
381 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-029-#02 |
1967-12-16, TL[c] Bastin from Merton, 'I am replying briefly to your letter so as to catch you there before you leave. ' |
1967 December 16 |
None |
382 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-030-#01 |
1965-12-06, TALS Bastos to Merton, 'Your two letters to Mrs. Ocampo arrived safely; she has gone for a few days to Mar' |
1965 December 6 |
None |
383 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-030-#02 |
1966-02-23, HLS Bastos to Merton, 'Here is the Spanish translation of your article. Will you please tell me if you' |
1966 February 23 |
None |
384 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-030-#03 |
1966-03-17, TL[c] Bastos from Merton, 'Many thanks for sending the translation. I am returning it as fast as possible. ' |
1966 March 17 |
None |
385 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-030-#04 |
1966-04-05, TALS Bastos to Merton, 'Thank you very much for sending your article back. I took notice of the mistakes' |
1966 April 5 |
None |
386 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-031-#01 |
1968-06-18, TLS Batastini to Merton, 'Our firm has chosen to publish a set of Four Freedom Songs composed by C. Alexander' |
1968 June 18 |
None |
387 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-031-#02 |
1968-06-27, TL[c] Batastini from Merton, 'Thank you for your letter of June 18th informing me of the project to publish Four' |
1968 June 27 |
None |
388 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-032-#01 |
1967-07-18, TLS Bates to Merton, 'Father John McNeil at LeMoyne College here gave me your name as someone to write,' |
1967 July 18 |
None |
389 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-032-#02 |
1967-07-25, TL[c] Bates from Merton, 'Thanks for inviting me to the convocation on Pot, Pills and LSD next spring. I am' |
1967 July 25 |
None |
390 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-033-#01 |
1967-10-29, TLS Batten to Merton, 'I know that you must be inundated with letters seeking your advice on all sorts of' |
1967 October 29 |
None |
391 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-033-#02 |
1967-11-06, TL[c] Batten from Merton, 'I have not yet seen Rosemary Haughton's article that you refer to but perhaps the' |
1967 November 6 |
None |
392 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-034-#01 |
1964-07-14 (#01), TL[d] Bea from Merton, 'Yesterday I had the very great pleasure of speaking at some length with Rabbi' |
1964 July 14 |
None |
393 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-034-#02 |
1964-07-14 (#02), TAL[d] Bea from Merton, 'Yesterday I had the very great pleasure of speaking at some length with Rabbi' |
1964 July 14 |
None |
394 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-034-#03 |
1964-07-14 (#03), TL[c] Bea from Merton, 'Yesterday I had the very great pleasure of speaking at some length with Rabbi' |
1964 July 14 |
None |
395 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-035-#01 |
1965-12-24, TL[c] Beaumont from Merton, 'Thanks for the book, first of all. I had heard about it, and I am sure I will' |
1965 December 24 |
None |
396 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-035-#02 |
1968-06-27, HLS Beaumont to Merton, 'I beg your permission to […] from "The Strange Islands" into some Little Worship' |
1968 June 27 |
None |
397 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-036-#01 |
1954-07-28, TALS Beaurin to Merton, 'L'idée m'est venue d'entrer très simplement en rapport avec vous. L'on nous a lu au' |
1954 July 28 |
None |
398 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-036-#02 |
1954-09-15, TALS Beaurin to Merton, 'En rentrant de notre pèlerinage de Rome j'ai trouvé votre lettre si fraternelle qui' |
1954 September 15 |
None |
399 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-036-#03 |
undated (#01), other Beaurin to Merton, 'ENGAGEMENT OF THE CRUSADERS OF OUR LADY, for Peace "Enrolled in the crusade for' |
undated |
None |
400 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-036-#04 |
undated |
None |
401 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-037-#01 |
1964, other Bebianno to Merton, 'Para o imenso Merton, ùnico ser que nos pode falar o ano inteiro sem irritar, mando' |
1964 |
None |
402 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-038-#01 |
1968-08-27, TLS Beck to Merton, 'I am so pleased that you are going to print the two Zen stories and some poems. ' |
1968 August 27 |
None |
403 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-039-#01 |
1963-01-29, TL[c] Beecher from Merton, 'Many thanks for the fine and beautifully printed poem about the Cistercian Breviary:' |
1963 January 29 |
None |
404 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-039-#02 |
1964-04-24, TAL[c] Beecher from Merton, 'You know that for a long time I have been cooking up a printing project for your' |
1964 April 24 |
None |
405 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-039-#03 |
1966-01-02, TALS Beecher to Merton, 'Why I address you thus instead of as Dear Tom you will understand when I reveal to' |
1966 January 2 |
None |
406 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-039-#04 |
1966-03-17, TLS Beecher to Merton, 'It was a great lift to the spirit to find in our mail your note and the preface to' |
1966 March 17 |
None |
407 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-040-#01 |
1963-11-29, TL[c] Belden from Merton, 'Thank you for your very kind letter of October 19th. I am sorry to have delayed in' |
1963 November 29 |
None |
408 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-040-#02 |
1964-05-09, TL[c] Belden from Merton, 'I want to answer your good letter as quickly as possible because if I leave it in' |
1964 May 9 |
None |
409 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-041-#01 |
1967-01-20, TALS Belford to Merton, 'I read with great appreciation your article, "Albert Camus and the Church", which' |
1967 January 2 |
None |
410 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-041-#02 |
1967-01-26 (#01), TLS Belford from Merton, 'Many thanks for your letter of the 20th. I think I would really enjoy doing a' |
1967 January 26 |
None |
411 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-041-#03 |
1967-01-26 (#02), TL[c] Belford from Merton, 'Many thanks for your letter of the 20th. I think I would really enjoy doing a' |
1967 January 26 |
None |
412 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-041-#04 |
1967-02-03, TLS Belford to Merton, 'I am so very happy that you are willing to do a commentary on Camus' The' |
1967 February 3 |
None |
413 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-041-#05 |
1967-07-13, TLS Belford from Merton, 'It usually takes time to get things typed up and ready here, so I have been delayed' |
1967 July 13 |
None |
414 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-041-#06 |
1967-08-23, TALS Belford to Merton, 'Please excuse my unconscionable delay in writing you about your superb commentary on' |
1967 August 23 |
None |
415 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-041-#07 |
1968-02-14, TALS Belford from Merton, 'From the way one of the girls at Seabury was talking of reviews it sounded as though' |
1968 February 14 |
None |
416 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-041-#08 |
1968-03-27, TLS Belford from Merton, 'It took a little time for the copies of the Plague pamphlet to arrive, but' |
1968 March 27 |
None |
417 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-041-#09 |
1968-04-09, TLS[x] Belford from Koshland, William / to John Goodbody, 'I am so very grateful to have received Thomas Merton's INTRODUCTION AND COMMENTARY' |
1968 April 9 |
None |
418 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-041-#10 |
1972-08-22, TLS[x] Belford to Center from Belford, Lee Archer, 'Enclosed you will find the letters Thomas Merton wrote me. Most of them are' |
1972 August 22 |
None |
419 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-041-#11 |
1972-08-29, TL[c] Belford from Center to Belford, Lee Archer, 'Thank you so much for sending us the letters which you received from Thomas Merton. ' |
1972 August 29 |
None |
420 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-042-#01 |
1965-01-04, TL[c] Belli from Merton, 'Yours is the second letter I have received in a few days, about the reference to' |
1965 January 4 |
None |
421 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-043-#01 |
undated, HCS Benaudes to Merton, '"But the fruit of the Spirit is charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity,' |
undated |
None |
422 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-044-#01 |
undated, HNS Benedict to Merton, 'You're scheduled for Assistant Priest at the Sol. Abbatial Mass, on Thursday, Feast' |
undated |
None |
423 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-045-#01 |
1950-05-23, TLS Benedict to Merton, 'Yesterday Father Abbot asked me to get in touch with you and ask your advice about' |
1950 May 23 |
None |
424 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-046-#01 |
1954-09-05, HLS Benedictus to Merton, 'Two years ago I send you my last letter. Meanwhile I studied with much spiritual' |
1954 September 5 |
None |
425 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-046-#02 |
1955-03-14, HLS Benedictus to Merton, 'Kind thanks for your hearty letter of Dec. '54! It took a long time before we' |
1955 March 14 |
None |
426 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-047-#01 |
1966-08-14, HLS Bennett to Merton, 'On a visit to California, I brought some family and friends letters and papers- etc-' |
1966 August 14 |
None |
427 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-047-#02 |
1966-08-24, TL[c] Bennett from Merton, 'Your letter came to me as a complete surprise, and one that was in its own way' |
1966 August 24 |
None |
428 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-048-#01 |
1966-07-31, HCS Bennett to Merton, 'Please accept this book written by my' |
1966 July 31 |
None |
429 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-048-#02 |
1966-08-14 (#01), TL[c] Bennett from Merton, 'Thanks very much indeed for your note and for the Silver Jubilee Gift. You take me' |
1966 August 14 |
None |
430 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-048-#03 |
1966-08-14 (#02), TALS[x] Bennett from Merton, 'Thanks very much indeed for your note and for the Silver Jubilee Gift. You take me' |
1966 August 14 |
None |
431 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-048-#04 |
1966-11-10 (#01), TL[c] Bennett from Merton, 'It occurs to me that I probably did not fulfill a promise-- or a threat-- to send' |
1966 November 1 |
None |
432 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-048-#05 |
1966-11-10 (#02), TLS[x] Bennett from Merton, 'It occurs to me that I probably did not fulfill a promise-- or a threat-- to send' |
1966 November 1 |
None |
433 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-048-#06 |
1967-01-07, HLS Bennett to Merton, 'Thank you so much for your wonderful letter and the essays enclosed. I have not yet' |
1967 January 7 |
None |
434 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-048-#07 |
1967-01-19 (#01), TL[c] Bennett from Merton, 'Thanks for your warm good letter, and for Lerone's Boston talk. Starting with that,' |
1967 January 19 |
None |
435 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-048-#08 |
1967-01-19 (#02), TLS[x] Bennett from Merton, 'Thanks for your warm good letter, and for Lerone's Boston talk. Starting with that,' |
1967 January 19 |
None |
436 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-048-#09 |
undated, other[x] Bennett, '(His first Mass) "Friday I said that Mass I had promised to Our Lady of Cobre… It' |
undated |
None |
437 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-049-#01 |
1968-07-22, HLS Benoit to Merton, 'Merci de votre bonne lettre reçue' |
1968 July 22 |
None |
438 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-050-#01 |
1966-06-16, TALS Bentley to Merton, 'It was indeed very good of you to come to see me. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting you' |
1966 June 16 |
None |
439 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-051-#01 |
1967-03-13, TLS Bentley to Merton, 'In my college freshman English class, I'm working on a term paper, comparing you' |
1967 March 13 |
None |
440 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-051-#02 |
1967-03-20, TL[c] Bentley from Merton, 'Thanks for your nice letter. I will give you what help I can. First of all, I have' |
1967 March 2 |
None |
441 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-052-#01 |
1960-12-19, TLS Berg to Merton, 'It's a long time I wanted to write to you again, but I wrote like a mad cap and then' |
1960 December 19 |
None |
442 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-052-#02 |
undated (#01), HLS Berg to Merton, 'Thanks for your nice letter. I wrote immediately to Dom Gabriel and sended [sic]' |
undated |
None |
443 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-052-#03 |
undated (#02), HLS Berg to Merton, 'Please don't be annoyed for me writing again, interrupting the life of silence which' |
undated |
None |
444 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-052-#04 |
undated (#03), HLS Berg to Merton, 'I am awfully sorry but you made a mistake and sended [sic] me a certain letter' |
undated |
None |
445 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-052-#05 |
undated (#04), HLS Berg to Merton, 'I had a long letter of Dom Sortais… Well!!! Of course it's no…. The letter, well.' |
undated |
None |
446 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-052-#06 |
undated (#05), HLS Berg to Merton, 'Thank you very much for your nice letter and corrections which I sended [sic]' |
undated |
None |
447 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-052-#07 |
undated (#06), HLS Berg to Merton, 'I've received your both letters. God bless you for all the good you're doing to me.' |
undated |
None |
448 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-052-#08 |
undated (#07), HLS Berg to Merton, 'Thank you so much for your nice book. I've' |
undated |
None |
449 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-053-#01 |
1967-11-16, TLS Bergida to Merton, 'I am delighted to enclose a check in the amount of $150. for your extraordinary' |
1967 November 16 |
None |
450 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-054-#01 |
1964-09-16, TL[c] Bernadette from Merton, 'About the passage in the New Man to which you refer: I do not have a copy of' |
1964 September 16 |
None |
451 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-055-#01 |
1966-12-01, TL[c] Bernard from Merton, 'I am happy to hear that you have a chance to live as a hermit in Texas and am' |
1966 December 1 |
None |
452 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-056-#01 |
1954-10-29, TALS Bernard to Merton, 'Thank you very much for your letter of the 16th. Indeed I was surprised! In fact I' |
1954 October 29 |
None |
453 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-056-#02 |
undated (#01), other Bernard, 'FRIARY ON MEDWAY BANKS: Saint's Relics Brought From France To England - One of the' |
undated |
None |
454 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-056-#03 |
undated (#02), other Bernard, 'A TRIDUUM OF PRAYERS IN HONOR OF ST JOHN OF THE' |
undated |
None |
455 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-057-#01 |
1968-05-23, HLS Bernet to Merton, 'Sincere thanks to you for your thoughtfulness and kindness! I appreciate very much' |
1968 May 23 |
None |
456 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#01 |
1948-11-05, TLS[x] Berrigan from Laughlin, James, 'We are planning to issue an anthology of Catholic poetry, edited by Thomas Merton,' |
1948 November 5 |
None |
457 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#02 |
1961-10-no-day, other Berrigan from Merton, 'Thanks for your very fine letters and clipping. I am going to write you when I have' |
1961 October (date approximate) |
None |
458 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#03 |
1961-11-10, TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'I am very glad to hear that the Pax movement is getting started in this country and' |
1961 November 1 |
None |
459 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#04 |
1961-12-07, TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Thanks for your very fine letter and all the other things. I have not yet had a' |
1961 December 7 |
None |
460 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#05 |
1962-01-15, TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'We will be looking forward to your Advent in August, around the 10th. By all means' |
1962 January 15 |
None |
461 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#06 |
1962-01-24 (#01), TLS Berrigan to Merton, 'Thank you for the material, which I find lucid and reasonable, in the best Merton' |
1962 January 24 (date approximate) |
None |
462 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#07 |
1962-01-24 (#02), other Berrigan to Merton, 'Censor A ALL ARE GENUINE POEMS; MANY ARE SUPERB [-] CensorB [sic]' |
1962 January 24 (date approximate) |
None |
463 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#08 |
1962-03-10, TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'My correspondence is a kind of Sisyphus act: rolling the boulder up the hill and' |
1962 March 1 |
None |
464 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#09 |
1962-05-16, TLS Berrigan to Merton, 'A long overdue note to say hello, and to acknlwedge [sic] yours of a month or more' |
1962 May 16 |
None |
465 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#10 |
1962-06-15, TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Probably by now you are in the middle of your retreat with the Protestants at Mount' |
1962 June 15 |
None |
466 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#11 |
1962-06-29, TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'This is a quick one to confirm your arrangements. I will get a note into the' |
1962 June 29 |
None |
467 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#12 |
1962-07-20, HPCS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Nearest airport Louisville. From there by bus to New Haven, Ky. From there by' |
1962 July 2 |
None |
468 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#13 |
1962-08-12, HLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'I will be over tomorrow after the High Mass, about 10.15. Could you give a first' |
1962 August 12 |
None |
469 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#14 |
1962-09-02, HLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'I have your letter and Fr. Gerard showed me the one you sent him. I am writing this' |
1962 September 2 |
None |
470 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#15 |
1962-11-12 (#01), TLS Berrigan to Merton, 'A short one to say hello, and to hope all is well there. Just back last night from' |
1962 November 12 |
None |
471 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#16 |
1962-11-12 (#02), other Berrigan to Merton, 'FUND RAISING DRIVE FOR INTERNATIONAL CENTER [-] 1. Name of' |
1962 November 12 (date approximate) |
None |
472 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#17 |
1962-11-27 (#01), TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Just got your blanks from the Goggenbuch Stipend House. I will write you up a' |
1962 November 27 |
None |
473 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#18 |
1962-11-27 (#02), TAL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'Just got your blanks from the Goggenbuch Stipend House. I will write you up a' |
1962 November 27 |
None |
474 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#19 |
1963-02-09, HLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'I have not yet thanked you for the clipping from the college paper with your' |
1963 February 9 |
None |
475 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#20 |
1963-06-21, HLS Berrigan to Merton, 'I am here for a day of retreat to the Maddames [sic] of the S.H. It brings back' |
1963 June 21 (date approximate) |
None |
476 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#21 |
1963-06-25 (#01), TALS Berrigan from Merton, 'This will come to you as a conscience matter letter, so that I can deal with your' |
1963 June 25 |
None |
477 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#22 |
1963-06-25 (#02), TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'This will come to you as a conscience matter letter, so that I can deal with your' |
1963 June 25 |
None |
478 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#23 |
1963-11-09, TAPCS Berrigan to Merton, 'Hope you havent [sic] given me up for advent or something. After many wanderings' |
1963 November 9 |
None |
479 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#24 |
1963-11-15 (#01), TAL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'I am glad to have your letter, card, from Paris. I was not sure where you were' |
1963 November 15 |
None |
480 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#25 |
1963-11-15 (#02), TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'I am glad to have your letter, card, from Paris. I was not sure where you were' |
1963 November 15 |
None |
481 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#26 |
1963-12-21, HLS Berrigan to Merton, 'I have to get off a short note to say hello, and to assure you that yr. letter was' |
1963 December 21 |
None |
482 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#27 |
1963-12-no-day, HPCS Berrigan to Merton, 'Thank you for your kind letter. I will look for the Ramparts and everything else of' |
1963 December (date approximate) |
None |
483 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#28 |
1964-02-11, TALS Berrigan to Merton, 'Seems like an age since I had word of you. I am wonderinf [sic] whether any of the' |
1964 February 11 |
None |
484 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#29 |
1964-02-23 (#01), TAL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'Your letter from Budapest was wonderful. Got to me long after Christmas however and' |
1964 February 23 |
None |
485 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#30 |
1964-02-23 (#02), TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Your letter from Budapest was wonderful. Got to me long after Christmas however and' |
1964 February 23 |
None |
486 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#31 |
1964-03-05, TLS Berrigan to Merton, 'I am sending on some junk mail another another [sic] heading. I though[t] it might' |
1964 March 5 |
None |
487 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#32 |
1964-03-18, other Berrigan |
1964 March 18 |
None |
488 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#33 |
1964-05-18 (#01), TAL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'Whitmonday. Time for abrief [sic] letter, perhaps uninspired. I am worn out (not' |
1964 May 18 |
None |
489 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#34 |
1964-05-18 (#02), TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Whitmonday. Time for abrief [sic] letter, perhaps uninspired. I am worn out (not' |
1964 May 18 |
None |
490 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#35 |
1964-06-02, TALS Berrigan to Merton, 'What a wonderful letter you wrote me, and how deeply I appreciate it… I was' |
1964 June 2 |
None |
491 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#36 |
1964-06-30, TAL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'One of the things that you can do for Latin America is get in touch with the poet' |
1964 June 3 |
None |
492 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#37 |
1964-07-no-day, HPCS Berrigan to Merton, 'This is a poor excuse for a letter after all the months. But they have been harried' |
1964 July (date approximate) |
None |
493 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#38 |
1964-08-04 (#01), TAL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'Many thanks for your card from Oslo Morocco. We have played your tapes after much' |
1964 August 4 |
None |
494 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#39 |
1964-08-04 (#02), TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Many thanks for your card from Oslo Morocco. We have played your tapes after much' |
1964 August 4 |
None |
495 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#40 |
1964-09-19 (#01), TAL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'Got a good letter from John Heidbrink today and he said you were bac[k] also told me' |
1964 September 19 |
None |
496 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#41 |
1964-09-19 (#02), TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Got a good letter from John Heidbrink today and he said you were bac[k] also told me' |
1964 September 19 |
None |
497 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#42 |
1964-10-22, TALS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Thanks for your note of yesterday. I sent the CW Letters and some other things, but' |
1964 October 22 |
None |
498 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#43 |
1964-11-09, TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Last minute check on arrangements for getting the people here. John H. arranged for' |
1964 November 9 |
None |
499 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#44 |
1964-11-11, TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'We can send one car and will send same to Albert Pick Motel nine am Wednesday 18th. ' |
1964 November 11 |
None |
500 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#45 |
1965-02-26, TALS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'AID newsletter came in this morning all full of good pictures of you, and reminded' |
1965 February 26 |
None |
501 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#46 |
1965-05-19, TALS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Glad to get your note. I would be delighted to see you and Jim ifyou [sic] can get' |
1965 May 19 |
None |
502 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#47 |
1965-06-01, HLS Berrigan to Merton, 'How grateful Tom for your marvelous welcome. Your wisdom, yourself! We went away' |
1965 June 1 |
None |
503 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#48 |
1965-07-18, TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Many thanks for the letter and the fine poem. I am sorry Fr McGowan couldn't get' |
1965 July 18 |
None |
504 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#49 |
1965-11-19 (#01), TAL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'Today your letter came, with one from Jim also one from Dorothy Day. It was a great' |
1965 November 19 |
None |
505 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#50 |
1965-11-19 (#02), TL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'Today your letter came, with one from Jim also one from Dorothy Day. It was a great' |
1965 November 19 |
None |
506 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#51 |
1966-02-06, HLS Berrigan to Merton, 'I feel very neglectful, especially after the bum steer I gave you in an address from' |
1966 February 6 |
None |
507 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#52 |
1966-02-14 (#01), TALS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Some event, hearing from you. Letter came today, dated Feb 6th in Argentina, and I' |
1966 February 14 |
None |
508 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#53 |
1966-02-14 (#02), TAL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'Some event, hearing from you. Letter came today, dated Feb 6th in Argentina, and I' |
1966 February 14 |
None |
509 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#54 |
1966-03-18, TLS Berrigan from Merton, 'A short note to assure you that I am safely back in the arms of Jesuit Missions,' |
1966 March 18 |
None |
510 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#55 |
1966-03-23, HLS Berrigan from Merton, 'Very happy to hear your back! Glad things have cleared. I thought they might. Go' |
1966 March 23 |
None |
511 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#56 |
1966-04-09, HLS Berrigan from Merton, 'It was good to get your letter. The operation worked out fine but it was a little' |
1966 April 9 |
None |
512 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#57 |
1966-05-30, HPCS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Greetings and reminder you have been with us. John [-] Our warmest thoughts with' |
1966 May 3 |
None |
513 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#58 |
1966-09-18, TLS Berrigan from Merton, 'Thanks for great bare arsed letter and sign of the times from Jesuit Missions. ' |
1966 September 18 |
None |
514 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#59 |
1966-10-27, TALS Berrigan from Merton, 'Here is the preface to Nhat Hanh. I would like it mimeographed, please. As soon as' |
1966 October 27 |
None |
515 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#60 |
1966-11-26, TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Many thanks for your splendid letter from Europe. I got a good idea of the trip--' |
1966 November 26 |
None |
516 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#61 |
1967-02-22, TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Thanks for the laurel note and the clipping on AJ. He certainly was one of the' |
1967 February 22 |
None |
517 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#62 |
1967-03-07, HLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Just got your new book yesterday. It looks great. Will report soon as I can type' |
1967 March 7 |
None |
518 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#63 |
1967-03-19, HLS Berrigan to Merton, 'Here I am by the ocean at Santa Barbara, stuck without writing papers but determined' |
1967 March 19 |
None |
519 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#64 |
1967-04-02, HLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Many thanks for Palm Sunday epistle. Here it is Low Sunday already. Why not drive' |
1967 April 2 |
None |
520 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#65 |
1967-04-15 (#01), TALS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Sounds as though this is it, doesn't it? I find it hard to organize clear thoughts' |
1967 April 15 |
None |
521 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#66 |
1967-04-15 (#02), TL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'Sounds as though this is it, doesn't it? I find it hard to organize clear thoughts' |
1967 April 15 |
None |
522 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#67 |
1967-04-no-day, TALS Berrigan to Merton, 'Things have been happening quite fast here; they sentenced David Miller to 2 and 1' |
1967 April (date approximate) |
None |
523 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#68 |
1967-07-13 (#01), TL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'You will probably hear of this through the FOR but since people in France have been' |
1967 July 13 |
None |
524 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#69 |
1967-07-13 (#02), TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'You will probably hear of this through the FOR but since people in France have been' |
1967 July 13 |
None |
525 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#70 |
1967-07-15, TALS Berrigan to Merton, 'It seems like ages, know I've been remiss. Jim Forest sent on one of yrs. to him' |
1967 July 15 |
None |
526 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#71 |
1967-09-16 (#01), TL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'Here is some stuff I dug out of the pile. Not much, if any, about nonviolence but' |
1967 September 16 |
None |
527 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#72 |
1967-09-16 (#02), TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Here is some stuff I dug out of the pile. Not much, if any, about nonviolence but' |
1967 September 16 |
None |
528 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#73 |
1967-09-no-day, HLS Berrigan to Merton, 'A short note and a loud cry like the Beatles, HELP. My books such as they are still' |
1967 September (date approximate) |
None |
529 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#74 |
1967-10-06, TAL Berrigan to Merton, 'Thanks for all the good material. I had a few of these made up for the brethren' |
1967 October 6 |
None |
530 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#75 |
1967-10-10 (#01), TL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'Reaction to the airmail special about Phil and the group that wants to get violent. ' |
1967 October 1 |
None |
531 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#76 |
1967-10-10 (#02), TALS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Reaction to your airmail special about Phil and the group that wants to get violent.' |
1967 October 1 |
None |
532 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#77 |
1967-11-27 (#01), TL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'Jim Holloway sent me a clipping about Phil: that and his piece in CW about prison' |
1967 November 27 |
None |
533 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#78 |
1967-11-27 (#02), TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Jim Holloway sent me a clipping about Phil: that and his piece in CW about prison' |
1967 November 27 |
None |
534 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#79 |
1967-11-no-day, TALS Berrigan to Merton, 'I don't know even if I had the gumption to write a think [sic] you to you for the' |
1967 November (date approximate) |
None |
535 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#80 |
1968-01-29, TLS Berrigan to Merton, 'A short hectic one as usual; Just in from Chi toward dawn; we had several good' |
1968 January 29 |
None |
536 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#81 |
1968-02-08 (#01), TL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'Seems I get less and less time to answer letters. Or anyway, whatever the reason, I' |
1968 February 8 |
None |
537 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#82 |
1968-02-08 (#02), TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Seems I get less and less time to answer letters. Or anyway, whatever the reason, I' |
1968 February 8 |
None |
538 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#83 |
1968-03-18, TLS Berrigan from Merton, 'Here's the little booklet on The Plague I told you about. No one deserves the' |
1968 March 18 |
None |
539 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#84 |
1968-11-27, TLS Berrigan to Merton, 'This is a very brief note to say hello. You will by now have heard of the trial and' |
1968 November 27 |
None |
540 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#85 |
1979-09-17, other[x] Berrigan by Berrigan, Daniel, 'I would like to reflect with you rather than talk to you about this extraordinary' |
1979 September 17 |
None |
541 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#86 |
1980, HLS[x] Berrigan to Center from Berrigan, Daniel, 'Rejoice with us! On September 8, eight of us entered a General Electric Nuclear' |
1980 (date approximate) |
None |
542 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#87 |
1982-07-11 (#01), other Berrigan from Shannon, William, 'Note on the letters of Daniel Berrigan: When I put this correspondence together, I' |
1982 July 11 |
None |
543 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#88 |
1982-07-11 (#02), other Berrigan, 'The Merton-Berrigan' |
1982 July 11 |
None |
544 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#89 |
1982-08-01, TL[c] Berrigan from Shannon, William / to James Tyler, 'I am sorry I am so late in getting back to you to thank you for your kindness to me' |
1982 August 1 |
None |
545 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#90 |
1982-08-05, TLS Berrigan from Tyler, James / to William Shannon, 'The news that your publishing project has been accepted by the Merton Trust is' |
1982 August 5 |
None |
546 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#91 |
1982-09-28, TL[c] Berrigan from Shannon, William, 'I am not sure you will remember me, I have been teaching at Nazareth College-for' |
1982 September 28 |
None |
547 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#92 |
undated (#01), other Berrigan, 'Letters by Thomas Merton to Daniel and Philip Berrigan in the Department of Rare' |
undated |
None |
548 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#93 |
undated (#02), other Berrigan, 'Contemporary Literary Criticism - subject Daniel' |
undated |
None |
549 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-058-#94 |
undated (#03), other Berrigan, 'Contemporary Authors, Volumes 33-36, First' |
undated |
None |
550 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-059-#01 |
1964-09-25, TAL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'Sure, by all means have them send the proofs and I will try to writ[e] at least' |
1964 September 25 |
None |
551 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-059-#02 |
1964-10-no-day, TLS Berrigan to Merton, 'You will recall the hopes that Dan and I had that you would write the foreword of' |
1964 October (date approximate) |
None |
552 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-059-#03 |
1965-01-18 (#01), TL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'Here is the preface. I can send some more copies if you like, but this is the one' |
1965 January 18 |
None |
553 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-059-#04 |
1965-01-18 (#02), TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'Here is the preface. I can send some more copies if you like, but this is the one' |
1965 January 18 |
None |
554 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-059-#05 |
1965-02-no-day (#01), HLS Berrigan to Merton, 'Your note arrived today and I immediately informed Macmillan to go ahead on the' |
1965 February (date approximate) |
None |
555 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-059-#06 |
1965-02-no-day (#02), TALS Berrigan to Merton, 'The foreword arrived, so an immediate word of my gratitude- tremendously pleased' |
1965 February (date approximate) |
None |
556 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-059-#07 |
1966-04-23, HLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'I was glad to get your good letter of the 4th. It reached me when I got home from' |
1966 April 23 |
None |
557 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-059-#08 |
1967-10-no-day, other Berrigan to Merton, 'PRESS STATEMENT (IMMEDIATE RELEASE) [-] On Friday, October 27, 1967, we are entering' |
1967 October (date approximate) |
None |
558 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-059-#09 |
1967-12-31 (#01), TL[c] Berrigan from Merton, 'New Year's eve. The day is darkening and it has been snowing since midnight last' |
1967 December 31 |
None |
559 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-059-#10 |
1967-12-31 (#02), TLS[x] Berrigan from Merton, 'New Year's eve. The day is darkening and it has been snowing since midnight last' |
1967 December 31 |
None |
560 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-059-#11 |
1967-12-no-day, HLS Berrigan to Merton, 'Apologies for not having kept you better informed. Since getting out of jail, there' |
1967 December (date approximate) |
None |
561 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-059-#12 |
1968-09-30, HPCS Berrigan from Merton, 'Your letter finally caught up with me in Alaska but I am moving on. Impossible to' |
1968 September 3 |
None |
562 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-060-#01 |
1961-08-15, TALS Berry to Merton, 'Recently when talking with Dr. John Wu he spoke of your interest in the spiritual' |
1961 August 15 |
None |
563 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-061-#01 |
1967-10-24, HLS Berry to Merton, 'Denise Levertov thinks it would be great to see you at Gethsemani when she's here on' |
1967 October 24 |
None |
564 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-061-#02 |
1967-10-26, TL[c] Berry from Merton, 'Thanks for your note about Denise Levertov and the possibility of her visit here on' |
1967 October 26 |
None |
565 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-061-#03 |
1968-01-31, TL[c] Berry from Merton, 'What keeps me from writing more is that I never know if Port Royal Kentucky is' |
1968 January 31 |
None |
566 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-061-#04 |
1968-02-07, HLS Berry to Merton, 'The home address is Port Royal, Ky. 40058. And that's usually the best one to' |
1968 February 7 |
None |
567 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-061-#05 |
1968-02-11, TLS Berry to Merton, 'These have all been written since the first of the year. The little poems can be' |
1968 February 11 |
None |
568 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-061-#06 |
1968-02-28, TL[c] Berry from Merton, 'Many thanks for the fine poems. I want to try the two longer ones and the little' |
1968 February 28 |
None |
569 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-061-#07 |
1968-04-08, TLS Berry to Merton, 'I enclose a check, a blank for transfer of copyright on the poem "Envoy" that you' |
1968 April 8 |
None |
570 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-061-#08 |
1968-04-22, TL[c] Berry from Merton, 'The second issue is in the works with envoy etc and I will in due course send the' |
1968 April 22 |
None |
571 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-061-#09 |
1968-08-06, HLS Berry to Merton, 'We're trying to get ready to leave here for the West Coast on the 20th of this' |
1968 August 6 |
None |
572 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-062-#01 |
1964-10-07, TLS Berval to Merton, 'Je viens de recevoir une lettre des Éditions Albin Michel m'informant de votre' |
1964 October 7 |
None |
573 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-062-#02 |
1964-10-25, TLS Berval to Merton, 'Je vous remercie pour votre lettre, que j'ai à nouveau reçue avec le retard' |
1964 October 25 |
None |
574 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-062-#03 |
1964-11-23, other Berval to Merton, 'Invoice [-] France-Asie [-] Revue bilingue des Problèmes asiatiques et de Synthèse' |
1964 November 23 |
None |
575 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-062-#04 |
1964-12-01, TLS Berval to Merton, 'Nous avons bien reçu votre lettre du 23 écoulé et vous en remercions. Nous vous' |
1964 December 1 |
None |
576 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-063-#01 |
1966-12-16, TLS Best to Merton, 'I feel very apologetic this morning. It could be that the copy of your paper' |
1966 December 16 |
None |
577 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-063-#02 |
1966-12-23, TL[c] Best from Merton, 'About the paper "Blessed are the Meek". I am under the impression it was printed in' |
1966 December 23 |
None |
578 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-063-#03 |
1967-01-16, TALS Best to Merton, 'I've written Cowley for permission and will use the article in March, and in' |
1967 January 16 |
None |
579 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-063-#04 |
1967-07-28, HLS Best from Marks, Lillian, 'I had set aside the May issue of Fellowship in order to read Thomas Merton's' |
1967 July 28 |
None |
580 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-063-#05 |
1967-07-29, TLS Best to Merton, 'I expect you too will want to answer Lillian Marks. I hope I did not apologize' |
1967 July 29 |
None |
581 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-063-#06 |
1967-07-31, TL[c] Best to Marks, Lillian, 'I am sending your letter, with considerable distress, on to Thomas Merton. The' |
1967 July 31 |
None |
582 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-063-#07 |
1967-08-04, TL[c] Best from Merton, 'Thanks for your note and the letter of Lillian Marcks [sic]. I am sending a carbon' |
1967 August 4 |
None |
583 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-064-#01 |
1971-03-10, TLS[x] Betchor to Center from Betchov, Greti, 'We received your letter concerning our correspondence with the late Thomas Merton,' |
1971 March 1 |
None |
584 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-064-#02 |
1972-06-09, TL[c] Betchor from Center to Betchov, Greti, 'In going through some old correspondence of the Center, I found a letter from you to' |
1972 June 9 |
None |
585 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-064-#03 |
1972-06-30, TLS Betchor to Center from Betchov, Greti, 'We received your letter of June 9th concerning our correspondence with Thomas Merton' |
1972 June 3 |
None |
586 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-064-#04 |
1972-07-06, TL[c] Betchor from Center to Betchov, Greti, 'Thank you very much for sending us xerox copies of Thomas Merton's correspondence' |
1972 July 6 |
None |
587 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-065-#01 |
1957-12-03, TLS Bettencourt to Merton, 'The first Portuguese edition of NO MAN IS AN ISLAND was a great success - out of' |
1957 December 3 |
None |
588 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-065-#02 |
1958-01-10, TLS Bettencourt to Merton, 'Thanks for your letter of December 19, 1957. I have already written to Curtis Brown' |
1958 January 1 |
None |
589 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-065-#03 |
1958-11-25, TLS Bettencourt to Merton, 'We have received through D. Timóteo Amoroso Anastácio O.S.B. translator of NO MAN IS' |
1958 November 25 |
None |
590 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-065-#04 |
1959-08-13, TLS Bettencourt to Merton, 'Your books are translated into so many languages, and published by so many' |
1959 August 13 |
None |
591 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-066-#01 |
1967-09-11, TLS Bewley to Merton, 'I wrote to Harcourt, Brace & World concerning our request to reprint "In the' |
1967 September 11 |
None |
592 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-067-#01 |
1966-09-14, TALS Beyer to Merton, 'Vor mir liegt Ihr Buch " Aufstieg zur Wahrheit". Ich empfinde gerade die' |
1966 September 14 |
None |
593 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-068-#01 |
1967-04-15 (#01), TALS Bieberman from Merton, 'I am a monk, poet, priest, and have written s [sic] few books on the contemplative' |
1967 April 15 |
None |
594 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-068-#02 |
1967-04-15 (#02), TL[c] Bieberman from Merton, 'I am a monk, poet, priest, and have written s [sic] few books on the contemplative' |
1967 April 15 |
None |
595 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-068-#03 |
1967-04-25, TLS Bieberman to Merton, 'Thanks very much for your letter. I appreciate what you say about not being too' |
1967 April 25 |
None |
596 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-068-#04 |
1967-04-no-day, other Bieberman, 'Psychedelic Information Center BULLETIN [-] A New York City group, the' |
1967 April |
None |
597 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-068-#05 |
1971-02-02, TLS Bieberman to Center from Bieberman, Lisa, 'I'm sorry to be just getting around to answering your request for copies of' |
1971 February 2 |
None |
598 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-068-#06 |
undated, other Bieberman, 'on getting the message by Lisa Bieberman [-] "I'll show you mine if you'll show me' |
undated |
None |
599 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-069-#01 |
1967-08-22, HLS Biegansho to Merton, 'You have been good enough to send me several of your books - but now I dare ask you' |
1967 August 22 |
None |
600 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-070-#01 |
1967-09-24, TLS Biram to Fox, James, 'it may be, for all I know, discourteous to write to a member of your/Abbey [sic]' |
1967 September 24 |
None |
601 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-070-#02 |
1967-09-25 (#01), TALS Biram to Merton, 'this is an extremely hard letter to write, so I ask you to overlook its faults & see' |
1967 September 25 |
None |
602 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-070-#03 |
1967-09-25 (#02), other Biram to Merton, 'Appeared New York Times 4 Sept. 67 (editorial page) A COCKTAIL PARTY Penned' |
1967 September 25 |
None |
603 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-071-#01 |
1950-05-29, HLS Bissey to Merton, 'Merci de tant coeur pour les deux exemplaires de votre beau livre sur sainte' |
1950 May 29 |
None |
604 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-071-#02 |
1960-02-16, TL[x] Bissey from Fox, James, 'We have more pleasant news for you now than in our last letter in regard to the book' |
1960 February 16 |
None |
605 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-071-#03 |
1964-01-07 (#01), TAL[c] Bissey from Merton, 'Voici un petit mot pour vous souhaiter d'abord une bonne année. Et puis quelques' |
1964 January 7 |
None |
606 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-071-#04 |
1964-01-07 (#02), transcript Bissey from Merton, 'Here are a few words for you first of all to wish you a happy New Year, and then' |
1964 January 7 |
None |
607 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-071-#05 |
1964-01-07 (#03), transcript Bissey from Merton, 'Here are a few words for you, first of all to wish you a happy New Year. And then' |
1964 January 7 |
None |
608 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-071-#06 |
1964-01-27, HLS Bissey to Merton, 'Merci de votre charmante lettre du 7 et de votre livre "Emblems of a Season of' |
1964 January 27 |
None |
609 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-071-#07 |
1965-04-07 (#01), TAL[c] Bissey from Merton, 'Vous avez été bien aimable ce matin, je regrette beaucoup de vous avoir' |
1965 April 7 |
None |
610 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-071-#08 |
1965-04-07 (#02), transcript Bissey from Merton, 'You were very kind this morning and I am very sorry to have caused you some' |
1965 April 7 |
None |
611 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-071-#09 |
1965-04-28, HLS Bissey to Merton, 'C'est de Cîteaux, où je viens d'arriver pour le Ch. G'al presque eu même temps que' |
1965 April 28 |
None |
612 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-071-#10 |
1965-11-08 (#01), TL[c] Bissey from Merton, 'Voici une réponse que j'écris a votre P. Raymond qui m'a écrit, comme vous le savez' |
1965 November 8 |
None |
613 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-071-#11 |
1965-11-08 (#02), transcript Bissey from Merton, 'Here is an answer I am writing to your Fr. Raymond who wrote to me as you know. I' |
1965 November 8 |
None |
614 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-071-#12 |
1965-11-29, HLS Bissey to Merton, 'Votre lettre du 8 Nov. m'a causé me immense' |
1965 November 29 |
None |
615 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-071-#13 |
1967-01-24 (#01), TLS[x] Bissey from Bernard, Fr., O.C.S.O. / to James Fox, 'Vous n'êtes pas sans savoir que notre Père Abbé vient d'être nommé Chevalier de la' |
1967 January 24 |
None |
616 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-071-#14 |
1967-01-24 (#02), TLS[x] Bissey from Bernard, Fr., O.C.S.O. / to Merton, 'Vous savez déjà par une indiscrétion de mon Père Prieur (mon frère de sang) la' |
1967 January 24 |
None |
617 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-071-#15 |
1967-01-24 (#03), TNS[x] Bissey from Merton to James Fox, 'What about it? How about a nice birthday present? --You yourself often say it is' |
1967 January 24 |
None |
618 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-071-#16 |
1967-01-31, HLS Bissey to Merton, 'J'aurais voulu vous annonce' |
1967 January 31 |
None |
619 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-071-#17 |
1967-02-01 (#01), TLS[x] Bissey from Fox, James, 'I would not want you to misinterpret my letter which I have written to good Father' |
1967 February 1 |
None |
620 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-071-#18 |
1967-02-01 (#02), TLS[x] Bissey from Fox, James / to Fr. Bernard, O.C.S.O., 'I presume that you can read english, I hope. I know you have acted in all' |
1967 February 1 |
None |
621 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-071-#19 |
1967-02-16 (#01), TL[c] Bissey from Merton, 'Voici que je viens un peu en retard pour vous féliciter, mais vous savez bien' |
1967 February 16 |
None |
622 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-071-#20 |
1967-02-16 (#02), transcript Bissey from Merton, 'Here I come a little bit late to congratulate you, but you know well how happy I am' |
1967 February 16 |
None |
623 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-071-#21 |
1967-06-12 (#01), HLS Bissey to Merton, 'N'ayant pas "l'opportunité" d'aller vous voir cette année, je bien vous faire' |
1967 June 12 |
None |
624 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-071-#22 |
1967-06-12 (#02), other Bissey, 'Demande à Père Louis de Gethsemani (Th. Merton) un article comprenant de six à dix' |
1967 June 12 |
None |
625 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-071-#23 |
1967-06-23 (#01), TL[c] Bissey from Merton, 'Merci de votre aimable lettre. Je suis content d'avoir de vos nouvelles. Les' |
1967 June 23 |
None |
626 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-071-#24 |
1967-06-23 (#02), transcript Bissey from Merton, 'Thanks for your kind letter. I am happy to have received your news. The editors of' |
1967 June 23 |
None |
627 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-072-#01 |
1968-04-02, TLS Bixler to Merton, 'Perhaps I should first reintroduce myself: I am the student and friend of Mrs.' |
1968 April 2 |
None |
628 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-073-#01 |
1962-12-11, TL[c] Black from Merton, 'I was glad to hear from you because Les Dewart said you had been ill, and now I see' |
1962 December 11 |
None |
629 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-074-#01 |
1964-05-23, TLS Black to Merton, 'We were very pleased to have your order for one of our books a few months ago. ' |
1964 May 23 |
None |
630 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-074-#02 |
1964-07-04, TL[c] Black from Merton, 'Please forgive the long delay in replying to your very kind letter and acknowledging' |
1964 July 4 |
None |
631 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-075-#01 |
1962-01-23, TLS Black to Merton, 'I have a recent letter from Edward Deming Andrews of Pittsfield, Massachusetts in' |
1962 January 23 |
None |
632 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-075-#02 |
1962-01-27, transcript Black from Merton, 'I need not tell you how I would love to be there on February 2nd. There are few' |
1962 January 27 (date approximate) |
None |
633 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-075-#03 |
1962-02-14, TLS Black to Merton, 'I want to thank you for your fascinating and helpful letter concerning the Shaker' |
1962 February 14 |
None |
634 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-076-#01 |
1966-12-15, TL[c] Blanchard from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter. I do not know of any community of women in which there' |
1966 December 15 |
None |
635 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-077-#01 |
1966-10-08, TLS[x] Blumenkren to Merton, 'I hate to impose upon you, but I am sure you will understand why I do it. One of' |
1966 October 8 |
None |
636 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-077-#02 |
1966-10-13, TL[x] Blumenkren from Merton, 'I have been hoping to answer your letter of late August and now your new letter with' |
1966 October 13 |
None |
637 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-078-#01 |
1968-02-05, TLS Boardman to Merton, 'On May 30, 1968 we are going to publish BLACK POWER AND WHITE PROTESTANTS, by Joseph' |
1968 February 5 |
None |
638 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-078-#02 |
1968-03-08, TL[c] Boardman from Merton, 'I have finished reading the galleys of BLACK POWER AND WHITE PROTESTANTS which I am' |
1968 March 8 |
None |
639 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-079-#01 |
1964-11-22, TLS Boekel to Merton, 'In "The Commonweal" of August 21, 1964 I read your very interesting article about' |
1964 November 22 |
None |
640 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-080-#01 |
1964-09-13, HLS Boettcher to Merton, 'I am half way through your book "A Thomas Merton Reader" and find it fascinating. ' |
1964 September 13 |
None |
641 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-080-#02 |
1964-10-28, TLS Boettcher from Merton, 'When I suggested the Little Sisters I realized that the suggestion would be a bit of' |
1964 October 28 |
None |
642 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-080-#03 |
1964-10-no-day, TLS Boettcher from Merton, 'I have no need of an introduction to you, as I remember you with affection as a nice' |
1964 October (date approximate) |
None |
643 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-080-#04 |
1965-05-27, HNS Boettcher from Merton, 'Thanks for telling me about Nanny. I did not know about her, but in the middle of' |
1965 May 27 |
None |
644 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-080-#05 |
1965-06-16 (#01), TLS Boettcher from Merton, 'Thanks very much for sending the telegram to let me know of Nanny's death. It was' |
1965 June 16 |
None |
645 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-080-#06 |
1965-06-16 (#02), TL[c] Boettcher from Merton, 'Thanks very much for sending the telegram to let me know of Nanny's death. It was' |
1965 June 16 |
None |
646 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-080-#07 |
1965-12-10, HCS Boettcher from Merton, 'I am happy to hear about the new baby and will keep you in my prayers especially in' |
1965 December 1 |
None |
647 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-080-#08 |
1966-04-23, HNS Boettcher from Merton, 'I wanted to answer your first letter about the new baby, but let it slip until too' |
1966 April 23 |
None |
648 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-080-#09 |
1966-07-22, TLS Boettcher from Merton, 'Thanks for your last letter. If you want any more of those booklets about the' |
1966 July 22 |
None |
649 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-080-#10 |
1970-10-23, HLS[x] Boettcher to Center from Boettcher, Nancy Hauck, 'Enclosed are the letters I have from Tom Merton. Please Xerox them for me. I have' |
1970 October 23 |
None |
650 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-080-#11 |
1970-10-30, TL[x] Boettcher from Center to Boettcher, Nancy Hauck, 'We were delighted to receive your packet of letters concerning your Nanny, Thomas' |
1970 October 3 |
None |
651 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-081-#01 |
1972-06-01, TLS[x] Bogatynska to Center from Tarnawski, Stefan, 'I am the private-attorney of Mrs. Waclawa Sowinska of Kraków, ul.Kingi 7, Poland,' |
1972 June 1 |
None |
652 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-081-#02 |
undated, HLS Bogatynska to Merton, 'Thank you so much for your letter - for your goodness. I enjoyed it very much. It' |
undated |
None |
653 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-081-#03 |
undated, HLS Bogatynska to Merton, 'From my beloved country I dare send you, Reverend Father my cordial greetings and' |
undated |
None |
654 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-082-#01 |
1965-04-20, other Bogdana from Merton, 'Books for Sister Bogdana cordially in Christ our Lord [-] T' |
1965 April 2 |
None |
655 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-082-#02 |
1967-03-22, TALS Bogdana to Merton, 'I do not know if you remember me from my letters written two years ago, when you' |
1967 March 22 |
None |
656 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-082-#03 |
1967-04-05, HLS[x] Bogdana from Merton, 'Certainly go ahead with a translation of the "Primitive Carmelite Ideal". When it' |
1967 April 5 |
None |
657 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-082-#04 |
1970-10-31, TLS[x] Bogdana to Center from Bogdana, Sr., 'Thank you for sending me information concerning the Thomas Merton Collection at' |
1970 October 31 |
None |
658 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-082-#05 |
1970-11-10, TL[c] Bogdana from Center to Bogdana, Sr., 'Thank you for the information you sent about your correspondence with Father Thomas' |
1970 November 1 |
None |
659 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-083-#01 |
1966-02-02, HLS Boggs to Merton, 'I am a sophomore at Niskayuna High School, Niskayuna, New York, and we are doing a' |
1966 February 2 |
None |
660 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-083-#02 |
1966-02-09, TL[c] Boggs from Merton, 'I received your letter of the 3rd only yesterday. I am afraid this answer will be' |
1966 February 9 |
None |
661 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-083-#03 |
1966-02-11, HLS Boggs to Merton, 'How can I ever thank you for your wonderful, gracious letter? When my teacher heard' |
1966 February 11 |
None |
662 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#01 |
1961-03-02, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'I intended to write to you for some time but only now do it. I read the most of' |
1961 March 2 |
None |
663 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#02 |
1961-03-20, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'Many thanks for your kind letter of March 14th. I have received it today on my' |
1961 March 2 |
None |
664 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#03 |
1961-06-21, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'I enclose the letter of the Abbot General which allows you to write a preface to the' |
1961 June 21 |
None |
665 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#04 |
1962-03-27, HPCS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'I am again in Rome since March 12th and expect to remain in Italy till June 12th. ' |
1962 March 27 |
None |
666 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#05 |
1962-05-04, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'My Italian book "I Mystici Russi" is now out I presented it to the Pope in person' |
1962 May 4 |
None |
667 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#06 |
1962-07-22, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'Many thanks for your letter of July 9th, which I have received here to-day from' |
1962 July 22 |
None |
668 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#07 |
1962-09-02, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'Many thanks for your kind letter. I am glad that you liked the manuscript. Of' |
1962 September 2 |
None |
669 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#08 |
1962-09-03, HNS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'P.S. I read your letter to the Mayor of Hiroshima with attention. I think it shall' |
1962 September 3 |
None |
670 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#09 |
1962-12-28, TAL[c] Bolshakoff from Merton, 'Thanks for your two kind letters. I was interested to hear of your visit to the' |
1962 December 28 |
None |
671 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#10 |
1963-01-05, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'Many thanks for your letter and cheque for $50 which I didn't expect and which' |
1963 January 5 |
None |
672 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#11 |
1963-01-08, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'I am sending you by the registered post my little Mss in French -- "Staretz' |
1963 January 8 |
None |
673 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#12 |
1963-01-29, TAL[c] Bolshakoff from Merton, 'You will be glad to hear that I have finished all the work on the revision of your' |
1963 January 29 |
None |
674 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#13 |
1963-02-15, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'Many thanks for your letter of Jan 29th, which I received here in Groningen, where I' |
1963 February 15 |
None |
675 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#14 |
1963-04-11, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'I am already in Rome since April 6th and hope to remain here till July. Since I' |
1963 April 11 |
None |
676 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#15 |
1963-05-26, HPCS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'I received yesterday a letter from Archbishop Nikodim, dated by May 15th, where he' |
1963 May 26 |
None |
677 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#16 |
1963-09-06, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'Since I wrote to you on May 26th so much changed. John XXIII, whom I knew since' |
1963 September 6 |
None |
678 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#17 |
1963-11-10, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'I salute you from Caldey Abbey, this fascinating island monastery, which I did not' |
1963 November 1 |
None |
679 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#18 |
1963-11-11, TL[c] Bolshakoff from Merton, 'For a long time I have been owing you a reply to your several very interesting' |
1963 November 11 |
None |
680 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#19 |
1963-11-25, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'Many thanks for your letter of Nov. 11th, which I received in Dublin on my way here.' |
1963 November 25 |
None |
681 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#20 |
1963-12-23, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'Many thanks for your kind letter and cheque which is for me quite princely. It' |
1963 December 23 |
None |
682 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#21 |
1964-01-26, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'Before Lent begins and I leave Oxford on Feb 13th for London and abroad I send you' |
1964 January 26 |
None |
683 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#22 |
1964-03-19, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'I send you my Easter greetings. I left Oxford on February 13th for Tolleshunt' |
1964 March 19 |
None |
684 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#23 |
1964-05-25, Bolshakoff to Barry, Colman, 'Since I received your letter nearly a year ago I had no more news from you and do' |
1964 May 25 |
None |
685 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#24 |
1964-10-21, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'I have no letters from you since last December, although I wrote myself to you three' |
1964 October 21 |
None |
686 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#25 |
1964-10-28, TAL[c] Bolshakoff from Merton, 'Thank you for your recent letter, as usuall [sic] full of interesting news of your' |
1964 October 28 |
None |
687 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#26 |
1964-12-13, TL[c] Bolshakoff from Merton, 'As Christmas approaches once again, I want to send you my best wishes and a token of' |
1964 December 13 |
None |
688 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#27 |
1964-12-20, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'Many thanks for your letter and the cheque, for which I thank very much you and the' |
1964 December 2 |
None |
689 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#28 |
1965-05-08, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'Since I left England in January I didn't write you. My present journey was most' |
1965 May 8 |
None |
690 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#29 |
1965-06-09, TL[c] Bolshakoff from Merton, 'It is always so good to receive your extremely informative and lively letters, but I' |
1965 June 9 |
None |
691 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#30 |
1965-08-19, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'Many thanks for your two letters of June 9th and August 10th, which were forwarded' |
1965 August 19 |
None |
692 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#31 |
1965-10-02, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'Many thanks for your moving letter of Sept 15th, which I received here on my arrival' |
1965 October 2 |
None |
693 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#32 |
1965-10-16, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'Since I wrote to you on October 2nd I received your two articles, which I am' |
1965 October 16 |
None |
694 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#33 |
1965-12-08, TL[c] Bolshakoff from Merton, 'First of all I am taking this occasion to send you a Christmas present from our' |
1965 December 8 |
None |
695 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#34 |
1965-12-13, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'Many thanks for your letter and for your cheque, which I much appreciate. It helps' |
1965 December 13 |
None |
696 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#35 |
1966-08-no-day, TL[x] Bolshakoff to Sobesedniks (circular letter), 'Since I wrote the last letter I travelled [sic] again about and presided the first' |
1966 August |
None |
697 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#36 |
1966-10-24, TL[c] Bolshakoff from Merton, 'I am very much afraid that if I am called to be like Theophane the Recluse a letter' |
1966 October 24 |
None |
698 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#37 |
1966-12-no-day, TL[x] Bolshakoff to Sobesedniks (circular letter), 'Since I wrote my last letter in the end of July there were many developments for the' |
1966 December |
None |
699 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#38 |
1967-03-12, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'I enclose my Eastertide "Letter", which is, possibly, more interesting than the' |
1967 March 12 |
None |
700 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#39 |
1967-04-21, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'Since I sent you on March 12th my letter from Florence with the latest "Letter to' |
1967 April 21 |
None |
701 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#40 |
1967-04-no-day, TL[x] Bolshakoff to Sobesedniks (circular letter), 'I write this letter from Florence in the end of my three-months-long stay in Italy,' |
1967 April |
None |
702 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#41 |
1967-06-09, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'I enclose the "Letter to Sobesedniks" for June, when we observe our feast of June' |
1967 June 9 |
None |
703 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#42 |
1968-04-26, TL[c] Bolshakoff from Merton, 'I am afraid I owe you a deep apology: I have not been able to get your Easter' |
1968 April 26 |
None |
704 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#43 |
1968-07-11, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'Many thanks for your cheque, which you sent to Mont-des-Cats Abbey, as I am' |
1968 July 11 |
None |
705 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#44 |
1994 |
None |
706 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#45 |
undated (#01), other Bolshakoff to Merton, 'The list of people to send the LETTER TO' |
undated |
None |
707 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-084-#46 |
undated (#02), other Bolshakoff, 'A Russian Forerunner of Psychosomatic Medicine [-] STARETZ SEMEN KLIMICH' |
undated |
None |
708 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-085-#01 |
1966-10-14, TALS Bonazzi to Merton, 'John Griffin wrote me as soon as he got back from the Abbey with you and Jacques' |
1966 October 14 |
None |
709 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-085-#02 |
1966-10-19, TAPCS Bonazzi to Merton, 'Thank you so much for the ok on the poem. I will of course makesome [sic] reference' |
1966 October 19 |
None |
710 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-085-#03 |
1967-01-18, HLS Bonazzi to Merton, 'Congratulations on your fantastic poem, "Fall '66", in NY REVIEW (Dec. 15 issue) -- ' |
1967 January 18 |
None |
711 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-085-#04 |
1967-05-13, TL[c] Bonazzi from Merton, 'I have been meaning to write and thank you for the first issue of Latitudes. I' |
1967 May 13 |
None |
712 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-085-#05 |
1967-05-22, TALS Bonazzi to Merton, 'First rule of publishing: a Monk should never allow an editor to edit out what' |
1967 May 22 |
None |
713 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-085-#06 |
1967-09-01, TLS Bonazzi to Merton, 'We have decided to make #3 and #4 a DOUBLE ISSUE for many reasons: 1) to balance' |
1967 September 1 |
None |
714 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-085-#07 |
1967-09-08, TL[c] Bonazzi from Merton, 'Perfectly ok to use the quote from "Letter to Innocent Bystander". And of course to' |
1967 September 8 |
None |
715 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-085-#08 |
1967-09-17, TALS Bonazzi to Merton, 'Have chosen from CABLES what could stand as individual poems. (see carbons from' |
1967 September 17 |
None |
716 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-085-#09 |
1967-09-28, TL[c] Bonazzi from Merton, 'Many thanks for your letter and the returned ms. I am chacking [sic] immediately' |
1967 September 28 |
None |
717 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-085-#10 |
1967-10-03 (#01), TLS[c] Bonazzi from Griffin, John Howard, 'Gregory and I are in a dudgeon over these Merton photos. After we mocked up a first' |
1967 October 3 |
None |
718 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-085-#11 |
1967-10-03 (#02), TN Bonazzi from Griffin, John Howard / to Merton, 'You will probably have the prints from E&F when you receive this. I enclose a' |
1967 October 3 |
None |
719 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-085-#12 |
1967-10-03 (#03), TALS Bonazzi to Merton, 'What a very moving collection of signatures. We are mulling over them now but' |
1967 October 3 |
None |
720 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-085-#13 |
1967-10-08, TALS Bonazzi to Merton, 'Since last writing you we have decided to do a little 20-page quarto to commemorate' |
1967 October 8 (date approximate) |
None |
721 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-085-#14 |
1967-10-09, TLS Bonazzi to Merton, 'Just returned from Griffin's. The photographs are fantastic! We will just flip' |
1967 October 9 |
None |
722 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-085-#15 |
1967-10-10, TL[c] Bonazzi from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter: glad everything is working out. I am happy that you can' |
1967 October 1 |
None |
723 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-085-#16 |
1967-10-15, TLS Bonazzi to Merton, 'Acknowledging your letter which clarified CABLES TO THE [sic] ACE and all news of' |
1967 October 15 |
None |
724 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-085-#17 |
1967-12-06, TLS Bonazzi to Merton, 'John is genuinely frantic about your special issue of Latitudes, concerning' |
1967 December 6 |
None |
725 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-085-#18 |
1967-12-10, TL[c] Bonazzi from Merton, 'I don't see any problems whatever about the copyrights. It seems to me everything' |
1967 December 1 |
None |
726 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-085-#19 |
1967-12-26, TLS Bonazzi to Merton, 'Heard the long almighty & beautiful tape at John Griffin's last weekend and he' |
1967 December 26 |
None |
727 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-085-#20 |
1968-01-31, TLS Bonazzi to Merton, 'Thank you for your note. What is this about starting a magazine of your own? I' |
1968 January 31 |
None |
728 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-085-#21 |
1968-02-29, TL[c] Bonazzi from Merton, 'Sorry for not letting you know sooner about the poems, pix etc. I don't want to' |
1968 February 29 |
None |
729 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-085-#21b |
1997-04-30, TLS Bonazzi to Grip, Robert, 'Thanks so much for your kind letter of 21 April, as well as for the much-needed' |
1968 July 7 |
None |
730 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-085-#22 |
1968-07-07, Bonazzi from Merton, 'I'm sorry everyone is bugging you about Latitudes 5. As a matter of fact I hadn't' |
1997 March 31 |
None |
731 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-085-#23 |
1997-03-31 (#01), TLS Bonazzi to Grip, Robert, 'Thanks so much for the kindly support, the generous clarification of expenses in our' |
1997 March 31 |
None |
732 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-085-#24 |
1997-03-31 (#02), other Bonazzi to Grip, Robert, 'ELIZABETH GRIFFIN-BONAZZI --Widow of John Howard Griffin, wife of 27 years, mother' |
1997 April 3 |
None |
733 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-086-#01 |
1968-08-12, TLS Bond to Merton, 'We would deeply appreciate your reading the enclosed manuscript. Please be aware' |
1968 August 12 |
None |
734 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-086-#02 |
1968-08-16, TL[c] Bond from Merton, 'In the years that have passed since your group came here, I have often thought of' |
1968 August 16 |
None |
735 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-087-#01 |
1958-07-16, HLS Bonner to Merton, 'It is never a bother to me when people inquire about, or drop in to look at, "The' |
1958 July 16 |
None |
736 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-088-#01 |
1968-05-14, TLS Boodoosingh to Merton, 'MYSTICS AND ZEN MASTERS We have at last received the reading copy of the' |
1968 May 14 |
None |
737 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-089-#01 |
1966-02-16, TLS Borgerhoff to Merton, 'Jacques Maritain has asked me to write to you about the problem of finding a' |
1966 February 16 |
None |
738 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-089-#02 |
1966-02-20 (#01), TALS Borgerhoff from Merton, 'First of all I want to say quite candidly that I think that a non-Catholic publisher' |
1966 February 2 |
None |
739 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-089-#03 |
1966-02-20 (#02), TL[c] Borgerhoff from Merton, 'First of all I want to say quite candidly that I think that a non-Catholic publisher' |
1966 February 2 |
None |
740 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-089-#04 |
1966-11-18, HLS Borgerhoff to Merton, 'Jacques has asked me to tell you that he would be extremely grateful if you would' |
1966 November 18 |
None |
741 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-089-#05 |
1967-01-30, TL[c] Borgerhoff from Merton, 'At Jacques' request, I am returning to you the ms of Raissa's Journal. He' |
1967 January 3 |
None |
742 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-089-#06 |
1970-11-06, TLS[x] Borgerhoff to Center from Borgerhoff, Cornelia, 'I take pleasure in donating to the Thomas Merton Studies Center the attached' |
1970 November 6 |
None |
743 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-089-#07 |
1970-11-10, TL[x] Borgerhoff from Center to Borgerhoff, Cornelia, 'Thank you for donating the letter of Thomas Merton to our collection. It will be a' |
1970 November 1 |
None |
744 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-090-#01 |
1964-02-05, HNS Borgstin to Merton, 'Tonight I have read 'The Monk in the Diaspora'. It is splendid; and it touches on' |
1964 February 5 |
None |
745 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-090-#02 |
1964-05-08, TALS Borgstin to Merton, 'Please excuse my long silence. Actually, it would have been a great consolation to' |
1964 May 8 |
None |
746 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-090-#03 |
1965-04-05, HLS Borgstin to Merton, 'Many thanks for the copies of your articles which dome to me from time to time. I' |
1965 April 5 |
None |
747 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-090-#04 |
1966-07-20, TALS Borgstin to Merton, 'Could we have three or four more copies of the revised edition of The Climate of' |
1966 July 2 |
None |
748 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-090-#05 |
1966-07-23, HLS Borgstin to Merton, 'A packet from Gethsemani with Pre-Benedictine Monachism, Series 2, and the poems and' |
1966 July 23 |
None |
749 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-090-#06 |
1966-07-25, TL[c] Borgstin from Merton, 'Many thanks for your kind and detailed letter of July 20 which tells me the final' |
1966 July 25 |
None |
750 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-090-#07 |
1967-08-25, HLS Borgstin to Merton, 'A blessed and joyful feast! All of us here are remembering you specially today, and' |
1967 August 25 |
None |
751 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-090-#08 |
1967-10-14, TL[c] Borgstin from Merton, 'This letter will serve as a joint reply to you and to Dom Aelred who appended a kind' |
1967 October 14 |
None |
752 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-090-#09 |
1968-06-03, HLS Borgstin to Merton, 'The first think we have to thank you for is your good visit - a real joy and source' |
1968 June 3 |
None |
753 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-091-#01 |
1968-05-12, TLS Borton to Merton, 'Four years ago, I came upon one your books. Since that time I have read almost' |
1968 May 12 |
None |
754 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-091-#02 |
1968-05-23 (#01), TALS Borton from Merton, 'Thanks for the confidence you show in me, in presenting your questions about John of' |
1968 May 23 |
None |
755 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-091-#03 |
1968-05-23 (#02), TL[c] Borton from Merton, 'Thanks for the confidence you show in me, in presenting your questions about John of' |
1968 May 23 |
None |
756 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-091-#04 |
1972-08-24, TL[c] Borton from Center to Borton, Cameron, 'Thank you so much for sending us the xeroxed copy of your letter from Thomas Merton.' |
1972 August 24 |
None |
757 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-091-#05 |
1972-08-no-day, TALS[x] Borton to Center from Borton, Cameron, 'I am enclosing a xeroxed copy of the one letter I received from Thomas Merton in' |
1972 August (date approximate) |
None |
758 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-091-#06 |
1972-09-no-day, TLS Borton to Center from Borton, Cameron, 'Thank you for your quick reply to me. I have decided that I want very much for you' |
1972 September (date approximate) |
None |
759 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-092-#01 |
1963-11-01, HLS Boscher to Merton, 'Mon Révérend Père et très cher Père, […] arrivé à Tahiti depuis le [..]' |
1963 November 1 |
None |
760 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-093-#01 |
1954-07-11, HLS Bosco to Merton, 'This will have to be short, because if I don't finish it tonight, I won't be able to' |
1954 July 11 |
None |
761 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-094-#01 |
1964-05-31, TLS Boswell from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter and for the gift. Actually the most personal as well as the' |
1964 May 31 |
None |
762 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-095-#01 |
1968-01-12, TLS Botte to Merton, 'I have to give a set of talks to a group of contemplative nuns in Boston during the' |
1968 January 12 |
None |
763 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-095-#02 |
1968-01-26, TL[c] Botte from Merton, 'The article you refer to has not yet appeared in Spiritual Life. I have a' |
1968 January 26 |
None |
764 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-096-#01 |
1965-01-03, TL[c] Boucher from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter. This cannot be much more than a brief note to say that I' |
1965 January 3 |
None |
765 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-097-#01 |
1961-04-19, TLS Bouchez to Merton, 'Je prends la liberté de vous écrire pour vous demander la permission de publier une' |
1961 April 19 |
None |
766 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-098-#01 |
1967-06-23, TALS Boultwood to Merton, 'May I disturb you for a moment about a very small point? Sheed and Ward are going' |
1967 June 23 |
None |
767 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-099-#01 |
1966-07-11, TL[c] Bourgeouis from Merton, 'I am returning your thoughts which I have read over superficially. Do not think' |
1966 July 11 |
None |
768 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-100-#01 |
1959-09-06, HPCS Bourget to Merton, 'Tamié is all you said it was. Now understand first-hand why our Fathers chose spots' |
1959 September 6 |
None |
769 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-101-#01 |
1965-06-02, TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'I have received the ms of BED AND BOARD and, largely because of your very persuasive' |
1965 June 2 |
None |
770 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-101-#02 |
1965-06-04, TALS Bourne to Merton, 'By all means take your time with Father Capon's book. If you are inspired --' |
1965 June 4 |
None |
771 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#01 |
1951-02-21, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Your prelude to the chant afforded a sort of Laetare Sunday diversion in my Lenten' |
1951 February 21 |
None |
772 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#02 |
1951-05-28, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Your pamphlet on prayer is very good. If I may offer one minor suggestion it is' |
1951 May 28 |
None |
773 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#03 |
1951-09-16, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'Enclosed you will find the document you requested for the edification or something' |
1951 September 16 |
None |
774 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#04 |
1951-09-17, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'An advance copy or your excellent new book, Ascent to Truth, reached us a few days' |
1951 September 17 |
None |
775 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#05 |
1952-03-17, TL[c] Bourne to Merton, 'Your brief sketch of St. John of the Cross is very nice except for one aspect which' |
1952 March 17 |
None |
776 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#06 |
1952-05-02 (#01), TLS Bourne from Merton, 'Could you please look over these two works of art (?) and tell me if they are too' |
1952 May 2 |
None |
777 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#07 |
1952-05-02 (#02), HNS Bourne to Merton, 'I like St John very much but if the lady is St Teresa I think you've missed her' |
1952 May 2 |
None |
778 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#08 |
1952-08-09, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'As we have been directed, I address to you this critique of Father Louis' latest' |
1952 August 9 |
None |
779 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#09 |
1952-09-22, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'In the absence of your dear Rev. Father I take the responsibility of addressing this' |
1952 September 22 |
None |
780 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#10 |
1953-04-30, TLS Bourne from Merton, 'I am rushing to you, tardily, an un-proofread article on St Bernard which has been' |
1953 April 3 |
None |
781 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#11 |
1953-05-22, TALS Bourne from Merton, 'Here is the completed draft of Tower of Babel. I am sending it as a straight' |
1953 May 22 |
None |
782 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#12 |
1953-10-12, HLS Bourne from Merton, 'You will be glad to here that Harcourt Brace is bringing out the Encyclical, with' |
1953 October 12 |
None |
783 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#13 |
1953-10-29, TALS Bourne to Merton, 'This Intro. to Doctor Mellifluus seems to me quite the best thing of this sort you' |
1953 October 29 |
None |
784 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#14 |
1955, other[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Silence in Heaven--- a note to the Father Censors. [-] This text was written for the' |
1955 (date approximate) |
None |
785 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#15 |
1959-01-07, HLS Bourne to Fox, James, 'I'm really distressed at being so in arrears with the censorship. Just after' |
1959 January 7 |
None |
786 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#16 |
1959-03-03, TLS Bourne to Fox, James, 'Have just mailed a most enthusiastic endorsement of 'The Power and Meaning of Love'' |
1959 March 3 |
None |
787 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#17 |
1960-03-01, HLS Bourne to Fox, James, 'First- please tell Fr. Louis to go ahead with his preface to Disputed Questions -' |
1960 March 1 |
None |
788 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#18 |
1960-03-05, TL[x] Bourne from Fox, James, 'Thanks so much for your kind letter of March 1 with the Preface to DISPUTED' |
1960 March 5 |
None |
789 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#19 |
1960-03-no-day, TLS Bourne from Merton to Censors, 'Since objections were raised to the article entitled Vocation to Solitude, the theme' |
1960 March (date approximate) |
None |
790 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#20 |
1960-04-09, TLS Bourne to Fox, James, 'Have just mailed the censorship report on the two brief pieces you refer to in your' |
1960 April 9 |
None |
791 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#21 |
1961-04-17, TLS[x] Bourne from Fox, James, 'We are sending you one of Father Louis', so-called 'little articles'. It is called' |
1961 April 17 |
None |
792 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#22 |
1961-11-30, TLS Bourne to Fox, James, 'You are very thougthful to recall the matter of postage. Now I will be able to enter' |
1961 November 3 (date approximate) |
None |
793 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#23 |
1961-12-16, TLS[c] Bourne from Fox, James, 'We received word from our Most Rev. Abbot General in regard to the article on PEACE' |
1961 December 16 |
None |
794 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#24 |
1962-01-03, HLS Bourne to Fox, James, 'All under control, I trust. Did the best I could by "Peace," and now pray it will' |
1962 January 3 (date approximate) |
None |
795 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#25 |
1962-01-12, TLS[c] Bourne from Fox, James, 'We received your gracious note January 18 with the two manuscripts. Here we go' |
1962 January 12 |
None |
796 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#26 |
1962-01-18, HLS Bourne to Fox, James, 'Here is a returned ms of Fr. Louis - Nuclear War and Frather Jn Eudes article' |
1962 January 18 |
None |
797 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#27 |
1962-01-22 (#01), HCS Bourne to Fox, James, 'Two more "little articles" received and will be cared for. Notice from Rome that Fr.' |
1962 January 22 (date approximate) |
None |
798 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#28 |
1962-01-22 (#02), TLS[c] Bourne from Fox, James, 'We received your gracious note of January 18 with the two manuscripts. Here we go' |
1962 January 22 |
None |
799 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#29 |
1962-01-23, TLS[c] Bourne from Fox, James, 'We certainly are keeping the Air Mail or Postal Clerks busy these days. I just' |
1962 January 23 |
None |
800 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#30 |
1962-01-25, HLS Bourne to Fox, James, 'Somehow, somewhere, I've mislaid the copy of Fr. Louis article on nuclear warfare.' |
1962 January 25 |
None |
801 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#31 |
1962-02-18, HLS Bourne to Fox, James, 'Had word from Fr. Clement that Nuclear War has been cleared for publication.' |
1962 February 18 |
None |
802 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#32 |
1962-02-21, TALS[c] Bourne from Fox, James, 'I received your gracious note of Septuagesima Sunday. Don't worry about the other' |
1962 February 21 |
None |
803 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#33 |
1962-03-06, TALS[c] Bourne from Fox, James, 'Here we come again knocking at your door just as Lent approches, with a little' |
1962 March 6 |
None |
804 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#34 |
1962-04-28, TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'As you know periodically my affairs get in an awful tangle, and they are in one now:' |
1962 April 28 |
None |
805 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#35 |
1963-05-01, TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Here is a problem for you as Head Censor: I hope you can help me unravel it. The' |
1963 May 1 |
None |
806 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#36 |
1963-05-04, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'First of all, I trust you to refrain from any official reference to what I might say' |
1963 May 4 (date approximate) |
None |
807 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#37 |
1964-01-02, HALS Bourne to Merton, 'Judged best not to submit this to formal censorship-- as I don’t know how long it' |
1964 January 2 |
None |
808 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#38 |
1964-01-16, TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Before Dom James took off for the Chapter I had a talk with him about the censorship' |
1964 January 16 |
None |
809 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#39 |
1964-02-01, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Will take care of your Notes on Art etc at once. For the records' |
1964 February 1 |
None |
810 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#40 |
1964-03-10, TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'This little item here had better be sent to you I think. It has been offered by a' |
1964 March 1 |
None |
811 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#41 |
1964-03-13, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Taking all factors into account I can't see that this little piece requires' |
1964 March 13 |
None |
812 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#42 |
1964-05-27, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'You should have your green light for the Diaspora very soon; but meanwhile I've run' |
1964 May 27 |
None |
813 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#43 |
1964-06-03, TAL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Many thanks to you and Fr Charles for your good work: the approval from Rome' |
1964 June 3 |
None |
814 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#44 |
1964-07-18, TAL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Many thanks for returning the articles. I suppose there is a new system under way. ' |
1964 July 18 |
None |
815 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#45 |
1964-07-27, TALS Bourne from Merton, 'Here is the text of a preface to a book on Shaker furniture. It will certainly' |
1964 July 27 |
None |
816 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#46 |
1964-07-no-day, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'I don't know what's going on, censorshipwise, at the Generalate. I get no response' |
1964 July (date approximate) |
None |
817 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#47 |
1964-08-06, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Since Commonweal themselves have been recently bewailing their circulation one can' |
1964 August 6 |
None |
818 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#48 |
1964-08-11, TAL[c] Bourne to Merton, 'Thanks for your last letter and your green light on Honest to God for the' |
1964 August 11 |
None |
819 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#49 |
1964-08-24, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'By all means go ahead with Few Questions: Fewer Answers. I read it without the' |
1964 August 24 |
None |
820 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#50 |
1965-01-18 (#01), TLS Bourne from Merton, 'I am sending two copies of a preface which I wrote thinking that probably it would' |
1965 January 18 |
None |
821 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#51 |
1965-01-18 (#02), TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'I am sending two copies of a preface which I wrote thinking that probably it would' |
1965 January 18 |
None |
822 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#52 |
1965-01-18 (#03), other Bourne from Merton, 'Forty - Three Signatures [-] an exhibit of Drawings [-] by Thomas' |
1965 January 18 |
None |
823 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#53 |
1965-01-18 (#04), other Bourne from Merton, 'The Drawings of Thomas Merton [-] A NOTE BY THE ARTIST [-] Since judgments are' |
1965 January 18 |
None |
824 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#54 |
1965-01-18 (#05), other Bourne |
1965 January 18 |
None |
825 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#55 |
1965-01-22, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Your Berrigan preface strikes me as quite conservative - for 1965 - and I see no' |
1965 January 22 |
None |
826 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#56 |
1965-01-25, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Mille pardons! I just picked up your brochure on the drawings and realized for the' |
1965 January 25 |
None |
827 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#57 |
1965-02-04, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Turn about is fair play - the enclosed is an article by me for you to censor. ' |
1965 February 4 (date approximate) |
None |
828 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#58 |
1965-02-12, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Forgive this delay re your rubbings, but we have not been idle. The Museum is' |
1965 February 12 |
None |
829 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#59 |
1965-04-15, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Mille pardons. Really I'm all confused. Just came across most of this on my desk' |
1965 April 15 |
None |
830 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#60 |
1965-10-07, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'After getting your poem out of the file an hour ago I've now utterly lost it. No' |
1965 October 7 |
None |
831 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#61 |
1965-11-22 (#01), TLS Bourne from Merton, 'Next Spring New Directions is bringing out a paperback selection of various prose' |
1965 November 22 |
None |
832 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#62 |
1965-11-22 (#02), TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Next Spring New Directions is bringing out a paperback selection of various prose' |
1965 November 22 |
None |
833 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#63 |
1966-05-15, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Here is your article. Fr Chas is the other censor so I'm sure its quite all right' |
1966 May 15 |
None |
834 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#64 |
1966-11-30, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Always a pleasure to have a word from you. How I wish I had a valid eremitical' |
1966 November 3 |
None |
835 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#65 |
1967-01-18, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Don't worry about your ms. All is under control. Have you read Dewart's Future' |
1967 January 18 |
None |
836 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#66 |
1967-06-23, TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Here is the ms of a book of poems-- or rather a mosaic of poetry and poetic prose,' |
1967 June 23 |
None |
837 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#67 |
1967-06-28, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Don't fret about censorship. I've about reached the point where I consider it' |
1967 June 28 |
None |
838 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#68 |
1967-06-30 (#01), TLS Bourne from Merton, 'Thanks for your kind letter. I do hope we can reach some kind of real openness on' |
1967 June 3 |
None |
839 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#69 |
1967-06-30 (#02), TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Thanks for your kind letter. I do hope we can reach some kind of real openness on' |
1967 June 3 |
None |
840 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#70 |
1968-06-03, TL[x] Bourne from Martin, Frederick R., 'Father Thomas Merton has asked me to send a set of uncorrected galleys for his' |
1968 June 3 |
None |
841 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#71 |
1968-09-03, HNS Bourne from Merton, 'Will you please do whatever is necessary to process this new book of verse? [-] Many' |
1968 September 3 |
None |
842 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#72 |
1973-11-30, TLS[x] Bourne from Center to Bourne, Paul, 'Mr. Victor Kramer at Georgia State University has requested permission to look at' |
1973 November 3 |
None |
843 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#73 |
1973-12-04, HLS Bourne to Center from Bourne, Paul, 'As a Trappist monk of ancient vintage with no place to store things I never saved' |
1973 December 4 |
None |
844 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#74 |
1973-12-05, TAL[c] Bourne from Center to Bourne, Paul, 'I have just finished a fascinating experience of going through the Thomas Merton' |
1973 December 5 |
None |
845 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#75 |
undated-09-21 (#01), HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Of course you may keep your New Yorker section intact! It was really rather' |
undated September 21 |
None |
846 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#76 |
undated (#02), HNS Bourne to Merton, 'Fret not about your novel - I'm not supposed to be reading novels so how could I' |
undated |
None |
847 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#77 |
undated (#03), HLS Bourne to Merton, 'There used to be an old woman around the parish at 59th St. who specialized in' |
undated |
None |
848 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#78 |
undated (#04), HNS Bourne to Merton, 'P. 17 of #7 (Eng. Mystics) is missing - we did not lose it! […] The report from' |
undated |
None |
849 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#79 |
undated (#05), HNS Bourne from Merton, 'I presume a prayer for peace will not be stigmatized at unmonastic - anyway' |
undated |
None |
850 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#80 |
undated (#06), HNS Bourne from Merton, 'This pamphlet for visitors and postulants is essentially the same as the Life at' |
undated |
None |
851 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#81 |
undated (#07), other Bourne |
undated |
None |
852 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#82 |
undated (#08), HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Thought you might like to see our new Guide. The text was not easy to write - just' |
undated |
None |
853 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-102-#83 |
undated (#09), other[x] Bourne from Merton, 'Do you think they require censoring?? In Jesu f m Louis [-] By no means!' |
undated |
None |
854 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-103-#01 |
1966-12-15, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'Our very good friend and consultant, Dr. Abraham Heschel, has told us of your' |
1966 December 15 |
None |
855 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-103-#02 |
1966-12-27, TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter of the 15th, which gives me a much clearer idea of the' |
1966 December 27 |
None |
856 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-103-#03 |
1967-01-05, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'Your kind letter arrived just in time for me to share it with the project's' |
1967 January 5 |
None |
857 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-103-#04 |
1967-01-07, TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter of the 5th which reached me this morning. I still have not' |
1967 January 7 |
None |
858 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-103-#05 |
1967-01-27, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'It certainly was kind of you to entertain me at such length and so well when I was' |
1967 January 27 |
None |
859 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-103-#06 |
1967-02-15, TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Thanks for your letterof [sic] Jan.27 and above all for the splendid book on' |
1967 February 15 |
None |
860 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-103-#07 |
1967-02-17, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'Thanks for your note. I was very pleased to hear that you see no big obstacle' |
1967 February 17 |
None |
861 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-103-#08 |
1967-02-24 (#02), TL[c] Bourne from Stone, Naomi Burton, 'Many thanks for yours of February 17th and the enclosed document. Perhaps I didn't' |
1967 February 24 |
None |
862 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-103-#09 |
1967-05-22, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'Last week at a small conference of our Bible consultants I was able to grab the' |
1967 May 22 |
None |
863 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-103-#10 |
1967-06-07, TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter of May 22nd. I am still certainly hoping to see you and Dr' |
1967 June 7 |
None |
864 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-103-#11 |
1967-09-24, TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'I am enclosing a tentative plan for my introduction to the opening volume of the' |
1967 September 24 |
None |
865 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-103-#12 |
1967-09-28, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'Many thanks for your outline which has just arrived. It looks interesting and full' |
1967 September 28 |
None |
866 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-103-#13 |
1968-02-26, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'Enclosed for your interest is a copy of Dr. James Sander's Introduction to the Old' |
1968 February 26 |
None |
867 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-103-#14 |
1968-03-09, TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Thanks for sending me Dr Sanders' OT introduction. I have just glanced at it so far' |
1968 March 9 |
None |
868 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-103-#15 |
1968-03-13, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'You're right that the best place for your piece would be in the position between the' |
1968 March 13 |
None |
869 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-103-#16 |
1968-03-28, TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Well, you turned the tables on me. I was happy to see your concrete poem. There is' |
1968 March 28 |
None |
870 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-104-#01 |
1963-11-13, HPCS Bousquet to Merton, 'Comme chaque année, je vous envoie mon meilleur souvenir à l'occasion de' |
1963 November 13 |
None |
871 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-105-#01 |
1951-11-17, TLS[x] Boutoute from Merton, 'Cette lettre vous surprendra à première vue, mais plus dutout lorsque je vous aurai' |
1951 November 17 |
None |
872 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-106-#01 |
1968-07-30, TLS Bowers to Merton, 'We write to canvass your availability to contribute a paper to a conference being' |
1968 July 3 |
None |
873 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-106-#02 |
1968-08-03, TL[c] Bowers from Merton, 'Your invitation is an attractive one indeed. I wish I could accept it. ' |
1968 August 3 |
None |
874 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-107-#01 |
1966-11-08, HLS Bowman from Bowman, R. M., Mrs. / to Editors of Harpers, 'As a Unitarian and a Humanist I wish to thank Father Thomas Merton for his sensitive' |
1966 November 8 |
None |
875 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-108-#01 |
1967-10-09, TLS Boyd to Merton, 'Thanks for your permission to send the releases about your fields of interest to' |
1967 October 9 |
None |
876 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-108-#02 |
1967-11-06, other Boyd to Merton, '[…] A HERMIT'S PREFERENCES Seabury Press recently sent Thomas Merton an author' |
1967 November 6 |
None |
877 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-108-#03 |
1967-11-09, TLS Boyd to Merton, 'I thought you would like to see the attached tear sheet from Publisher's Weekly. ' |
1967 November 9 |
None |
878 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-109-#01 |
1967-04-23, HLS Boyd to Merton, 'I realize any sort of letters are unwelcome but after reading "Can We Survive' |
1967 April 23 |
None |
879 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-110-#01 |
1967-03-20, TL[c] Boyd from Merton, 'You are the first person who ever picked me out as an authority on music. I cannot' |
1967 March 2 |
None |
880 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-110-#02 |
1967-03-no-day, HLS Boyd to Merton, 'I'm interested in Ky. History and in the 7th grade we are keeping a scrapbook of' |
1967 March (date approximate) |
None |
881 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-111-#01 |
1964-03-13, TL[c] Bozarth from Merton, 'Unfortunately a rather heavy schedule makes it impossible for me to answer your' |
1964 March 13 |
None |
882 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-112-#01 |
undated, TL Bracali to Merton, 'Vi ho scritto già altre volte e sempre i Trappisti non mi hanno fatto mancare il' |
undated |
None |
883 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-113-#01 |
1965-08-23, HLS Bracken to Merton, 'Father Francis, who is at present risking his life among what St. Bernard so' |
1965 August 23 |
None |
884 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-113-#02 |
1965-09-06, TL[c] Bracken from Merton, 'Thanks for your good letter. I will have some material sent to you, and I hope you' |
1965 September 6 |
None |
885 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-114-#01 |
1967-06-02, TL[c] Brady from Merton, 'It seems to me that if you can go as far as Hawaii you might as well go to Japan. ' |
1967 June 2 |
None |
886 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-115-#01 |
1965-05-28, HLS Brahmachari to Merton, 'My heart-felt thanks for your remembrance. You so kindly remember me as I do you so' |
1965 May 28 |
None |
887 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-115-#02 |
1965-08-08, TL[c] Brahmachari from Merton, 'It was a delight to get your letter dated May 28th, and I am sorry to see that so' |
1965 August 8 |
None |
888 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-116-#01 |
1964-09-14, TLS Brandt to Merton, 'Perhaps you will remember me. Back in Easter, '56, when Fr. Hilary was guestmaster,' |
1964 September 14 |
None |
889 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-116-#02 |
1964-09-27 (#01), TL[c] Brandt from Merton, 'It was good to hear from you, and I think I have a fairly clear memory of your' |
1964 September 27 |
None |
890 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-116-#03 |
1964-09-27 (#02), TL[c] Brandt from Merton, 'It was good to hear from you, and I think I have a fairly clear memory of your' |
1964 September 27 |
None |
891 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-116-#04 |
1966-11-23, other Brandt, 'A hermit-monk was ordained as a priest at Canadian Martyrs Church here in the first' |
1966 November 23 |
None |
892 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-117-#01 |
1964-08-11, TL[c] Brasier-Creagh from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter of July 21st. I am slow in replying, and yet this is' |
1964 August 11 |
None |
893 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-118-#01 |
1967-10-11, TLS Braveman to Merton, 'Thank you most sincerely for allowing freelance to print "Newscast," one of' |
1967 October 11 |
None |
894 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-118-#02 |
1967-10-19, TL[c] Braveman from Merton, 'Thanks for Freelance: a pleasant surprise and a good alive magazine. I have' |
1967 October 19 |
None |
895 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-118-#03 |
1967-10-26, TALS Braveman to Merton, 'If this turns out to be the unorganized mess I fear it will be, "Forgive me Father,' |
1967 October 26 |
None |
896 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-118-#04 |
1967-11-06, TL[c] Braveman from Merton, 'Thanks for the extra copies, for the feedback on the poem and all. For many reasons' |
1967 November 6 |
None |
897 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-118-#05 |
1968-03-21, TLS Braveman to Merton, 'In your letter of November 6 you mentioned the possibility of being able to meet' |
1968 March 21 |
None |
898 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-118-#06 |
1968-04-28, TLS Braveman to Merton, 'Thank you so much for all you did with Sue and Sandy. Whether Sue will ever come' |
1968 April 28 |
None |
899 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-119-#01 |
1960-05-09, TLS[x] Brazzel from Merton, 'After all your notes and good wishes I know we are really friends, and I hope we' |
1960 May 9 |
None |
900 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-120-#01 |
1967-11-28, HLS Bredenberg to Merton, 'I first read your name a little less than a year ago when I noticed an article you' |
1967 November 28 |
None |
901 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-120-#02 |
1967-12-11, TL[c] Bredenberg from Merton, 'Denise Levertov was here yesterday and in our good visit together I was reminded of' |
1967 December 11 |
None |
902 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-120-#03 |
1967-12-19, TLS Bredenberg to Merton, 'How pleased I was to receive your very warm letter! The answers to my questions' |
1967 December 19 |
None |
903 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-120-#04 |
1968-02-12, HLS Bredenberg to Merton, 'If this note seems rather messy and hurried, it's because I'm sitting in the Retreat' |
1968 February 12 |
None |
904 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-120-#05 |
1968-02-22, TL[c] Bredenberg from Merton, 'Thanks so much for your letter and the magazines. I appreciate your comments on the' |
1968 February 22 |
None |
905 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-120-#06 |
1968-03-no-day, HLS Bredenberg to Merton, 'I'm writing this in a café on the outskirts of Denver, Colorado. Since school got' |
1968 March (date approximate) |
None |
906 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-120-#07 |
1968-04-03, HLS Bredenberg to Merton, 'Here at last is a poem. It's one that I was more excited about around 3 weeks ago,' |
1968 April 3 |
None |
907 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-120-#08 |
1968-04-22, TL[c] Bredenberg from Merton, 'Thanks so much for your two letters and the poem. You are very adventurous: that' |
1968 April 22 |
None |
908 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-121-#01 |
1968-06-18, TLS Breitenbeck to Merton, 'It looks like I spend most of my time on the road - but not in behalf of myself. I' |
1968 June 18 |
None |
909 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-121-#02 |
1968-06-21, TL[c] Breitenbeck from Merton, 'I appreciate your kind letter of the 18th and I'm glad to hear at least a temporary' |
1968 June 21 |
None |
910 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-121-#03 |
1968-07-05, TL[c] Breitenbeck from Merton, 'I appreciate your kind note, and I want to say that I wish I were free to be of more' |
1968 July 5 |
None |
911 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-121-#04 |
1968-07-no-day, HLS Breitenbeck to Merton, 'This is hurried because I am home only a few hours. I was sorry to hear you can't' |
1968 July (date approximate) |
None |
912 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-121-#05 |
1968-09-20, TALS Breitenbeck to Merton, 'For your confidential information I wish to assure you that I have received the' |
1968 September 2 |
None |
913 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-122-#01 |
1968-03-11, TLS Brennan to Merton, 'This letter is a "begging letter"--one which I hope you will listen to with an open' |
1968 March 11 |
None |
914 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-122-#02 |
1968-03-19, TL[c] Brennan from Merton, 'Thanks for your kind letter. I am very interested in the idea of "Houses of Prayer"' |
1968 March 19 |
None |
915 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-122-#03 |
1968-03-30, TLS Brennan to Merton, 'Obviously your letter was a keen disappointment to me. At the risk of importuning' |
1968 March 3 |
None |
916 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-122-#04 |
1968-04-09, TL[c] Brennan from Merton, 'You have more or less put your finger on the problem.I [sic] have a new young Abbot' |
1968 April 9 |
None |
917 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-122-#05 |
1968-07-07, HLS Brennan to Merton, 'At least this begging pen of mine will be still for a while and I will not write any' |
1968 July 7 |
None |
918 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-122-#06 |
1968-07-11, TL[c] Brennan from Merton, 'Thanks for your kind letter. I think we are working our way towards a solution. I' |
1968 July 11 |
None |
919 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-123-#01 |
1952-07-08, HLS Brenson to Merton, 'I am writing you on behalf of a group of poets and artists who are at present' |
1952 July 8 |
None |
920 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-124-#01 |
1968-05-20, TLS Brett to Merton, 'I am writing you for two reasons. I hope I don't waste your valuable time. A' |
1968 May 2 |
None |
921 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-125-#01 |
1964-03-17, HLS Bridget to Merton, 'Sorry, I forgot to insert the M. before your name! I know this is a poor time to' |
1964 March 17 |
None |
922 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-125-#02 |
1964-03-31 (#01), TAL[c] Bridget from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter and for the magazine. I have the magazine in the pile of' |
1964 March 31 |
None |
923 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-125-#03 |
1964-03-31 (#02), TALS[x] Bridget from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter and for the magazine. I have the magazine in the pile of' |
1964 March 31 |
None |
924 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-125-#04 |
1964-08-no-day, TLS[x] Bridget from Merton, 'I forget if I wrote about the dates for Mrs Harton. In fact I don't remember' |
1964 August (date approximate) |
None |
925 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-125-#05 |
1964-09-no-day, HLS[x] Bridget from Merton, 'I will be expecting Mrs Harton and her holy companions, including you I hope, Oct.' |
1964 September (date approximate) |
None |
926 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-125-#06 |
1964-10-21, TALS Bridget to Merton, 'I have very much to say and may wind up saying little of it, but before I begin...' |
1964 October 21 |
None |
927 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-125-#07 |
1964-12-28, TLS Bridget to Merton, 'Happy Feast. I pray this finds you filled with the love, joy and peace of this' |
1964 December 28 |
None |
928 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-125-#08 |
1965-06-14, TALS Bridget to Merton, 'The Sister-in-charge for the summer has just offered me a grand birthday present --' |
1965 June 14 |
None |
929 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-125-#09 |
1965-06-19 (#01), TL[c] Bridget from Merton, 'Congratulations on the birthday and thanks for your letter. I hope this reply' |
1965 June 19 |
None |
930 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-125-#10 |
1965-06-19 (#02), TLS[x] Bridget from Merton, 'Congratulations on the birthday and thanks for your letter. I hope this reply' |
1965 June 19 |
None |
931 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-125-#11 |
1972-10-26, TLS Bridget to Center from Allchin, Arthur MacDonald, and Sr. Bridget, 'Thank you for your letter of August 7th about my correspondence with Thomas Merton. ' |
1972 October 26 |
None |
932 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-125-#12 |
1973-01-24, TLS Bridget to Center from Bridget, Sr., 'I am writing on behalf of Father Allchin and myself with regard to our' |
1973 January 24 |
None |
933 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-125-#13 |
1973-01-29, TL[x] Bridget from Center to Bridget, Sr., 'Many thanks for your letter of January 25th. Yes, it was good that you sent the' |
1973 January 29 |
None |
934 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-125-#14 |
1973-02-12, TL[x] Bridget from Center to Bridget, Sr., 'Thank you very much for your letter of January 24, 1973, and the attached' |
1973 February 12 |
None |
935 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-126-#01 |
1968-01-22 (#01), TLS Brigham to Merton, 'Passed on to me through Keith Wilson an 'invitation' to submit to Monks Pond. Are' |
1968 January 22 |
None |
936 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-126-#02 |
1968-01-22 (#02), other Brigham to Merton, 'Besmilr Brigham--- drag sheet [-] Biography-- Choctaw (French, Irish and' |
1968 January 22 (date approximate) |
None |
937 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-126-#03 |
1968-02-28 (#01), TLS Brigham from Merton, 'Thanks for your most generous letter, stock of poems, offer of addresses,' |
1968 February 28 |
None |
938 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-126-#04 |
1968-02-28 (#02), TL[c] Brigham from Merton, 'Thanks for your most generous letter, stock of poems, offer of addresses,' |
1968 February 28 |
None |
939 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-126-#05 |
1968-03-no-day, TLS Brigham to Merton, 'I hope you will not regret asking for my poems: I am sending you The Tiger' |
1968 March (date approximate) |
None |
940 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-126-#06 |
1968-04-28 (#01), TALS Brigham from Merton, 'Such a long time I have your Tiger and letters, and finally I want to answer. How' |
1968 April 28 |
None |
941 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-126-#07 |
1968-04-28 (#02), TAL[c] Brigham from Merton, 'Such a long time I have your Tiger and letters, and finally I want to answer. How' |
1968 April 28 |
None |
942 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-126-#08 |
1968-08-31, TLS Brigham from Merton, 'I8m [sic] returning what's left of your beautiful book. Have used and pilfered for' |
1968 August 31 |
None |
943 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-126-#09 |
1968-09-06, TLS Brigham to Merton, 'No, Mpond 3 hasn't arrived yet; sure it will in a day or two--. Book is with' |
1968 September 6 |
None |
944 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-126-#10 |
1970-10-14, TLS[x] Brigham to Center from Brigham, Besmilr, 'I will be glad to contribute my correspondence with Thomas Merton to your Studies' |
1970 October 14 |
None |
945 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-126-#11 |
1971-03-14, TLS[x] Brigham to Center from Brigham, Besmilr, 'I notice that I never did write out the quote mentioned in the letter that' |
1971 March 14 |
None |
946 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-126-#12 |
1971-03-22, TL[c] Brigham from Center to Brigham, Besmilr, 'Thank you for your letter of March 14, together with the one of last October 14. We' |
1971 March 22 |
None |
947 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-126-#13 |
1971-04-17, TLS[x] Brigham to Center from Brigham, Besmilr, 'You will see that our correspondence was not extensive, that it was a brief' |
1971 April 17 |
None |
948 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-126-#14 |
1971-04-27, TL[c] Brigham from Center to Brigham, Besmilr, 'Thank you so much for the three original letters you sent us that Thomas Merton had' |
1971 April 27 |
None |
949 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-127-#01 |
1967-05-30, TLS Brilliant to Merton, 'Thank you for the poem, Originators, which we will put, with your permission, in' |
1967 May 3 |
None |
950 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-127-#02 |
1967-08-17, TALS Brilliant to Merton, 'Enclosed is a proof of your poem, The Originators which we intend to' |
1967 August 17 |
None |
951 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-127-#03 |
1967-08-21, TL[c] Brilliant from Merton, 'I am returning the proof immediately. Very beautiful. I like the woodcuts' |
1967 August 21 |
None |
952 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-127-#04 |
1967-08-24, TLS Brilliant to Merton, 'You must tell me the appropriate way to address you. I am reading WATERS OF SILOE' |
1967 August 24 |
None |
953 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-127-#05 |
1967-09-02, TL[c] Brilliant from Merton, 'Must answer you together as I can hardly keep up with mail in any case. I have' |
1967 September 2 |
None |
954 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-127-#06 |
1968-02-27, TLS Brilliant to Merton, 'Teo and I received the Merton/Lax yesterday. In the morning, we went to the' |
1968 February 27 |
None |
955 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-128-#01 |
1967-02-12, TL[c] Britton from Merton, 'I have no qualms in saying I like your ms, but selling it is another thing again. ' |
1967 February 12 |
None |
956 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-128-#02 |
1967-10-26 (#01), TL[c] Britton from Merton, 'I have looked over your manuscript and it has many good things in it. But' |
1967 October 26 |
None |
957 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-128-#03 |
1967-10-no-day, HLS Britton to Merton, 'About two years ago I sent you 30 or 40 pages of poetry and received a newsletter in' |
1967 October (date approximate) |
None |
958 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-129-#01 |
1967-04-14, TLS Brock to Merton, 'In August the Thomas More Association will publish the 1968 Catholic Book' |
1967 April 14 |
None |
959 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-130-#01 |
1964-03-04, TL[c] Brooks from Merton, 'When I observe that your letter was written on January 30th and when I see this date' |
1964 March 4 |
None |
960 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-131-#01 |
1964-08-26, TLS Broussard to Drury, Thomas J., Bishop, 'As you had suggested in my interview with you recently, I spoke with Father Bernard' |
1964 August 26 |
None |
961 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-131-#02 |
1964-08-28, TLS Broussard to Merton, 'This letter is accompanied by the sincere hope that you will pardon my presumption' |
1964 August 28 |
None |
962 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-131-#03 |
1964-09-23, TL[c] Broussard from Merton, 'For many reasons I have been delayed in replying to your letter. Naturally I have' |
1964 September 23 |
None |
963 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-132-#01 |
1968-07-25, TLS Brown to Merton, 'I am reading your book, Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander, which I find both' |
1968 July 25 |
None |
964 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-132-#02 |
1968-08-07, TL[c] Brown from Merton, 'Thanks for your kind letter. I am certainly happy to think that so sound a judge as' |
1968 August 7 |
None |
965 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-133-#01 |
1967-05-15, TLS Brown to Merton, 'Under separate cover I am sending you a book which is a kind of thankyou for your' |
1967 May 15 |
None |
966 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-133-#02 |
1967-06-19 (#01), TL[c] Brown from Merton, 'Thanks for your note and for the book and for the reprint. And above all thanks for' |
1967 June 19 |
None |
967 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-133-#03 |
1967-06-19 (#02), TLS[x] Brown from Merton, 'Thanks for your note and for the book and for the reprint. And above all thanks for' |
1967 June 19 |
None |
968 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-134-#01 |
1966-12-24, HLS Brown to Merton, 'Having done the Library of Congress reply to the McGill U. query on this topic for' |
1966 December 24 |
None |
969 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-135-#01 |
1966-06-30, TALS Brown to Merton, 'I am writing on behalf of the Arts Festival Committee of McMaster University' |
1966 June 3 |
None |
970 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-136-#01 |
1963-12-04, TLS Browne to Merton, 'Hawthorn is a familiar name to you I know. And I hope you remember the Daniel-Rops' |
1963 December 4 |
None |
971 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-136-#02 |
1963-12-12, TAL[c] Browne from Merton, 'It was good to hear from you and receive the proofs of Daniel-Rops' book. I am glad' |
1963 December 12 |
None |
972 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-137-#01 |
1947-06-17, TLS[x] Bruce to Fox, James, 'Enclosed is a letter which we have just written to Father Louis concerning "Exile' |
1947 June 17 |
None |
973 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-137-#02 |
1948-07-13, TLS Bruce to Merton, 'Thanks very much for your thoughtfulness in sending us the list of your friends to' |
1948 July 13 |
None |
974 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-137-#03 |
1948-08-09, TLS Bruce to Merton, 'Some years ago a Jesuit telephoned me to say that a very dear friend of ours, a' |
1948 August 9 |
None |
975 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-137-#04 |
1949-06-23, TL Bruce to Merton, 'Thank you for your letter of June 21st regarding the title for the Lutgarde' |
1949 June 23 |
None |
976 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-138-#01 |
1967-04-22, TLS Bruteau to Merton, 'The enclosed is a 'religious entertainment'--not exactly a play--on some of the' |
1967 April 22 |
None |
977 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-138-#02 |
1967-05-13, TL[c] Bruteau from Merton, 'I am sorry I have not responded sooner. Pandora's Box is wonderful. Just' |
1967 May 13 |
None |
978 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-139-#01 |
1960-05-31, HLS Bruyn to Merton, 'Thank you for your letter and for the articles - I was most interested, especially' |
1960 May 31 |
None |
979 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-139-#02 |
1963-02-15, TLS Bruyn to Merton, 'M. Jacques Maritain has told me that you are translating his wife's poems, and that' |
1963 February 15 |
None |
980 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-139-#03 |
1963-02-23, TL[c] Bruyn from Merton, 'Since Jacques Maritain told me of your project, I have been expecting your letter. ' |
1963 February 23 |
None |
981 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-139-#04 |
1963-07-18, TALS Bruyn to Merton, 'I am writing by return, because you are anxious about Jacques Maritain, and so' |
1963 July 18 |
None |
982 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-139-#05 |
1963-09-08, TALS Bruyn to Merton, 'Thank you very much for all those mimeographed things - I simply cannot tell you how' |
1963 September 8 |
None |
983 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-139-#06 |
1963-10-15, TAL[c] Bruyn from Merton, 'The Feast of St Theresa is as good a day as any for a letter to Stanbrook, and I' |
1963 October 15 |
None |
984 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-139-#07 |
1963-11-04, TALS Bruyn to Merton, 'Raissa's anniversary, and the 8th will be my father's, when I hope you will say a' |
1963 November 4 |
None |
985 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-139-#08 |
1964-01-02, TAL[c] Bruyn from Merton, 'I see some time has gone by since your letter of November 4th and we are all now' |
1964 January 2 |
None |
986 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-139-#09 |
1964-01-25, TALS Bruyn to Merton, 'I have a great deal to thank you for besides your letter - the mimeographed things,' |
1964 January 25 |
None |
987 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-139-#10 |
1964-02-24 (#01), TL[c] Bruyn from Merton, 'This is chiefly to wish you many blessings and graces on March 12th and to say how' |
1964 February 24 |
None |
988 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-139-#11 |
1964-02-24 (#02), TALS[x] Bruyn from Merton, 'This is chiefly to wish you many blessings and graces on March 12th and to say how' |
1964 February 24 |
None |
989 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-139-#12 |
1964-08-25, TALS Bruyn to Merton, 'This was meant to arrive in time for your feast, but even if it took off instantly,' |
1964 August 25 |
None |
990 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-139-#13 |
1964-09-14, other Bruyn to Merton, 'I thought this would interest you, if you do not already know the book, which is one' |
1964 September 14 |
None |
991 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-139-#14 |
1964-10-29, TAL[c] Bruyn from Merton, 'How many letters do I owe you? I blush to think of it. Please forgive me. (I have' |
1964 October 29 |
None |
992 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-139-#15 |
1965-02-12, TALS Bruyn to Merton, 'I did not get round to writing to you for your fiftieth birthday, but I remembered' |
1965 February 12 |
None |
993 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-139-#16 |
1965-03-28, TL[c] Bruyn from Merton, 'Many thanks for your letter. I want to say that I said Mass for you and Stanbrook' |
1965 March 28 |
None |
994 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-139-#17 |
1965-06-16, TL[c] Bruyn from Merton, 'First, since you mention the prospectus at the top of your letter, I will say "yes"' |
1965 June 16 |
None |
995 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-139-#18 |
1966-01-25, TALS Bruyn to Merton, 'I have thought about you a great deal, but refrained from writing until your' |
1966 January 25 |
None |
996 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-139-#19 |
1966-02-01, TL[c] Bruyn from Merton, 'Certainly I do not regard monastic letters as a distraction and I was glad to hear' |
1966 February 1 |
None |
997 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-139-#20 |
1966-04-17, HLS[x] Bruyn from Merton, 'At least I have the joy of reading your fine translations of Raissa, and the book' |
1966 April 17 |
None |
998 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-139-#21 |
1966-06-08, TALS Bruyn to Merton, 'At the risk of appearing again too soon, I write to know how you are. I was' |
1966 June 8 |
None |
999 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-139-#22 |
1966-08-no-day, TLS[x] Bruyn from Merton, '[..] way. The hunters around here are wild shots. Lightning strikes trees all around' |
1966 August (date approximate) |
None |
1000 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-139-#23 |
1966-09-03, TALS Bruyn to Merton, 'Thank you for welcome and cheering letter, also for interesting autobiographical' |
1966 September 3 |
None |
1001 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-139-#24 |
1967-01-25, TALS Bruyn to Merton, 'A very happy birthday to you - don't forget it is also my feast, and pray for me' |
1967 January 25 |
None |
1002 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-139-#25 |
undated, other[x] Bruyn, 'He abideth patiently He forgiveth easily He understandeth mercifully He' |
undated |
None |
1003 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-140-#01 |
1968-04-19, telegram Bryan to Merton, 'WILL BE WHERE WE WERE OR NEAR BETWEEN 12:00 - 4:00 PM EACH HOUR ON HOUR SUNDAY' |
1968 April 19 |
None |
1004 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-141-#01 |
1963, TL[c] Bryan from Merton, 'The thing I forgot was this. It is really no special problem but I thought for once' |
1963 (date approximate) |
None |
1005 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-141-#02 |
1966-05-08, TLS Bryan to Merton, 'That letter of your received in July has been waiting an answer for many a month. I' |
1966 May 8 |
None |
1006 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-141-#03 |
1966-05-27, TL[c] Bryan from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter. I was glad to hear from you, though I well understand that' |
1966 May 27 |
None |
1007 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-142-#01 |
1965-07-14, HLS Brzatynska to Merton, 'Excuse me my writing to you: I know, I mustn't write so often, to disturb you. ' |
1965 July 14 |
None |
1008 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-142-#02 |
1965-07-22, TL[c] Brzatynska from Merton, 'I will answer your good letter without delay, because otherwise I will put it aside' |
1965 July 22 |
None |
1009 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-143-#01 |
1979-11-23, TLS[x] Bstan-'dzin-rgya-mtsho to George, James, 'Thank you for your letter. I was very happy to have the opportunity of meeting you' |
1979 November 23 |
None |
1010 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-143-#02 |
1984-01-01, TCS Bstan-'dzin-rgya-mtsho to Gethsemani Abbey, 'With Best Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New' |
1984 January 1 |
None |
1011 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-143-#03 |
1987-09-19, other Bstan-'dzin-rgya-mtsho, 'A Long Look Homeward [-] An Interview with the Dalai Lama of Tibet [-] Glenn H.' |
1987 September 19 |
None |
1012 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-144-#01 |
1953, other[x] Bucher from Merton, 'to Fathe Vitus of the clerics of St. John's Abbey - from the scholastics of Our Lady' |
1953 (date approximate) |
None |
1013 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-145-#01 |
1967-04-04, TLS Buckley to Merton, 'I write to inquire whether your schedule of commitments might permit you to do the' |
1967 April 4 |
None |
1014 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-145-#02 |
1967-04-08, TL[c] Buckley from Merton, 'Thanks for your kind letter of April 4th. I do not think it would be possible for' |
1967 April 8 |
None |
1015 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-145-#03 |
1967-07-20, TLS Buckley to Merton, 'Yesterday we received from Lee Belford the manuscript of your excellent commentary' |
1967 July 2 |
None |
1016 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-146-#01 |
1965-07-28, TLS Bùi-bàng-Hiên to Merton, 'This letter comes to you as a surprise as it does from a person whom you have never' |
1965 July 28 |
None |
1017 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-147-#01 |
1963-04-22, TLS Bull to Merton, 'We have received in The Special Collections Department of Margaret I. King Library' |
1963 April 22 |
None |
1018 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-148-#01 |
1963-02-22, TLS[x] Bunge from Merton, 'I am afraid I am not able to be a very good correspondent. Sometimes I can answer' |
1963 February 22 |
None |
1019 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-148-#02 |
1963-12-12, TLS Bunge to Merton, 'Nearly one year ago I got a letter from you, in which letter you gave me some good' |
1963 December 12 |
None |
1020 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-149-#01 |
1959-12-16, TLS Burden to Merton, 'This letter is two-fold - to wish you a very, very Merry Christmas and to report on' |
1959 December 16 |
None |
1021 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-149-#02 |
1960-01-19, TLS Burden to Merton, 'I am enclosing the proofs of your introduction to God is My Life. I would have' |
1960 January 19 |
None |
1022 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-149-#03 |
1960-03-21, TLS Burden to Merton, 'I flew back to New York the other day to watch the birth of "God is My Life". The' |
1960 March 21 |
None |
1023 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-149-#04 |
1961-01-11, TLS Burden to Merton, 'Well, here I am back in California again, no closer to Gethsemani, but full of' |
1961 January 11 |
None |
1024 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-149-#05 |
1961-08-28, TLS Burden to Merton, 'Shortly you will receive a small gift package from me. It is a chasuble I saw in a' |
1961 August 28 |
None |
1025 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-149-#06 |
1965-03-29, TLS Burden to Merton, 'Thanks so much for your note together with the enclosure concerning the exhibit. ' |
1965 March 29 |
None |
1026 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-149-#07 |
1965-04-02, TL[c] Burden from Merton, 'Thanks for your good and prompt letter. I am sending three rather poor photographs' |
1965 April 2 |
None |
1027 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-149-#08 |
1970-10-08, TLS[x] Burden to Center from Burden, Shirley, 'In answer to your recent letter regarding any letters, etc. I might have from Thomas' |
1970 October 8 |
None |
1028 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-150-#01 |
1961-11-21, TLS Burdick to Merton, 'With hesitancy I write you this letter. Seldom have I ever spoken to a priest, much' |
1961 November 21 |
None |
1029 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-150-#02 |
1961-12-26 (#01), TLS[x] Burdick from Merton, 'For several weeks I have wanted to find an opportunity to answer your letter with' |
1961 December 26 |
None |
1030 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-150-#03 |
1961-12-26 (#02), transcript Burdick from Merton, 'For several weeks I have wanted to find an opportunity to answer your letter with' |
1961 December 26 |
None |
1031 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-150-#04 |
1961-12-26 (#03), transcript Burdick from Merton, '(not for publication) "The way I would express it now is in purely religious and' |
1961 December 26 |
None |
1032 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-150-#05 |
1962-06-11, TLS[x] Burdick from Merton, 'I was happy and surprised to get your good letter, and very glad for you. Certainly' |
1962 June 11 |
None |
1033 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-150-#06 |
1970-12-10, TLS Burdick to Center from Burdick, Jeanne, 'As a response to your letter of October 5th concerning correspondence between Thomas' |
1970 December 1 |
None |
1034 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-151-#01 |
1965-11-02, TL[c] Burhans from Merton, 'I have read your long letter carefully, and sympathize with you. I wonder if you' |
1965 November 2 |
None |
1035 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-152-#01 |
1966-09-22, TL[c] Burke from Merton to Chairman of Local Draft Board 116, 'I am writing this letter in behalf of Christopher Burke who is petitioning for' |
1966 September 22 |
None |
1036 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-153-#01 |
1962-11-02, TL[x] Burke to The Editors, AVE MARIA, 'For the past month I have been searching for time and a timely word to thank you for' |
1962 November 2 |
None |
1037 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-153-#02 |
1962-11-15, TALS Burke to Merton, 'It is quite impossible for me to tell you how much your letter of November 8th meant' |
1962 November 15 |
None |
1038 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-153-#03 |
1962-11-30, TLS Burke to Merton, 'In lieu of thanks for sending Peace in the Post Christian Era, may I send you' |
1962 November 3 |
None |
1039 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-153-#04 |
1962-12-11, TAL[c] Burke from Merton, 'Cold, windy, snowy days, bright ones, are perhaps good for writing letters. At' |
1962 December 11 |
None |
1040 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-154-#01 |
1968-06-24, HLS Burke to Merton, 'Recently I polled our community for suggestions as to a Retreat Master for our next' |
1968 June 24 |
None |
1041 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-154-#02 |
1968-06-27 (#01), TL[c] Burke from Merton, 'Thanks for your kind invitation to preach the retreat at the Genesee. Since I have' |
1968 June 27 |
None |
1042 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-154-#03 |
1968-06-27 (#02), TLS[x] Burke from Merton, 'Thanks for your kind invitation to preach the retreat at the Genesee. Since I have' |
1968 June 27 |
None |
1043 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-155-#01 |
1963-02-no-day, TL[c] Burns from Merton, 'I would have a hard time telling you exactly what books of ours are in print now,' |
1963 February |
None |
1044 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-155-#02 |
1967-05-22, TLS Burns to Merton, 'I have been working here at Boystown since the first of the year, spend part of the' |
1967 May 22 |
None |
1045 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-156-#01 |
1958-12-25, HCS Burns from Merton, 'This is a very late "Christmas" card to thank you for your kind letter and the Mass' |
1958 December 25 (date approximate) |
None |
1046 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-156-#02 |
1959-04-18, HNS Burns from Merton, 'My Masses today and tomorrow are for your intention. God bless you - I wish you' |
1959 April 18 |
None |
1047 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-156-#03 |
1961-06-17, TLS Burns from Kelty, Matthew (for Merton) / to Ethel Burns, 'A note of thanks from Father Louis for your letter and also for your Mass offering. ' |
1961 June 17 |
None |
1048 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-156-#04 |
1963-02-13, TLS Burns from from Basil, Br., O.C.S.O. / to Ethel Burns, 'Thank you for your letter. Thank you also for your kind donation, which of course' |
1963 February 13 |
None |
1049 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-156-#05 |
1964-04-04, HNS Burns from Merton, 'Bless you and thanks for remembering me. I am better now - pretty busy too. May' |
1964 April 4 |
None |
1050 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-156-#06 |
1965-01-03, TNS Burns from Merton, 'Thanks again and best wishes for the New Year. I hope all things go well with you. ' |
1965 January 3 |
None |
1051 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-156-#07 |
1966-02-07, HPCS Burns from Merton, 'Thanks for your kind remembrance, and I hope you will keep well. The weather' |
1966 February 7 |
None |
1052 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-156-#08 |
1966-08-22, HLS Burns to Merton, 'Your feast day will soon be here and I want to wish you a happy one. A little' |
1966 August 22 |
None |
1053 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-156-#09 |
1966-08-30, HNS Burns from Merton, 'Many thanks for your kind letter and gift. No, I did not know Mark Van Doren had' |
1966 August 3 |
None |
1054 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-156-#10 |
1967-08-18 (#01), TLS Burns from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter and for the stipend. I will gladly say that Mass for' |
1967 August 18 |
None |
1055 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-156-#11 |
1967-08-18 (#02), TAL[c] Burns from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter and for the stipend. I will gladly say that Mass for' |
1967 August 18 |
None |
1056 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-156-#12 |
1968-01-01, TALS[x] Burns from Merton, 'Christmas mail was an avalanche this year: it always is, but more so in 1967. News' |
1968 January 1 |
None |
1057 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-156-#13 |
1970-10-23, HLS Burns to Center from Burns, Ethel, 'Thank you for your letter regarding Fr Merton. Father, his correspondence with me' |
1970 October 23 |
None |
1058 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-156-#14 |
1970-11-10, TL[x] Burns from Center to Burns, Ethel, 'Thank you for your letter of October 23. More and more people are replying to the' |
1970 November 1 |
None |
1059 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-156-#15 |
1970-11-21, HLS Burns to Center from Burns, Ethel, 'I hope these articles will be of some use to you - some of them are deteriorating' |
1970 November 21 |
None |
1060 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-156-#16 |
undated-08-23, TLS Burns from Merton, 'Thanks for your remembrance and gift. I shall pray for you especially along with' |
undated August 23 |
None |
1061 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-156-#17 |
undated-12-25, HCS Burns from Merton, 'Thanks for the gift and clipping. I hope you are well these days. I have had a bad' |
undated December 25 (date approximate) |
None |
1062 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-156-#18 |
undated (#01), TNS Burns from Merton, 'I tried to reach you with this at 181st Street last June when you sent the Masses' |
undated |
None |
1063 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-156-#19 |
undated (#02), HLS Burns from Merton, 'Let nothing disturb you! Trust and peace. God is always near. Thanks for' |
undated |
None |
1064 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-156-#20 |
undated (#03), HLS Burns from Merton, 'Thanks again for your kindness. I do keep you in my prayers. Life is not as easy' |
undated |
None |
1065 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-156-#21 |
undated (#04), HNS[x] Burns from Merton, 'with gratitude and best wishes for the New Year. You will certainly be in my Masses' |
undated |
None |
1066 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-156-#22 |
undated (#05), HNS[x] Burns from Merton, 'Thanks for your very interesting letter and the offering! I bet Columbia is amazing' |
undated |
None |
1067 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-156-#23 |
undated (#06), HNS[x] Burns from Merton, '+ for Ethel Burns with prayers and good wishes in Xt [-] Thomas' |
undated |
None |
1068 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-156-#24 |
undated (#07), HNS[x] Burns from Merton, '+ to Ethel M. Burns - with all good wishes and prayers and with deep gratitude for' |
undated |
None |
1069 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-157-#01 |
1964-03-01, TAL[c] Burns from Merton, 'I am in profound agreement with your talks on the hermit life etc. However there is' |
1964 March 1 |
None |
1070 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-157-#02 |
1968-03-30 (#01), TLS[x] Burns from Merton, 'This letter is a good one and a strong one. What strikes me most is the point about' |
1968 March 3 |
None |
1071 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-157-#03 |
1968-03-30 (#02), TLS[x] Burns from van den Bogaard, Cyprian / to Flavian Burns, 'To start with I want to send you my best wishes for God's blessing for your new and' |
1968 March 3 (date approximate) |
None |
1072 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-157-#04 |
1968-05-08, HLS[x] Burns from Merton, 'I had a good flight out - after Chicago was alone by a window and did not have to' |
1968 May 8 |
None |
1073 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-157-#05 |
1968-05-14, HLS[x] Burns from Merton, 'Finished the talks to the nuns on Sunday and am now on retreat: which means the' |
1968 May 14 |
None |
1074 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-157-#06 |
1968-06-20, HLS Burns to Merton, 'My own opinion is still, that you should not go to this meeting. I think they' |
1968 June 2 |
None |
1075 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-157-#07 |
1968-08-16 (#01), TL[c] Burns from Merton, 'In regard to the letter of Dom John Morson of Aug. 12th. This problem arose rather' |
1968 August 16 |
None |
1076 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-157-#08 |
1968-08-16 (#02), TL[c] Burns from Merton, 'In regard to the letter of Dom John Morson about foreign censorship and in' |
1968 August 16 |
None |
1077 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-157-#09 |
1968-08-16 (#03), TLS[x] Burns from Merton, 'In regard to the letter of Dom John Morson about foreign censorship and in' |
1968 August 16 |
None |
1078 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-157-#10 |
1968-09-04, TL[x] Burns from Laughlin, James, 'Thank you so much for your letter authorizing that any charges on Father Louis's' |
1968 September 4 |
None |
1079 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-157-#11 |
1968-09-25, TLS[x] Burns from Merton, 'I am writing this in the Chancery Office while waiting to get my flight to' |
1968 September 25 |
None |
1080 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-157-#12 |
1968-09-26, TLS[x] Burns from Merton, 'Yesterday I wrote in a big hurry on a most unfamiliar typewriter. This is still not' |
1968 September 26 |
None |
1081 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-157-#13 |
1968-10-01, HLS[x] Burns from Merton, 'I thought you'd like to see some photos of one of the best places I have found. ' |
1968 October 1 |
None |
1082 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-157-#14 |
1968-10-09, TLS[x] Burns from Merton, 'I borrowed Mother Myriam's Olivetti to write out my paper for Darjeeling (they' |
1968 October 9 |
None |
1083 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-157-#15 |
1968-10-20, HLS[x] Burns from Merton, 'Just a word to say I am in Calcutta and the meeting is about to begin. It will be' |
1968 October 2 |
None |
1084 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-157-#16 |
1968-11-09, TLS[x] Burns from Merton, 'I owe you a progress report. Not having got any mail for a couple of weeks I don't' |
1968 November 9 |
None |
1085 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-157-#17 |
1968-12-11, TL[x] Burns from Laughlin, James, 'I am shattered by this unbelievable event. I know it is God's will, and I know that' |
1968 December 11 |
None |
1086 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-157-#18 |
1968-12-13, HLS[x] Burns from Jenkins, Harold, 'Thank you for your telegram informing us of Father Thomas Merton's death. I assume' |
1968 December 13 |
None |
1087 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-157-#19 |
1985-01-09, HLS[x] Burns to Hart, Patrick, 'Thank you for letting me read this book by Victor Kramer. To quote Naomi:' |
1985 January 9 |
None |
1088 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-158-#01 |
1949-11-15, TL[x] Burns to Merton, 'I hope you got my letter of 20th October safely? We are all ready to go ahead with' |
1949 November 15 |
None |
1089 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-158-#02 |
1956-02-01, TL[c] Burns from Burns, Tom / to Graham Watson, 'This is just a formal acknowledgment of your letter of the 31st January about THE' |
1956 February 1 |
None |
1090 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-158-#03 |
1962-03-29, TALS Burns to Merton, 'At long last New Directions have sent me a finished copy of NEW SEEDS OF' |
1962 March 29 |
None |
1091 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-158-#04 |
1963-03-04, TLS Burns to Merton, 'Betty Bartelme, of Macmillan, tells me that they are bringing out a book of yours' |
1963 March 4 |
None |
1092 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-158-#05 |
1963-03-11, TL[c] Burns from Merton, 'Thanks for your note. I am afraid I don't have a complete typescript of PRAYER AS' |
1963 March 11 |
None |
1093 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-158-#06 |
1963-03-22, TLS Burns to Merton, 'Many thanks for yours of the 11th and 13th March. I am afraid we shall just have to' |
1963 March 22 |
None |
1094 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-158-#07 |
1963-07-10, TL[c] Burns from Merton, 'The immediate purpose of this letter is to let you know that the Nuns of Stanbrook' |
1963 July 1 |
None |
1095 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-158-#08 |
1963-11-13, TAL[c] Burns from Merton, 'Forgive my long delay, perhaps no longer than usual, but I have been in the' |
1963 November 13 |
None |
1096 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-158-#09 |
1964-03-31, TLS Burns to Merton, 'Many thanks for yours of March 25th. I feel very ashamed of myself for not having' |
1964 March 31 |
None |
1097 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-158-#10 |
1964-04-18, TAL[c] Burns from Merton, 'Glad to hear from you again, and thanks for the clippings. No we don't get the' |
1964 April 18 |
None |
1098 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-158-#11 |
1964-06-24, TAL[c] Burns from Merton, 'A copy of the Gorres journals arrived yesterday, and I want to thank you also for' |
1964 June 24 |
None |
1099 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-158-#12 |
1965-07-30, TALS Burns to Merton, 'Your very kind letter of July 17th only increases the sense of guilt I have had for' |
1965 July 3 |
None |
1100 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-158-#13 |
1965-08-08, TAL[c] Burns from Merton, 'Many thanks for your letter. I am not sure I agree with your idea of leaving out' |
1965 August 8 |
None |
1101 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-158-#14 |
1965-10-08, TLS Burns to Merton, 'At long last I think that I have had a brainwave for a title to the book we agreed' |
1965 October 8 |
None |
1102 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-158-#15 |
1965-11-27, TL[c] Burns from Merton, 'I do not remember whether or not I answered your letter about writing a special' |
1965 November 27 |
None |
1103 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-158-#16 |
1966-02-15, TL[c] Burns from Merton, 'I am glad you have all the material for Redeeming the Time and happy that' |
1966 February 15 |
None |
1104 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-158-#17 |
1966-10-13, TL[c] Burns from Merton, 'Probably copies of REDEEMING THE TIME are on their way but I have not yet seen it. ' |
1966 October 13 |
None |
1105 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-159-#01 |
1965-12-24, TL[c] Burtt from Merton, 'I have received you book and have begun it, under conditions that are quite' |
1965 December 24 |
None |
1106 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-159-#02 |
1966-01-07, HLS Burtt to Merton, 'Many thanks for your kind words about the book. I was sure you would find some' |
1966 January 7 |
None |
1107 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-159-#03 |
1966-02-09, HLS Burtt to Merton, 'The copy of The Way of Chuang Tzu which you kindly sent me has been forwarded' |
1966 February 9 |
None |
1108 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-159-#04 |
1966-02-24, TL[x] Burtt from Merton, 'Many thanks for your kind letter. I realize that I promised further reactions to' |
1966 February 24 |
None |
1109 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-160-#01 |
1961-01-19, TLS Busby from Busby, C. R. / to Mr. Burns, 'Father Merton's letter of January 4. I think "leads about Sufism, Moslem culture' |
1961 January 19 |
None |
1110 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-161-#01 |
1967-07-20, TLS Bush to Merton, 'We are sending you, under separate cover, an advance copy of Jules Supervielle's' |
1967 July 2 |
None |
1111 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-162-#01 |
1952-01-30, TLS[c] Bussard to Merton, 'We are planning to publish in book form approximately 100 of the best articles which' |
1952 January 3 |
None |
1112 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-163-#01 |
1967-06-15, TALS Butorovich to Merton, 'Sorry for the first mistake but I'm a pretty rotten typist but my penmanship is' |
1967 June 15 |
None |
1113 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-163-#02 |
1967-06-22 (#01), TL[c] Butorovich from Merton, 'I don't know if your letter was a disaster: but anyway, if it was, it was a nice' |
1967 June 22 |
None |
1114 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-163-#03 |
1967-06-22 (#02), TLS[x] Butorovich from Merton, 'I don't know if your letter was a disaster: but anyway, if it was, it was a nice' |
1967 June 22 |
None |
1115 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-163-#04 |
1967-07-03, TALS Butorovich to Merton, 'Guess what! You got a new name you didn't need!!!! HELLO!! This is the Disaster' |
1967 July 3 |
None |
1116 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-163-#05 |
1967-07-18 (#01), TL[c] Butorovich from Merton, 'I refuse to call anybody Susie. (I met a girl in a bar in London who was called' |
1967 July 18 |
None |
1117 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-163-#06 |
1967-07-18 (#02), TLS[x] Butorovich from Merton, 'I refuse to call anybody Susie. (I met a girl in a bar in London who was called' |
1967 July 18 |
None |
1118 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-163-#07 |
1967-08-28, HLS Butorovich to Merton, 'I send this quick. I know you would probably not hear so I am writing. I have a' |
1967 August 28 |
None |
1119 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-163-#08 |
1967-08-31 (#01), TL[c] Butorovich from Merton, 'The certified letter came today and by the time you get this you will have got back' |
1967 August 31 |
None |
1120 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-163-#09 |
1967-08-31 (#02), TLS[x] Butorovich from Merton, 'The certified letter came today and by the time you get this you will have got back' |
1967 August 31 |
None |
1121 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-163-#10 |
1967-09-06, TALS Butorovich to Merton, 'Hullo!! Well, here I am finally home and back in (YIK!!!) school But never fear!!! ' |
1967 September 6 |
None |
1122 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-163-#11 |
1967-10-07 (#01), TL[c] Butorovich from Merton, 'I am thinking about you: are your ears burning? My house in the woods all full of' |
1967 October 7 |
None |
1123 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-163-#12 |
1967-10-07 (#02), TLS[x] Butorovich from Merton, 'I am thinking about you: are your ears burning? My house in the woods all full of' |
1967 October 7 |
None |
1124 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-163-#13 |
1967-11-09, TALS Butorovich to Merton, 'This is going to be a fast letter. Hello! I am getting very bored with life and,' |
1967 November 9 |
None |
1125 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-163-#14 |
1967-12-09 (#01), TL[c] Butorovich from Merton, 'Sorry for the long delay. I've been very busy. Just had a wonderful time with' |
1967 December 9 |
None |
1126 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-163-#15 |
1967-12-09 (#02), TALS[x] Butorovich from Merton, 'Sorry for the long delay. I've been very busy. Just had a wonderful time with' |
1967 December 9 |
None |
1127 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-163-#16 |
1967-12-25, HLS Butorovich to Merton, 'This is a surprise "Crimble" box!! This is sent with love from me and my "little' |
1967 December 25 (date approximate) |
None |
1128 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-163-#17 |
1968-02-11 (#01), TL[c] Butorovich from Merton, 'What did you think? That I thought the Crimble box was a bomb and jumped in the' |
1968 February 11 |
None |
1129 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-163-#18 |
1968-02-11 (#02), TLS[x] Butorovich from Merton, 'What did you think? That I thought the Crimble box was a bomb and jumped in the' |
1968 February 11 |
None |
1130 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-163-#19 |
1968-05-20, HPCS[x] Butorovich from Merton, 'Do you know I was in Cal. and tried to call you from the S.F. airport? But I guess' |
1968 May 2 |
None |
1131 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-163-#20 |
1968-05-no-day, HPCS[x] Butorovich from Merton, 'I read your long letter--with insertions from Cris, etc., etc.-in Dallas airport.' |
1968 May |
None |
1132 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-163-#21 |
1968-06-04 (#01), TL[c] Butorovich from Merton, 'Don't mind the letterhead, this is just the secret headquarters of my drug pushing' |
1968 June 4 |
None |
1133 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-163-#22 |
1968-09-26, TALS[x] Butorovich from Merton, 'Your letter(s) followed me to Alaska and got here just in time. I have not run out' |
1968 September 26 |
None |
1134 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-163-#23 |
1968-11-06, HPCS[x] Butorovich from Merton, 'India has turned out to be very groovy indeed. The meeting in Calcutta was not very' |
1968 November 6 (date approximate) |
None |
1135 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-163-#24 |
1982-09-06, TALS Butorovich from Hickey, Regis / to Br. Patrick Hart, 'Here are duplicated copies of six letters, apparently from Father Louis (Thomas)' |
1982 September 6 |
None |
1136 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-164-#01 |
1967-01-09, TLS Butterfield to Merton, 'It is good to report to you that Professor John H. Ford of Bellarmine College has' |
1967 January 9 |
None |
1137 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-164-#02 |
1967-01-23, TL[c] Butterfield from Merton, 'I am delighted to hear that Prof. John H. Ford of Bellarmine College has been' |
1967 January 23 |
None |
1138 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-165-#01 |
1966-10-20, TLS Byles to Merton, 'I am very much appreciating 'Gandhi and the One-Eyed Giant', and shall try and get' |
1966 October 2 |
None |
1139 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-165-#02 |
1967-01-09, TL[c] Byles from Merton, 'Your kind letter of October 20th took a good long time to reach me via India, and I' |
1967 January 9 |
None |
1140 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-165-#03 |
1967-01-22, HLS Byles to Merton, 'Many thanks for your letter about Holy Obedience which I think corresponds to Tenko' |
1967 January 22 |
None |
1141 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-165-#04 |
1967-02-01, TL[c] Byles from Merton, 'I am simply appalled to hear of your misfortune. Unfortunately it seems that more' |
1967 February 1 |
None |
1142 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-165-#05 |
1967-05-03, HLS Byles to Merton, 'Many thanks for "Chuang Tzu". I have already recommended it for the library of an' |
1967 May 3 |
None |
1143 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-165-#06 |
1967-05-12, TL[c] Byles from Merton, 'Your book on the Buddha is a joy to read and full of wisdom, so that once again I' |
1967 May 12 |
None |
1144 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-166-#01 |
1968-08-19, TLS Byrd to Merton, 'Thank you very much for your nice letter, & I am excited about my poems' |
1968 August 19 |
None |
1145 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-167-#01 |
1952-10-16, TLS Byrne to Merton, 'We have just heard from our South American representative that Sudamericana are' |
1952 October 16 |
None |
1146 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-168-#01 |
1967-09-20, TL[c] Byrne from Merton, 'Your outline looks very good to me, and there is not much that I would add to it. ' |
1967 September 2 |
None |
1147 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-168-#02 |
1967-09-no-day (#01), other Byrne to Merton, 'NEW DIMENSIONS IN THEOLOGY [-] A new Eight-Week Series of Tuesday Night Lectures at' |
1967 September (date approximate) |
None |
1148 |
US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-168-#03 |
1967-09-no-day (#02), HLS Byrne to Merton, 'During the days of my retreat I'm giving some thoughts to my lecture described in' |
1967 September (date approximate) |
None |